Obama's 13 impeachable offenses

Impeachment in the United States sounds as if a crime has to be committed, I mean with the Chief Justice sitting in on a president's impeachment the word "high crime" and trial as mentioned in the Constitution, but its not true. Impeachment is not a criminal activity but a political one, and America has no "high crime."

The impeachment and trial must follow Constitutional procedures, however. The Congress also has rules for impeachment but those can be changed by vote. There is usually talk of impeachment by the opposing party but it usually comes to naught its just more politics. The problem with impeachment is the public reaction, so it generally is threatened but not used.
Only a partisan hack like you would claim there have been no cover-ups by this administration.

Rep. Wolf says Benghazi survivors were asked to sign non-disclosure agreements | Fox News


sign right here Mr Ambassador

I'm glad you find the president's cover up of his incompetency that resulted in the murder of American citizens so fucking funny.

but I don't. I find YOU funny.

in context ..

CIA contractors routinely sign secrecy agreements, which are standard forms. No CIA officer has ever signed a secrecy agreement that referenced Benghazi or that prohibited them from talking to Congress," Ebitz said in a statement.

"In fact, CIA secrecy agreements specifically note an officer's right to bring issues to the attention of Congress. Furthermore, Director Brennan extended to all Benghazi survivors an invitation to speak to Congress and indicated the Agency would support their interaction. Several have spoken to CIA's oversight committees."

All five operatives were part of a security team hired by the CIA to protect its operations during missions in Libya.


all CIA operatives sign NDA's, not just a select few appointed by REPUBLICANS.
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Not one mention of Abdulrahman al-Awlaki. Americans are fucking retarded.

Yeah if your putting together a phony list of impeachable offenses, that one should def. be on the list.


A phony list? Of phony offenses? Since when is executing a teenager without warrant, charges or trial a small offense? That was a planned assassination of an American citizen by the US Federal government for unspecified potential FUTURE crimes.

Fuck impeachment. Obama should die in a prison cell next to Bush.
Not one mention of Abdulrahman al-Awlaki. Americans are fucking retarded.

Yeah if your putting together a phony list of impeachable offenses, that one should def. be on the list.


In reality, it is probably the only one that has provability and has real merit, even the ACLU believes so. If you want to write off the father as an immediate threat to the US and was in effect on a battlefield then so be it, but the son? And no I don't believe them when they say he wasn't the target. He may not have been their intended target but the drone doesn't know the difference. Manslaughter at best.

But you know I don't think we should push this issue. Because the administration has already said that it has the authority to target whomever they feel is a threat to the state. If we push this then the courts may, as they have shown they do, side with the administration and it will be come law of the land that the president can indeed pick and choose who get life and who gets death. Which is happening NOW. So unless we are willing to take this to its conclusion then let it be. Sad state of affairs. But the 16 year old did have a funny name and didn't look like us so apparently the left wing doesn't care. Except surprisingly the ACLU.

The Drone That Killed My Grandson
Not one mention of Abdulrahman al-Awlaki. Americans are fucking retarded.

Yeah if your putting together a phony list of impeachable offenses, that one should def. be on the list.


A phony list? Of phony offenses? Since when is executing a teenager without warrant, charges or trial a small offense? That was a planned assassination of an American citizen by the US Federal government for unspecified potential FUTURE crimes.

Fuck impeachment. Obama should die in a prison cell next to Bush.

The administration said it was an oopsie isn't that enough?

You may have disagreed with Bush's reasons for war. You and I can admit that the justification wasn't completely found is WMD was the only reason for war. I would have voted no to the wars but I didn't get a vote. But Bush did follow the US law.
Some people will never accept the reality that Barack Obama is our legitimate president.

First, they tried to deny him with their birth certificate bullshit.

Now, they are treating impeachment with all the seriousness of a jaywalking ticket.

It was the same with Bush. The Left couldn't accept that Gore lost the 2000 election, and so they screamed for Bush's impeachment every six months.

These hacks demonstrate the epitome of sore losership.

The left was correct....

sign right here Mr Ambassador

I'm glad you find the president's cover up of his incompetency that resulted in the murder of American citizens so fucking funny.

but I don't. I find YOU funny.

in context ..

CIA contractors routinely sign secrecy agreements, which are standard forms. No CIA officer has ever signed a secrecy agreement that referenced Benghazi or that prohibited them from talking to Congress," Ebitz said in a statement.

"In fact, CIA secrecy agreements specifically note an officer's right to bring issues to the attention of Congress. Furthermore, Director Brennan extended to all Benghazi survivors an invitation to speak to Congress and indicated the Agency would support their interaction. Several have spoken to CIA's oversight committees."

All five operatives were part of a security team hired by the CIA to protect its operations during missions in Libya.


all CIA operatives sign NDA's, not just a select few appointed by REPUBLICANS.
The 13 REAL Reasons to impeach President Obama

1. Teleprompter Reading
2. Excessive Golf
3. Free Stuff
4. Taking two vacations a year
5. Using Air Force 1
6. Failure to salute the flag
7. Attending a black church
8. Caring about the sick and the poor
9. Winning a Nobel Prize without approval of the Conservative media
10. Being mean to BP
11. Refusing to provide a birth certificate for the tenth time
12. Excessive bowing
13.Governing while black

Did I leave anything out?

Having the audacity to live in "The White House" while black?
Racists think that everybody is as motivated by color as they are.

