Obama's GREATEST mistake regarding Russian meddling in 2016

Do you think it's important whether or not the world approves of a US leader calling them to task for taking advantage of the US's generosity and not equivocating with theocratic, totalitarian, dictatorial regimes... Are you sure 'approval' by the rest of the world is best serving our national interests, or is winning a geopolitical popularity contest the ultimate objective... lol
Yes, we're sure.
O and hilary needed mueller in place to cover up their illegal activities. The truth will come out though.

Gee.......you're so damn "smart"......We tried to fool you, but you found us out.....Yes, we found a republican Mueller to cover our naughty deeds.........But, we just couldn't have foreseen just how clever you were........Congrats.

I'll inform Mueller that the game has been discovered and to pack up......thanks to you.........

(Tell us, who the fuck turns your computer on for you with the kind of brain power you show us here?...................LOL)
Oh he's not stupid he just knows mountains of garbage propaganda and conspiracy theories... GOP and Russian Etc...

What up frankie? You and nat gettin' your fill of the tokyo rose msnbc/cnn/ trash? Lol.
That's on the other hand is called journalism fact-checking even if it is a gabfest waste of time...
You need to give it a rest, dupe. You're starting to sound the fake negro who forgets he started posting, "yo! Dis shits da bomb, yawz be cray cray"
Everyone on earth knows where to move to.

Well, unfortunately, Canada, Australia and New Zealand would reject your application to move there....mostly based on the fact that you're a fucking moron.....I'm afraid you're stuck in your trailer park.......LOL
Everyone on earth knows where to move to.

Well, unfortunately, Canada, Australia and New Zealand would reject your application to move there....mostly based on the fact that you're a fucking moron.....I'm afraid you're stuck in your trailer park.......LOL
Not sure about KKKanada, but Australia and New Zealand require immigrants to either have a job skill they are short of or 1.5 million in the bank in order to immigrate there.

I hope Trump emulates their policies.
Do you think it's important whether or not the world approves of a US leader calling them to task for taking advantage of the US's generosity and not equivocating with theocratic, totalitarian, dictatorial regimes... Are you sure 'approval' by the rest of the world is best serving our national interests, or is winning a geopolitical popularity contest the ultimate objective... lol

You mean like Trump, Kim and Putin, and XI. Right Trump and Ivanka got trade marks approved in China and nothing is going to hurt Trump or Ivanka at all. He is anti Nato and is Pro Russian and so pro Israel its rather sickening but I imagine you are from Russian Jewish nationality, correct me if I'm wrong about that.

Seems we are getting in cahoots with the wrong people, you know like teens when they hang out with gangs.
- NATO is rife with nations guilty of atrocious human rights abuses & cheapskate $ non-contributors. being 'anti NATO' at this point, is a stand against such behavior.
- Israel is our closest ally not only in the middle east but arguably the entire globe (The UK & Europe not so much at this point). Israel's ideological tenets closely mirror ours, respecting personal freedoms & human rights.
- The delicate and nuanced relationships with the 'leaders' of China, Russia, N Korea are not completely privy to you or I and our opinions are subjective anyway, largely based on our respective partisan ideologies.

Actually that would be Israel who guilty of atrocious human right abuses. Putin, Kim and Xi are dictators so naturally the Potus of the US would love them and has all good things to say about them. Netanyahu is a mastermind of terrorism, he wrote the books on it.
Remember Obama's dealing with the Russians? He sends his clown Crooked Hillary and her silly reset button.

This was just before Crooked Hillary gives the Russians 20% of our uranium stock and gets a $600K speaking fee for Slick Willy and millions contributed to her money laundering foundation.

Later on Obama tells the Russians that when election is over he will give away the store to them.


Not sure about KKKanada, but Australia and New Zealand require immigrants to either have a job skill they are short of or 1.5 million in the bank in order to immigrate there.

I hope Trump emulates their policies.

"Emulating" the policies of socialist countries like Canada, Australia and New Zealand, means that the U.S. wants to be more................?

