Obama's Election Seals Our Fate


Gold Member
Jul 5, 2004
The Obama re-election dooms the country. It ensures that his philosophy will be imposed for another four years.

His election ensures the continuing shift away from the Rule of Law, property rights, free men, and free markets. Obama's vision of how the world works ensures a dire economy until an economic collapse resets everything. The rest of the world, apparently bigger Obama supporters than U.S. voters, will not be immune from the consequences.
The Meaning of Obama's Election

Regarding the specifics of Obama's reelection, these comments from a perceptive reader, Syrin, are reasonable:

Here's what this means in my opinion:

1) Obamacare will be fully implemented
2) Biggest tax increase in the history of the world will come January
3) Supreme Court will now be fully liberal
4) We will surrender more of our rights to the UN - guns will be removed
5) The end of the US as we ever knew it

That last one is not hyperbole. I still think the election was stolen as I predicted a 5-10 voter fraud margin, and this is indeed the difference, but why would I make that last point? Here's why. The gov't will increase IMMENSELY the next four years. Gov't employees, union members and welfare dependents will be the BIGGEST VOTING FACTION from now until the end of the US society. We turned into England over night and we will never be able to go back. Exit polls showed overwhelming displeasure with Obamacare and they voted for him anyway. We cannot recover from this.

CONSERVATISM AS AN IDEOLOGY IS OVER IN AMERICA ! We are now officially the land of the dependent, jealous and greedy. Punishing success will be codified. No one will go into medicine or any field that takes a lot of time, money sweat and effort to achieve because work and success will no longer be rewarded.

I am serious when I say I will be stunned if the economic collapse doesn't happen in under two years. This isn't just an emotional reaction to a loss. These were my thoughts before we knew the results.

Make your peace with your family and prepare.

Where Does This Go?

The mathematics of the debt situation were intractable before the election. Someone truly committed to solving this problem would likely fail because the debt burden has become so large. That assumption will not be tested, because the man elected has no intention of dealing with the issue.

A collapse is now inevitable. Spending will not shrink. Deficits will rise. Taxes will rise. Economic activity will fall. The debt death spiral will strangle economic activity, and ultimately the economy will implode. Societies themselves will likely be sucked into the abyss.

Obama had no viable economic plan for the last four years, and he is still without one. There has been no progress economically. Instead, we are $5 trillion worse off, with nothing to show for it. His spending will continue for the next four years. It is all that he knows.

This election accelerated our spiral toward collapse. Higher spending and more Federal Reserve money-creation will not alter the destination. We are now on the superhighway to ruin. The destination is known; only the estimated time of arrival is not.

Read more: Articles: Obama's Election Seals Our Fate
Far from it.

They made it seem like a much tighter race then it actually was..

Who can blame them..billions were spent.

But it's a terrible way to accurately show what is going on.
Expect to see millions more on welfare until the economy collapses. Imagine what the next poor bastard will inherit from Obama's mess. 21 trillion or more national debt.

It is now mathematically impossible for the U.S. government to pay off the U.S. national debt. You see, the truth is that the U.S. government now owes more dollars than actually exist.
Another one who actually bought into the scare tactics used by the republicans, some of these people are going to sabotage their own lives and livelihoods just to prove that Obama is the end of the world as we know it.
Far from it.

They made it seem like a much tighter race then it actually was..

Who can blame them..billions were spent.

But it's a terrible way to accurately show what is going on.

are you in the wrong thread.....?
Another one who actually bought into the scare tactics used by the republicans, some of these people are going to sabotage their own lives and livelihoods just to prove that Obama is the end of the world as we know it.

you libtards never were very good at math......ever since when you instituted the "new math" in our schools....
Another one who actually bought into the scare tactics used by the republicans, some of these people are going to sabotage their own lives and livelihoods just to prove that Obama is the end of the world as we know it.

you libtards never were very good at math......ever since when you instituted the "new math" in our schools....

