obama's christmas tree tax

Right-wing media figures are accusing the Obama administration of seeking to impose a tax on Christmas trees; but the Christmas tree industry has been working since 2008 -- before President Obama was elected -- to partner with the Department of Agriculture and establish a marketing campaign funded by tree growers in order to promote the sale of fresh Christmas trees.
Artificial War On Christmas Campaign Launches Fake Obama "Christmas Tree Tax" | Media Matters for America
But that was only until Obama canceled the tax. Now suddenly CON$ have found a tax they like and have VOWED to FIGHT Obama's ending the fee.
No surprise there, If Obama is against the same thing CON$ have been against, suddenly CON$ will be for what they have always been against. :cuckoo:

White House Sidelines Christmas Tree 'Tax' | Fox News
White House Sidelines Christmas Tree 'Tax'

But the change quickly drew complaints from Rep. Steve Scalise, R-La., and others. Scalise described the fee as a "Grinch" move by the Obama administration and vowed to fight it.

"That said, USDA is going to delay implementation and revisit this action."

Read more: White House Sidelines Christmas Tree 'Tax' | Fox News

Probably just means they are going to delay it till next year, its a bit late in the year to start throwing together a national ad campaign for Christmas trees.

But the change quickly drew complaints from Rep. Steve Scalise, R-La., and others. Scalise described the fee as a "Grinch" move by the Obama administration and vowed to fight it.
Somehow I doubt that Steve commented on the issue during the period for public comments, which was earlier in the year.

Right wingers only think about what they are told to think about. They are ignorant of everything else. All of a sudden - NOW - they are against checkoff programs - didn't hear a peep from them on that issue before! No one told them to think about it. What's sad is that this goes all the way up to Congress. If Steve Scalise really cared about the "injustice" of Christmas tree farmers deciding to pay a 15 cent fee per tree to promote a national ad campaign for themselves - he would have made his thoughts on the issue known during the public commenting period. But he didn't make a comment - because FOX NEws hadn't brought up the issue.

P.S. - I haven't bought a Christmas tree in years - but since its clear so many righties hate Christmas tree growers, I think I will this year.
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But that was only until Obama canceled the tax. Now suddenly CON$ have found a tax they like and have VOWED to FIGHT Obama's ending the fee.
No surprise there, If Obama is against the same thing CON$ have been against, suddenly CON$ will be for what they have always been against. :cuckoo:

White House Sidelines Christmas Tree 'Tax' | Fox News
White House Sidelines Christmas Tree 'Tax'

But the change quickly drew complaints from Rep. Steve Scalise, R-La., and others. Scalise described the fee as a "Grinch" move by the Obama administration and vowed to fight it.

"That said, USDA is going to delay implementation and revisit this action."

Read more: White House Sidelines Christmas Tree 'Tax' | Fox News

Probably just means they are going to delay it till next year, its a bit late in the year to start throwing together a national ad campaign for Christmas trees.

But the change quickly drew complaints from Rep. Steve Scalise, R-La., and others. Scalise described the fee as a "Grinch" move by the Obama administration and vowed to fight it.
Somehow I doubt that Steve commented on the issue during the period for public comments, which was earlier in the year.

Right wingers only think about what they are told to think about. They are ignorant of everything else. All of a sudden - NOW - they are against checkoff programs - didn't hear a peep from them on that issue before! No one told them to think about it. What's sad is that this goes all the way up to Congress. If Steve Scalise really cared about the "injustice" of Christmas tree farmers deciding to pay a 15 cent fee per tree to promote a national ad campaign for themselves - he would have made his thoughts on the issue known during the public commenting period. But he didn't make a comment - because FOX NEws hadn't brought up the issue.

P.S. - I haven't bought a Christmas tree in years - but since its clear so many righties hate Christmas tree growers, I think I will this year.
Scalise and the CON$ are now FOR the fee since Obama sidelined the fee. They have now vowed to fight Obama's sidelining the fee. They suddenly love this NEW TAX.

And if later Obama supports the fee the CON$ will again be against the fee.
If it was such a brilliant Government idea,why are they now backing off it? The whole thing sounded shady from the beginning.
P.S. - I haven't bought a Christmas tree in years - but since its clear so many righties hate Christmas tree growers, I think I will this year.

They've been talking about this "War Against Xmas" for years. Now we're finding out that they're the ones waging it!!! They kept blaming it on us liberals, but I don't recall talking about it at any of the meetings. :confused:
USDA? Only a bloated incompetent Government bureacracy could come up with this kind of debacle. Good to see them coming to their senses and are backing off.
USDA? Only a bloated incompetent Government bureacracy could come up with this kind of debacle. Good to see them coming to their senses and are backing off.

The Christmas tree farmers came up with it.

Part of the authority of the USDA is to help the produces of commodities oversee checkoff programs. Like the ones that make those commercials you've been seeing on TV for years. You have a TV, right? "Beef, its what's for dinner" - does that come to mind?

The proposed program was open to public comments earlier this year - did you bother to comment?

