Obama's income tax rate for 2014 was 19.6%. Now compare that percentage to top republicans/CEOs

Retirement Among Baby Boomers Contributing To Shrinking Labor Force. According to The Washington Post, many economists agree the shrinking labor force participation rate is largely explained by a demographic shift, wherein "baby boomers are starting to retire en masse"

Demographics have always played a big role in the rise and fall of the labor force. Between 1960 and 2000, the labor force in the United States surged from 59 percent to a peak of 67.3 percent. That was largely due to the fact that more women were entering the labor force while improvements in health and information technology allowed Americans to work more years.

But since 2000, the labor force rate has been steadily declining as the baby-boom generation has been retiring. Because of this, the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago expects the labor force participation rate to be lower in 2020 than it is today, regardless of how well the economy does.

The incredible shrinking labor force - The Washington Post

You're just making shit up as usual. You don't know what you are talking about as usual.
Please feel free to post information that counters what I've said here. You cant. You dont have the chops for this discussion. Because you are Billy Triple Fail.
Where's your sources, you dumbshit?
I look athe wall st journal every day and follow corporate earnings. They have almost all been disappointing, with companies lowering guidance.
Where are your sources, asshole?

Corporate Profits Hit A New Record High Last Year

After-tax profits for American corporations hit another record high last year, rising to $1.68 trillion.


Good you agree Rabbit is a lying right wing POS...
And the stellar stock market performance is due to non-stop Quantitative Easing that's made the rich richer and the Middle Class poorer.
Do you have an unbiased source to back that up?
It's common sense if you know anything about the market

Banks are paying ZERO interest right now so the only place to put money if you want any kind of return is the stock market.

And the middle class has done very poorly under Obama

Middle class decline looms over final years of Obama presidency Reuters

The decline of the middle class is Obama's real legacy


Jan 9, 2015

The private sector has added 11.2 million jobs over 58 straight months of job growth, extending the longest streak on record

Dubya LOST 1+ million PRIVATE sector jobs in 8 years. Even stopping in Dec 2008, PRE his great recession, it was a pathetic 4 million. That 'loser' Carter had 9+ million in a MUCH smaller economy... Weird right?

U.S. Economy Is Pulling Ahead, towing of Rest of the World & it's not a scam like Bush's sub-prime lending that caused the worlds biggest economic disaster

When hard-working people earn a living wage with benefits, they pay taxes instead of receiving government assistance and actually have more disposable income to spend on growing the (local) economy,

So many people refuse to recognize that poorly-paid workers have no choice but to be dependent on government and/or charities.

LOL....DAD...DAD...DAD!!! Did you just leave out public sector jobs from that little bit of propaganda and think nobody was going to notice? When you have to resort to manipulation of statistics like THAT, little buddy...it's a sure sign that thing are not as rosy as you'd like to portray them!
Raising the minimum wage is a con job perpetrated by people who don't understand economics on people who are too stupid to figure out it's a con job.
I'm sorry you've been brainwashed by Fox News. The truth is that the initial cost to the market from raising the minimum wage depends on how high it is raised and over what time frame. Based on Obama's plan, the initial raise on prices in the makret would be pennies on the dollar. The total cost to jobs would be a few hundred thousand at the most. However, because people would have bigger paychecks, consumer spending would increase significantly. This would not only regain the jobs lost, it would create jobs. Prices would also inevitably go down as well. Economics 101.
Lmao, you want to fuck a few hundred thousand people out of jobs? What a caring liberal?

Hey billy, if you are and economic genius what happened the last time we raised MW ? 2007~2009? They were still fucking poor, the unemployment rate didn't start coming down till September 2013?

Increasing MW caused Dubya's crash? lol
God damn you are dumb, again bush raised the MW? And where did that get you?

You are still fucking poor
CEOs pay very little tax if any, and keep it all basically in offshore accounts or investments that the IRS can't touch. So Obama pays tax whereas CEOs don't.
Proof? Link?
1 million dollar tax deduction, among other benefits: Tax breaks for CEOs pay for million-dollar salaries Money The Guardian
You're an idiot. The article doesnt say anything like what you think it says. Because you are too stupid to understand what it actually says.
You're dismissed.
CEOs pay very little tax if any, and keep it all basically in offshore accounts or investments that the IRS can't touch. So Obama pays tax whereas CEOs don't.
Proof? Link?
1 million dollar tax deduction, among other benefits: Tax breaks for CEOs pay for million-dollar salaries Money The Guardian
You're an idiot. The article doesnt say anything like what you think it says. Because you are too stupid to understand what it actually says.
You're dismissed.
You never read the article, if that is your conclusion . So calling me an 'idiot' won't change reality, nor will undermine the fact that CEOs of major US corporations get tax deductions off their salaries and can manipulate the tax system.

Yeah, would be a great life as a CEO, as even if you fail you get a bailout and a tax cut. But a partisan sheeple like yourself votes against your own interests, unless you admit you are in their pay packet.

