Obamas forget recession and jet to NYC for date night, dinner and a show

How does a POTUS with a $400,000 salary pay for a $1M night on the town out of his own pocket?

Oh, and seated Presidents are not supposed to have political organizations to pay for this stuff either.

600,000 people are losing jobs every month and this guy thinks he's an aristocrat.

He bitched about the auto big wigs flying to ask for money so now that hes set up a few deals he gets to use the jets!! On our borrowed money.

At least Bill Clinton picked up dates while he was already in the Presidential limousine on the way to somewhere else.

I miss that guy.
We have to settle for wheelchairs with lawnmower engines

Nothing original here, just CON$ parroting GOP hate radio talking points.

April 8, 2009
RUSH: This stupid little wheelchair with a motor on it.

"Mommy, Mommy! You're killing the polar bears!"

"Shut up, kid! Okay we'll get a little lawn mower out there and you'll be happy. Just get off my back."
Let's see, $328,000 for an empty jet to fly to NYC and back.

I'd guess $1M with warm bodies and security in it, and security on the ground.

I could use this strip for just about every CON$ervative post. :lol:

I was unaware that D.C. didn't have restaurants or shows. Wow, that town must suck.
Overall, I don't have a real problem with this. I mean, it's kind of one of the perks of being President. On the other hand, it sure isn't going to win him any support and it just fucking looks bad.

other presidents who presided in the era that obama has stated that we are virtually in or would have fully been in had his spendulus plan not passed....did they act as obama? in that, hopping around the country to enjoy a show he promised his wife, despite that he is telling others you can't just go to vegas anymore....

obama's behavior is one of the reasons i think democrats are the biggest hypocrites crawling the planet. they proclaim they are not like republicans, they care for the middle class guy, the lower class guy....yet, as soon as they get power, what do they do........act and live like the upper class guy

President Obama is a millionaire on his own. He has won the Presidency of the United States in an uncontested election. He is not taking a vacation every other week, like the prior resident. Both he and his wife are extremely successful people on their own. He definately deserves to be able to take an occasional night out with his wife.

The fact that you wingnuts make such a big deal out of this simply shows your idiocy.
I was unaware that D.C. didn't have restaurants or shows. Wow, that town must suck.

Wow, you dingbats must not have any life at all if you are so concerned that the President and his lady desire to see a Broadway show. Consider, that if he were not President, he could easily have afforded to go to this show. Being President requires that security that was present.

But, of course, nothing that our President does is going to please you people. And your worst fear is that he will have very successful terms.
Overall, I don't have a real problem with this. I mean, it's kind of one of the perks of being President. On the other hand, it sure isn't going to win him any support and it just fucking looks bad.

other presidents who presided in the era that obama has stated that we are virtually in or would have fully been in had his spendulus plan not passed....did they act as obama? in that, hopping around the country to enjoy a show he promised his wife, despite that he is telling others you can't just go to vegas anymore....

obama's behavior is one of the reasons i think democrats are the biggest hypocrites crawling the planet. they proclaim they are not like republicans, they care for the middle class guy, the lower class guy....yet, as soon as they get power, what do they do........act and live like the upper class guy

President Obama is a millionaire on his own. He has won the Presidency of the United States in an uncontested election. He is not taking a vacation every other week, like the prior resident. Both he and his wife are extremely successful people on their own. He definately deserves to be able to take an occasional night out with his wife.

The fact that you wingnuts make such a big deal out of this simply shows your idiocy.

I don't care what he does with his wife, I have a problem that when he makes a speech, he has to fly off on Air Force one to all parts of the nation to do it...in these troubled times. Old Rocks, care to talk about his carbon footprints in doing so??? Bet not
Overall, I don't have a real problem with this. I mean, it's kind of one of the perks of being President. On the other hand, it sure isn't going to win him any support and it just fucking looks bad.

other presidents who presided in the era that obama has stated that we are virtually in or would have fully been in had his spendulus plan not passed....did they act as obama? in that, hopping around the country to enjoy a show he promised his wife, despite that he is telling others you can't just go to vegas anymore....

obama's behavior is one of the reasons i think democrats are the biggest hypocrites crawling the planet. they proclaim they are not like republicans, they care for the middle class guy, the lower class guy....yet, as soon as they get power, what do they do........act and live like the upper class guy

President Obama is a millionaire on his own. He has won the Presidency of the United States in an uncontested election. He is not taking a vacation every other week, like the prior resident. Both he and his wife are extremely successful people on their own. He definately deserves to be able to take an occasional night out with his wife.

