Obama's DOL Secretary Hilda L. Solis: You Have the Right to Be Paid Fairly Whether Do

Big Business is the major issue here, Foxfyre, whether you want to acknowledge it or not. No jobs? The illegals would not have come in the first place. However, Maineman does miss the point that the illegals are now home. They aren't going anywhere, even if they lose their jobs. Poverty in America is preferable to poverty in Mexico.
Yeah, it sucks in Mexico. Remind me again why I should have to underwrite their better life?

And that reminds me...how many illegals have you taken into Mommy and Daddy's McMansion? I mean, you're awfully generous with other people's shit.

Or is your compassion limited to posting on the internet...?
it is the only part that absolutely has to happen. With no jobs, there would BE no illegal immigration, and therefore there would be no need to build a border fence, or to restrict wire transfers or to deport millions of people. Eliminate the jobs for illegal immigrants and they will leave and go to where there ARE jobs. But everyone here loves the cheap lettuce and nobody wants to even THINK that business interests are at the root of the problem. It is so much easier to demonize the poor little wetback and excuse the total culpability of American business addiction to cheap labor.
So drug smugglers won't come here if we punish employers? :cuckoo:

Tell you what -- you idiot leftists quit smoking pot. That'd help, too.
You attacked a serviceman's career, which had nothing to do with this argument. I have done no such thing here. Your grade for this thread: Fail!

Odd how you didn't get all upset when Dante attacked my career.

Oh, wait...no, it's not odd at all.
it is the only part that absolutely has to happen. With no jobs, there would BE no illegal immigration, and therefore there would be no need to build a border fence, or to restrict wire transfers or to deport millions of people. Eliminate the jobs for illegal immigrants and they will leave and go to where there ARE jobs. But everyone here loves the cheap lettuce and nobody wants to even THINK that business interests are at the root of the problem. It is so much easier to demonize the poor little wetback and excuse the total culpability of American business addiction to cheap labor.
So drug smugglers won't come here if we punish employers? :cuckoo:

Tell you what -- you idiot leftists quit smoking pot. That'd help, too.

The bulk of American business are small business owners. People paying both halves of Social Security tax, Medicare tax, all of the unemployment tax, workers compensation insurance, probably 50-100% of the healthcare premium. For the most part, these businesses are not hiring illegals. The ones that are often cheat on the above taxes, benefits and fees along with federal taxes. Might want to consider that maineman types.
it is the only part that absolutely has to happen. With no jobs, there would BE no illegal immigration, and therefore there would be no need to build a border fence, or to restrict wire transfers or to deport millions of people. Eliminate the jobs for illegal immigrants and they will leave and go to where there ARE jobs. But everyone here loves the cheap lettuce and nobody wants to even THINK that business interests are at the root of the problem. It is so much easier to demonize the poor little wetback and excuse the total culpability of American business addiction to cheap labor.
So drug smugglers won't come here if we punish employers? :cuckoo:

Tell you what -- you idiot leftists quit smoking pot. That'd help, too.

The bulk of American business are small business owners. People paying both halves of Social Security tax, Medicare tax, all of the unemployment tax, workers compensation insurance, probably 50-100% of the healthcare premium. For the most part, these businesses are not hiring illegals. The ones that are often cheat on the above taxes, benefits and fees along with federal taxes. Might want to consider that maineman types.
The left doesn't give a shit about business, large or small.
Ever stop to consider why illegals are cheaper employees?

You pay them cash. No taxes collected at all. You can ignore the minimum wage laws. I'm in the landscape business too. Really fun following the law and getting burned at bid time by these folks.
Ever stop to consider why illegals are cheaper employees?

You pay them cash. No taxes collected at all. You can ignore the minimum wage laws. I'm in the landscape business too. Really fun following the law and getting burned at bid time by these folks.

Yup. They get around the wage/hour people by paying piece work instead of an hourly wage and fudge the figures on those so they can really undercut their competeition when they bid on work. The illegals don't dare complain when they are cheated--they do make something--and the honest guys miss out on a lot of work for themselves and their own employess because they can't be honest and compete.