No wonder Citigroup called some Americans 'serfs' because of people like you, that have their heads in the sand, and give banks a free ride over taxpayers.
CEOs pay very little tax if any, and keep it all basically in offshore accounts or investments that the IRS can't touch. So Obama pays tax whereas CEOs don't.
Proof? Link?
1 million dollar tax deduction, among other benefits: Tax breaks for CEOs pay for million-dollar salaries Money The Guardian
You're an idiot. The article doesnt say anything like what you think it says. Because you are too stupid to understand what it actually says.
You're dismissed.
You never read the article, if that is your conclusion . So calling me an 'idiot' won't change reality, nor will undermine the fact that CEOs of major US corporations get tax deductions off their salaries and can manipulate the tax system.

Yeah, would be a great life as a CEO, as even if you fail you get a bailout and a tax cut. But a partisan sheeple like yourself votes against your own interests, unless you admit you are in their pay packet.

No wonder Citigroup called some Americans 'serfs' because of people like you, that have their heads in the sand, and give banks a free ride over taxpayers.
You clearly didnt read the article. The article says the COMPANIES get deductions for structuring CEO pay in certain ways. That is irrelevant tot he CEO's personal tax return.
So you lose.
At 39.6% (top rate), he should have paid $189,000.
before any deductions I get $135,796.

How did you arrive at your number?
39.6% of $477,383 is $189,043. Don't know about the deductions but 19% is pretty damn low for somebody who demands everybody else pay their "fair share". When Newt Gingrich released his 2010 tax return he paid (I think) 31%. Tim Geithner paid nothing, nor did Tom Dashle, Al Sharpton, you get the point.
At 39.6% (top rate), he should have paid $189,000.
before any deductions I get $135,796.

How did you arrive at your number?
39.6% of $477,383 is $189,043. Don't know about the deductions but 19% is pretty damn low for somebody who demands everybody else pay their "fair share". When Newt Gingrich released his 2010 tax return he paid (I think) 31%. Tim Geithner paid nothing, nor did Tom Dashle, Al Sharpton, you get the point.
So you started with a fundamental failure of understanding of marginal tax rates.

Good to know your opinion on taxes is completely uninformed.
CEOs pay very little tax if any, and keep it all basically in offshore accounts or investments that the IRS can't touch. So Obama pays tax whereas CEOs don't.
Proof? Link?
1 million dollar tax deduction, among other benefits: Tax breaks for CEOs pay for million-dollar salaries Money The Guardian
You're an idiot. The article doesnt say anything like what you think it says. Because you are too stupid to understand what it actually says.
You're dismissed.
You never read the article, if that is your conclusion . So calling me an 'idiot' won't change reality, nor will undermine the fact that CEOs of major US corporations get tax deductions off their salaries and can manipulate the tax system.

Yeah, would be a great life as a CEO, as even if you fail you get a bailout and a tax cut. But a partisan sheeple like yourself votes against your own interests, unless you admit you are in their pay packet.

No wonder Citigroup called some Americans 'serfs' because of people like you, that have their heads in the sand, and give banks a free ride over taxpayers.
You clearly didnt read the article. The article says the COMPANIES get deductions for structuring CEO pay in certain ways. That is irrelevant tot he CEO's personal tax return.
So you lose.
Lol. Interesting how you use the term 'irrevelant', when they get deductions off their tax bill for performance pay. Which is the first plank of tax avoidance for CEOs, as companies can find a way to make taxpayers subsidize CEO pay.
At 39.6% (top rate), he should have paid $189,000.
before any deductions I get $135,796.

How did you arrive at your number?
39.6% of $477,383 is $189,043. Don't know about the deductions but 19% is pretty damn low for somebody who demands everybody else pay their "fair share". When Newt Gingrich released his 2010 tax return he paid (I think) 31%. Tim Geithner paid nothing, nor did Tom Dashle, Al Sharpton, you get the point.
So you started with a fundamental failure of understanding of marginal tax rates.

Good to know your opinion on taxes is completely uninformed.
Fuck you, I did a quick calculation of the 2 figures. BFD. You came up with $135,796. That's not what he paid though, is it?
At 39.6% (top rate), he should have paid $189,000.
before any deductions I get $135,796.

How did you arrive at your number?
39.6% of $477,383 is $189,043. Don't know about the deductions but 19% is pretty damn low for somebody who demands everybody else pay their "fair share". When Newt Gingrich released his 2010 tax return he paid (I think) 31%. Tim Geithner paid nothing, nor did Tom Dashle, Al Sharpton, you get the point.
So you started with a fundamental failure of understanding of marginal tax rates.

Good to know your opinion on taxes is completely uninformed.
Fuck you, I did a quick calculation of the 2 figures. BFD. You came up with $135,796. That's not what he paid though, is it?
You thought you were calculating it correctly, and i would bet you still don't understand why you are wrong. That's why your opinion is worthless.

You also must have missed where i said my number was before any deductions or credits.

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