(fill in the blank.)
Not sure about KKKanada, but Australia and New Zealand require immigrants to either have a job skill they are short of or 1.5 million in the bank in order to immigrate there.

I hope Trump emulates their policies.

"Emulating" the policies of socialist countries like Canada, Australia and New Zealand, means that the U.S. wants to be more................?

(fill in the blank.)

wants to be more................?

Unfriendly to illegal aliens.
O and hilary needed mueller in place to cover up their illegal activities. The truth will come out though.

Gee.......you're so damn "smart"......We tried to fool you, but you found us out.....Yes, we found a republican Mueller to cover our naughty deeds.........But, we just couldn't have foreseen just how clever you were........Congrats.

I'll inform Mueller that the game has been discovered and to pack up......thanks to you.........

(Tell us, who the fuck turns your computer on for you with the kind of brain power you show us here?...................LOL)
Oh he's not stupid he just knows mountains of garbage propaganda and conspiracy theories... GOP and Russian Etc...

What up frankie? You and nat gettin' your fill of the tokyo rose msnbc/cnn/ trash? Lol.
That's on the other hand is called journalism fact-checking even if it is a gabfest waste of time...
You need to give it a rest, dupe. You're starting to sound the fake negro who forgets he started posting, "yo! Dis shits da bomb, yawz be cray cray"
I admire and respect your your garbage brainwashed "opinion". Love that you have no respect for our wonderful government Institutions and justice system. But believe everything bought off High School grad ex Coke head GOP pundits have to say. And now they are in the government! Poor America... Breaking for super dupes: James Comey, Rosenstein and Strock are all Republicans who screwed Hillary, not Trump. Duh dupes!
Do you think it's important whether or not the world approves of a US leader calling them to task for taking advantage of the US's generosity and not equivocating with theocratic, totalitarian, dictatorial regimes... Are you sure 'approval' by the rest of the world is best serving our national interests, or is winning a geopolitical popularity contest the ultimate objective... lol

You mean like Trump, Kim and Putin, and XI. Right Trump and Ivanka got trade marks approved in China and nothing is going to hurt Trump or Ivanka at all. He is anti Nato and is Pro Russian and so pro Israel its rather sickening but I imagine you are from Russian Jewish nationality, correct me if I'm wrong about that.

Seems we are getting in cahoots with the wrong people, you know like teens when they hang out with gangs.
- NATO is rife with nations guilty of atrocious human rights abuses & cheapskate $ non-contributors. being 'anti NATO' at this point, is a stand against such behavior.
- Israel is our closest ally not only in the middle east but arguably the entire globe (The UK & Europe not so much at this point). Israel's ideological tenets closely mirror ours, respecting personal freedoms & human rights.
- The delicate and nuanced relationships with the 'leaders' of China, Russia, N Korea are not completely privy to you or I and our opinions are subjective anyway, largely based on our respective partisan ideologies.

Actually that would be Israel who guilty of atrocious human right abuses. Putin, Kim and Xi are dictators so naturally the Potus of the US would love them and has all good things to say about them. Netanyahu is a mastermind of terrorism, he wrote the books on it.

Israel is surrounded by terrorist nations. You're just regurgitating the propaganda from leftists who are anti semitic. No surprise.
Not sure about KKKanada, but Australia and New Zealand require immigrants to either have a job skill they are short of or 1.5 million in the bank in order to immigrate there.

I hope Trump emulates their policies.

"Emulating" the policies of socialist countries like Canada, Australia and New Zealand, means that the U.S. wants to be more................?

(fill in the blank.)

wants to be more................?

Unfriendly to illegal aliens.
So stop blocking a national ID card that would stop this mess, super duper. Like every other such country has... The wall and your unconstitutional harassment laws are stupid un American and don't work at all. Silly super dupes...
Do you think it's important whether or not the world approves of a US leader calling them to task for taking advantage of the US's generosity and not equivocating with theocratic, totalitarian, dictatorial regimes... Are you sure 'approval' by the rest of the world is best serving our national interests, or is winning a geopolitical popularity contest the ultimate objective... lol

You mean like Trump, Kim and Putin, and XI. Right Trump and Ivanka got trade marks approved in China and nothing is going to hurt Trump or Ivanka at all. He is anti Nato and is Pro Russian and so pro Israel its rather sickening but I imagine you are from Russian Jewish nationality, correct me if I'm wrong about that.