Are you still pissed that Pi does not equal 3 like the bible says?

Business does not favor the timid, people who act like scared rabbits are just going to see their market share slip through their fingers.
Life is going to more difficult for those who contribute, there is no doubt about that.

In more ways than one: And to all those who cast their vote for him, they will fully deserve:

Wednesday, November 7, 2012
10 Things That Will Happen Under Obama's Second Term
From Mike Adams at Natural News

#1) Huge expansion of TSA and the surveillance state. Watch for TSA to expand its occupation of America by setting up checkpoints on roadways, sporting events, malls and "surprise" locations. Expect to see TSA agents become even more belligerent and lawless as they ramp up their sexual molestation of innocent victims.

#2) Expansion of secret arrests of American citizens. Obama secretly signed the NDAA, legalizing the secret arrests of U.S. citizens while denying them due process. Obama also authorized secret "kill lists" that claim to authorize the U.S. government to assassinate targeted individuals.

With his re-election in place, expect Obama to start issuing a mass of "kill orders" that will even start targeting political opponents.

#3) Acceleration of national debt blowout and endless fiat currency creation. Under Obama, the national debt experienced a massive blowout where Obama added trillions of dollars to the existing debt: U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

Right now, Obama is overseeing a trillion dollars a year in additional debt -- an amount that simply cannot be sustained without running smack into a financial catastrophe. It now appears that financial collapse it going to occur under Obama, not Romney.

#4) Rapid expansion of GMOs and USDA collusion. Monsanto and the biotech corporations have thrived under the Obama administration thanks to USDA collusion and scientific fraud.

Over the next four years, expect GMOs to dominate the U.S. food supply while the Obama White House rejects any effort to try to label GMOs on a national basis.

#5) Increasingly dictatorial government health care. Obamacare will grow like a cancer, pushing Americans into mandatory vaccinations that inject children with mercury, formaldehyde, MSG and aluminum.

Look for the Obama administration to wage even more wars against raw milk freedom, farm freedom and food freedom, all while requiring yet more foods to be pasteurized or fumigated under the guise of "food safety."

#6) Immediate surge in sales of guns and ammo. Obama has promised to try to destroy the Second Amendment and deny Americans the liberty to own firearms. With his re-election, expect to see a massive surge in gun sales as more people attempt to stock up in anticipation of gun bans (or government gun confiscation).

#7) Accelerated erosion of the Bill of Rights and civil liberties. Under Obama, civil rights, human rights and the Bill of Rights will be rapidly eroded. This goes hand in hand with the cancerous growth of government. As government expands its power and confiscates more economic resources, it simultaneously destroys individual liberties and due process.

#8) Continued destruction and looting of the U.S. economy. Under Obama, the financial looting of the U.S. economy by the global bankster elite will continue. The same would have been true with Romney, by the way.

Under Obama, America's unemployment rate will continue to head skyward, entitlements will be expanded, and the USA will be plunged into a tyrannical welfare state dominated by mindless zombies who have no cognitive grasp of reality.

#9) A "giant sucking sound" of employers leaving America Ross Perot was right! That "giant sucking sound" is the sound of employers leaving America in droves, hiring offshore workers instead of creating jobs in the USA. And why? Because employers can't afford to pay Obamacare mandates and still stay competitive in the global marketplace.

#10) Stepped-up attacks on veterans and preppers. Returning U.S. veterans will continue to be vilified by the Obama administration, to the point where even more veterans will be arrested as "terrorists" for engaging in fundamental preparedness strategies such as storing food, water, medicine and ammo.

Watch for the liberal media to join the White House in painting veterans as "dangerous" individuals needing psychiatric medications. Never mind the fact that the media owes preppers a huge apology in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy.

Libertarian Republican: 10 Things That Will Happen Under Obama's Second Term
Another one who actually bought into the scare tactics used by the republicans, some of these people are going to sabotage their own lives and livelihoods just to prove that Obama is the end of the world as we know it.

you libtards never were very good at math......ever since when you instituted the "new math" in our schools....

