Obama's approval rating keeps climbing

Yeah, I'm saying where the hell is that 9.5% unemployment rate? I liked it when our house lost half it's value too, dammit. And so miss the day John McCain shot himself in the foot after Sarah Palin paraded her pregnant, unwed daughter onto the Republican convention stage. [sigh] Such wonderful, fond memories.

I miss Dubya's gaffes and representation of the U.S. in Beijing. SO presidential.


I wonder how much it cost taxpayers to send him and his family there for a very unofficial visit?

I miss Dick Cheney's "We shall be welcomed as liberators..." speech. So heartfelt for someone who didn't have one until he go his ".....plant" as Jon Stewart explained.

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53%. Not bad Mr. President. At this point in his Presidency, Dubya the idiot was below 30%.

Gallup: Obama Approval Edges Past Reelection High - Breitbart

That's ok, it'll fall again when he goes on his apology tour in Japan.
Lol wtf :cuckoo:

Hide and watch regressive, hide and watch.

More word salad. I can understand why you don't actually want to explain yourself.

Your dear leader is going to Hiroshima, I'm very sure, to apologize for those mean Americans nuking their asses and winning the war. After all by his way of thinking America is just the bully that kicks sand in the face of lesser powers. If there's any justice in this world that son of a bitch will die a very slow physically devastating death by a very rare and untreatable cancer, right along side the hildabitch. How's that for explaining myself?
is just the bully that kicks sand in the face of lesser powers. If there's any justice in this world that son of a bitch will die a very slow physically devastating death by a very rare and untreatable cancer, right along side the hildabitch. How's th

Obama Derangement Syndrome got you down? It's been a long day of posting for you. Maybe you should take a break. Call your shrink.

There are support groups for ODS sufferers. Good luck. Wait for Hillary. You'll like obama much better.
is just the bully that kicks sand in the face of lesser powers. If there's any justice in this world that son of a bitch will die a very slow physically devastating death by a very rare and untreatable cancer, right along side the hildabitch. How's th

Obama Derangement Syndrome got you down? It's been a long day of posting for you. Maybe you should take a break. Call your shrink.

There are support groups for ODS sufferers. Good luck. Wait for Hillary. You'll like obama much better.

It's bad when an elected official ignores the Constitution, it's unforgivable when a supposed constitutional scholar does it. I'm sure if the piece of chicago gutter slime even studied the Constitution, it was to try to find ways to circumvent it. He'll eventually get what's coming to him.
No the approval rating is correct. And the reason is simple.
Polling of opinions is what this represents...right?
How are people's opinions formed? Personal experiences? How many people actually worked with Obama, or knew him personally? Zero.
So how do these people that have a positive approval of Obama get their information?
Mainstream media (MSM). News networks. Newspapers.

Based on these REAL STUDIES of Obama's past 8 years...

1,160 (85%) of the 1,353 of the Senior executives, on-air personalities, producers, reporters, editors, writers and other self-identifying employees of ABC, CBS and NBC contributed more than $1 million to Democrats candidates and campaign committees in 2008, according to an analysis by The Examiner of data compiled by the Center for Responsive Politics.
Obama, Democrats got 88 percent of 2008 contributions by TV network execs, writers, reporters
So in reality why would these "journalists" write negative stories about Obama and positive about his opponent?
They wouldn't. They gave money to Obama for his election!

And here is a personal anecdote about one of those editors...
The Editor of NewsWeek, Evan Thomas was once asked about George Bush and this is his response.
"our job is to bash the president[Bush], that's what we do." Evan Thomas responding to a question on whether the media's unfair to Bush on the TV talk show Inside Washington, February 2, 2007.He-Could-Go-All-The-Way: 'Today' Cheers Obama's Football Play