Seems we are getting in cahoots with the wrong people, you know like teens when they hang out with gangs.
- NATO is rife with nations guilty of atrocious human rights abuses & cheapskate $ non-contributors. being 'anti NATO' at this point, is a stand against such behavior.
- Israel is our closest ally not only in the middle east but arguably the entire globe (The UK & Europe not so much at this point). Israel's ideological tenets closely mirror ours, respecting personal freedoms & human rights.
- The delicate and nuanced relationships with the 'leaders' of China, Russia, N Korea are not completely privy to you or I and our opinions are subjective anyway, largely based on our respective partisan ideologies.

Actually that would be Israel who guilty of atrocious human right abuses. Putin, Kim and Xi are dictators so naturally the Potus of the US would love them and has all good things to say about them. Netanyahu is a mastermind of terrorism, he wrote the books on it.

Israel is surrounded by terrorist nations. You're just regurgitating the propaganda from leftists who are anti semitic. No surprise.
Israel's right wing conservatives are worse than ours LOL...
I have much disagreement with several of Obama's directives.......but the very worst of his mistakes was his reluctance to impose much harsher rebuttals to Putin's various attempts to meddle in our electoral system, and Putin's railroading of Clinton.....thereby helping to install a stooge such as Trump in the oval office.

A TRULY fascinating Washington Post article on what was going on in late summer in 2016 should be read by everyone.

Obama’s secret struggle to punish Russia for Putin’s election assault

The above article outlines several options that Obama could (and SHOULD) have taken against Russia's meddling, and the only "excuses" that the Obama administration has since relied upon are these:

1. Obama did NOT want for his administration to appear as favoring one side above the other by revealing Russia's penchant to favor Trump....and

2. Obama, witnessing the same polls as the rest of the country, thought that Trump's chances of winning were slim.....thereby showing Russia that their meddling was unproductive......OBAMA WAS WRONG!!!

Sure, Obama did expel Russian diplomats and oligarchs,closed down Russian spy centers, and imposed several economic sanction......but these actions were too meager.

Russia violated our sovereignty, meddling in one of our most sacred acts as a democracy — electing our president. The Kremlin should have paid a much higher price for that attack.

Read the article and DO wonder why Putin wanted an inept Trump in the WH, why he hated Clinton so much....and, most important WHY our current government is still reluctant to show a low-life, ex-KGB thug that we're more powerful than his vile attempts to divide us and screw us over.
Those 2 “excuses” were logical. One can always look back (in hindsight?) & criticize, but Trump’s election with fewer votes than Clinton was beyond belief.
I have much disagreement with several of Obama's directives.......but the very worst of his mistakes was his reluctance to impose much harsher rebuttals to Putin's various attempts to meddle in our electoral system, and Putin's railroading of Clinton.....thereby helping to install a stooge such as Trump in the oval office.

A TRULY fascinating Washington Post article on what was going on in late summer in 2016 should be read by everyone.

Obama’s secret struggle to punish Russia for Putin’s election assault

The above article outlines several options that Obama could (and SHOULD) have taken against Russia's meddling, and the only "excuses" that the Obama administration has since relied upon are these:

1. Obama did NOT want for his administration to appear as favoring one side above the other by revealing Russia's penchant to favor Trump....and

2. Obama, witnessing the same polls as the rest of the country, thought that Trump's chances of winning were slim.....thereby showing Russia that their meddling was unproductive......OBAMA WAS WRONG!!!

Sure, Obama did expel Russian diplomats and oligarchs,closed down Russian spy centers, and imposed several economic sanction......but these actions were too meager.

Russia violated our sovereignty, meddling in one of our most sacred acts as a democracy — electing our president. The Kremlin should have paid a much higher price for that attack.

