Obama's Credibility Is Melting

One liberal has to defend this monstrous display of selfishness. Done at a time when we are going through the highest expenditures in government ever known!

And we haven't even begun to talk about their vacations!

Obama's vacation bills add up
August 20, 2013
President Obama is the most expensive president in U.S. history. When questioned about the total cost of all his trips, Obama stonewalls and refuses to answer. But details have surfaced elsewhere.

In his first three years, he and his family enjoyed 16 vacations. I guess they forgot about the poor children they pretend to love, many of whom have never been on a vacation.

In 2010 their trip to Hawaii cost Americans $1.5 million. The president and his wife also enjoyed a "date night" in New York City for about $240,000.

In 2011 Obama's travel expenses were $1.4 billion. (In comparison, the royal family of England travel cost only $57.8 million.) In addition, the Obamas' Christmas holiday was for 17 days, totaling $4 million. In contrast George W. Bush stayed nearby at Camp David over Christmas so his staff could enjoy the holidays with their families. President Ronald Reagan spent $1.3 million per year for travel.

This year is the worst, and it's only half over. The trip with his family to Africa has been predicted to exceed $100 million. And he just ended his vacation at Martha's Vineyard.

Remember President Obama's campaign pledge, "change you can believe in"? I guess that means after he leaves office there won't be any "change," just a lot of debt.

Obama's vacations cost taxpayers - Morning Call

Now the libs will come in and say GB took more vacations days. GB sure as hell did not spend as much money on his vs Obammy the great one and Moochelle.
One liberal has to defend this monstrous display of selfishness. Done at a time when we are going through the highest expenditures in government ever known!

And we haven't even begun to talk about their vacations!

Obama's vacation bills add up
August 20, 2013
President Obama is the most expensive president in U.S. history. When questioned about the total cost of all his trips, Obama stonewalls and refuses to answer. But details have surfaced elsewhere.

In his first three years, he and his family enjoyed 16 vacations. I guess they forgot about the poor children they pretend to love, many of whom have never been on a vacation.

In 2010 their trip to Hawaii cost Americans $1.5 million. The president and his wife also enjoyed a "date night" in New York City for about $240,000.

In 2011 Obama's travel expenses were $1.4 billion. (In comparison, the royal family of England travel cost only $57.8 million.) In addition, the Obamas' Christmas holiday was for 17 days, totaling $4 million. In contrast George W. Bush stayed nearby at Camp David over Christmas so his staff could enjoy the holidays with their families. President Ronald Reagan spent $1.3 million per year for travel.

This year is the worst, and it's only half over. The trip with his family to Africa has been predicted to exceed $100 million. And he just ended his vacation at Martha's Vineyard.

Remember President Obama's campaign pledge, "change you can believe in"? I guess that means after he leaves office there won't be any "change," just a lot of debt.

Obama's vacations cost taxpayers - Morning Call

Now the libs will come in and say GB took more vacations days. GB sure as hell did not spend as much money on his vs Obammy the great one and Moochelle.

That is incredible! They have no shame.
Obama's Credibility Is Melting
Don't you first have to have Credibility before it can melt?
The lack of credibility has now gone to the UN Security Council, brought by France and Germany before it was discovered that obama's nose has been under the tents of 35 countries.

When will he be punished? It isn't enough to merely complain. He must pay.

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