Obama’s failed leadership led to rise of ISIS

There is one common denominator that always gets overlooked in these threads about who is at fault for the spread of terrorism ......... America. No one is arguing the Russians are at fault or Chinese or even the Iranians. America is at fault for the rise of ISIS. Your petty partisan quibbling is no doubt lost on those affected by this scourge that was given rise to and allowed to fester by US policies.

I'm an old man.....81. We've been in the middle east since the 1930's.....one reason, OIL!

We have no goddam business there and anybody who blames them for making the point just ain't thinking right.
And my point is that both parties share the responsibility for this mess. And that quibbling about it is counterproductive and actually enables our politicians to carry out these morally reprehensible policies. We were wrong to go into Iraq and we are wrong to support the removal of Assad. Why is that so difficult to understand and admit. Bush knowingly lied us into a war with Iraq and destabilized the region and Obama supported a policy in Syria that he knew would give rise to ISIS. And we as a whole are responsible for not holding them accountable.
Yes Obama is the fault for all of this. Bush and our Military actually had them contained until the Muslim sympathizer (Obama) came into office.

And I'm beginning to think it's not because he failed. I think it was ALL PLANNED
You are a complete moron. LOL.
Why do you think Stephanie is a moron?

This is a link to a DoD information report from 2012.

It states:
If the situation unravels there is the possibility of establishing a declared or undeclared Salafist principality in eastern Syria (Hasaka and Der Zor), and this is exactly what the supporting powers to the opposition want, in order to isolate the Syrian regime, which is considered the strategic depth of the Shia expansion (Iraq and Iran).

And who does it state the supporting powers are.
The West, Gulf countries, and Turkey support the opposition; while Russia, China, and Iran support the regime.

Food for thought.
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Given that it is our Presidents policy to hold back and hesitate when we our allies are attacked, I think it would be logical for the secret sevice to adopt the same policy when reacting to threats.
Feinstein Breaks With Obama on ISIS Again!
"There's only one way we are going to diminish them, and that is by taking them out."
Brian Lilley


Democrat Dianne Feinstein is breaking with President Barack Obama once again on ISIS, saying that the terrorist organization is not contained. President Obama had made a comment to the effect that ISIS was under control in an interview with ABC News that aired just hours ahead of the ISIS attacks that struck Paris, France on Friday night.

"I’ve never been more concerned," the senior senator from California told MSNBC Monday. "I read the intelligence faithfully. ISIL is not contained. ISIL is expanding."

Fienstein is no back-bench Democrat, first elected in 1992; she is also the ranking Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee.


Feinstein Breaks With Obama on ISIS Again!
CNN's Amanpour Blasts Obama's Answers: His Strategy Is Not Working, ISIS Is Not Contained
If you've lost Amanpour ...
Caleb Howe


NN gave Obama a hard time today over ISIS, as we noted earlier, and the most surprising part of that surprising hard time was from Christiane Amanpour, who basically flat-out called the President a big fat liar.

Well, not quite, but she certainly said he was dead wrong, as the video above shows.

"He said something that was pretty incredible according to many of the military experts here and around the world that I've spoken to, that our strategy is working. People do not believe that to be the case."

Absolutely right, and with good reason: it isn't working. Amanpour goes on to say that the only strategy that does work is the one he dismisses, which is the use of ground troops. "This is a fact," she says. Then she lays into his preposterous claim that ISIS is contained.

"He's saying that ISIS is contained. This also is not actually true."


That is brutal. And true. And it was said by Christiane Amanpour.

Mr. President, if you've lost Amanpour ...

CNN's Amanpour Blasts Obama's Answers: His Strategy Is Not Working, ISIS Is Not Contained
McCain repeatedly pushed for more US military in Iraq to quell that problem. After dragging his feet in an effort to appease lefties, Bush eventually relented and put the extra force in there and things got settled. Obama came along and removed those troops in order to satisfy his stuck-in-the-1960's anti-Vietnam glory days ideology and ISIS was born.
Obama is a subversive.
Obama owns the last seven years, he's changed the planet for the worst...
McCain: Obama’s failed leadership led to rise of ISIS

The Hill

Bradford Richardson
9 hrs ago

Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) says President Obama’s “failed policies” and lack of leadership have led to the rise of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS).

