Obama's Absurd "Poverty Summit" Remarks

Let's recap...

Unknown semi-Negroid Illinois Senator makes flowery powery speeches. Gets elected President. Along with his hermaphrodite spouse with huge Camel Toe and two (count 'em, 2) twice-removed Negroid daughters.

6-1/2 years later, America is in the shit-can.

Any fucking questions?


Good thing we got out of that worse shit can in '08 innit?
'08-'15... the worst MOTHERFUCKING bullshit this once Great Nation had ever endured.

Yah, well '08 would be the Bush econocollapse, so I see whatcha mean.
The collapse coincides perfectly with Pelosi and Reid taking over Congress actually. Granted, that's where your memory just happens to go blank.. :lol:

To many hits to the noggin is my guess.
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