Or, the illegals themselves or somebody with a new green card are running businesses, hiring their buddies and relatives and are paying an honest wage. But because they can, they don't report all of it to save on work comp premiums and other insurance they have to have, and aren't paying state and federal taxes on a lot of it.
it is the only part that absolutely has to happen. With no jobs, there would BE no illegal immigration, and therefore there would be no need to build a border fence, or to restrict wire transfers or to deport millions of people. Eliminate the jobs for illegal immigrants and they will leave and go to where there ARE jobs. But everyone here loves the cheap lettuce and nobody wants to even THINK that business interests are at the root of the problem. It is so much easier to demonize the poor little wetback and excuse the total culpability of American business addiction to cheap labor.
So drug smugglers won't come here if we punish employers? :cuckoo:

Tell you what -- you idiot leftists quit smoking pot. That'd help, too.

and really.... what percentage of illegal immigrants do you honestly think are drug smugglers? How do you think THAT number compares to the folks that are here to pick lettuce?

fuckin' moron.
it is the only part that absolutely has to happen. With no jobs, there would BE no illegal immigration, and therefore there would be no need to build a border fence, or to restrict wire transfers or to deport millions of people. Eliminate the jobs for illegal immigrants and they will leave and go to where there ARE jobs. But everyone here loves the cheap lettuce and nobody wants to even THINK that business interests are at the root of the problem. It is so much easier to demonize the poor little wetback and excuse the total culpability of American business addiction to cheap labor.
So drug smugglers won't come here if we punish employers? :cuckoo:

Tell you what -- you idiot leftists quit smoking pot. That'd help, too.

The bulk of American business are small business owners. People paying both halves of Social Security tax, Medicare tax, all of the unemployment tax, workers compensation insurance, probably 50-100% of the healthcare premium. For the most part, these businesses are not hiring illegals. The ones that are often cheat on the above taxes, benefits and fees along with federal taxes. Might want to consider that maineman types.

consider what? If an employer hires an illegal alien, put the employer in JAIL. PERIOD! There is no ambiguity in that approach. And if we did that, tell me, honestly, how many employers would hire illegal aliens? And if no employers hired illegal aliens, why would they risk life and limb to come here? health care??? It's better in Mexico than it is here. That is one of the reasons I'm moving there next year.
So drug smugglers won't come here if we punish employers? :cuckoo:

Tell you what -- you idiot leftists quit smoking pot. That'd help, too.

The bulk of American business are small business owners. People paying both halves of Social Security tax, Medicare tax, all of the unemployment tax, workers compensation insurance, probably 50-100% of the healthcare premium. For the most part, these businesses are not hiring illegals. The ones that are often cheat on the above taxes, benefits and fees along with federal taxes. Might want to consider that maineman types.
The left doesn't give a shit about business, large or small.
and you, clearly, don't give a shit about obeying the law OR American workers.

no big surprise there!:razz:
The bulk of American business are small business owners. People paying both halves of Social Security tax, Medicare tax, all of the unemployment tax, workers compensation insurance, probably 50-100% of the healthcare premium. For the most part, these businesses are not hiring illegals. The ones that are often cheat on the above taxes, benefits and fees along with federal taxes. Might want to consider that maineman types.
The left doesn't give a shit about business, large or small.
and you, clearly, don't give a shit about obeying the law OR American workers.

no big surprise there!:razz:

How do you come to that conclusion? Both daveman and myself were talking about the disadvantages law abidding employers suffer at the hands of those who use illegals. The result is harm to American business owners and workers. We oppose that, so I must conclude you support harming Americans. It would seem you are the one who doesn't care.
The left doesn't give a shit about business, large or small.
and you, clearly, don't give a shit about obeying the law OR American workers.

no big surprise there!:razz:

How do you come to that conclusion? Both daveman and myself were talking about the disadvantages law abidding employers suffer at the hands of those who use illegals. The result is harm to American business owners and workers. We oppose that, so I must conclude you support harming Americans. It would seem you are the one who doesn't care.

maybe I have misunderstood your position? Are you saying that you believe, like I do, that the key to this issue is to severely punish with lengthy prison sentences those American employers who would entice individuals to illegally immigrate to the United States and work for sub-minimum wage?

I believe that, if if we were to do precisely that, the illegal immigrant problem would disappear.

agree or disagree?
saveliberty does not care about the working man, period. As a far right wing reactionary, he despises labor and worships capital. Who cares? The problem is that we have so many illegals that we don't know who is here.

Omnibus bill: punish business, shut the boarder, immigration reform.
and you, clearly, don't give a shit about obeying the law OR American workers.

no big surprise there!:razz:

How do you come to that conclusion? Both daveman and myself were talking about the disadvantages law abidding employers suffer at the hands of those who use illegals. The result is harm to American business owners and workers. We oppose that, so I must conclude you support harming Americans. It would seem you are the one who doesn't care.

maybe I have misunderstood your position? Are you saying that you believe, like I do, that the key to this issue is to severely punish with lengthy prison sentences those American employers who would entice individuals to illegally immigrate to the United States and work for sub-minimum wage?

I believe that, if if we were to do precisely that, the illegal immigrant problem would disappear.

agree or disagree?

