Obama's GREATEST mistake regarding Russian meddling in 2016

You can now put Kim Jong Un's face on Putin's in this cartoon.
Trump is the biggest idiot to ever take office.

Here's one........

Instead he told there was no way anyone could interfere with our elections. So do we put that down as another Obama lie?

NO, you fucking moron........

What Obama stated (and the orange idiot misquoted because he orange idiot IS an idiot.....and so are you and the rest of your cult)

was in reference to the then-Republican presidential candidate’s claims that domestic "..........widespread voter fraud was going on...." — and not at all about Russian interference in the election.

Good Lord you morons are IGNORANT and STUPID.........LOL.
Yes he did!.... lol
Pay close attention to the 3:20 mark. :)

Thanks for verifying the on-going DNC fraud. Apparently you and your ilk 'stayed home' last election....keep it up!

Go to bed....this is obviously beyond your half brain's capacities.....
I have much disagreement with several of Obama's directives.......but the very worst of his mistakes was his reluctance to impose much harsher rebuttals to Putin's various attempts to meddle in our electoral system, and Putin's railroading of Clinton.....thereby helping to install a stooge such as Trump in the oval office.

A TRULY fascinating Washington Post article on what was going on in late summer in 2016 should be read by everyone.

Obama’s secret struggle to punish Russia for Putin’s election assault

The above article outlines several options that Obama could (and SHOULD) have taken against Russia's meddling, and the only "excuses" that the Obama administration has since relied upon are these:

1. Obama did NOT want for his administration to appear as favoring one side above the other by revealing Russia's penchant to favor Trump....and

2. Obama, witnessing the same polls as the rest of the country, thought that Trump's chances of winning were slim.....thereby showing Russia that their meddling was unproductive......OBAMA WAS WRONG!!!

Sure, Obama did expel Russian diplomats and oligarchs,closed down Russian spy centers, and imposed several economic sanction......but these actions were too meager.

Russia violated our sovereignty, meddling in one of our most sacred acts as a democracy — electing our president. The Kremlin should have paid a much higher price for that attack.

Read the article and DO wonder why Putin wanted an inept Trump in the WH, why he hated Clinton so much....and, most important WHY our current government is still reluctant to show a low-life, ex-KGB thug that we're more powerful than his vile attempts to divide us and screw us over.
The guy is a pussy. Did you honestly think he’d ever have the balls to stand up for this country?
If only James Comey and other Republicans in our justice system cared about fair and balanced like Obama and Democrats....
Yeah fair, like Obama told the republicans they could come along. But would have to sit in the back seat? Or maybe ask Kanye West how he was treated fairly for having his own opinion.
Instead he told there was no way anyone could interfere with our elections. So do we put that down as another Obama lie?

NO, you fucking moron........

What Obama stated (and the orange idiot misquoted because he orange idiot IS an idiot.....and so are you and the rest of your cult)

was in reference to the then-Republican presidential candidate’s claims that domestic "..........widespread voter fraud was going on...." — and not at all about Russian interference in the election.

Good Lord you morons are IGNORANT and STUPID.........LOL.
Yes he did!.... lol
Pay close attention to the 3:20 mark. :)

Reading AND Listening comprehension, fuck head???
nat4900 qualifies fully to be "detained" and "evaluated" for "mental health" just by posting what he is posting.... according to exactly the type of GUN CONTROL he supports...
Instead he told there was no way anyone could interfere with our elections. So do we put that down as another Obama lie?

NO, you fucking moron........

What Obama stated (and the orange idiot misquoted because he orange idiot IS an idiot.....and so are you and the rest of your cult)

was in reference to the then-Republican presidential candidate’s claims that domestic "..........widespread voter fraud was going on...." — and not at all about Russian interference in the election.

Good Lord you morons are IGNORANT and STUPID.........LOL.
So Obama lied. He said no one could, then after the loss he said they could?
This is all you need to know about Obama, Holder, truth, justice, and black Dem bigotry against whites....

Obama’s War on Pot – RollingStone.com

"Back when he was running for president in 2008, Barack Obama insisted that medical marijuana was an issue best left to state and local governments. “I’m not going to be using Justice Department resources to try to circumvent state laws on this issue,” he vowed, promising an end to the Bush administration’s high-profile raids on providers of medical pot, which is legal in 16 states and the District of Columbia."

but this was a chance to pack Federal prisons with WHITE PEOPLE....

"But over the past year, the Obama administration has quietly unleashed a multiagency crackdown on medical cannabis that goes far beyond anything undertaken by George W. Bush. The feds are busting growers who operate in full compliance with state laws, vowing to seize the property of anyone who dares to even rent to legal pot dispensaries, and threatening to imprison state employees responsible for regulating medical marijuana. With more than 100 raids on pot dispensaries during his first three years, Obama is now on pace to exceed Bush’s record for medical-marijuana busts. “There’s no question that Obama’s the worst president on medical marijuana,” says Rob Kampia, executive director of the Marijuana Policy Project. “He’s gone from first to worst.”"

BIGOT is as BIGOT does...
Instead he told there was no way anyone could interfere with our elections. So do we put that down as another Obama lie?

