Obama's America: The March Backwards


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Listening to Bloomberg this morn, I was surprised to hear that Detroit, site of the largest municipal bankruptcy....has turned to a "new" industry.

A new old one...that actually has 'shovel-ready jobs.'

1. "Urban farming takes hold in blighted Motor City

2. ...a city with too much abandoned, derelict, and ruined space, Detroiters are fighting back with one of the country’s largest urban agriculture movements.

3. We estimate that there are between 1500 and 2000 gardens in the city of Detroit,” she said. “Some of them are little postage stamp gardens in someone’s backyard, and some of them are full scale urban farms that are growing produce for sale, serving as someone’s primary living.”

4. One farmer, who would identify himself only as Magnetic Sun, said he is a 33-year-old, lifelong Detroit resident.

5. ....neighborhoods are still riddled with ruin. The city used to be home to 1.9 million, but is down to just 700,000 residents, leaving an estimated 30,000 acres of distressed land. So well-kept, carefully tended grounds are a welcome surprise.

6. ...at the core of Detroit’s problems: with so much abandoned space, Detroit’s land has lost its value, eroding the city’s tax base and making it even harder for the city to maintain neighborhoods or keep empty lots from decaying further.

7. In March, the city rewrote an old ordinance, legalizing urban agriculture in hopes of encouraging the green movement. Now, growing and selling produce in your backyard is allowed."
Urban farming takes hold in blighted Motor City | MSNBC

Most astounding line in the piece:

8. "Making money is not the driver here, this is an investment in helping Detroit move into the future,”....

Can rain dancing be far behind?
And this....

"A commissar in the Soviet Union went out to one of those state collective farms, grabbed the first worker he came to and said, 'Comrade, how are the crops?'

"'Oh,' he said, 'Comrade Commissar, if we could put the potatoes in one pile, they would reach the foot of God,'" Mr. Reagan continued, "and the commissar said, 'This is the Soviet Union. There is no God.' and he said, 'That's all right, there are no potatoes.'" Ronald Reagan, Master Storyteller - CBS News
PolChick.......see this weeks poll?

No worries........wOrSt in 70 years!!!

Im still laughing.......but what do you expect from a Chicago community organizer? Give him credit for duping the shit out of 50 million low information folks though......2X!!!!:D:D
Six years into the Obama mistake and what was once the manufacturing paragon of the world is moving into manure.

His legacy, and that of any who voted for him.
Growing your own food is the path to true independence.

Interesting that Detroit is learning this lesson AGAIN after Gov't and Bankers have destroyed their once fair city.
Growing your own food is the path to true independence.

Interesting that Detroit is learning this lesson AGAIN after Gov't and Bankers have destroyed their once fair city.

Smert Komitet Gossudarstvennoy Bezopasnosti!

PLeeeeeezzzzeee, pinko-boy!

Put a little effort, originality, variety into your analyses.

It's not always the same answer.

In this case it is the racism of Coleman Young that doomed that fair city.

1. Coleman Alexander Young served as mayor of Detroit, Michigan from 1974 to 1994. Young became the first African-American mayor of Detroit.
Coleman Young - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

He was a foul-mouthed, racist, black Liberal....and his ruin of the city was excused because of his skin color.

2. “I’ll be damned if I’m going to let them collect guns in the city of Detroit while we’re surrounded by hostile suburbs and the whole rest of the state who have guns, and where you have vigilantes practicing Ku Klux Klan in the wilderness with automatic weapons.”
Oh that loquacious late Coleman Young, never laconic when it comes to expressing his hatred of whitey."
“The Quotations of Mayor Coleman A. Young,” p. 29

3. Under Young's tenure, whites fled Detroit for the suburbs....and Young's message was 'let 'em go...' and that blacks should get guns so that when whitey tried to come back and reclaim neighborhoods, the blacks would be ready for 'em.

4. " Young was the mayor of Detroit from 1974 – 1993, whose tenure can best be described as one long eulogy for the city.
In his autobiography "Hard Stuff," Young describes himself as an MFIC (Mother Fucker in Charge), and peppers his sentences with the descriptive mother fucker after seemingly every other word. It’s perhaps the most honest look into a Black politicians thinking that has ever been published.

Detroit is a ruined city now (the Visible Black Hand of Economics), where no grocery chain can stay open because the once might metropolitan, now blessed with an 84 percent Black population can’t sustain one:

Ninety-two percent of food options in the city come from party and liquor stores, forcing residents into making nutrition choices in unsafe and unsanitary conditions, according to a report released Thursday.

a. In 2008, the city's last two Farmer Jack stores closed, leaving Detroit without a major chain grocery store. Independent stores such as Mike's Fresh Market or Foodland are among the options some city residents use for groceries. Still, city residents spend nearly $200 million a year on groceries in stores outside the city, according to the report."
Coleman Young, Revisited - The Detroit Blog - TIME.com

"Growing your own food is the path to true independence."

