Obama's exit approval poll are among worst of any post ww2 president

It's called 'Censorship by Omission'

dimocrap scum in the DISGUSTING FILTH practice it daily. Hourly. By the minute even. They don't want you to know the truth. Especially if it's not complimentaryt o dimocrap scum.

Other dimocrap scum, such as in here, practice it by actively AVOIDING facts and threads like this
Like a bad marriage, I'd rather just move on and not talk or think about him anymore. Time to right the ship & sail on.


Talk about him every day. Every minute of every day.

To ensure that America never makes another horrible mistake by electing someone as disgusting as he was.

Master, Remember the Athenians
"Average poll popularity" is a meaningless stat, of course.

Whereas good America is going to talk about Trump every single day as he screws up America as he has been from the beginning.
Obama's approvals are nothing more than tight camera shots.

Here's One Poll The Press Doesn't Want You To See
Tell us just what average approval rates mean? When you go to a ball game do you want to see the average score? All that matters is how it ends, and Obama ended with an approval triple that of failed Bush. Now eat your heart out
How it's "ending" is Obama's legacy is being dismantled with each passing day.
Eat what now?
Obama's approvals are nothing more than tight camera shots.

Here's One Poll The Press Doesn't Want You To See
Tell us just what average approval rates mean? When you go to a ball game do you want to see the average score? All that matters is how it ends, and Obama ended with an approval triple that of failed Bush. Now eat your heart out
How it's "ending" is Obama's legacy is being dismantled with each passing day.
Eat what now?
The 60% approval will go down in history, hows that Bush legacy doing?
Obama's approvals are nothing more than tight camera shots.

Here's One Poll The Press Doesn't Want You To See
Tell us just what average approval rates mean? When you go to a ball game do you want to see the average score? All that matters is how it ends, and Obama ended with an approval triple that of failed Bush. Now eat your heart out

/---- Then why do Libtards fret aboutAVERAGE global temperatures? Bwhahaha bwhahaha bwhahaha
Obama's approvals are nothing more than tight camera shots.

Here's One Poll The Press Doesn't Want You To See
Tell us just what average approval rates mean? When you go to a ball game do you want to see the average score? All that matters is how it ends, and Obama ended with an approval triple that of failed Bush. Now eat your heart out
How it's "ending" is Obama's legacy is being dismantled with each passing day.
Eat what now?
The 60% approval will go down in history, hows that Bush legacy doing?
I'm not concerned with Bush's legacy. Lol
Couldn't care less how he's perceived.
"Average poll popularity" is a meaningless stat, of course.

Whereas good America is going to talk about Trump every single day as he screws up America as he has been from the beginning.
Lol, you can't be serious, he has done more for America in less than a week. Than Obama did in eight years.
Obama's approvals are nothing more than tight camera shots.

Here's One Poll The Press Doesn't Want You To See
Tell us just what average approval rates mean? When you go to a ball game do you want to see the average score? All that matters is how it ends, and Obama ended with an approval triple that of failed Bush. Now eat your heart out
How it's "ending" is Obama's legacy is being dismantled with each passing day.
Eat what now?
The 60% approval will go down in history, hows that Bush legacy doing?
In a few weeks we will be asking you, what Obama legacy?

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