NO, you fucking moron........

What Obama stated (and the orange idiot misquoted because he orange idiot IS an idiot.....and so are you and the rest of your cult)

was in reference to the then-Republican presidential candidate’s claims that domestic "..........widespread voter fraud was going on...." — and not at all about Russian interference in the election.

Good Lord you morons are IGNORANT and STUPID.........LOL.
Yes he did!.... lol
Pay close attention to the 3:20 mark. :)

Reading AND Listening comprehension, fuck head???

Awe name calling, you're getting your ass kicked! Lol
Thanks for verifying the on-going DNC fraud. Apparently you and your ilk 'stayed home' last election....keep it up!

Go to bed....this is obviously beyond your half brain's capacities.....

Thanks for verifying the on-going DNC fraud. Apparently you and your ilk 'stayed home' last election....keep it up!

Go to bed....this is obviously beyond your half brain's capacities.....

Translation: "I got nutin' so I'm gonna insult".:10:
I have much disagreement with several of Obama's directives.......but the very worst of his mistakes was his reluctance to impose much harsher rebuttals to Putin's various attempts to meddle in our electoral system, and Putin's railroading of Clinton.....thereby helping to install a stooge such as Trump in the oval office.

A TRULY fascinating Washington Post article on what was going on in late summer in 2016 should be read by everyone.

Obama’s secret struggle to punish Russia for Putin’s election assault

The above article outlines several options that Obama could (and SHOULD) have taken against Russia's meddling, and the only "excuses" that the Obama administration has since relied upon are these:

1. Obama did NOT want for his administration to appear as favoring one side above the other by revealing Russia's penchant to favor Trump....and

2. Obama, witnessing the same polls as the rest of the country, thought that Trump's chances of winning were slim.....thereby showing Russia that their meddling was unproductive......OBAMA WAS WRONG!!!

Sure, Obama did expel Russian diplomats and oligarchs,closed down Russian spy centers, and imposed several economic sanction......but these actions were too meager.

Russia violated our sovereignty, meddling in one of our most sacred acts as a democracy — electing our president. The Kremlin should have paid a much higher price for that attack.

Read the article and DO wonder why Putin wanted an inept Trump in the WH, why he hated Clinton so much....and, most important WHY our current government is still reluctant to show a low-life, ex-KGB thug that we're more powerful than his vile attempts to divide us and screw us over.
The guy is a pussy. Did you honestly think he’d ever have the balls to stand up for this country?

Really!? How about you growing a pair and directing your issue to the person you're talking about. Either that or take your conversation private. Don't feel there are too many interested in some wuss talk about someone else.
Instead he told there was no way anyone could interfere with our elections. So do we put that down as another Obama lie?

NO, you fucking moron........

What Obama stated (and the orange idiot misquoted because he orange idiot IS an idiot.....and so are you and the rest of your cult)

was in reference to the then-Republican presidential candidate’s claims that domestic "..........widespread voter fraud was going on...." — and not at all about Russian interference in the election.

Good Lord you morons are IGNORANT and STUPID.........LOL.
Yes he did!.... lol
Pay close attention to the 3:20 mark. :)

Reading AND Listening comprehension, fuck head???

Aw....Natty is feeling the butthurt!! :abgg2q.jpg:
I have much disagreement with several of Obama's directives.......but the very worst of his mistakes was his reluctance to impose much harsher rebuttals to Putin's various attempts to meddle in our electoral system, and Putin's railroading of Clinton.....thereby helping to install a stooge such as Trump in the oval office.

A TRULY fascinating Washington Post article on what was going on in late summer in 2016 should be read by everyone.

Obama’s secret struggle to punish Russia for Putin’s election assault

The above article outlines several options that Obama could (and SHOULD) have taken against Russia's meddling, and the only "excuses" that the Obama administration has since relied upon are these:

1. Obama did NOT want for his administration to appear as favoring one side above the other by revealing Russia's penchant to favor Trump....and

2. Obama, witnessing the same polls as the rest of the country, thought that Trump's chances of winning were slim.....thereby showing Russia that their meddling was unproductive......OBAMA WAS WRONG!!!

Sure, Obama did expel Russian diplomats and oligarchs,closed down Russian spy centers, and imposed several economic sanction......but these actions were too meager.

Russia violated our sovereignty, meddling in one of our most sacred acts as a democracy — electing our president. The Kremlin should have paid a much higher price for that attack.

Read the article and DO wonder why Putin wanted an inept Trump in the WH, why he hated Clinton so much....and, most important WHY our current government is still reluctant to show a low-life, ex-KGB thug that we're more powerful than his vile attempts to divide us and screw us over.
The guy is a pussy. Did you honestly think he’d ever have the balls to stand up for this country?

Really!? How about you growing a pair and directing your issue to the person you're talking about. Either that or take your conversation private. Don't feel there are too many interested in some wuss talk about someone else.
I’m sure he already knows he’s a pussy. Telling him that won’t change anything.