Get this: the only agricultural program that will save this nation is the grass-roots movement known as the Tea Party.

How long are folks going to put up with this sort of thing, that passes for governing?
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Beautiful story of the self-healing and self-organizing properties of freedom and free markets.

This is guaranteed to kick local commerce into gear AND satisfy a need for ORGANIC LOCAL produce at the same time. Green solutions don't HAVE TO be RED on the inside..

The healthiest unemployed folks in the country will be farming Detroit in the next decade. Until the city figures out how to tax it into oblivion.. But your title is wrong PC. It WAS DEFINITELY the garden prowess of the 1st Lady that inspired this revolution..
Beautiful story of the self-healing and self-organizing properties of freedom and free markets.

This is guaranteed to kick local commerce into gear AND satisfy a need for ORGANIC LOCAL produce at the same time. Green solutions don't HAVE TO be RED on the inside..

The healthiest unemployed folks in the country will be farming Detroit in the next decade. Until the city figures out how to tax it into oblivion.. But your title is wrong PC. It WAS DEFINITELY the garden prowess of the 1st Lady that inspired this revolution..

Wait.....do I detect a tongue firmly placed in cheek???
Listening to Bloomberg this morn, I was surprised to hear that Detroit, site of the largest municipal bankruptcy....has turned to a "new" industry.

A new old one...that actually has 'shovel-ready jobs.'

1. "Urban farming takes hold in blighted Motor City

2. ...a city with too much abandoned, derelict, and ruined space, Detroiters are fighting back with one of the country’s largest urban agriculture movements.

3. We estimate that there are between 1500 and 2000 gardens in the city of Detroit,” she said. “Some of them are little postage stamp gardens in someone’s backyard, and some of them are full scale urban farms that are growing produce for sale, serving as someone’s primary living.”

4. One farmer, who would identify himself only as Magnetic Sun, said he is a 33-year-old, lifelong Detroit resident.

5. ....neighborhoods are still riddled with ruin. The city used to be home to 1.9 million, but is down to just 700,000 residents, leaving an estimated 30,000 acres of distressed land. So well-kept, carefully tended grounds are a welcome surprise.

6. ...at the core of Detroit’s problems: with so much abandoned space, Detroit’s land has lost its value, eroding the city’s tax base and making it even harder for the city to maintain neighborhoods or keep empty lots from decaying further.

7. In March, the city rewrote an old ordinance, legalizing urban agriculture in hopes of encouraging the green movement. Now, growing and selling produce in your backyard is allowed."
Urban farming takes hold in blighted Motor City | MSNBC

Most astounding line in the piece:

8. "Making money is not the driver here, this is an investment in helping Detroit move into the future,”....

Can rain dancing be far behind?

Seems like little miss Saigon is morphing into Tokyo Rose
Listening to Bloomberg this morn, I was surprised to hear that Detroit, site of the largest municipal bankruptcy....has turned to a "new" industry.

A new old one...that actually has 'shovel-ready jobs.'

1. "Urban farming takes hold in blighted Motor City

2. ...a city with too much abandoned, derelict, and ruined space, Detroiters are fighting back with one of the country’s largest urban agriculture movements.

3. We estimate that there are between 1500 and 2000 gardens in the city of Detroit,” she said. “Some of them are little postage stamp gardens in someone’s backyard, and some of them are full scale urban farms that are growing produce for sale, serving as someone’s primary living.”

4. One farmer, who would identify himself only as Magnetic Sun, said he is a 33-year-old, lifelong Detroit resident.

5. ....neighborhoods are still riddled with ruin. The city used to be home to 1.9 million, but is down to just 700,000 residents, leaving an estimated 30,000 acres of distressed land. So well-kept, carefully tended grounds are a welcome surprise.

6. ...at the core of Detroit’s problems: with so much abandoned space, Detroit’s land has lost its value, eroding the city’s tax base and making it even harder for the city to maintain neighborhoods or keep empty lots from decaying further.

7. In March, the city rewrote an old ordinance, legalizing urban agriculture in hopes of encouraging the green movement. Now, growing and selling produce in your backyard is allowed."
Urban farming takes hold in blighted Motor City | MSNBC

Most astounding line in the piece:

8. "Making money is not the driver here, this is an investment in helping Detroit move into the future,”....

Can rain dancing be far behind?

Seems like little miss Saigon is morphing into Tokyo Rose

Hey, lickspittle....Did you mistake this for the incontinence hotline?
Listening to Bloomberg this morn, I was surprised to hear that Detroit, site of the largest municipal bankruptcy....has turned to a "new" industry.