“It’s because of the president of the United States’ failed policies, ‘leading from behind,’ which has led to this chaos and renewed influence and growth of ISIS,” McCain told John Catsimatidis on “The Cats Roundtable” on New York’s AM-970 on Sunday.

McCain predicted in the interview, which was conducted before the terror attacks in Paris on Friday, that ISIS would take advantage of the migrant crisis to send its operatives to major Western cities.

“I am sure that Baghdadi, the leader of ISIS, has already told some of these young men, go into the refugee flow and call us when you get to Berlin, New York, Paris, wherever it is,” he said.

A migrant passport was found on the body of one of the attackers responsible for the Paris massacre.

Greek police have sent the fingerprints of the person registered to the passport to officials in France to confirm the passport belonged to the assailant, according to the Associated Press.

McCain said the U.S. must be “very, very careful” about whom it admits to the country.

“Our hearts go out to them, but we can’t endanger the security of the United States of America,” he said of the migrants.

ISIS has claimed responsibility for the attacks on Paris, in which at least 129 civilians were killed and hundreds injured.


McCain: Obama’s failed leadership led to rise of ISIS

Interesting ...
Now take a look at this :
“Here’s the problem. He [McCain] did meet with ISIS, and had his picture taken, and didn’t know it was happening at the time. That really shows you the quandary of determining who are the moderates and who aren’t. If you don’t speak Arabic, and you don’t understand that some people will lie to you—I really think that we don’t have a good handle on who are the moderates and who aren’t, and I think the objective evidence is that the ones doing most of the fighting and most of the battles among the rebels in Syria are the radical Islamists.”

John McCain Accidentally Admits He Met With ISIS Members - Counter Current News

Mc Cain should not be so quick to be pointing fingers, for he has probably been one of the people who ( unknowingly or not) have helped spawn Isis.
Obama Wants to Defeat America, Not ISIS
His real enemy isn’t the Caliph of ISIS, but the ordinary American.
November 18, 2015
Daniel Greenfield


Last year at a NATO summit, Obama explicitly disavowed the idea of containing ISIS. "You can't contain an organization that is running roughshod through that much territory, causing that much havoc, displacing that many people, killing that many innocents, enslaving that many women," he said.

Instead he argued, "The goal has to be to dismantle them."

Just before the Paris massacre, Obama shifted back to containment. “From the start, our goal has been first to contain them, and we have contained them,” he said.

Pay no attention to what he said last year. There’s a new message now. Last year Obama was vowing to destroy ISIS. Now he had settled for containing them. And he couldn’t even manage that.

ISIS has expanded into Libya and Yemen. It struck deep into the heart of Europe as one of its refugee suicide bombers appeared to have targeted the President of France and the Foreign Minister of Germany. That’s the opposite of a terrorist organization that had been successfully contained.

Obama has been playing tactical word games over ISIS all along. He would “degrade and ultimately destroy” ISIS. Or perhaps dismantle the Islamic State. Or maybe just contain it.

Containment is closest to the truth. Obama has no plan for defeating ISIS. Nor is he planning to get one any time soon. There will be talk of multilateral coalitions. Drone strikes will take out key figures. And then when this impressive war theater has died down, ISIS will suddenly pull off another attack.

And everyone will be baffled at how the “defeated” terrorist group is still on the march.

The White House version of reality says that ISIS attacked Paris because it’s losing. Obama also claimed that Putin’s growing strength in Syria is a sign of weakness. Never mind that Putin has all but succeeded in getting countries that were determined to overthrow Assad to agree to let him stay.

Weakness is strength. Strength is weakness.

Obama’s failed wars occupy a space of unreality that most Americans associate with Baghdad Bob bellowing that there are no American soldiers in Iraq. (There are, according to the White House, still no American ground forces in Iraq. Only American forces in firefights on the ground in Iraq.)

There’s nothing new about any of this. Obama doesn’t win wars. He lies about them.

The botched campaign against ISIS is a replay of the disaster in Afghanistan complete with ridiculous rules of engagement, blatant administration lies and no plan for victory. But there can’t be a plan for victory because when Obama gets past the buzzwords, he begins talking about addressing root causes.

