Obama's income tax rate for 2014 was 19.6%. Now compare that percentage to top republicans/CEOs

Barry's going to be living off our dime for the rest of his life, Billy. For the piss poor job he's done as President he's being rewarded rather handsomely.
Oh like the 12 million private jobs created since his terms began? 3 million of which came from his stimulus package that began the recovery of the economic black hole Bush left? How about the stellar stock market performance?

Dude, if Obama's Stimulus had actually created jobs...they wouldn't have had to INVENT a new economic statistic..."jobs created or saved" to hide how few they actually DID create!
They didn't invent it. That phrase came from the CBO. If you knew how the stimulus worked, you would understand the phrase.

They most certainly DID invent it. It's only purpose was to come up with a jobs number that was impossible to verify and would take people's eyes off how few REAL jobs they managed to create with nearly a trillion dollars of tax payer money.
Do you know how the stimulus worked? Do you know how the CBO came up with those figures?
Yes. They assumed that every dollar of gov't spending created X many jobs. They simply ran the math on how much was spent and, voila, jobs created or saved.
In point of fact the stimulus was a total failure. Not only did it not create any jobs, it suppressed job creation as businesses hunkered down in the wake of atrocious tax and regulation policies.
I appreciate you giving a source, however, the article provides no evidence that the stock market performance is because of QE. Don't you think the record corporate profits of today would have something to do with it?
No. Corporate profits have been disappointing this past quarter and the market is still up. The only reason is there is no alternative. The fed has taken the incentive to do anything else out of investing.
Raising the minimum wage is a con job perpetrated by people who don't understand economics on people who are too stupid to figure out it's a con job.
I'm sorry you've been brainwashed by Fox News. The truth is that the initial cost to the market from raising the minimum wage depends on how high it is raised and over what time frame. Based on Obama's plan, the initial raise on prices in the makret would be pennies on the dollar. The total cost to jobs would be a few hundred thousand at the most. However, because people would have bigger paychecks, consumer spending would increase significantly. This would not only regain the jobs lost, it would create jobs. Prices would also inevitably go down as well. Economics 101.
I appreciate you giving a source, however, the article provides no evidence that the stock market performance is because of QE. Don't you think the record corporate profits of today would have something to do with it?
No. Corporate profits have been disappointing this past quarter and the market is still up. The only reason is there is no alternative. The fed has taken the incentive to do anything else out of investing.
You're just making shit up as usual. You don't know what you are talking about as usual.
Raising the minimum wage is a con job perpetrated by people who don't understand economics on people who are too stupid to figure out it's a con job.
I'm sorry you've been brainwashed by Fox News. The truth is that the initial cost to the market from raising the minimum wage depends on how high it is raised and over what time frame. Based on Obama's plan, the initial raise on prices in the makret would be pennies on the dollar. The total cost to jobs would be a few hundred thousand at the most. However, because people would have bigger paychecks, consumer spending would increase significantly. This would not only regain the jobs lost, it would create jobs. Prices would also inevitably go down as well. Economics 101.
So losing jobs creates jobs? You dont have a clear understanding of what we call "Econ 101" do ya, Billy?
I appreciate you giving a source, however, the article provides no evidence that the stock market performance is because of QE. Don't you think the record corporate profits of today would have something to do with it?
No. Corporate profits have been disappointing this past quarter and the market is still up. The only reason is there is no alternative. The fed has taken the incentive to do anything else out of investing.
You're just making shit up as usual. You don't know what you are talking about as usual.
Please feel free to post information that counters what I've said here. You cant. You dont have the chops for this discussion. Because you are Billy Triple Fail.
Raising the minimum wage is a con job perpetrated by people who don't understand economics on people who are too stupid to figure out it's a con job.
I'm sorry you've been brainwashed by Fox News. The truth is that the initial cost to the market from raising the minimum wage depends on how high it is raised and over what time frame. Based on Obama's plan, the initial raise on prices in the makret would be pennies on the dollar. The total cost to jobs would be a few hundred thousand at the most. However, because people would have bigger paychecks, consumer spending would increase significantly. This would not only regain the jobs lost, it would create jobs. Prices would also inevitably go down as well. Economics 101.
So losing jobs creates jobs? You dont have a clear understanding of what we call "Econ 101" do ya, Billy?
You're such an idiot. The boost to consumer spending would be a stretch over time. The initial cost to capital from raising the wage would be brief. This isn't hard to figure out.
I appreciate you giving a source, however, the article provides no evidence that the stock market performance is because of QE. Don't you think the record corporate profits of today would have something to do with it?