Republicans have always been miles ahead of dems when it comes to putting blacks (and women) in positions of power. We wanted Colin Powell, before we realized he was just a dem posing as a Republican. At least he had the honesty to refuse to run as a Republican when he knew he was just a mole...
I'm glad you find the president's cover up of his incompetency that resulted in the murder of American citizens so fucking funny.

but I don't. I find YOU funny.

in context ..

CIA contractors routinely sign secrecy agreements, which are standard forms. No CIA officer has ever signed a secrecy agreement that referenced Benghazi or that prohibited them from talking to Congress," Ebitz said in a statement.

"In fact, CIA secrecy agreements specifically note an officer's right to bring issues to the attention of Congress. Furthermore, Director Brennan extended to all Benghazi survivors an invitation to speak to Congress and indicated the Agency would support their interaction. Several have spoken to CIA's oversight committees."

All five operatives were part of a security team hired by the CIA to protect its operations during missions in Libya.


all CIA operatives sign NDA's, not just a select few appointed by REPUBLICANS.


but I don't. I find YOU funny.

in context ..

CIA contractors routinely sign secrecy agreements, which are standard forms. No CIA officer has ever signed a secrecy agreement that referenced Benghazi or that prohibited them from talking to Congress," Ebitz said in a statement.

"In fact, CIA secrecy agreements specifically note an officer's right to bring issues to the attention of Congress. Furthermore, Director Brennan extended to all Benghazi survivors an invitation to speak to Congress and indicated the Agency would support their interaction. Several have spoken to CIA's oversight committees."

All five operatives were part of a security team hired by the CIA to protect its operations during missions in Libya.


all CIA operatives sign NDA's, not just a select few appointed by REPUBLICANS.


You're not too bright, are you? Go back and read what you posted. It does not apply to witnesses, it applies to those who have classified security access, and it states that they cannot disclose classified information to "unauthorized persons". The United States Congress is NOT considered "unauthorized persons". But that was a nice try.
The 13 REAL Reasons to impeach President Obama

1. Teleprompter Reading
2. Excessive Golf
3. Free Stuff
4. Taking two vacations a year
5. Using Air Force 1
6. Failure to salute the flag
7. Attending a black church
8. Caring about the sick and the poor
9. Winning a Nobel Prize without approval of the Conservative media
10. Being mean to BP
11. Refusing to provide a birth certificate for the tenth time
12. Excessive bowing
13.Governing while black

Did I leave anything out?
LMBAO!! Man...you are soo on point! You didn't leave out a thing.

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Obama was derelict in his duties as soon as he took office when he dropped charges against the NBP thugs in Philadelphia for voter intimidation. It set the tone for his divisive and corrupt policies that have now gone on for 6 years.

He didn't "drop" anything.

They also had nothing to charge this guys with.

They weren't intimidating voters.

But, but they were standing there looking all scary and everything..........:eusa_silenced:

Very intimidating..........


Name a crime
Because Democrats will block any effort to do what's best for the country over politics.

Name a crime

There was no obstruction of justice

Once again, no crime was committed. Prosecution is at the discretion of the Justice Department
Only a partisan hack like you would claim there have been no cover-ups by this administration.

Rep. Wolf says Benghazi survivors were asked to sign non-disclosure agreements | Fox News

There were a lot of 'may have' and 'might have beens' in there.

Additionally, what is the premise of any so-called non-disclosure agreement or confidentiality agreement? I mean, I've heard it when it comes to matters of national security or when it comes to the exact provisions of a payment in response to a law suit, but Wolf seems to be implying there was another nefarious reason without actually saying anything about what that reason might be. I also don't see any indication that anyone actually DID sign any kind of non-disclosure agreement. There aren't even any names mentioned.

With that said, it all sounds like little more than posturing nonsense, probably meant as a prelude to a fundraising letter.

These radical RW bastards have no sense whatsoever.

They consider "Standing while black" to be scary and thus a high crime and treason...



However, ACTUALLY aiming LOAED guns and high-caliber rifles at GOVENMENT agents is perfectly fine with these radicals...


Not to mention HARASSING local citizens as they travel to and from work and home and their day-to-day chores with LOADED WEAPONS POINTING IN THEIR FACE, with no authority whatsoever. That's perfectly fine with these radical RW bastards...


Bizarro World doesn't even begin to describe these far RW SOBS!!
Racists think that everybody is as motivated by color as they are.

Republicans have always been miles ahead of dems when it comes to putting blacks (and women) in positions of power. We wanted Colin Powell, before we realized he was just a dem posing as a Republican. At least he had the honesty to refuse to run as a Republican when he knew he was just a mole...
keep it up Traiftart, its redundant idiots like you who will assist in another two term democrat Potus, I hope its Hillary just to see slugs like you squirm when the salt of realisation hits.
Aug. 14 2013: Delayed provision in Obamacare to cap out-of-pocket costs, picking and choosing which laws to enforce, which is to exceed authority (per Article 2 Section 3 of the Constitution).

June 17 2013: Obama's National Labor Board recess appointment deemed unconstitutional by the courts. Thus far, Obama has ignored this ruling. .

And there are many more.

'Article 2, Sec. 3 of the Constitution charges the President “shall take care that the Laws be faithfully executed.” It doesn’t say that he “should” execute the laws of the United States; it uses the imperative “shall.”
Nor does the Constitution say that the President can pick and choose to enforce some of the laws, or just the ones he likes.
Nor does the Constitution give the President the authority to create new laws. Article 1, Sec. 1 is clear on that point; “All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives.”

Then impeach him, or shut up about it.

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