And you don’t win wars by addressing root causes. That’s just a euphemism for appeasement.

Addressing root causes means blaming Islamic terrorism on everything from colonialism to global warming. It doesn’t mean defeating it, but finding new ways to blame it on the West.

Obama and his political allies believe that crime can’t be fought with cops and wars can’t be won with soldiers. The only answer lies in addressing the root causes which, after all the prattling about climate change and colonialism, really come down to the Marxist explanation of inequality.


That is why Obama sounds bored when talking about beating ISIS, but heats up when the conversation turns to fighting Republicans. It’s why Hillary Clinton named Republicans, not ISIS, as her enemy.

The left is not interested in making war on ISIS. It is too busy making war on America.

Obama Wants to Defeat America, Not ISIS
Obama owns the last seven years, he's changed the planet for the worst...
McCain: Obama’s failed leadership led to rise of ISIS

The Hill

Bradford Richardson
9 hrs ago

Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) says President Obama’s “failed policies” and lack of leadership have led to the rise of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS).

“It’s because of the president of the United States’ failed policies, ‘leading from behind,’ which has led to this chaos and renewed influence and growth of ISIS,” McCain told John Catsimatidis on “The Cats Roundtable” on New York’s AM-970 on Sunday.

McCain predicted in the interview, which was conducted before the terror attacks in Paris on Friday, that ISIS would take advantage of the migrant crisis to send its operatives to major Western cities.

“I am sure that Baghdadi, the leader of ISIS, has already told some of these young men, go into the refugee flow and call us when you get to Berlin, New York, Paris, wherever it is,” he said.

A migrant passport was found on the body of one of the attackers responsible for the Paris massacre.

Greek police have sent the fingerprints of the person registered to the passport to officials in France to confirm the passport belonged to the assailant, according to the Associated Press.

McCain said the U.S. must be “very, very careful” about whom it admits to the country.

“Our hearts go out to them, but we can’t endanger the security of the United States of America,” he said of the migrants.

ISIS has claimed responsibility for the attacks on Paris, in which at least 129 civilians were killed and hundreds injured.


McCain: Obama’s failed leadership led to rise of ISIS

McCranky still pissed off over losing in 2008. Tsk, tsk.

Camp Bucca: The US prison that became the birthplace of Isis
Nine members of the Islamic State’s top command did time at Bucca

"...As news of Baghdadi’s tenure at Bucca emerged, former prison commander James Skylar Gerrond remembered many of them. “Re: Badghadi,” he wrote on Twitter in July, “Many of us at Camp Bucca were concerned that instead of just holding detainees, we had created a pressure cooker for extremism.” He worked at the prison
between 2006 and 2007, when it was glutted with tens of thousands of radicals, including Baghdadi."""
The American prison that became the birthplace of Isis

How the Islamic State evolved in an American prison
How the Islamic State evolved in an American prison
Obama Wants to Defeat America, Not ISIS
His real enemy isn’t the Caliph of ISIS, but the ordinary American.
November 18, 2015
Daniel Greenfield


Last year at a NATO summit, Obama explicitly disavowed the idea of containing ISIS. "You can't contain an organization that is running roughshod through that much territory, causing that much havoc, displacing that many people, killing that many innocents, enslaving that many women," he said.

Instead he argued, "The goal has to be to dismantle them."

Just before the Paris massacre, Obama shifted back to containment. “From the start, our goal has been first to contain them, and we have contained them,” he said.

Pay no attention to what he said last year. There’s a new message now. Last year Obama was vowing to destroy ISIS. Now he had settled for containing them. And he couldn’t even manage that.

ISIS has expanded into Libya and Yemen. It struck deep into the heart of Europe as one of its refugee suicide bombers appeared to have targeted the President of France and the Foreign Minister of Germany. That’s the opposite of a terrorist organization that had been successfully contained.

Obama has been playing tactical word games over ISIS all along. He would “degrade and ultimately destroy” ISIS. Or perhaps dismantle the Islamic State. Or maybe just contain it.