It is way too much to ask that anyone on the right inform themselves of anything. Just sit around waiting for the media to tell you what to have an emotional reaction to next.
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But that was only until Obama canceled the tax. Now suddenly CON$ have found a tax they like and have VOWED to FIGHT Obama's ending the fee.
No surprise there, If Obama is against the same thing CON$ have been against, suddenly CON$ will be for what they have always been against. :cuckoo:

White House Sidelines Christmas Tree 'Tax' | Fox News
White House Sidelines Christmas Tree 'Tax'

But the change quickly drew complaints from Rep. Steve Scalise, R-La., and others. Scalise described the fee as a "Grinch" move by the Obama administration and vowed to fight it.

"That said, USDA is going to delay implementation and revisit this action."

Read more: White House Sidelines Christmas Tree 'Tax' | Fox News

Probably just means they are going to delay it till next year, its a bit late in the year to start throwing together a national ad campaign for Christmas trees.

But the change quickly drew complaints from Rep. Steve Scalise, R-La., and others. Scalise described the fee as a "Grinch" move by the Obama administration and vowed to fight it.
Somehow I doubt that Steve commented on the issue during the period for public comments, which was earlier in the year.

Right wingers only think about what they are told to think about. They are ignorant of everything else. All of a sudden - NOW - they are against checkoff programs - didn't hear a peep from them on that issue before! No one told them to think about it. What's sad is that this goes all the way up to Congress. If Steve Scalise really cared about the "injustice" of Christmas tree farmers deciding to pay a 15 cent fee per tree to promote a national ad campaign for themselves - he would have made his thoughts on the issue known during the public commenting period. But he didn't make a comment - because FOX NEws hadn't brought up the issue.

P.S. - I haven't bought a Christmas tree in years - but since its clear so many righties hate Christmas tree growers, I think I will this year.
Scalise and the CON$ are now FOR the fee since Obama sidelined the fee. They have now vowed to fight Obama's sidelining the fee. They suddenly love this NEW TAX.

And if later Obama supports the fee the CON$ will again be against the fee.

Of course. They aren't even trying to hide the fact they are hacks anymore.
If it was such a brilliant Government idea,why are they now backing off it? The whole thing sounded shady from the beginning.

It wasn't a government idea. The Christmas tree farmers came up with it.

Do you read or just write?

Why the fuck are all you righties so damn ignorant? Seriously, its frightening.
Typical conservative trying to take advantage of the sacrifice of others. Let everyone else pay for advertisements on the advantage of buying a fresh tree...let me benefit for free

Why does the Government have anything to do with it? And it all sounds very fishy anyway. There are no "volunteer" Taxes. That sounds like a silly fairy tale. Forcing all to pay a Tax is not a volunteer Tax. Make any sense to you? The Government needs to get a life. Just stay out of the Christmas Tree business period. Then they might have a chance of staying in business.
ummmm, the Christmas tree owners ASKED for this tax....the gvt DID NOT create it or invent it or even suggest it to the Christmas tree industry....they asked for the tax and they want to control the tax monies as well, from what i have read on it...

This proposed rule invites comments
on the establishment of an industry funded
promotion, research, and
information program for fresh cut
Christmas trees. The proposed
Christmas Tree Promotion, Research,
and Information Order (Proposed
Order), was submitted to the
Department of Agriculture (Department)
by the Christmas Tree Checkoff Task
Force (Task Force), an industry wide
group of producers and importers that
support this proposed program.

the government did NOT come up with the idea. I know you can read, so read it and stop posting the gvt came up with the idea cuz YOU ARE WRONG on that...ok?
This still makes no sense. That must mean the Government is involved i guess. These tree grower orgs could have just set up mandatory fees. Why did they need the USDA involved? It just doesn't sound kosher to me. I'm pretty sure the Taxpayers will get screwed on this somehow. Otherwise,the Government wouldn't be involved at all. Also,why should all Christmas Tree growers be forced to pay this Tax/Fee? Shouldn't that be up to the individual grower? Anyway,once i heard the USDA was involved i knew it had to be a mess. Lets hope this never happens.
So why involve the USDA? If it's so simple and easy,why get the Government involved? And is it a fee or a tax? Is it volunteer or mandatory?

Do you understand what a checkoff program is? I don't think you do. That's why you're bumbling around here like a flaming idiot. Because you're completely ignorant about the facts.
these tree grower orgs could have just set up mandatory fees.

that's exactly what they did you fucking imbecile.

Its called a commodity checkoff program for crying out loud, here;

Let me google that for you

So why involve the USDA? If it's so simple and easy,why get the Government involved? And is it a fee or a tax? Is it volunteer or mandatory?

You can read about commodity checkoffs all on your own. They've been around for a while now. Clearly, its an issue you feel strongly about. Considering its been ingrained as part of our political structure and all the while you had no fucking clue (must not own a damn TV I guess)- don't you owe yourself the reading it would take to correct your utter ignorance on what is such an important topic to you?
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I was going to start a Christmas tree farm, but now I'm not so sure it's a wise idea what with government regulations and all.

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