It doesn’t even matter now. We finally have a president with balls.
I have much disagreement with several of Obama's directives.......but the very worst of his mistakes was his reluctance to impose much harsher rebuttals to Putin's various attempts to meddle in our electoral system, and Putin's railroading of Clinton.....thereby helping to install a stooge such as Trump in the oval office.

A TRULY fascinating Washington Post article on what was going on in late summer in 2016 should be read by everyone.

Obama’s secret struggle to punish Russia for Putin’s election assault

The above article outlines several options that Obama could (and SHOULD) have taken against Russia's meddling, and the only "excuses" that the Obama administration has since relied upon are these:

1. Obama did NOT want for his administration to appear as favoring one side above the other by revealing Russia's penchant to favor Trump....and

2. Obama, witnessing the same polls as the rest of the country, thought that Trump's chances of winning were slim.....thereby showing Russia that their meddling was unproductive......OBAMA WAS WRONG!!!

Sure, Obama did expel Russian diplomats and oligarchs,closed down Russian spy centers, and imposed several economic sanction......but these actions were too meager.

Russia violated our sovereignty, meddling in one of our most sacred acts as a democracy — electing our president. The Kremlin should have paid a much higher price for that attack.

Read the article and DO wonder why Putin wanted an inept Trump in the WH, why he hated Clinton so much....and, most important WHY our current government is still reluctant to show a low-life, ex-KGB thug that we're more powerful than his vile attempts to divide us and screw us over.

You look like you’re really interested in the problems of the 2016 election BUT you didn’t mention anywhere in your post about the IG report that just came out a week ago were it shows the biased FBI agents were working to change election results, I mean if you’re worried about our election process then I would think that would be as bad as Russians meddling, do you agree. But you’re probably just mad about the one thing and not the other?

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I have much disagreement with several of Obama's directives.......but the very worst of his mistakes was his reluctance to impose much harsher rebuttals to Putin's various attempts to meddle in our electoral system, and Putin's railroading of Clinton.....thereby helping to install a stooge such as Trump in the oval office.

A TRULY fascinating Washington Post article on what was going on in late summer in 2016 should be read by everyone.

Obama’s secret struggle to punish Russia for Putin’s election assault

The above article outlines several options that Obama could (and SHOULD) have taken against Russia's meddling, and the only "excuses" that the Obama administration has since relied upon are these:

1. Obama did NOT want for his administration to appear as favoring one side above the other by revealing Russia's penchant to favor Trump....and

2. Obama, witnessing the same polls as the rest of the country, thought that Trump's chances of winning were slim.....thereby showing Russia that their meddling was unproductive......OBAMA WAS WRONG!!!

Sure, Obama did expel Russian diplomats and oligarchs,closed down Russian spy centers, and imposed several economic sanction......but these actions were too meager.

Russia violated our sovereignty, meddling in one of our most sacred acts as a democracy — electing our president. The Kremlin should have paid a much higher price for that attack.

Read the article and DO wonder why Putin wanted an inept Trump in the WH, why he hated Clinton so much....and, most important WHY our current government is still reluctant to show a low-life, ex-KGB thug that we're more powerful than his vile attempts to divide us and screw us over.

I agree - but there was also the Mitch McConnell factor. President Obama was between a rock and a hard place.

The White House provided an intelligence briefing to the lawmakers, including Paul D. Ryan, Republican of Wisconsin and the House speaker, and Mitch McConnell, Republican of Kentucky and the Senate majority leader. But Mr. McConnell, two former officials said, refused to back a statement publicly challenging Russia and told Mr. Obama that he would view an effort by the White House to do that as partisan.

Trump Tries to Shift Blame to Obama for Not Countering Russian Meddling
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Gee.......you're so damn "smart"......We tried to fool you, but you found us out.....Yes, we found a republican Mueller to cover our naughty deeds.........But, we just couldn't have foreseen just how clever you were........Congrats.

I'll inform Mueller that the game has been discovered and to pack up......thanks to you.........

(Tell us, who the fuck turns your computer on for you with the kind of brain power you show us here?...................LOL)
Oh he's not stupid he just knows mountains of garbage propaganda and conspiracy theories... GOP and Russian Etc...

What up frankie? You and nat gettin' your fill of the tokyo rose msnbc/cnn/ trash? Lol.
That's on the other hand is called journalism fact-checking even if it is a gabfest waste of time...
You need to give it a rest, dupe. You're starting to sound the fake negro who forgets he started posting, "yo! Dis shits da bomb, yawz be cray cray"
I admire and respect your your garbage brainwashed "opinion". Love that you have no respect for our wonderful government Institutions and justice system. But believe everything bought off High School grad ex Coke head GOP pundits have to say. And now they are in the government! Poor America... Breaking for super dupes: James Comey, Rosenstein and Strock are all Republicans who screwed Hillary, not Trump. Duh dupes!

Mal, take a breather, you're out of character as bad as Puckered Pete
Not sure about KKKanada, but Australia and New Zealand require immigrants to either have a job skill they are short of or 1.5 million in the bank in order to immigrate there.

I hope Trump emulates their policies.

"Emulating" the policies of socialist countries like Canada, Australia and New Zealand, means that the U.S. wants to be more................?

(fill in the blank.)

Why dont you support Maxine?

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