No. Corporate profits have been disappointing this past quarter and the market is still up. The only reason is there is no alternative. The fed has taken the incentive to do anything else out of investing.
You're just making shit up as usual. You don't know what you are talking about as usual.
Please feel free to post information that counters what I've said here. You cant. You dont have the chops for this discussion. Because you are Billy Triple Fail.
Where's your sources, you dumbshit?
Raising the minimum wage is a con job perpetrated by people who don't understand economics on people who are too stupid to figure out it's a con job.
I'm sorry you've been brainwashed by Fox News. The truth is that the initial cost to the market from raising the minimum wage depends on how high it is raised and over what time frame. Based on Obama's plan, the initial raise on prices in the makret would be pennies on the dollar. The total cost to jobs would be a few hundred thousand at the most. However, because people would have bigger paychecks, consumer spending would increase significantly. This would not only regain the jobs lost, it would create jobs. Prices would also inevitably go down as well. Economics 101.
So losing jobs creates jobs? You dont have a clear understanding of what we call "Econ 101" do ya, Billy?
You're such an idiot. The boost to consumer spending would be a stretch over time. The initial cost to capital from raising the wage would be brief. This isn't hard to figure out.
Do you actually understand what you are talking about? What does "cost to capital" mean?
Raising the min wage hurts people on the low end of the scale. This is so because min wage workers ae found all over the scale, but consumers with min wage jobs are primarily low income people. This article explains it. Of course you're too stupid to read it, much less understand it.
Thomas MaCurdy The Minimum-Wage Stealth Tax on the Poor - WSJ
I appreciate you giving a source, however, the article provides no evidence that the stock market performance is because of QE. Don't you think the record corporate profits of today would have something to do with it?
No. Corporate profits have been disappointing this past quarter and the market is still up. The only reason is there is no alternative. The fed has taken the incentive to do anything else out of investing.
You're just making shit up as usual. You don't know what you are talking about as usual.
Please feel free to post information that counters what I've said here. You cant. You dont have the chops for this discussion. Because you are Billy Triple Fail.
Where's your sources, you dumbshit?
I look athe wall st journal every day and follow corporate earnings. They have almost all been disappointing, with companies lowering guidance.
Where are your sources, asshole?
Raising the minimum wage is a con job perpetrated by people who don't understand economics on people who are too stupid to figure out it's a con job.
I'm sorry you've been brainwashed by Fox News. The truth is that the initial cost to the market from raising the minimum wage depends on how high it is raised and over what time frame. Based on Obama's plan, the initial raise on prices in the makret would be pennies on the dollar. The total cost to jobs would be a few hundred thousand at the most. However, because people would have bigger paychecks, consumer spending would increase significantly. This would not only regain the jobs lost, it would create jobs. Prices would also inevitably go down as well. Economics 101.
So losing jobs creates jobs? You dont have a clear understanding of what we call "Econ 101" do ya, Billy?
You're such an idiot. The boost to consumer spending would be a stretch over time. The initial cost to capital from raising the wage would be brief. This isn't hard to figure out.
Do you actually understand what you are talking about? What does "cost to capital" mean?
Raising the min wage hurts people on the low end of the scale. This is so because min wage workers ae found all over the scale, but consumers with min wage jobs are primarily low income people. This article explains it. Of course you're too stupid to read it, much less understand it.
Thomas MaCurdy The Minimum-Wage Stealth Tax on the Poor - WSJ
Your retardation knows no bounds. If you raised the minumum wage to 10.10, 18 million people would see a pay raise. That means more consumer spending. Fucking of course consumers with min wage jobs are low income people. That doesn't mean they wouldn't be spending a hell of a lot more money if they received that kind of boost to their pay. This is a consumption based economy. It depends on the population spending money.
I appreciate you giving a source, however, the article provides no evidence that the stock market performance is because of QE. Don't you think the record corporate profits of today would have something to do with it?
No. Corporate profits have been disappointing this past quarter and the market is still up. The only reason is there is no alternative. The fed has taken the incentive to do anything else out of investing.
You're just making shit up as usual. You don't know what you are talking about as usual.
Please feel free to post information that counters what I've said here. You cant. You dont have the chops for this discussion. Because you are Billy Triple Fail.
Where's your sources, you dumbshit?
I look athe wall st journal every day and follow corporate earnings. They have almost all been disappointing, with companies lowering guidance.
Where are your sources, asshole?
This is the retardation of your argument: "corporate earnings have slowed in the last quarter, therefore QE is the reason the stock market has done so well." You are full of fallacy and it is embarrassing.
At 39.6% (top rate), he should have paid $189,000.
Your effective tax rate is never the top bracket.