The fact that you wingnuts make such a big deal out of this simply shows your idiocy.

Uncontested election? 58 million people voted against him.

Tell me how he got to be a millionaire "on his own." His wife only got a $300,000 hospital administratod rob when he got elected to the Senate. Welcome to Chicago. When's the last time somebody offered you a $300,000 a year job because of who your husband was?

Does he deserve to fly to NYC and back on the taxpayers dime while kicking people to the curb in the private sector for doing the same? No.

This is all about them.
Last edited:
At least every estimate of the number of uninsured Americans.

AMA Reiterates Call for Action and Asks Patients to Share Their Voices

WASHINGTON, Aug. 26 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Statement attributable to Nancy Nielsen, M.D., American Medical Association President:

"As our nation continues to face a crisis of about 46 million uninsured, many americans need to look no further than their own families and friends, or neighbors to find someone without health insurance. The uninsured problem does not discriminate, it affects each and every one of us, and everyone deserves better than the status quo. As members of Congress and presidential candidates gather at the conventions, it is vital that they address this important issue.

"Many patients don't have access to needed health care as the economy's health declines. Employer-based health insurance is no longer an option for many workers and their families, as employment-based coverage continued to decline in 2007, dropping to 59.3 percent. americans need more affordable, portable health insurance options. High Number of Uninsured Hits Home For Many... ( AMA Reiterates Call for Action an...)

What better source for the numbers than the American Medical Association. And with the continueing increase in unemployment, this number continues to get larger weekly. Anmd the number of Americans that support a single payer system grows with that number.
other presidents who presided in the era that obama has stated that we are virtually in or would have fully been in had his spendulus plan not passed....did they act as obama? in that, hopping around the country to enjoy a show he promised his wife, despite that he is telling others you can't just go to vegas anymore....

obama's behavior is one of the reasons i think democrats are the biggest hypocrites crawling the planet. they proclaim they are not like republicans, they care for the middle class guy, the lower class guy....yet, as soon as they get power, what do they do........act and live like the upper class guy

President Obama is a millionaire on his own. He has won the Presidency of the United States in an uncontested election. He is not taking a vacation every other week, like the prior resident. Both he and his wife are extremely successful people on their own. He definately deserves to be able to take an occasional night out with his wife.

The fact that you wingnuts make such a big deal out of this simply shows your idiocy.

Uncontested election? 58 million people voted against him.

Tell me how he got to be a millionaire "on his own." His wife only got a $300,000 hospital administratod job when he got elected to the Senate. Welcome to Chicago. When's the last time somebody offered you a $300,000 a year job because of who your husband was?

Does he deserve to fly to NYC and back on the taxpayers dime while kicking people to the curve in the private sector for doing the same? No.

This is all about them.

As ussual, you idiocy is showing.

WASHINGTON — Senator Barack Obama released his 2007 tax return on Wednesday evening, reporting a household income of $4.2 million due to a sharp increase in the sales of his books during the first year of his presidential campaign.

Candidate Topic Pages
More Politics News
That was a substantial jump from the roughly $1 million in income the Obamas reported in 2006, much of that also from book deals.

Earlier this month, the Clintons released their tax returns over eight years, showing they earned $109 million over that period, with a substantial portion likewise coming from book sales.

In the return released Wednesday, Mr. Obama and his wife, Michelle, reported a $3.9 million net profit from books, a sum that dwarfed their combined salaries of $260,735. They paid nearly $1.4 million in federal taxes last year and contributed $240,370 to various charities.

Care to repeat any other off base insinuations? Silly question, you cannot help yourself. Your twisted ideological bent requires that you repeat all such nonsense, even when you know that it is idiocy.
At least every estimate of the number of uninsured Americans.

AMA Reiterates Call for Action and Asks Patients to Share Their Voices

WASHINGTON, Aug. 26 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Statement attributable to Nancy Nielsen, M.D., American Medical Association President:

"As our nation continues to face a crisis of about 46 million uninsured, many americans need to look no further than their own families and friends, or neighbors to find someone without health insurance. The uninsured problem does not discriminate, it affects each and every one of us, and everyone deserves better than the status quo. As members of Congress and presidential candidates gather at the conventions, it is vital that they address this important issue.