RIGHT HIS job was to BASH Bush.
He is a journalist. Unbiased. Objective. Professional. RIGHT??
But when it came to Obama?
This same hard-nosed "bashing journalist"- Editor of NewsWeek gushed about Obama.....
"I mean in a way Obama’s standing above the country, above – above the world, he’s sort of God."
Newsweek’s Evan Thomas: Obama Is ‘Sort of God’
A professional NEWS editor calling a mortal man "sort of God"??? That's not reporting, that's gushing!
So why would NewsWeek or any of the other MSM be objective and produce "objective" information on which people base opinions.
But the proof is here:
This study of some 130,213 news articles on the 2012 presidential match between President Obama and Mitt Romney has proven anew that there was a strong pro-Democratic bias in the U.S. and international press. The study, published in the authoritative journal Big Data Society, also tested the campaign themes the media focused on and determined that Obama succeeded in stealing the economic issue from Republican Romney.
"Overall, media reporting contained more frequently positive statements about the Democrats than the Republicans. Overall, the Republicans were more frequently the object of negative statements," wrote the study authors,
Their conclusion:
"The Republican Party is the most divisive subject in the campaign, and is portrayed in a more negative fashion than the Democrats."
Smooch: Study of 130,213 stories shows Obama bias in 2012 election
Finally here is this article describing HOW POLLING is affected by the media:
Partisanship and race probably influence the MSM’s “slobbering love affair” with Obama.
MSM denizens are overwhelmingly left-wing Democrats, which this site’s readers know very well.
Left-wing Democrats in the MSM likely accept the belief that racism motivates any criticism of Obama.
Since they are loath to express any sentiment that could be so construed, they sing his praises and refuse to report anything that could be considered critical of him. (Expect the MSM to laud Obama’s deal with Iran.)

Given the MSM’s infatuation with Obama and the fact that many Americans still rely on the MSM for the news, is there any wonder that polls show public approval of his job performance, and especially that perceptions of him as a person, remain higher than they might otherwise be?
Articles: Why So Many People Regard Obama Positively

Finally NONE of the above FACTS and LINKS will change any of those people that make up the "Stupidity of the American Voter" as the Obama hired help, Jonathan Gruber once said helped pass Obamacare i.e. due to the "Stupidity of the American Voter"!
These "Stupid voters" are those that comprise the approval rating of Obama in spite of these charts that show Obama's been very terrible for the economy! But those people totally ignore these facts and you won't see these facts on the MSM!

The failed recovery in 9 charts: 9 charts highlighting the lackluster performance of the economy.
If he doesn't apologize, are you ready to admit you are a hack for the teabaggers? That is in question.

53%. Not bad Mr. President. At this point in his Presidency, Dubya the idiot was below 30%.

Gallup: Obama Approval Edges Past Reelection High - Breitbart

That's ok, it'll fall again when he goes on his apology tour in Japan.
Lol wtf :cuckoo:

Hide and watch regressive, hide and watch.

More word salad. I can understand why you don't actually want to explain yourself.

Your dear leader is going to Hiroshima, I'm very sure, to apologize for those mean Americans nuking their asses and winning the war. After all by his way of thinking America is just the bully that kicks sand in the face of lesser powers. If there's any justice in this world that son of a bitch will die a very slow physically devastating death by a very rare and untreatable cancer, right along side the hildabitch. How's that for explaining myself?
If he doesn't apologize, are you ready to admit you are a hack for the teabaggers? That is in question.

That's ok, it'll fall again when he goes on his apology tour in Japan.
Lol wtf :cuckoo:

Hide and watch regressive, hide and watch.

More word salad. I can understand why you don't actually want to explain yourself.

Your dear leader is going to Hiroshima, I'm very sure, to apologize for those mean Americans nuking their asses and winning the war. After all by his way of thinking America is just the bully that kicks sand in the face of lesser powers. If there's any justice in this world that son of a bitch will die a very slow physically devastating death by a very rare and untreatable cancer, right along side the hildabitch. How's that for explaining myself?

I'll admit to being a hack for no one, the opinions I express are mine.

Now answer my question, which is, would you be willing to bet anything substantial that he won't apologize?
If he doesn't apologize, are you ready to admit you are a hack for the teabaggers? That is in question.

Hide and watch regressive, hide and watch.

More word salad. I can understand why you don't actually want to explain yourself.

Your dear leader is going to Hiroshima, I'm very sure, to apologize for those mean Americans nuking their asses and winning the war. After all by his way of thinking America is just the bully that kicks sand in the face of lesser powers. If there's any justice in this world that son of a bitch will die a very slow physically devastating death by a very rare and untreatable cancer, right along side the hildabitch. How's that for explaining myself?

I'll admit to being a hack for no one, the opinions I express are mine.

