Obama's 13 impeachable offenses

Not one mention of Abdulrahman al-Awlaki. Americans are fucking retarded.
news flash .. Republican legislators vote to impeach Obama 55 times !!!!!

nothing yet, same result, just like when the Republicans voted 55 times to defund Obamacare

55 times ... LMAO
The 13 REAL Reasons to impeach President Obama

1. Teleprompter Reading
2. Excessive Golf
3. Free Stuff
4. Taking two vacations a year
5. Using Air Force 1
6. Failure to salute the flag
7. Attending a black church
8. Caring about the sick and the poor
9. Winning a Nobel Prize without approval of the Conservative media
10. Being mean to BP
11. Refusing to provide a birth certificate for the tenth time
12. Excessive bowing
13.Governing while black

Did I leave anything out?
The 13 REAL Reasons to impeach President Obama

1. Teleprompter Reading
2. Excessive Golf
3. Free Stuff
4. Taking two vacations a year
5. Using Air Force 1
6. Failure to salute the flag
7. Attending a black church
8. Caring about the sick and the poor
9. Winning a Nobel Prize without approval of the Conservative media
10. Being mean to BP
11. Refusing to provide a birth certificate for the tenth time
12. Excessive bowing
13.Governing while black

Did I leave anything out?

a stamped envelope addressed to Letterman
The lot of assholes who are spamming this thread with garbage should have a time-out. They're doing it to get the thread relegated to the badlands so that non-member searches of the web won't pull it up.

And you still haven't posted anything of significance...except for a couple of links and nonstop complaining that no one is taking you seriously. :lmao: That simple fact should get your thread banished to the Badlands.

In your OWN words...what are Obama's impeachable offenses. Please back it up with why and any case law, if applicable. Oh, and be intellectually honest with your evaluation...just because he isa liberal black is not a valid reason.

Feel free to tell on me, Koshercunt.
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Aug. 14 2013: Delayed provision in Obamacare to cap out-of-pocket costs, picking and choosing which laws to enforce, which is to exceed authority (per Article 2 Section 3 of the Constitution).

you don't even understand what impeachment is for. it isn't because some whining wingnut gets offended by the act of a president. its for when said president commits high crimes and misdemeanors.

Obama derangement syndrome constitutes neither.
Aug. 14 2013: Delayed provision in Obamacare to cap out-of-pocket costs, picking and choosing which laws to enforce, which is to exceed authority (per Article 2 Section 3 of the Constitution).

you don't even understand what impeachment is for. it isn't because some whining wingnut gets offended by the act of a president. its for when said president commits high crimes and misdemeanors.

Obama derangement syndrome constitutes neither.

impeachment is a big impressive word that dazzles the simpletons... when combined with socialism the frenzy begins
Seriously, jillie...it sounds to me like you don't know what impeachment is.

Which is sort of scary, all things considered. Maybe it's time for a little CLE?
I say GET AFTER IT and impeach the sob and quit talking about it ... damn all mouth and no action gets old as hell from the right .. better yet WIN AN ELECTION ...

oh wait ...............
Aug. 14 2013: Delayed provision in Obamacare to cap out-of-pocket costs, picking and choosing which laws to enforce, which is to exceed authority (per Article 2 Section 3 of the Constitution).

June 17 2013: Obama's National Labor Board recess appointment deemed unconstitutional by the courts. Thus far, Obama has ignored this ruling. .

And there are many more.

'Article 2, Sec. 3 of the Constitution charges the President “shall take care that the Laws be faithfully executed.” It doesn’t say that he “should” execute the laws of the United States; it uses the imperative “shall.”
Nor does the Constitution say that the President can pick and choose to enforce some of the laws, or just the ones he likes.
Nor does the Constitution give the President the authority to create new laws. Article 1, Sec. 1 is clear on that point; “All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives.”

Go forth my JAP.

remember when you liberfools had year long party over this one;

List Of Bush's Impeachable Offenses

List Of Bush's Impeachable Offenses

Pelosi: Bush Impeachment `Off the Table’ - New York Times

“I have said it before and I will say it again: Impeachment is off the table,” Pelosi, D-Calif., said during a news conference.

Pelosi also said Democrats, despite complaining about years of unfair treatment by the majority GOP, “are not about getting even” with Republicans.

She said the GOP, which frequently excluded Democrats from conference committee hearings and often blocked attempts to introduce amendments, would not suffer similar treatment.
Aug. 14 2013: Delayed provision in Obamacare to cap out-of-pocket costs, picking and choosing which laws to enforce, which is to exceed authority (per Article 2 Section 3 of the Constitution).

you don't even understand what impeachment is for. it isn't because some whining wingnut gets offended by the act of a president. its for when said president commits high crimes and misdemeanors.

Obama derangement syndrome constitutes neither.

Yeah, that's what leftist extremists keep saying.

The answer to this issue is not "You're so dumb! Only leftist whackos understand such things!"

Try again.

You have yet to explain why any of your so called "offenses" constitute a high crime and misdemeanor

Want to try?
It was off the table because they never had any grounds for it.

Obama should be charged.

He won't, but he should.
Obama was derelict in his duties as soon as he took office when he dropped charges against the NBP thugs in Philadelphia for voter intimidation. It set the tone for his divisive and corrupt policies that have now gone on for 6 years.

He didn't "drop" anything.

They also had nothing to charge this guys with.

They weren't intimidating voters.

But, but they were standing there looking all scary and everything..........:eusa_silenced:

Very intimidating..........
Aug. 14 2013: Delayed provision in Obamacare to cap out-of-pocket costs, picking and choosing which laws to enforce, which is to exceed authority (per Article 2 Section 3 of the Constitution).

June 17 2013: Obama's National Labor Board recess appointment deemed unconstitutional by the courts. Thus far, Obama has ignored this ruling. .

And there are many more.

'Article 2, Sec. 3 of the Constitution charges the President “shall take care that the Laws be faithfully executed.” It doesn’t say that he “should” execute the laws of the United States; it uses the imperative “shall.”
Nor does the Constitution say that the President can pick and choose to enforce some of the laws, or just the ones he likes.
Nor does the Constitution give the President the authority to create new laws. Article 1, Sec. 1 is clear on that point; “All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives.”

I encourage you and all the other RW loons out there to pursue the Impeachment of President Obama by insisting that your respective House Representatives take up the action AND by pushing for it in the press and on the airwaves all across the country. Considering what happened during the House Impeachment proceedings and the Senate trial of 98-99, and the subsequent rejection of the political matter by the American public as a whole (not to mention Clinton's soaring approval ratings and the drubbing Republicans took at the polls in 98), I have little doubt that the American public would AGAIN view you wackos as being too extreme to put in power and would again reject your candidates by a wide margin at the polls in 2016.

Like I said, GO FOR IT!

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