Obama's 5% Donation In Perspective--Laughable


College Conservative
Jun 1, 2012
READ THE WHOLE ARTICLE AT Cameron Harris: Obama's 5% Donation In Perspective

On Wednesday, Obama announced that he would be returning 5% of this year's presidential salary in a show of solidarity with federal workers who have been furloughed by the sequester. The White House came up with the 5 percent figure to approximate the level of spending cuts to nondefense federal agencies that took effect on March 1.

That's the first point I would like to make. Obama stands in solidarity with the nondefense federal workers who will lose their jobs, but not the defense and military personnel who will be affected by the sequester?

5% of Barack Obama's $400,000 salary is $20,000. Your president thinks that a $20,000 donation to the Treasury is significant.

Let's put a few things in perspective:

It costs $180,000 to operate Air Force One for one hour. When Obama takes a golf trip, taxpayers are paying $180,000 for every hour that his plane is in the air. When Obama took a trip to San Francisco to campaign for the Democratic Party this week, it cost the taxpayers 9 times his $20,000 salary return. Every time that the Obama's vacation in Hawaii, it costs $2.9 million in airfare.

President Obama's recent golf weekend with Tiger Woods cost the taxpayers over one million dollars. Senator Jeff Sessions of Alabama pointed out that if Obama were to not have gone on that vacation, 341 less federal workers would have been furloughed. But don't worry, he will donate $20,000.

John Kerry has also joined President Obama saying he will also donate 5% of his salary to charity. This figure comes out to be $9,175. $9,175 is .00004% of Kerry's net worth of $198.65 million.
If you have multiple sources of income, how impressive is it if you donate 5% of a salary that represents $50k of your $1M income vs. $50K of your $400K salary of one of those jobs?
Come on- there's got to be some Liberal USMB Obama-licking cretins willing to step up.

You voted for Him, you followed Him, now BE like him.

It's the Bammy-Biden show. Pony up or shut up.
President Obama's recent golf weekend with Tiger Woods cost the taxpayers over one million dollars. Senator Jeff Sessions of Alabama pointed out that if Obama were to not have gone on that vacation, 341 less federal workers would have been furloughed. But don't worry, he will donate $20,000.

Pledge lines are open- Liberal USMB members call now!

You voted for Obama? CALL NOW!

For only 5% of your salary you can become a member of Clubama.

Give something back to someone who has given so much to you.

Need that number again?

Call 800-55F-UCKU.

Lines are open... operators are waiting!
If obama pissed in one of these adoring libtards face, they'd thank him for rinsing them off.

What a bunch of brain dead sons a bitches.

He won't even know that 5% is gone considering the millions he rakes in from people like his owner, george soros.
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Given that many government employees are being furloughed 20% of their workweeks, hence suffering a 20% decrease in their incomes, his 5% does seem a tad niggardly doesn't it?
Given that many government employees are being furloughed 20% of their workweeks, hence suffering a 20% decrease in their incomes, his 5% does seem a tad niggardly doesn't it?

The man is running the country. Its a 7 day a week job. If he, too, was to work only 80% of the time due to sequestration, then he, too, should have taken the equal cut.

I know, I know...his vacations and his golf. Need I remind you that he is on call 24 hours a day?
Well with what Obama earns a year, his tithe at church should amount to at least $40,000.00 yearly.
Obama makes more like $50,000,000 a year when you include the corporate bribes he rakes in.

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