Obamas comments to get democrats a win in Virginia


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

Obama was trying to smooth things over for the democrat Terry McAuliffe running for office in Virginia after he stupidly stated that parents should not be involved in what is taught in schools, that is referring to the new gender curriculum that is highly controversial. He said this after a boy was allowed to use a girls bathroom and raped a 12 year old girl in the bathroom as a result.. Finally, truth sometimes comes out of the mouths of democrats by saying they don't belivev parents should have any right or say in what their children are or are not taught in schools, but when it does, they start to lose votes! LOL.

Former President Barack Obama took sharp criticism over the weekend for slamming "phony culture wars" while speaking in Virginia, where a very real headline-inducing culture war has been taking place in recent weeks.

Obama made the controversial comment on Saturday during a rally for Virginia Democratic gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe, irking conservatives for his apparent dismissal of parental concerns about schools.

"We don't have time to be wasting on these phony, trumped-up culture wars," Obama said at Virginia Commonwealth University before targeting Republican nominee Glenn Youngkin.

"This fake outrage that right-wing media pedals to juice their ratings, and the fact that he's willing to go along with it instead of talking about serious problems that actually affect serious people? That's a shame," Obama said. "That's not what this election's about. That's not what you need, Virginia."

So there is no culture war in America? You could have fooled me after reading these boards. And the wrath of parents and the people of Virginia was all made up over a girl was raped in the bathroom of a public school that the school tried to cover up?

Really? Have democrat sunk this low to demean and minimize the rape of a 12 year old girl and the wrath of her father regarding school policy that led to this rape?
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Obama was trying to smooth things over for the democrat Terry McAuliffe running for office in Virginia after he stupidly stated that parents should not be involved in what is taught in schools, that is referring to the new gender curriculum that is highly controversial. He said this after a boy was allowed to use a girls bathroom and raped a 12 year old girl in the bathroom as a result.. Finally, truth sometimes comes out of the mouths of democrats by saying they don't belivev parents should have any right or say in what their children are or are not taught in schools, but when it does, they start to lose votes! LOL.

Former President Barack Obama took sharp criticism over the weekend for slamming "phony culture wars" while speaking in Virginia, where a very real headline-inducing culture war has been taking place in recent weeks.

Obama made the controversial comment on Saturday during a rally for Virginia Democratic gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe, irking conservatives for his apparent dismissal of parental concerns about schools.

"We don't have time to be wasting on these phony, trumped-up culture wars," Obama said at Virginia Commonwealth University before targeting Republican nominee Glenn Youngkin.

"This fake outrage that right-wing media pedals to juice their ratings, and the fact that he's willing to go along with it instead of talking about serious problems that actually affect serious people? That's a shame," Obama said. "That's not what this election's about. That's not what you need, Virginia."

So there is no culture war in America? You could have fooled me after reading these boards. And the wrath of parents and the people of Virginia was all made up over a girl was raped in the bathroom of a public school that the school tried to cover up?

Really? Have democrat sunk this low to demean and minimize the rape of a 12 year old girl and the wrath of her father regarding school policy that led to this rape?
He sympathizes with the fruitcake in a skirt raping 14 yr olds. What a SOB. He caused all this stupid gender nonsense and such

Obama was trying to smooth things over for the democrat Terry McAuliffe running for office in Virginia after he stupidly stated that parents should not be involved in what is taught in schools, that is referring to the new gender curriculum that is highly controversial. He said this after a boy was allowed to use a girls bathroom and raped a 12 year old girl in the bathroom as a result.. Finally, truth sometimes comes out of the mouths of democrats by saying they don't belivev parents should have any right or say in what their children are or are not taught in schools, but when it does, they start to lose votes! LOL.

Former President Barack Obama took sharp criticism over the weekend for slamming "phony culture wars" while speaking in Virginia, where a very real headline-inducing culture war has been taking place in recent weeks.

Obama made the controversial comment on Saturday during a rally for Virginia Democratic gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe, irking conservatives for his apparent dismissal of parental concerns about schools.

"We don't have time to be wasting on these phony, trumped-up culture wars," Obama said at Virginia Commonwealth University before targeting Republican nominee Glenn Youngkin.

"This fake outrage that right-wing media pedals to juice their ratings, and the fact that he's willing to go along with it instead of talking about serious problems that actually affect serious people? That's a shame," Obama said. "That's not what this election's about. That's not what you need, Virginia."

So there is no culture war in America? You could have fooled me after reading these boards. And the wrath of parents and the people of Virginia was all made up over a girl was raped in the bathroom of a public school that the school tried to cover up?

Really? Have democrat sunk this low to demean and minimize the rape of a 12 year old girl and the wrath of her father regarding school policy that led to this rape?

No low is too low for today's leftists. It's like it's a race to see who can be most pathetic. It's blunt as fuck and they get away with it because.....