Read the article and DO wonder why Putin wanted an inept Trump in the WH, why he hated Clinton so much....and, most important WHY our current government is still reluctant to show a low-life, ex-KGB thug that we're more powerful than his vile attempts to divide us and screw us over.

It's rather "interesting that even when someone on the left actually criticizes Obama a bit and tries to explain why Obama may have erred, Trump ass kissers (with severe reading comprehension issues) STILL find the post "funny."

....AND then they wonder why their beloved orange buffoon said this about them....

Not sure about KKKanada, but Australia and New Zealand require immigrants to either have a job skill they are short of or 1.5 million in the bank in order to immigrate there.

I hope Trump emulates their policies.

"Emulating" the policies of socialist countries like Canada, Australia and New Zealand, means that the U.S. wants to be more................?

(fill in the blank.)

wants to be more................?

Unfriendly to illegal aliens.
So stop blocking a national ID card that would stop this mess, super duper. Like every other such country has... The wall and your unconstitutional harassment laws are stupid un American and don't work at all. Silly super dupes...
Not sure about KKKanada, but Australia and New Zealand require immigrants to either have a job skill they are short of or 1.5 million in the bank in order to immigrate there.

I hope Trump emulates their policies.

"Emulating" the policies of socialist countries like Canada, Australia and New Zealand, means that the U.S. wants to be more................?

(fill in the blank.)

wants to be more................?

Unfriendly to illegal aliens.
So stop blocking a national ID card that would stop this mess, super duper. Like every other such country has... The wall and your unconstitutional harassment laws are stupid un American and don't work at all. Silly super dupes...

12 reasons Texas’ new voter ID law is racist
I have much disagreement with several of Obama's directives.......but the very worst of his mistakes was his reluctance to impose much harsher rebuttals to Putin's various attempts to meddle in our electoral system, and Putin's railroading of Clinton.....thereby helping to install a stooge such as Trump in the oval office.

A TRULY fascinating Washington Post article on what was going on in late summer in 2016 should be read by everyone.

Obama’s secret struggle to punish Russia for Putin’s election assault

The above article outlines several options that Obama could (and SHOULD) have taken against Russia's meddling, and the only "excuses" that the Obama administration has since relied upon are these:

1. Obama did NOT want for his administration to appear as favoring one side above the other by revealing Russia's penchant to favor Trump....and

2. Obama, witnessing the same polls as the rest of the country, thought that Trump's chances of winning were slim.....thereby showing Russia that their meddling was unproductive......OBAMA WAS WRONG!!!

Sure, Obama did expel Russian diplomats and oligarchs,closed down Russian spy centers, and imposed several economic sanction......but these actions were too meager.

Russia violated our sovereignty, meddling in one of our most sacred acts as a democracy — electing our president. The Kremlin should have paid a much higher price for that attack.

Read the article and DO wonder why Putin wanted an inept Trump in the WH, why he hated Clinton so much....and, most important WHY our current government is still reluctant to show a low-life, ex-KGB thug that we're more powerful than his vile attempts to divide us and screw us over.

It's rather "interesting that even when someone on the left actually criticizes Obama a bit and tries to explain why Obama may have erred, Trump ass kissers (with severe reading comprehension issues) STILL find the post "funny."

....AND then they wonder why their beloved orange buffoon said this about them....

View attachment 203481
Trump supporters are uneducated say the Left who claim people can change sex on a whim.
people can change sex on a whim.

WOW....you're more fucked up than usual......So, the voices in your head tells you that people on the left state that one can change sex over a weekend???.............Really, you fucking moron?.........LOL
people can change sex on a whim.

WOW....you're more fucked up than usual......So, the voices in your head tells you that people on the left state that one can change sex over a weekend???.............Really, you fucking moron?.........LOL
Denial or playing stupid? Or maybe you’re not playing? Maybe it’s true what everyone says about you being a total moron.
Denial or playing stupid? Or maybe you’re not playing? Maybe it’s true what everyone says about you being a total moron.

Gee.......I am truly "offended" that a Trump ass denizen (look it up) has called me a "total moron"...................LOL

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