"Many patients don't have access to needed health care as the economy's health declines. Employer-based health insurance is no longer an option for many workers and their families, as employment-based coverage continued to decline in 2007, dropping to 59.3 percent. americans need more affordable, portable health insurance options. High Number of Uninsured Hits Home For Many... ( AMA Reiterates Call for Action an...)

What better source for the numbers than the American Medical Association. And with the continueing increase in unemployment, this number continues to get larger weekly. Anmd the number of Americans that support a single payer system grows with that number.

Illegals, people who don't want to buy insurance, people who are without insurance less than four months. That's it.

Nobody wants government run health care.

Bingo. The reason Obama doesn't care about unemployment is because it will be easier to sucker them into government run health care. He knows this. There will be no more jobs between now and 2010, when he realizes will be his last chance to get it done.

Barack Obama wants to run health care. He doesn't care how much misery and chaos has to exist in this country to do that.

And you're a sucker for not seing through that.
other presidents who presided in the era that obama has stated that we are virtually in or would have fully been in had his spendulus plan not passed....did they act as obama? in that, hopping around the country to enjoy a show he promised his wife, despite that he is telling others you can't just go to vegas anymore....

obama's behavior is one of the reasons i think democrats are the biggest hypocrites crawling the planet. they proclaim they are not like republicans, they care for the middle class guy, the lower class guy....yet, as soon as they get power, what do they do........act and live like the upper class guy

President Obama is a millionaire on his own. He has won the Presidency of the United States in an uncontested election. He is not taking a vacation every other week, like the prior resident. Both he and his wife are extremely successful people on their own. He definately deserves to be able to take an occasional night out with his wife.

The fact that you wingnuts make such a big deal out of this simply shows your idiocy.

Uncontested election? 58 million people voted against him.Tell me how he got to be a millionaire "on his own." His wife only got a $300,000 hospital administratod rob when he got elected to the Senate. Welcome to Chicago. When's the last time somebody offered you a $300,000 a year job because of who your husband was?

Does he deserve to fly to NYC and back on the taxpayers dime while kicking people to the curb in the private sector for doing the same? No.

This is all about them.

Uncontested. No doubt at all that he won the votes. Unlike both elections of the last resident of the White House.
President Obama is a millionaire on his own. He has won the Presidency of the United States in an uncontested election. He is not taking a vacation every other week, like the prior resident. Both he and his wife are extremely successful people on their own. He definately deserves to be able to take an occasional night out with his wife.

The fact that you wingnuts make such a big deal out of this simply shows your idiocy.

Uncontested election? 58 million people voted against him.Tell me how he got to be a millionaire "on his own." His wife only got a $300,000 hospital administratod rob when he got elected to the Senate. Welcome to Chicago. When's the last time somebody offered you a $300,000 a year job because of who your husband was?

Does he deserve to fly to NYC and back on the taxpayers dime while kicking people to the curb in the private sector for doing the same? No.

This is all about them.

Uncontested. No doubt at all that he won the votes. Unlike both elections of the last resident of the White House.

Do you fucking make up the definitions of words when the real definitions don't work for you?
President Obama is a millionaire on his own. He has won the Presidency of the United States in an uncontested election. He is not taking a vacation every other week, like the prior resident. Both he and his wife are extremely successful people on their own. He definately deserves to be able to take an occasional night out with his wife.

The fact that you wingnuts make such a big deal out of this simply shows your idiocy.

Uncontested election? 58 million people voted against him.Tell me how he got to be a millionaire "on his own." His wife only got a $300,000 hospital administratod rob when he got elected to the Senate. Welcome to Chicago. When's the last time somebody offered you a $300,000 a year job because of who your husband was?

Does he deserve to fly to NYC and back on the taxpayers dime while kicking people to the curb in the private sector for doing the same? No.

This is all about them.

Uncontested. No doubt at all that he won the votes. Unlike both elections of the last resident of the White House.

Now your just lying again Old Rocks...knock it off
At least every estimate of the number of uninsured Americans.