Their supporters have no standards and are dependent.
Now Obama supports kiddie rape and anti White racism, just like McAuliffe. But we knew this for a long time. And nobody misses the weekly race riots he ignited as President. So why would we want to make a totally clueless dipshit like McAuliffe the token Governor of Virginia, much like Biden is the token President of the US? It seems like Democrat candidates are becoming disposable fronts for their Marxist base.

Obama was trying to smooth things over for the democrat Terry McAuliffe running for office in Virginia after he stupidly stated that parents should not be involved in what is taught in schools, that is referring to the new gender curriculum that is highly controversial. He said this after a boy was allowed to use a girls bathroom and raped a 12 year old girl in the bathroom as a result.. Finally, truth sometimes comes out of the mouths of democrats by saying they don't belivev parents should have any right or say in what their children are or are not taught in schools, but when it does, they start to lose votes! LOL.

Former President Barack Obama took sharp criticism over the weekend for slamming "phony culture wars" while speaking in Virginia, where a very real headline-inducing culture war has been taking place in recent weeks.

Obama made the controversial comment on Saturday during a rally for Virginia Democratic gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe, irking conservatives for his apparent dismissal of parental concerns about schools.

"We don't have time to be wasting on these phony, trumped-up culture wars," Obama said at Virginia Commonwealth University before targeting Republican nominee Glenn Youngkin.

"This fake outrage that right-wing media pedals to juice their ratings, and the fact that he's willing to go along with it instead of talking about serious problems that actually affect serious people? That's a shame," Obama said. "That's not what this election's about. That's not what you need, Virginia."

So there is no culture war in America? You could have fooled me after reading these boards. And the wrath of parents and the people of Virginia was all made up over a girl was raped in the bathroom of a public school that the school tried to cover up?

Really? Have democrat sunk this low to demean and minimize the rape of a 12 year old girl and the wrath of her father regarding school policy that led to this rape?
Gay Kenyan. What would one expect?

Obama was trying to smooth things over for the democrat Terry McAuliffe running for office in Virginia after he stupidly stated that parents should not be involved in what is taught in schools, that is referring to the new gender curriculum that is highly controversial. He said this after a boy was allowed to use a girls bathroom and raped a 12 year old girl in the bathroom as a result.. Finally, truth sometimes comes out of the mouths of democrats by saying they don't belivev parents should have any right or say in what their children are or are not taught in schools, but when it does, they start to lose votes! LOL.

Former President Barack Obama took sharp criticism over the weekend for slamming "phony culture wars" while speaking in Virginia, where a very real headline-inducing culture war has been taking place in recent weeks.

Obama made the controversial comment on Saturday during a rally for Virginia Democratic gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe, irking conservatives for his apparent dismissal of parental concerns about schools.

"We don't have time to be wasting on these phony, trumped-up culture wars," Obama said at Virginia Commonwealth University before targeting Republican nominee Glenn Youngkin.

"This fake outrage that right-wing media pedals to juice their ratings, and the fact that he's willing to go along with it instead of talking about serious problems that actually affect serious people? That's a shame," Obama said. "That's not what this election's about. That's not what you need, Virginia."

So there is no culture war in America? You could have fooled me after reading these boards. And the wrath of parents and the people of Virginia was all made up over a girl was raped in the bathroom of a public school that the school tried to cover up?

Really? Have democrat sunk this low to demean and minimize the rape of a 12 year old girl and the wrath of her father regarding school policy that led to this rape?

His speech had no reference to that crime nor was it replying to it.
There's no Democrat ever subscribed to your ridiculous theory.

Obama was trying to smooth things over for the democrat Terry McAuliffe running for office in Virginia after he stupidly stated that parents should not be involved in what is taught in schools, that is referring to the new gender curriculum that is highly controversial. He said this after a boy was allowed to use a girls bathroom and raped a 12 year old girl in the bathroom as a result.. Finally, truth sometimes comes out of the mouths of democrats by saying they don't belivev parents should have any right or say in what their children are or are not taught in schools, but when it does, they start to lose votes! LOL.

Former President Barack Obama took sharp criticism over the weekend for slamming "phony culture wars" while speaking in Virginia, where a very real headline-inducing culture war has been taking place in recent weeks.

Obama made the controversial comment on Saturday during a rally for Virginia Democratic gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe, irking conservatives for his apparent dismissal of parental concerns about schools.

"We don't have time to be wasting on these phony, trumped-up culture wars," Obama said at Virginia Commonwealth University before targeting Republican nominee Glenn Youngkin.

"This fake outrage that right-wing media pedals to juice their ratings, and the fact that he's willing to go along with it instead of talking about serious problems that actually affect serious people? That's a shame," Obama said. "That's not what this election's about. That's not what you need, Virginia."

So there is no culture war in America? You could have fooled me after reading these boards. And the wrath of parents and the people of Virginia was all made up over a girl was raped in the bathroom of a public school that the school tried to cover up?

