Obama's income tax rate for 2014 was 19.6%. Now compare that percentage to top republicans/CEOs

And the stellar stock market performance is due to non-stop Quantitative Easing that's made the rich richer and the Middle Class poorer.
Do you have an unbiased source to back that up?
It's common sense if you know anything about the market

Banks are paying ZERO interest right now so the only place to put money if you want any kind of return is the stock market.

And the middle class has done very poorly under Obama

Middle class decline looms over final years of Obama presidency Reuters

The decline of the middle class is Obama's real legacy
None of Obama's policies have anything to do with the declining middle class. It's amazing how you people have ignored the subject of income inequality until now. Obviously you would have ignored the declining middle class during the Bush years. It is only when Obama became president that you take any notice of it, and of course, put all the blame on him. Why dont you put ANY blame on the job creators themselves? Afterall corporate profits have been at an all time high under Obama.

Obama is responsible for the biggest middle class tax cut since Reagan. 12 million private jobs have been created since Obama came to office, 3 million of which came from his stimulus package. Do i even need to remind you of the job growth under Bush?

IDGAF about so called income inequality.

There never has been income equality nor should there be.

Anyone who wants to can increase their income at any time.

I'm just telling you why the stock market is doing so well.

And the buck stops at Obama he has had the reigns the last 6 years and in that 6 years the middle class has suffered
You're an idiot. The article doesnt say anything like what you think it says. Because you are too stupid to understand what it actually says.
You're dismissed.
You never read the article, if that is your conclusion . So calling me an 'idiot' won't change reality, nor will undermine the fact that CEOs of major US corporations get tax deductions off their salaries and can manipulate the tax system.

Yeah, would be a great life as a CEO, as even if you fail you get a bailout and a tax cut. But a partisan sheeple like yourself votes against your own interests, unless you admit you are in their pay packet.

No wonder Citigroup called some Americans 'serfs' because of people like you, that have their heads in the sand, and give banks a free ride over taxpayers.
You clearly didnt read the article. The article says the COMPANIES get deductions for structuring CEO pay in certain ways. That is irrelevant tot he CEO's personal tax return.
So you lose.
Lol. Interesting how you use the term 'irrevelant', when they get deductions off their tax bill for performance pay. Which is the first plank of tax avoidance for CEOs, as companies can find a way to make taxpayers subsidize CEO pay.
Moving the goalposts and deflecting?
You maintained that CEOs get money tax free. I challenged you and you produce an article you misread as supporting your position but which actually states companies get the tax benefit, not the CEOs.
Now you want to move goalposts.
Becauyse you're a cowardly despicable piece of lying shit.
And the stellar stock market performance is due to non-stop Quantitative Easing that's made the rich richer and the Middle Class poorer.
Do you have an unbiased source to back that up?
It's common sense if you know anything about the market

Banks are paying ZERO interest right now so the only place to put money if you want any kind of return is the stock market.

And the middle class has done very poorly under Obama

Middle class decline looms over final years of Obama presidency Reuters

The decline of the middle class is Obama's real legacy
None of Obama's policies have anything to do with the declining middle class. It's amazing how you people have ignored the subject of income inequality until now. Obviously you would have ignored the declining middle class during the Bush years. It is only when Obama became president that you take any notice of it, and of course, put all the blame on him. Why dont you put ANY blame on the job creators themselves? Afterall corporate profits have been at an all time high under Obama.

Obama is responsible for the biggest middle class tax cut since Reagan. 12 million private jobs have been created since Obama came to office, 3 million of which came from his stimulus package. Do i even need to remind you of the job growth under Bush?

IDGAF about so called income inequality.

There never has been income equality nor should there be.

Anyone who wants to can increase their income at any time.

I'm just telling you why the stock market is doing so well.

And the buck stops at Obama he has had the reigns the last 6 years and in that 6 years the middle class has suffered
Dems look to Cuba as the idea state:everyone equally poor and miserable.
And the stellar stock market performance is due to non-stop Quantitative Easing that's made the rich richer and the Middle Class poorer.
Do you have an unbiased source to back that up?
It's common sense if you know anything about the market

Banks are paying ZERO interest right now so the only place to put money if you want any kind of return is the stock market.