Containment is closest to the truth. Obama has no plan for defeating ISIS. Nor is he planning to get one any time soon. There will be talk of multilateral coalitions. Drone strikes will take out key figures. And then when this impressive war theater has died down, ISIS will suddenly pull off another attack.

And everyone will be baffled at how the “defeated” terrorist group is still on the march.

The White House version of reality says that ISIS attacked Paris because it’s losing. Obama also claimed that Putin’s growing strength in Syria is a sign of weakness. Never mind that Putin has all but succeeded in getting countries that were determined to overthrow Assad to agree to let him stay.

Weakness is strength. Strength is weakness.

Obama’s failed wars occupy a space of unreality that most Americans associate with Baghdad Bob bellowing that there are no American soldiers in Iraq. (There are, according to the White House, still no American ground forces in Iraq. Only American forces in firefights on the ground in Iraq.)

There’s nothing new about any of this. Obama doesn’t win wars. He lies about them.

The botched campaign against ISIS is a replay of the disaster in Afghanistan complete with ridiculous rules of engagement, blatant administration lies and no plan for victory. But there can’t be a plan for victory because when Obama gets past the buzzwords, he begins talking about addressing root causes.

And you don’t win wars by addressing root causes. That’s just a euphemism for appeasement.

Addressing root causes means blaming Islamic terrorism on everything from colonialism to global warming. It doesn’t mean defeating it, but finding new ways to blame it on the West.

Obama and his political allies believe that crime can’t be fought with cops and wars can’t be won with soldiers. The only answer lies in addressing the root causes which, after all the prattling about climate change and colonialism, really come down to the Marxist explanation of inequality.


That is why Obama sounds bored when talking about beating ISIS, but heats up when the conversation turns to fighting Republicans. It’s why Hillary Clinton named Republicans, not ISIS, as her enemy.

The left is not interested in making war on ISIS. It is too busy making war on America.

Obama Wants to Defeat America, Not ISIS

"""Obama Wants to Defeat America, Not ISIS""""

Well, toots, the clock is ticking and after seven years I guess you could say mission NOT accomplished. (bean-brain..)
November 18, 2015
Obama: "Not Interested in Winning"
By Daniel John Sobieski

Tell us something we don’t know, Mr. President. We could have guessed as much by the puny air campaign more worthy of the Grand Duchy of Fenwick in The Mouse That Roared than by what was once the world’s only superpower. We wouldn’t be mounting any air campaign at all, had not the radical Islamists of the “JV team” Islamic State had not cut off the heads of two American journalists, Steven Sotloff and James Foley.

Our delusional commander-in-chief, who still believes the massacre at Ft. Hood by jihadist Nidal Hasan is a case of “workplace violence” and that the Charlie Hebdo massacre in Paris was a case of random violence and of victims being in the wrong place at the wrong time, pathetically proclaimed at the G-20 Conference in Antalaya, Turkey, as the Federalist reports:

“What I’m not interested in doing is posing or pursuing some notion of American leadership or America winning or whatever other slogans they come up with that has no relationship to what is actually going to work to protect the American people and to protect the people in the region who are getting killed and to protect our allies and people like France,” Obama said. “I’m too busy for that.”

Too busy, the same as you were too busy resting up for a Las Vegas fundraiser the night Ambassador Christopher Stevens, Glen Doherty, Tyrone Woods, and Sean Smith were murdered by a terrorist attack in Benghazi, an attack you and you’re Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, told the parents of the deal was caused by a video?


Read more: http://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2015/11/obama_not_interested_in_winning.html#ixzz3rutdiY1Z
McCain wanted war the way NASA wants a Mars mission. While I have full faith in the military, I don't trust either party to have the where-with-all to clean up the mess. When Bush went into Iraq it didn't take a genius to see beforehand that we Americans would soon have enough of pouring billions into building that society. The next time we take over a country we sure in the hell better not give it right back by allowing them to instantly set up an Islamic Republic with their own constitution. You occupy it and be in charge. Then gradually transfer power over an extended time. Instead we handed it to them on a silver platter.
McCain wanted war the way NASA wants a Mars mission. While I have full faith in the military, I don't trust either party to have the where-with-all to clean up the mess. When Bush went into Iraq it didn't take a genius to see beforehand that we Americans would soon have enough of pouring billions into building that society. The next time we take over a country we sure in the hell better not give it right back by allowing them to instantly set up an Islamic Republic with their own constitution. You occupy it and be in charge. Then gradually transfer power over an extended time. Instead we handed it to them on a silver platter.
Our policies in wars since the Vietnam stalemate have been driven by political postures and pussy Presidents that think they know more about military strategy than do professional military strategists. Obama is a goddamned clown in his attempts to set winning strategies in place.