Really? Have democrat sunk this low to demean and minimize the rape of a 12 year old girl and the wrath of her father regarding school policy that led to this rape?
So Obama thinks sexual assault of a 12 year old is phony outrage?


is this the message we want to tell 12 year old, or for that matter any rape victim, and their families? your outrage is phony?
So Obama thinks sexual assault of a 12 year old is phony outrage?


is this the message we want to tell 12 year old, or for that matter any rape victim, and their families? your outrage is phony?
He said it was phony outrage from the "right", as if they were incapable of outrage from such an event.
He said it was phony outrage from the "right", as if they were incapable of outrage from such an event.
apparently to the leftist it’s phony to be outraged over rape. Maybe this is why the party of Weinstein, Clinton., Weiner, Epstein et al want to make sure parents aren’t involved in. educating their children. Some might think that’s “grooming”
If Youngkin wins (please, G-d), it will be this case that put him over the top. Even in my ultra-libersl neighborhood, where not a single Trump sign was on display last year, the ratio between Youngkin and McAuliffe signs are 50:50.
Obama is such a disgusting fraud. Yet the corporate media portrays him as this wonderful great man, and million of Americans believe it.

Propaganda works on dumb Americans. Way too many dummies among us.

Obama was trying to smooth things over for the democrat Terry McAuliffe running for office in Virginia after he stupidly stated that parents should not be involved in what is taught in schools, that is referring to the new gender curriculum that is highly controversial. He said this after a boy was allowed to use a girls bathroom and raped a 12 year old girl in the bathroom as a result.. Finally, truth sometimes comes out of the mouths of democrats by saying they don't belivev parents should have any right or say in what their children are or are not taught in schools, but when it does, they start to lose votes! LOL.

Former President Barack Obama took sharp criticism over the weekend for slamming "phony culture wars" while speaking in Virginia, where a very real headline-inducing culture war has been taking place in recent weeks.

Obama made the controversial comment on Saturday during a rally for Virginia Democratic gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe, irking conservatives for his apparent dismissal of parental concerns about schools.

"We don't have time to be wasting on these phony, trumped-up culture wars," Obama said at Virginia Commonwealth University before targeting Republican nominee Glenn Youngkin.

"This fake outrage that right-wing media pedals to juice their ratings, and the fact that he's willing to go along with it instead of talking about serious problems that actually affect serious people? That's a shame," Obama said. "That's not what this election's about. That's not what you need, Virginia."

So there is no culture war in America? You could have fooled me after reading these boards. And the wrath of parents and the people of Virginia was all made up over a girl was raped in the bathroom of a public school that the school tried to cover up?

Really? Have democrat sunk this low to demean and minimize the rape of a 12 year old girl and the wrath of her father regarding school policy that led to this rape?
She was a victim for the cause. That's how the left see her.
Obama is such a disgusting fraud. Yet the corporate media portrays him as this wonderful great man, and million of Americans believe it.

Propaganda works on dumb Americans. Way too many dummies among us.
I always thought he was a polished-up version of Al Sharpton. Sure, he might have been articulate (Biden noted he was a black who was articulate; how nice!), but scratch the surface, and he was nothing more than a divisive, race-baiting bigot.

Obama was trying to smooth things over for the democrat Terry McAuliffe running for office in Virginia after he stupidly stated that parents should not be involved in what is taught in schools, that is referring to the new gender curriculum that is highly controversial. He said this after a boy was allowed to use a girls bathroom and raped a 12 year old girl in the bathroom as a result.. Finally, truth sometimes comes out of the mouths of democrats by saying they don't belivev parents should have any right or say in what their children are or are not taught in schools, but when it does, they start to lose votes! LOL.

Former President Barack Obama took sharp criticism over the weekend for slamming "phony culture wars" while speaking in Virginia, where a very real headline-inducing culture war has been taking place in recent weeks.

Obama made the controversial comment on Saturday during a rally for Virginia Democratic gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe, irking conservatives for his apparent dismissal of parental concerns about schools.

"We don't have time to be wasting on these phony, trumped-up culture wars," Obama said at Virginia Commonwealth University before targeting Republican nominee Glenn Youngkin.

"This fake outrage that right-wing media pedals to juice their ratings, and the fact that he's willing to go along with it instead of talking about serious problems that actually affect serious people? That's a shame," Obama said. "That's not what this election's about. That's not what you need, Virginia."

So there is no culture war in America? You could have fooled me after reading these boards. And the wrath of parents and the people of Virginia was all made up over a girl was raped in the bathroom of a public school that the school tried to cover up?

Really? Have democrat sunk this low to demean and minimize the rape of a 12 year old girl and the wrath of her father regarding school policy that led to this rape?

Oh, yes!

President Obama's exciting appearance will help turn out a key Democratic constituency.

And soon that electrifying campaigner, Joseph R. Biden, Jr., will be in Virginia to cinch the deal for the Dems.

Everything is coming up roses for the Dems.

The Republicans in Virginia should just close up shop.
Oh, yes!

President Obama's exciting appearance will help turn out a key Democratic constituency.

And soon that electrifying campaigner, Joseph R. Biden, Jr., will be in Virginia to cinch the deal for the Dems.

Everything is coming up roses for the Dems.

The Republicans in Virginia should just close up shop.
All they have to do is fund those that count votes

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