Are you still pissed that Pi does not equal 3 like the bible says?

Business does not favor the timid, people who act like scared rabbits are just going to see their market share slip through their fingers.

that will include every liberal who has a 401K as well....
The ultra right wing american thinker? What a load of shit.

You right wingers need to get your heads out of your asses and start learning the truth. Your tinfoil bullshit is what cost you the election.
The ultra right wing american thinker? What a load of shit.

You right wingers need to get your heads out of your asses and start learning the truth. Your tinfoil bullshit is what cost you the election.

so what's the real truth......?

an obamapropagandaphone in every hand....?
the voter has now given Obama the time to complete ruining our country and our livelyhoods. Those voters deserve what is going to happen to them. They had their chance to vote with the rest of the American people to get rid of this Muslim and his communist coherts, and they failed to join us. I hope in the next 4 yrs, those voters are the ones who suffer the most and struggle the hardest.
The ultra right wing american thinker? What a load of shit.

You right wingers need to get your heads out of your asses and start learning the truth. Your tinfoil bullshit is what cost you the election.

No, what cost us the election, are the parasites needing a host, the MSM, and Hurricane Sandy, which stopped Romney's momentum and gave Obama another great photo op.
the voter has now given Obama the time to complete ruining our country and our livelyhoods. Those voters deserve what is going to happen to them. They had their chance to vote with the rest of the American people to get rid of this Muslim and his communist coherts, and they failed to join us. I hope in the next 4 yrs, those voters are the ones who suffer the most and struggle the hardest.

They will and we will laugh. But it is what they want, as they are cut from the same cloth as the thug and dictator wannbe, Obama. They will love their new positions with him, as loyal subjects, reduced to slavery.
the voter has now given Obama the time to complete ruining our country and our livelyhoods. Those voters deserve what is going to happen to them. They had their chance to vote with the rest of the American people to get rid of this Muslim and his communist coherts, and they failed to join us. I hope in the next 4 yrs, those voters are the ones who suffer the most and struggle the hardest.

They will and we will laugh. But it is what they want, as they are cut from the same cloth as the thug and dictator wannbe, Obama. They will love their new positions with him, as loyal subjects, reduced to slavery.

and they won't even realize it....

but when the cookie jar is empty....watch out....
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The ultra right wing american thinker? What a load of shit.

You right wingers need to get your heads out of your asses and start learning the truth. Your tinfoil bullshit is what cost you the election.

so what's the real truth......?

an obamapropagandaphone in every hand....?

Use a little common sense. Let's see to truth to the ultra right wing BS

1) Obamacare will be fully implemented - It would have under Willard as well. Do you think he would shoot down Obamacare, which is just a mirror to his baby as governor Romneycare? Not a chance in hell. The GOP has been calling for the individual mandate for years, they are just throwing a pissy fit now because Obama got passed what they couldn't.

2) Biggest tax increase in the history of the world will come January - There is no tax increase coming, I don't know what in the hell that idiot is talking about.

3) Supreme Court will now be fully liberal - The supreme court is to be non-partisan and only to uphold the constitution. Not what the right wingers want which is partisan judges that will side with the right wing agenda over the constitution

4) We will surrender more of our rights to the UN - guns will be removed - Total tinfoil bullshit. Obama has done nothing to go after 2nd amendment rights and as clearly stated he won't. Willard on the other hand brought a permanent assault weapons ban when he was governor, quadrupled the state's gun ownership fee, and when slammed on why he was so anti-2nd amendment stated "We have tough gun laws in Massachusetts, I support them" If anyone is going to "take yuuuuuuuuuuurrrr guuunnnnnzzzz!" It's going to be Willard.

5) The end of the US as we ever knew it - In the minds of the right wingers, fiscal sanity, controlled spending, and a strong middle class means the end of the world :eusa_hand:

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