Obama's income tax rate for 2014 was 19.6%. Now compare that percentage to top republicans/CEOs

Barry's going to be living off our dime for the rest of his life, Billy. For the piss poor job he's done as President he's being rewarded rather handsomely.
Oh like the 12 million private jobs created since his terms began? 3 million of which came from his stimulus package that began the recovery of the economic black hole Bush left? How about the stellar stock market performance?

How about the stellar stock market performance?

Wht exactly did Barry have to do with the stock market?
Raising the minimum wage is a con job perpetrated by people who don't understand economics on people who are too stupid to figure out it's a con job.
I'm sorry you've been brainwashed by Fox News. The truth is that the initial cost to the market from raising the minimum wage depends on how high it is raised and over what time frame. Based on Obama's plan, the initial raise on prices in the makret would be pennies on the dollar. The total cost to jobs would be a few hundred thousand at the most. However, because people would have bigger paychecks, consumer spending would increase significantly. This would not only regain the jobs lost, it would create jobs. Prices would also inevitably go down as well. Economics 101.
Lmao, you want to fuck a few hundred thousand people out of jobs? What a caring liberal?

Hey billy, if you are and economic genius what happened the last time we raised MW ? 2007~2009? They were still fucking poor, the unemployment rate didn't start coming down till September 2013?
Lmao, you want to fuck a few hundred thousand people out of jobs? What a caring liberal?

United States Department of Labor
Minimum Wage Mythbusters

Myth: Raising the minimum wage will only benefit teens.

Not true: The typical minimum wage worker is not a high-school student earning weekend pocket money. In fact, 88 percent of those who would benefit from a federal minimum wage increase are age 20 or older, and 55 percent are women.

Myth: Increasing the minimum wage will cause people to lose their jobs.

Not true: A review of 64 studies on minimum wage increases found no discernable effect on employment. Additionally, more than 600 economists, seven of them Nobel Prize winners in economics, have signed onto a letter in support of raising the minimum wage to $10.10 by 2016.

We've been down this road with you before dude. You were asked to prove what you claimed before and couldn't do it, so why in the fuck are you posting bullshit again? Is it because that's all you've got and the best you can do?
I think so.
Hey billy, if you are and economic genius what happened the last time we raised MW ? 2007~2009? They were still fucking poor, the unemployment rate didn't start coming down till September 2013?

This part is particularly funny. What you trying to do there bear, tie the economic collapse to the small increase in the MW that occurred in this time frame? That's pitiful and you know it.
Ask this Billy moron how much he has paid in taxes.

Fucking liberals and their cliches. It never stops people.

Dividing races, classes, genders and what ever else they can to get into office and stay in office.

THE ONLY DEMOCRAT STRATEGY FOR NEARLY 60 YEARS. Oh, how weak the minds are that make up the democrat voting constituency.

How much did GE pay in taxes? Oh, is that not obama's special little CEO friend?

Fucking liberals and all of their bullshit.
Lmao, you want to fuck a few hundred thousand people out of jobs? What a caring liberal?

United States Department of Labor
Minimum Wage Mythbusters

Myth: Raising the minimum wage will only benefit teens.

Not true: The typical minimum wage worker is not a high-school student earning weekend pocket money. In fact, 88 percent of those who would benefit from a federal minimum wage increase are age 20 or older, and 55 percent are women.

Myth: Increasing the minimum wage will cause people to lose their jobs.

Not true: A review of 64 studies on minimum wage increases found no discernable effect on employment. Additionally, more than 600 economists, seven of them Nobel Prize winners in economics, have signed onto a letter in support of raising the minimum wage to $10.10 by 2016.

We've been down this road with you before dude. You were asked to prove what you claimed before and couldn't do it, so why in the fuck are you posting bullshit again? Is it because that's all you've got and the best you can do?
I think so.

Hey billy, if you are and economic genius what happened the last time we raised MW ? 2007~2009? They were still fucking poor, the unemployment rate didn't start coming down till September 2013?

his part is particularly funny. What you trying to do there bear, tie the economic collapse to the small increase in the MW that occurred in this time frame? That's pitiful and you know it.
you crack me up zeke, at $10 bucks an hour they will still be fucking poor, raise it up to $25 bucks an hour and totally destroy the middle class while you are at it
Poverty rate 15 median income 51 017 - Sep. 17 2013
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Barry's going to be living off our dime for the rest of his life, Billy. For the piss poor job he's done as President he's being rewarded rather handsomely.
Oh like the 12 million private jobs created since his terms began? 3 million of which came from his stimulus package that began the recovery of the economic black hole Bush left? How about the stellar stock market performance?

UE computed differently, 93 million unemployed, record welfare numbers,....oh yeah, that great stock market....uh huh, O is giving them 80 billion a month just to stay afloat. Go blow smoke and mirrors up your own sheep.
Again zeke, states can raise up MW as much as they want why fuck with us all and do it nation wide?

I don't give a crap about liberal blue states, that's why I left Illinois
Btw zeke my wages never went up when MW went up, my buying power went down, the only way my wages went up, is when more companies came to town or I moved to them..
Trickle up poor a fucking scam that's all a national MW increase is zeke, or no job at all so well put by billy
Trickle up poor a fucking scam that's all a national MW increase is zeke, or no job at all so well put by billy

You really are not very smart. Hey. here's hoping your wages get cut so you can be more prosperous.
Stupid fuck.

You work in a right to work for less state. Correct? SO a cut in your wages would make you more prosperous. Is that correct or not?

You know. like not increasing MW is good for the MW worker. Right?

If only you could prove your bullshit.
Well, maybe he just wanna hide something else? Some of his "deeds" are very awful and now, he wanna create image of "success," Simple logic!
And also, do you really think that all his earnings are public and everybody can see it?
Trickle up poor a fucking scam that's all a national MW increase is zeke, or no job at all so well put by billy

You really are not very smart. Hey. here's hoping your wages get cut so you can be more prosperous.
Stupid fuck.

You work in a right to work for less state. Correct? SO a cut in your wages would make you more prosperous. Is that correct or not?

You know. like not increasing MW is good for the MW worker. Right?

If only you could prove your bullshit.
you are proving my theory correct every day you are a retired union worker, you dumb ass I care about my operators and no one at my company makes less than $12 bucks a hour, do the fucking math jack ass raise it up $3 bucks a hour, they just Lost around $2 bucks an hour of going out to eat and crap like that, they won't get a $2 dollar an hour raise
The op reminds me of the north Korean slaves to the government who try to outdo each others public display of grief at state funerals

Sick, sick, sick
Again zeke you liberals want to make a fucking crises from a mole hill to a mountain and fuck every one in your path.
Raise your piece of crap liberal states MW to a hundred bucks an hour...

You have the power to do it, but leave the rest of us alone
Raise your piece of crap liberal states MW to a hundred bucks an hour...

You have the power to do it, but leave the rest of us alone

You are in your right to work for less state. And buy your own words. no one in your company makes close to MW. The all make more. Buy about 4 dollars an hour.

So here is a good idea. Shut the fuck up about something of which you know nothing. What fucking difference does it make to you? You don't work for MW. So what the fuck is your problem?

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