A new old one...that actually has 'shovel-ready jobs.'

1. "Urban farming takes hold in blighted Motor City

2. ...a city with too much abandoned, derelict, and ruined space, Detroiters are fighting back with one of the country’s largest urban agriculture movements.

3. We estimate that there are between 1500 and 2000 gardens in the city of Detroit,” she said. “Some of them are little postage stamp gardens in someone’s backyard, and some of them are full scale urban farms that are growing produce for sale, serving as someone’s primary living.”

4. One farmer, who would identify himself only as Magnetic Sun, said he is a 33-year-old, lifelong Detroit resident.

5. ....neighborhoods are still riddled with ruin. The city used to be home to 1.9 million, but is down to just 700,000 residents, leaving an estimated 30,000 acres of distressed land. So well-kept, carefully tended grounds are a welcome surprise.

6. ...at the core of Detroit’s problems: with so much abandoned space, Detroit’s land has lost its value, eroding the city’s tax base and making it even harder for the city to maintain neighborhoods or keep empty lots from decaying further.

7. In March, the city rewrote an old ordinance, legalizing urban agriculture in hopes of encouraging the green movement. Now, growing and selling produce in your backyard is allowed."
Urban farming takes hold in blighted Motor City | MSNBC

Most astounding line in the piece:

8. "Making money is not the driver here, this is an investment in helping Detroit move into the future,”....

Can rain dancing be far behind?

Can your stupidity be exceeded? This is a welcome advance. Locally grown fruit and vegtables are a plus in every area. Fresh vegatables and fruits picked at the peak of ripeness taste far better than those picked green so they can be shipped across the country. Home canned fruits and vegatables exceed those in the store in both nutrition and taste.

So, a city that is depopulating chooses to allow it's people to once more attain a measure of self sufficieancy by doing local farming. And you consider that a bad thing? What the hell is wrong with your head??? From energy independence to food independence, you are against any of form of independence for the average American. Why? What is gained for you by keeping Americans dependent on corperations? You seem to have a really twisted view of what society should be.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d-0HLj3OVuc]The Hunger Games Movie Clip: The Tribute Parade - YouTube[/ame]
Listening to Bloomberg this morn, I was surprised to hear that Detroit, site of the largest municipal bankruptcy....has turned to a "new" industry.

A new old one...that actually has 'shovel-ready jobs.'

1. "Urban farming takes hold in blighted Motor City

2. ...a city with too much abandoned, derelict, and ruined space, Detroiters are fighting back with one of the country’s largest urban agriculture movements.

3. We estimate that there are between 1500 and 2000 gardens in the city of Detroit,” she said. “Some of them are little postage stamp gardens in someone’s backyard, and some of them are full scale urban farms that are growing produce for sale, serving as someone’s primary living.”

4. One farmer, who would identify himself only as Magnetic Sun, said he is a 33-year-old, lifelong Detroit resident.

5. ....neighborhoods are still riddled with ruin. The city used to be home to 1.9 million, but is down to just 700,000 residents, leaving an estimated 30,000 acres of distressed land. So well-kept, carefully tended grounds are a welcome surprise.

6. ...at the core of Detroit’s problems: with so much abandoned space, Detroit’s land has lost its value, eroding the city’s tax base and making it even harder for the city to maintain neighborhoods or keep empty lots from decaying further.

7. In March, the city rewrote an old ordinance, legalizing urban agriculture in hopes of encouraging the green movement. Now, growing and selling produce in your backyard is allowed."
Urban farming takes hold in blighted Motor City | MSNBC

Most astounding line in the piece:

8. "Making money is not the driver here, this is an investment in helping Detroit move into the future,”....

Can rain dancing be far behind?

Can your stupidity be exceeded? This is a welcome advance. Locally grown fruit and vegtables are a plus in every area. Fresh vegatables and fruits picked at the peak of ripeness taste far better than those picked green so they can be shipped across the country. Home canned fruits and vegatables exceed those in the store in both nutrition and taste.

So, a city that is depopulating chooses to allow it's people to once more attain a measure of self sufficieancy by doing local farming. And you consider that a bad thing? What the hell is wrong with your head??? From energy independence to food independence, you are against any of form of independence for the average American. Why? What is gained for you by keeping Americans dependent on corperations? You seem to have a really twisted view of what society should be.

"This is a welcome advance."

Seems you understand history even more poorly than you do science.

How about we encourage them to live in caves so they cut the costs of habitation?

Psittacine species, parrots, have a brain to body ration equal to that of chimpanzees. As such, parrots are the smartest of all birds with the cognitive capacity of a five-year-old child.

Don’t you wish that that could be said of you?

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