Obamas Columbia University "Student ID" Turns up as Foreign Student

There's a guy on an Amazon forum who insists that Shurf Joey and Company will be releasing "Universe shattering information" regarding Obama's birth certificate next month.

Funny how birthers "Universe shattering information" always has the impact of a cap pistol with wet ammo.

Yep, they'll release "the goods" on Obama any day now. Aaaaaany day now. Meanwhile, keep sending $$. :eusa_whistle:

Sheriff Joe Arpaio knows for certain that Barry Soetoro Obama was born in Kenya and immigrated to Indonesia and has no right to run for president.

Full Press Conference Sheriff Joe Arpaio Barack Obama Birth Certificate July 17, 2012 - YouTube[/url]

Barry is a Rothschild-owned CIA operative sock puppet for the banksters and global elite, but Washington DC is a hotbed of corruption and nobody is willing to hear the sheriff's case. Barry is the poster child for illegal alien foreign nationals around the world crossing borders illegally to do as they please.

Joe the Sheriff has been on this for years now. How many more years is it going to take for him to prove Obama was born in Kenya?

I like Joe and send him and the NRA checks now and then




Nice non-sequitur. Has nothing to do with Joe the Sheriff's monumental failure to prove Obama was born in Kenya, despite YEARS of trying, but then I didn't expect a lucid response from you nutty righties.
There's a guy on an Amazon forum who insists that Shurf Joey and Company will be releasing "Universe shattering information" regarding Obama's birth certificate next month.

Funny how birthers "Universe shattering information" always has the impact of a cap pistol with wet ammo.

Yep, they'll release "the goods" on Obama any day now. Aaaaaany day now. Meanwhile, keep sending $$. :eusa_whistle:

Joe the Sheriff's been saying that for a loooong time now.

Keep reeling 'em in, Joe! :lmao:
There's a guy on an Amazon forum who insists that Shurf Joey and Company will be releasing "Universe shattering information" regarding Obama's birth certificate next month.

Funny how birthers "Universe shattering information" always has the impact of a cap pistol with wet ammo.

Yep, they'll release "the goods" on Obama any day now. Aaaaaany day now. Meanwhile, keep sending $$. :eusa_whistle:
the Wing-nuts have been saying that bullshit for years on this board!


05-21-2011, 03:10 AM

Forger Of Obama's Birth Certificate Has Been Located And Fixing To Be Exposed This is fixing to explode like Watergate. Obama coming out at his press conference releasing the certificate was a bad move because he now has attached himself to the forgery which is a crime. Nixon did the same thing. The person that did the forgery works in the media and will be exposed next week.
There's a guy on an Amazon forum who insists that Shurf Joey and Company will be releasing "Universe shattering information" regarding Obama's birth certificate next month.

Funny how birthers "Universe shattering information" always has the impact of a cap pistol with wet ammo.

Yep, they'll release "the goods" on Obama any day now. Aaaaaany day now. Meanwhile, keep sending $$. :eusa_whistle:
the Wing-nuts have been saying that bullshit for years on this board!


05-21-2011, 03:10 AM

Forger Of Obama's Birth Certificate Has Been Located And Fixing To Be Exposed This is fixing to explode like Watergate. Obama coming out at his press conference releasing the certificate was a bad move because he now has attached himself to the forgery which is a crime. Nixon did the same thing. The person that did the forgery works in the media and will be exposed next week.

An unfortunate thing I realized a while back:

Obama could have been born on the moon and still been allowed to be President. Why?

To be president you have to be a citizen. One of the ways you can do that is for one of your parents to be a citizen. Obamas mother was a citizen. Thus, he is allowed to ne president.


Wrong... For the president and the president only, he must be a "NATURAL BORN CITIZEN"... learn it... remember it... and don't talk anymore shit you don't know about...


obama clearly is NOT a natural born citizen, therefore with precedent set, Ted Cruz or Marco Rubio have clear sailing for the White House.
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This is why the brain-dead right is brain-dead.

You have absolutely no proof whatsoever that he applied as a foreign student, yet here you are, making that brain-dead claim anyway. :eusa_doh::eusa_doh::eusa_doh:

All it takes is a court order.

But then again, it shouldn't take a court order to find out what this prick has been up to.

Most transparent administration, phffffft.......

So, you're claiming that the absence of evidence is "proof"?
Are you claiming that the absence of evidence, as in obama signing an EO hiding all his personal information, is proof that what obama says is true?

We already know the fucker lies like a rug...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kg9m1F8B2_c]65 Outrageous Lies by President Obama - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yGfEzLlcO_s]... People With Something To Hide - YouTube[/ame]

An unfortunate thing I realized a while back:

Obama could have been born on the moon and still been allowed to be President. Why?

To be president you have to be a citizen. One of the ways you can do that is for one of your parents to be a citizen. Obamas mother was a citizen. Thus, he is allowed to ne president.


Wrong... For the president and the president only, he must be a "NATURAL BORN CITIZEN"... learn it... remember it... and don't talk anymore shit you don't know about...


It's interesting that you reference U.S. v Wong Kim Ark, yet you ignore this part of that decision ...

At common law, with the nomenclature of which the framers of the Constitution were familiar, it was never doubted that all children, born in a country of parents who were its citizens, became themselves, upon their birth, citizens also. These were natives, or natural-born citizens, as distinguished from aliens or foreigners. Some authorities go further, and include as citizens children born within the jurisdiction, without reference to the citizenship of their parents. As to this class, there have been doubts, but never as to the first. For the purposes of this case, it is not necessary to solve these doubts. It is sufficient for everything we have now to consider that all children born of citizen parents within the jurisdiction are themselves citizens.

Do you understand the highlighted part? It means that some authorities consider people born in the U.S. to be "natural born citizens," while others have doubts about that, but that question did not need to be answered in order to render a decision on the case. Meaning that it's still an open question.

And guess what? You don't get to define it.

As far as you classifying citizens in 1 of 3 categories ("natural born", "citizen by statute", and "native born") .... from U.S. v Wong Kim Ark ...

At common law, with the nomenclature of which the framers of the Constitution were familiar, it was never doubted that all children, born in a country of parents who were its citizens, became themselves, upon their birth, citizens also. These were natives, or natural-born citizens, as distinguished from aliens or foreigners. Some authorities go further, and include as citizens children born within the jurisdiction, without reference to the citizenship of their parents. As to this class, there have been doubts, but never as to the first. For the purposes of this case, it is not necessary to solve these doubts. It is sufficient for everything we have now to consider that all children born of citizen parents within the jurisdiction are themselves citizens.

... there is no distinction between native and natural born.
Dear Obama Birther Dead-Enders:

Please, this is BIG, you gotta get this news that like no one in the world has ever heard before, out.

This could be a game changer!! It could cost Obama a third-term....

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