Obama's big lie


A Rooincarnation
Nov 7, 2012
The burning question about Barack Obama is whether he was simply "playing to win" and therefore lying on purpose, or whether his statements about Obamacare were just another example of, as Obama once put it,"I actually believe my own" spin,

Obama's big lie - latimes.com

I actually believe my own" spin"

His own words.
There is no defense for this man.
He knew full well he was lying, he doesn't care, he know the MSM will give him a pass and all he has to do is weather some criticism for a couple of weeks and then just refuse to talk about anymore. Hell just this week Carney has already moved in that direction saying the were not interested in Monday morning quarterbacking, basically saying we are not interested in analyzing what went wrong, next subject. It's all about rules for radicals again, the ends justify the means.

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