Obamas Columbia University "Student ID" Turns up as Foreign Student

Even if one were to buy this load of poop, his mother was still an American citizen

...which is good enough for Ted Cruz :eusa_shhh:

And how do you know for a fact that Stanly Ann Dunham is his mother??
Maybe his whole life is a fraud made up by Bill Ayers...

As Harry Reid said about Romney paying his taxes...I heard something from someone.. And Who Knows??? No One knows...but I heard something!!!
I think there will be a lot coming out on this fraud who was put in charge as President

they have hidden a lot from us and people should be worried about it

"..put in charge"? What an idiot. Just walk out into your front yard, Stephie, and wait for the black helicopters to arrive. They will take you to your FEMA work camp and you won't be able to post here anymore. Pity.
Obamas Columbia University "Student ID" Turns up as Foreign Student

Not sure of it's validity so it should be taken with a grain of salt.

Sure. He had to work his con as a fake foreign student, to get in on all the freebies and other swag afforded to them.

I had no doubt for a moment that this is the primary reason that all of his college records are sealed.

Please provide links to previous presidents' college records. You know, the usual suspects: Bush, Clinton, Bush, Reagan.

Oh, and here...this is for you:

Obama?s ?Sealed? Records
Fact remains that Obie has refused to release his college transcripts, as numerous presidents before him have. The particular nit picking semantics involved, along with the dreary text brick you threw in there, are an irrelevant distraction.

This is how we know that McCain graduated nearly at the dead bottom of his class and Bush 43 was a middling academic talent, at best.

You were much more interesting when you were talking out of your purse instead of your ass.
At least my ass isn't resting atop my neck, as is yours.
An unfortunate thing I realized a while back:

Obama could have been born on the moon and still been allowed to be President. Why?

To be president you have to be a citizen. One of the ways you can do that is for one of your parents to be a citizen. Obamas mother was a citizen. Thus, he is allowed to ne president.


I humbly suggest the law says otherwise.

If Obama was born in Hawaii, there would be no question regarding his citizenship. However, if Obama was in fact born in Kenya, he would not be a U.S. Citizen even though his mother was. When only one of a child's parents is a U.S. Citizen, a foreign born child is not a U.S. Citizen unless the citizen-parent meets very specific legal requirements. The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952, Section 301 (a)(7) shows the relevant citizenship laws in effect at the time of Barack Obama's birth:

“A person born outside the geographical limits of the United States and is outlying possessions of parents one of whom is an alien, and the other a citizen of the United States who, prior to the birth of such persons was physically present in the United States or its outlying possessions for a period or periods totaling not less than ten years, at least five of which were after attaining the age of fourteen years: Provided that any periods of honorable service in the Armed Forces of the United States by such citizen parent may be included in computing the physical presence requirements of this paragraph” (Emphasis my own).

According to the cited law, if Barack was born in Kenya he would not be a U.S. citizen unless prior to his birth his mother lived in the United states for at least five years following her fourteenth birthday. This means his mother had to be at least nineteen years old prior to his birth to make her son a U.S. citizen.

However, The record shows that Ann Dunham was born on November 29, 1942 and Barack was born on August 4, 1961, several months prior to his mother's nineteenth birthday. Therefore, if Obama was born in Kenya, he is not a U.S. citizen and is ineligible to be president.

You can Google this information or you can buy a book that I believe everyone should read. The above information can be found in the book Wheres' the Birth Certificate? The Case that Barack Obama is not eligible to be President, by Jerome R. Corsi, Ph.D., p. 55.

Edited to add: If Obama would have been a U.S. Citizen regardless of where he was born, there never would have been a debate over his place of birth. The reason why many people are trying to prove Obama was born in Kenya is that they know the applicable law and a Kenyan birth would make him unqualified to be President.
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It looked pretty fake when I saw it.
What is not fake is that Obama has put a virtual lock on any record of his past. Why is that?

Simple.... He is so fucking awesome, he doesn't want us mere mortals to feel badly...
Obamas Columbia University "Student ID" Turns up as Foreign Student

Not sure of it's validity so it should be taken with a grain of salt.
Making the Rounds: Barry Soetoro?s Columbia University School ID | The Gateway Pundit


Sure. He had to work his con as a fake foreign student, to get in on all the freebies and other swag afforded to them.

I had no doubt for a moment that this is the primary reason that all of his college records are sealed.

What "freebies" and "swag" are afforded to foreign students?
Barry Soetoro Columbia University ID Image - Internet Rumour

And just like most “evidence” put forth in an attempt to prove this particular claim, it is easily dismissible as nothing more than a simple hoax.

In this case, the easiest way to demonstrate that this is nothing more than fabrication is to show the original image of the ID, which is easily found using a simple reverse image search. In this case the original image, that you can see below, does not belong to President Obama and it not issued under the name Barry Soetoro. (Soetoro was the surname of President Obamas STEP father)



Also, according to an article from Columbia University (hat tip to Snopes.com) the introduction of the electronic card featured in the image above was not even introduced until 1996, thus could not have been given to President Obama in 1981.

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So Obama was a foreign student.

What difference, at this point, does it make?

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I love Birfers! They're the gift that keeps on giving.

Birfer is getting old since Obama himself is the 1st Birther...
Looking at all the lies the Liar of the Year has told how can you Possibly believe
a single word that spills from obamas mouth?? You can't ~~~

It's takes a lot of effort to believe Obama and the cost of personal pride.
I love Birfers! They're the gift that keeps on giving.

Birfer is getting old since Obama himself is the 1st Birther...
Looking at all the lies the Liar of the Year has told how can you Possibly believe
a single word that spills from obamas mouth?? You can't ~~~

Obama was not the first Birfer. You have no idea what you're talking about. :cuckoo:
Even if one were to buy this load of poop, his mother was still an American citizen

...which is good enough for Ted Cruz :eusa_shhh:

And how do you know for a fact that Stanly Ann Dunham is his mother??
Maybe his whole life is a fraud made up by Bill Ayers...

As Harry Reid said about Romney paying his taxes...I heard something from someone.. And Who Knows??? No One knows...but I heard something!!!

Yes, Bill Ayers is his real mother. :eusa_shhh:
Even if one were to buy this load of poop, his mother was still an American citizen

...which is good enough for Ted Cruz :eusa_shhh:

And how do you know for a fact that Stanly Ann Dunham is his mother??
Maybe his whole life is a fraud made up by Bill Ayers...

As Harry Reid said about Romney paying his taxes...I heard something from someone.. And Who Knows??? No One knows...but I heard something!!!

Yes, Bill Ayers is his real mother. :eusa_shhh:
so bill ayers is willamena ayers?

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