Now answer my question, which is, would you be willing to bet anything substantial that he won't apologize?
I'll bet a sig line for a month. Or however long you want. He apologizes, you pick my sig line. He doesn't, I pick yours.
Obama's numbers keep climbing...proportionate to the number of illegals and terrorists he keeps bringing into the country.

TOS, you libs seriously need to find a sense of humor....that was called a 'joke'. :p
If he doesn't apologize, are you ready to admit you are a hack for the teabaggers? That is in question.

Hide and watch regressive, hide and watch.

More word salad. I can understand why you don't actually want to explain yourself.

Your dear leader is going to Hiroshima, I'm very sure, to apologize for those mean Americans nuking their asses and winning the war. After all by his way of thinking America is just the bully that kicks sand in the face of lesser powers. If there's any justice in this world that son of a bitch will die a very slow physically devastating death by a very rare and untreatable cancer, right along side the hildabitch. How's that for explaining myself?

I'll admit to being a hack for no one, the opinions I express are mine.

Now answer my question, which is, would you be willing to bet anything substantial that he won't apologize?
I'll bet a sig line for a month. Or however long you want. He apologizes, you pick my sig line. He doesn't, I pick yours.

I don't bet with people that have shown no honor, I don't think you're man enough to post a sig I would pick. I would be willing to do $50.00 payable through PayPal.
If he doesn't apologize, are you ready to admit you are a hack for the teabaggers? That is in question.

More word salad. I can understand why you don't actually want to explain yourself.

Your dear leader is going to Hiroshima, I'm very sure, to apologize for those mean Americans nuking their asses and winning the war. After all by his way of thinking America is just the bully that kicks sand in the face of lesser powers. If there's any justice in this world that son of a bitch will die a very slow physically devastating death by a very rare and untreatable cancer, right along side the hildabitch. How's that for explaining myself?

I'll admit to being a hack for no one, the opinions I express are mine.

Now answer my question, which is, would you be willing to bet anything substantial that he won't apologize?
I'll bet a sig line for a month. Or however long you want. He apologizes, you pick my sig line. He doesn't, I pick yours.

I don't bet with people that have shown no honor, I don't think you're man enough to post a sig I would pick. I would be willing to do $50.00 payable through PayPal.
No I won't have any financial dealings with a random stranger on the internet. If you're a pussy and too afraid to make a sig line bet, then don't run around daring people to bet you about something.
If he doesn't apologize, are you ready to admit you are a hack for the teabaggers? That is in question.

Your dear leader is going to Hiroshima, I'm very sure, to apologize for those mean Americans nuking their asses and winning the war. After all by his way of thinking America is just the bully that kicks sand in the face of lesser powers. If there's any justice in this world that son of a bitch will die a very slow physically devastating death by a very rare and untreatable cancer, right along side the hildabitch. How's that for explaining myself?

I'll admit to being a hack for no one, the opinions I express are mine.

Now answer my question, which is, would you be willing to bet anything substantial that he won't apologize?
I'll bet a sig line for a month. Or however long you want. He apologizes, you pick my sig line. He doesn't, I pick yours.

I don't bet with people that have shown no honor, I don't think you're man enough to post a sig I would pick. I would be willing to do $50.00 payable through PayPal.
No I won't have any financial dealings with a random stranger on the internet. If you're a pussy and too afraid to make a sig line bet, then don't run around daring people to bet you about something.

I said something substantial, you're afraid to put your money where your mouth is like most regressives.
If he doesn't apologize, are you ready to admit you are a hack for the teabaggers? That is in question.

I'll admit to being a hack for no one, the opinions I express are mine.

Now answer my question, which is, would you be willing to bet anything substantial that he won't apologize?
I'll bet a sig line for a month. Or however long you want. He apologizes, you pick my sig line. He doesn't, I pick yours.

I don't bet with people that have shown no honor, I don't think you're man enough to post a sig I would pick. I would be willing to do $50.00 payable through PayPal.
No I won't have any financial dealings with a random stranger on the internet. If you're a pussy and too afraid to make a sig line bet, then don't run around daring people to bet you about something.

I said something substantial, you're afraid to put your money where your mouth is like most regressives.
No, I don't put my information online unnecessarily. I wouldn't ask it of you either.

So you're a pussy about sig lines... how about avatar?

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