Regarding Obama and his pin-prick responses to radical Muslims and their ever-growing band of maniacal misfits, his pansy approach gives them cause to cheer his stupidity.
McCain wanted war the way NASA wants a Mars mission. While I have full faith in the military, I don't trust either party to have the where-with-all to clean up the mess. When Bush went into Iraq it didn't take a genius to see beforehand that we Americans would soon have enough of pouring billions into building that society. The next time we take over a country we sure in the hell better not give it right back by allowing them to instantly set up an Islamic Republic with their own constitution. You occupy it and be in charge. Then gradually transfer power over an extended time. Instead we handed it to them on a silver platter.
Th US went into Iraq, not Bush. Lefty hacks blame Bush and disregard the democrats -- especially Hillary -- who pushed for the invasion.
The democrats' politically motivated resistance to a troop surge is what made it last so long and result in many more US casualties. The eventual troop surge quelled the problem and we had a stable ally surrounding Iran and cutting off Syria. Obama removed our presence and that has allowed for the creation of a greater threat than what preceded our invasion.
The Incredible Shrinking President
It’s a sad day when the President of the United States makes a French socialist leader sound like George S. Patton.
November 20, 2015
Bruce Thornton


The bodies of slaughtered Parisians were still unburied when our president, the leader of the most powerful country in history, beclowned himself on the world stage. In Turkey Obama gave a speech that surpassed even his long record of narcissistic petulance and juvenile snark. What we are witnessing is a willful destruction of America’s prestige and authority unprecedented in our history. It’s a sad day when the President of the United States makes a milquetoast French socialist like François Hollande sound like George S. Patton.


Obama’s speech in Paris has diminished his stature nearly to the point of invisibility. His arrogance, ignorance, and toxic self-regard have compromised the security of our country and seriously damaged our global prestige. It’s going to be a long 14 months before we can get the chance to change course.

The Incredible Shrinking President
Obama owns the last seven years, he's changed the planet for the worst...
McCain: Obama’s failed leadership led to rise of ISIS

The Hill

Bradford Richardson
9 hrs ago

Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) says President Obama’s “failed policies” and lack of leadership have led to the rise of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS).

“It’s because of the president of the United States’ failed policies, ‘leading from behind,’ which has led to this chaos and renewed influence and growth of ISIS,” McCain told John Catsimatidis on “The Cats Roundtable” on New York’s AM-970 on Sunday.

McCain predicted in the interview, which was conducted before the terror attacks in Paris on Friday, that ISIS would take advantage of the migrant crisis to send its operatives to major Western cities.

“I am sure that Baghdadi, the leader of ISIS, has already told some of these young men, go into the refugee flow and call us when you get to Berlin, New York, Paris, wherever it is,” he said.

A migrant passport was found on the body of one of the attackers responsible for the Paris massacre.

Greek police have sent the fingerprints of the person registered to the passport to officials in France to confirm the passport belonged to the assailant, according to the Associated Press.

McCain said the U.S. must be “very, very careful” about whom it admits to the country.

“Our hearts go out to them, but we can’t endanger the security of the United States of America,” he said of the migrants.

ISIS has claimed responsibility for the attacks on Paris, in which at least 129 civilians were killed and hundreds injured.


McCain: Obama’s failed leadership led to rise of ISIS

LOL! Actually, the rise of ISIS is an indirect result of the invasion of Iraq by that self-proclaimed 'Decider,' George W. Bush, who apparently saw himself as the modern-day embodiment of Winston Churchill. Hell, Winston Churchill wrote over 50 books. I'd be surprised if Bush has even READ 50 books.

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