AMA Reiterates Call for Action and Asks Patients to Share Their Voices

WASHINGTON, Aug. 26 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Statement attributable to Nancy Nielsen, M.D., American Medical Association President:

"As our nation continues to face a crisis of about 46 million uninsured, many americans need to look no further than their own families and friends, or neighbors to find someone without health insurance. The uninsured problem does not discriminate, it affects each and every one of us, and everyone deserves better than the status quo. As members of Congress and presidential candidates gather at the conventions, it is vital that they address this important issue.

"Many patients don't have access to needed health care as the economy's health declines. Employer-based health insurance is no longer an option for many workers and their families, as employment-based coverage continued to decline in 2007, dropping to 59.3 percent. americans need more affordable, portable health insurance options. High Number of Uninsured Hits Home For Many... ( AMA Reiterates Call for Action an...)

What better source for the numbers than the American Medical Association. And with the continueing increase in unemployment, this number continues to get larger weekly. Anmd the number of Americans that support a single payer system grows with that number.

Illegals, people who don't want to buy insurance, people who are without insurance less than four months. That's it.

Nobody wants government run health care.
Bingo. The reason Obama doesn't care about unemployment is because it will be easier to sucker them into government run health care. He knows this. There will be no more jobs between now and 2010, when he realizes will be his last chance to get it done.

Barack Obama wants to run health care. He doesn't care how much misery and chaos has to exist in this country to do that.

And you're a sucker for not seing through that.

Single-Payer National Health Insurance
EN ESPAÑOL Single-payer national health insurance is a system in which a single public or quasi-public agency organizes health financing, but delivery of care remains largely private.

Currently, the U.S. health care system is outrageously expensive, yet inadequate. Despite spending more than twice as much as the rest of the industrialized nations ($7,129 per capita), the United States performs poorly in comparison on major health indicators such as life expectancy, infant mortality and immunization rates. Moreover, the other advanced nations provide comprehensive coverage to their entire populations, while the U.S. leaves 45.7 million completely uninsured and millions more inadequately covered.

The reason we spend more and get less than the rest of the world is because we have a patchwork system of for-profit payers. Private insurers necessarily waste health dollars on things that have nothing to do with care: overhead, underwriting, billing, sales and marketing departments as well as huge profits and exorbitant executive pay. Doctors and hospitals must maintain costly administrative staffs to deal with the bureaucracy. Combined, this needless administration consumes one-third (31 percent) of Americans’ health dollars.

Physicians for a National Health Program | Single Payer Resources
President Obama is a millionaire on his own. He has won the Presidency of the United States in an uncontested election. He is not taking a vacation every other week, like the prior resident. Both he and his wife are extremely successful people on their own. He definately deserves to be able to take an occasional night out with his wife.

The fact that you wingnuts make such a big deal out of this simply shows your idiocy.

Uncontested election? 58 million people voted against him.

Tell me how he got to be a millionaire "on his own." His wife only got a $300,000 hospital administratod job when he got elected to the Senate. Welcome to Chicago. When's the last time somebody offered you a $300,000 a year job because of who your husband was?

Does he deserve to fly to NYC and back on the taxpayers dime while kicking people to the curve in the private sector for doing the same? No.

This is all about them.

As ussual, you idiocy is showing.

WASHINGTON — Senator Barack Obama released his 2007 tax return on Wednesday evening, reporting a household income of $4.2 million due to a sharp increase in the sales of his books during the first year of his presidential campaign.

Candidate Topic Pages
More Politics News
That was a substantial jump from the roughly $1 million in income the Obamas reported in 2006, much of that also from book deals.

Earlier this month, the Clintons released their tax returns over eight years, showing they earned $109 million over that period, with a substantial portion likewise coming from book sales.

In the return released Wednesday, Mr. Obama and his wife, Michelle, reported a $3.9 million net profit from books, a sum that dwarfed their combined salaries of $260,735. They paid nearly $1.4 million in federal taxes last year and contributed $240,370 to various charities.

Care to repeat any other off base insinuations? Silly question, you cannot help yourself. Your twisted ideological bent requires that you repeat all such nonsense, even when you know that it is idiocy.

Ah, book deals they got before he took office and he could not accept the income. There's a living few people but politicians have access to.

They are elitists who don't give a crap about you or anyone else who works for a living.
Your problem is you are too stupid to realize they are not going to make your life better.

Only more dependent on government.

You are too stupid to know the difference.

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