And the middle class has done very poorly under Obama

Middle class decline looms over final years of Obama presidency Reuters

The decline of the middle class is Obama's real legacy
None of Obama's policies have anything to do with the declining middle class. It's amazing how you people have ignored the subject of income inequality until now. Obviously you would have ignored the declining middle class during the Bush years. It is only when Obama became president that you take any notice of it, and of course, put all the blame on him. Why dont you put ANY blame on the job creators themselves? Afterall corporate profits have been at an all time high under Obama.

Obama is responsible for the biggest middle class tax cut since Reagan. 12 million private jobs have been created since Obama came to office, 3 million of which came from his stimulus package. Do i even need to remind you of the job growth under Bush?

IDGAF about so called income inequality.

There never has been income equality nor should there be.

Anyone who wants to can increase their income at any time.

I'm just telling you why the stock market is doing so well.

And the buck stops at Obama he has had the reigns the last 6 years and in that 6 years the middle class has suffered
Dems look to Cuba as the idea state:everyone equally poor and miserable.
Lol it's fascinating how you have his idiotic belief dems want communism even though none of their policies are even close to communism.
Do you have an unbiased source to back that up?
It's common sense if you know anything about the market

Banks are paying ZERO interest right now so the only place to put money if you want any kind of return is the stock market.

And the middle class has done very poorly under Obama

Middle class decline looms over final years of Obama presidency Reuters

The decline of the middle class is Obama's real legacy
None of Obama's policies have anything to do with the declining middle class. It's amazing how you people have ignored the subject of income inequality until now. Obviously you would have ignored the declining middle class during the Bush years. It is only when Obama became president that you take any notice of it, and of course, put all the blame on him. Why dont you put ANY blame on the job creators themselves? Afterall corporate profits have been at an all time high under Obama.

Obama is responsible for the biggest middle class tax cut since Reagan. 12 million private jobs have been created since Obama came to office, 3 million of which came from his stimulus package. Do i even need to remind you of the job growth under Bush?

IDGAF about so called income inequality.

There never has been income equality nor should there be.

Anyone who wants to can increase their income at any time.

I'm just telling you why the stock market is doing so well.

And the buck stops at Obama he has had the reigns the last 6 years and in that 6 years the middle class has suffered
Dems look to Cuba as the idea state:everyone equally poor and miserable.
Lol it's fascinating how you have his idiotic belief dems want communism even though none of their policies are even close to communism.
They are all close to communism. Labor unions, universal health care, universal schooling, free college, control of the press--I could go on and on.
They're cowards becaues they wont just come out and say it.
It's common sense if you know anything about the market

Banks are paying ZERO interest right now so the only place to put money if you want any kind of return is the stock market.

And the middle class has done very poorly under Obama

Middle class decline looms over final years of Obama presidency Reuters

The decline of the middle class is Obama's real legacy
None of Obama's policies have anything to do with the declining middle class. It's amazing how you people have ignored the subject of income inequality until now. Obviously you would have ignored the declining middle class during the Bush years. It is only when Obama became president that you take any notice of it, and of course, put all the blame on him. Why dont you put ANY blame on the job creators themselves? Afterall corporate profits have been at an all time high under Obama.

Obama is responsible for the biggest middle class tax cut since Reagan. 12 million private jobs have been created since Obama came to office, 3 million of which came from his stimulus package. Do i even need to remind you of the job growth under Bush?

IDGAF about so called income inequality.

There never has been income equality nor should there be.

Anyone who wants to can increase their income at any time.

I'm just telling you why the stock market is doing so well.

And the buck stops at Obama he has had the reigns the last 6 years and in that 6 years the middle class has suffered
Dems look to Cuba as the idea state:everyone equally poor and miserable.
Lol it's fascinating how you have his idiotic belief dems want communism even though none of their policies are even close to communism.
They are all close to communism. Labor unions, universal health care, universal schooling, free college, control of the press--I could go on and on.
They're cowards becaues they wont just come out and say it.
Single payer actually. Labor unions are about worker rights. That doesn't mean it rejects capitalism. What fucking democrat is trying to control the press? You just believe what you want to believe. You don't care about actual factual information.

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