That part of the problem is well put maineman.
and you, clearly, don't give a shit about obeying the law OR American workers.

no big surprise there!:razz:

How do you come to that conclusion? Both daveman and myself were talking about the disadvantages law abidding employers suffer at the hands of those who use illegals. The result is harm to American business owners and workers. We oppose that, so I must conclude you support harming Americans. It would seem you are the one who doesn't care.

maybe I have misunderstood your position? Are you saying that you believe, like I do, that the key to this issue is to severely punish with lengthy prison sentences those American employers who would entice individuals to illegally immigrate to the United States and work for sub-minimum wage?

I believe that, if if we were to do precisely that, the illegal immigrant problem would disappear.

agree or disagree?

Agree, sorry about any confusion I might have caused here. Thanks for clarifying.
No, GWV5903, your behavior toward a service person is inexcusable in this context. So, yeah, the rest of us have to apologize for disdain for the service and the flag our men and women serve. For shame on you.

Yeah, your a great example, and you seam to have a very short memory.....

daveman, I am glad you are as you are.

A friend, a Catholic priest, points out that one cannot know the light unless the dark exists.

Folks like you provide the darkness against the light of goodness shine forth.

So Jake just :anj_stfu: :anj_stfu: :anj_stfu: your embarrassing the human race.......

You attacked a serviceman's career, which had nothing to do with this argument. I have done no such thing here. Your grade for this thread: Fail!

No, I questioned his ability, I have a feeling his claim of being a Naval Commander could be bogus, then again that he wants everyone to know his title, maybe his ego's too big, I have disagreed with him in the past and he uses his rank like I am supposed to agree no matter what.....

My family has served in the military for 80+ years, we do not agree with each other on many political issues and have had more heated debate than this, but he has you as his wet nurse now, so keep it up.......

All of the quality leaders I have known over the years could care less if I knew what their
title is, only the egomaniacs wanted everyone to know......

Now you're the hall monitor????
So drug smugglers won't come here if we punish employers? :cuckoo:

Tell you what -- you idiot leftists quit smoking pot. That'd help, too.

The bulk of American business are small business owners. People paying both halves of Social Security tax, Medicare tax, all of the unemployment tax, workers compensation insurance, probably 50-100% of the healthcare premium. For the most part, these businesses are not hiring illegals. The ones that are often cheat on the above taxes, benefits and fees along with federal taxes. Might want to consider that maineman types.

consider what? If an employer hires an illegal alien, put the employer in JAIL. PERIOD! There is no ambiguity in that approach. And if we did that, tell me, honestly, how many employers would hire illegal aliens? And if no employers hired illegal aliens, why would they risk life and limb to come here? health care??? It's better in Mexico than it is here. That is one of the reasons I'm moving there next year.
Fact is that SOUNDS nice but is not a complete approach nor is it that simple. Many illegal's give employers incorrect information. Single people will give fake ID's and fake SSN while claiming to have large families to avoid taxes. What do you do with an employer in that situation? Do I need to check the immigration status of the yard workers I hire to cut my lawn? Will normal citizens that hire illegal immigrants to do jobs like that be sent to jail because they did not check immigration status? I guess no one will hire Mexican people to mow the grass, you MIGHT be an illegal so why would I take that chance? That's the problem with these reactionary problems that frame those 'evil' corporations as the problem.

Jail terms are also not a good idea. Sure, it is plausible when dealing with cut a dry cases but what about cases that are not cut and dry. He has a fake ID and cooperate checked the immigration status but made an error. Who gets punished? The hiring authority or the desk jockey at cooperate that did not run the paperwork correctly? A small business has 3 hiring manages and they all say someone else hired the illegal in question and there is no evidence either way, who do you put in jail? Why the resistance to a standard fine? Earlier you said that a business would consider it 'the cost of doing business.' That is entirely true but if those fines are appropriate set then the cost would be too high to hire illegal aliens. No one is going to try and save 10K a year if the fine is 100K per incident. Of course, fines are not effective if enforcement is not occurring and that would need to go hand and hand with any program.

The point is that this issue is not that simple. Raising the pitchforks to business is not going to solve this problem alone. There are jobs out there, everyone would like their house clean and lawn mowed. Fake ID's are simple enough to get that there are many 16-18 year old kids in high school with one. Immigration reform needs to address illegals and jobs AS WELL as many other things. Most importantly, immigration laws need to be enforced and that is the major issue now, they are not.

Off topic...
Have you ever been in the Mexican healthcare system? I have and can tell you that it is horrendous. Doctor's credentials are meaningless there. I don't care what happens to me south of the border, I will never utilize that system EVER again.
Off topic...
Have you ever been in the Mexican healthcare system? I have and can tell you that it is horrendous. Doctor's credentials are meaningless there. I don't care what happens to me south of the border, I will never utilize that system EVER again.

Star Medica, the hospital in Merida, Mexico is better equipped and better staffed than the hospital in Maine's capital city. hands down.

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