Your income is taxed an a graduated scale therefore some is taxed at lower rates ans only the income above a certain threshold is taxed at the top rate

Also adjusted gross income (what is taxed) is always less than one's total income
And the stellar stock market performance is due to non-stop Quantitative Easing that's made the rich richer and the Middle Class poorer.
Do you have an unbiased source to back that up?
It's common sense if you know anything about the market

Banks are paying ZERO interest right now so the only place to put money if you want any kind of return is the stock market.

And the middle class has done very poorly under Obama

Middle class decline looms over final years of Obama presidency Reuters

The decline of the middle class is Obama's real legacy
And the stellar stock market performance is due to non-stop Quantitative Easing that's made the rich richer and the Middle Class poorer.
Do you have an unbiased source to back that up?
It's common sense if you know anything about the market

Banks are paying ZERO interest right now so the only place to put money if you want any kind of return is the stock market.

And the middle class has done very poorly under Obama

Middle class decline looms over final years of Obama presidency Reuters

The decline of the middle class is Obama's real legacy
None of Obama's policies have anything to do with the declining middle class. It's amazing how you people have ignored the subject of income inequality until now. Obviously you would have ignored the declining middle class during the Bush years. It is only when Obama became president that you take any notice of it, and of course, put all the blame on him. Why dont you put ANY blame on the job creators themselves? Afterall corporate profits have been at an all time high under Obama.

Obama is responsible for the biggest middle class tax cut since Reagan. 12 million private jobs have been created since Obama came to office, 3 million of which came from his stimulus package. Do i even need to remind you of the job growth under Bush?
Like it or not, the man practices what he preaches. Remember what Romney paid in taxes? It took quite awhile for him to even release that kind of information.

Read this part of the article:

In his sixth year in office, Obama’s earnings continued to decline and the couple reported their lowest income since 2004, before he was elected to the U.S. Senate.

“Every year, it looks exactly the same and I think that’s certainly done by design,” said Anthony Nitti, a partner at the accounting firm of WithumSmith & Brown in Aspen, Colorado. “There’s just no stock market investments whatsoever, same charitable contributions every year.”

The Obamas overpaid their federal taxes throughout 2014. They will get a $20,641 refund and direct another $5,000 to their 2015 taxes.

The Obamas donated $70,712 to charity, almost 15 percent of their adjusted gross income, according to the statement. Their largest donation, $22,012, went to the Fisher House Foundation, a Rockville, Maryland-based organization that provides housing to families of military members and veterans receiving medical treatment.

Obamas paid 93 362 in income taxes on earnings of 477 383 - Yahoo Finance
Obama never pays for anything himself. He always seems to have these lavish vacations, yet when the expense is revealed, he claims he paid for it out of his own pocket...

If he's only making less than $500k, how can he pay for a million dollar party for Michelle on her 50th birthday? How can he pay $1.2 million to make his wife look presentable in public?
He has income he's not reporting, plain and simple.....or he's stealing from the Treasury.
Like it or not, the man practices what he preaches. Remember what Romney paid in taxes? It took quite awhile for him to even release that kind of information.

Read this part of the article:

In his sixth year in office, Obama’s earnings continued to decline and the couple reported their lowest income since 2004, before he was elected to the U.S. Senate.

“Every year, it looks exactly the same and I think that’s certainly done by design,” said Anthony Nitti, a partner at the accounting firm of WithumSmith & Brown in Aspen, Colorado. “There’s just no stock market investments whatsoever, same charitable contributions every year.”

The Obamas overpaid their federal taxes throughout 2014. They will get a $20,641 refund and direct another $5,000 to their 2015 taxes.

The Obamas donated $70,712 to charity, almost 15 percent of their adjusted gross income, according to the statement. Their largest donation, $22,012, went to the Fisher House Foundation, a Rockville, Maryland-based organization that provides housing to families of military members and veterans receiving medical treatment.

Obamas paid 93 362 in income taxes on earnings of 477 383 - Yahoo Finance
Obama never pays for anything himself. He always seems to have these lavish vacations, yet when the expense is revealed, he claims he paid for it out of his own pocket...

If he's only making less than $500k, how can he pay for a million dollar party for Michelle on her 50th birthday? How can he pay $1.2 million to make his wife look presentable in public?
He has income he's not reporting, plain and simple.....or he's stealing from the Treasury.

You get a little further 'out there' every day. The heartbreak of creeping derangement.

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