Obama's Involvement In Bin Laden Takedown Was Simply A Nod

A very dark day for the bad guys, and a year later a very dark day for some folks who want to be bad guys.

What a crazy bunch of neo-con far right wingers. Heavens.
I'm just glad the asshole is dead.

Simple words, straight to the point. And yet so many here cannot say them.

Ordering the hit on Bin Laden was not an easy thing, we had to violate Pakistani soveriengty to get him and they are still pissed at us for it, quite a few people would not have given the order because of that.

Yeah, and considering that they were only 40 to 60 percent sure that the intel was correct, if he hadn't been there, we would not only have pissed off the Pakistanis like we did, but the GOP would be screaming at the top of their shrill little lungs that Obama made a mistake and he was a failure.

Obama could have just said that there wasn't a high enough probability to go and the mission would have been scrubbed.

I don't know about you people, but 40 - 60 percent odds are pretty poor when you're gambling with high stakes like this.

Oh......................and you want to know WHY we had to violate their space? Because if we had shared information with them like Jr. did, OBL would have simply been warned and moved to another safe house.

Obama made the right call, and it was pretty damn gutsy. Clinton even said that he wasn't sure if he would have made the call like Obama, but he hoped that he would have.
You have no idea where he was before that, do you?

You don't.

But . . . since I am fair, go get us some evidence where he was that evening.

I will give you until this evening, then I am going to call you out and make you look very stupid. Not hard.

Witnesses said he was golfing. I think his wearing a Golf-Shirt during the photo-op in the Situtation Room indicates that report is accurate.

Really? Because as I seem to recall, Obama had been at the White House Correspondent's dinner, said his jokes, disappeared for a little while, and then announced that Bin Laden was dead.

Besides................unless they have lighted golf courses in DC that play at night, I don't think he was golfing. Or...........do you not remember what time it was announced?
Simple words, straight to the point. And yet so many here cannot say them.

Ordering the hit on Bin Laden was not an easy thing, we had to violate Pakistani soveriengty to get him and they are still pissed at us for it, quite a few people would not have given the order because of that.

Yeah, and considering that they were only 40 to 60 percent sure that the intel was correct, if he hadn't been there, we would not only have pissed off the Pakistanis like we did, but the GOP would be screaming at the top of their shrill little lungs that Obama made a mistake and he was a failure.

Obama could have just said that there wasn't a high enough probability to go and the mission would have been scrubbed.

I don't know about you people, but 40 - 60 percent odds are pretty poor when you're gambling with high stakes like this.

Oh......................and you want to know WHY we had to violate their space? Because if we had shared information with them like Jr. did, OBL would have simply been warned and moved to another safe house.

Obama made the right call, and it was pretty damn gutsy. Clinton even said that he wasn't sure if he would have made the call like Obama, but he hoped that he would have.

They were just about 100 percent sure. They knew his couriers lived there. They likely knew his wives lived there and they knew a 6'4" senior statesman that never performed chores was there. That 40-60 percent stuff is nonsense. I guarantee you that Obama wasn't sending in the Seals to Pakistan (next to their main military base) on a hope.
You have no idea where he was before that, do you?

You don't.

But . . . since I am fair, go get us some evidence where he was that evening.

I will give you until this evening, then I am going to call you out and make you look very stupid. Not hard.

Witnesses said he was golfing. I think his wearing a Golf-Shirt during the photo-op in the Situtation Room indicates that report is accurate.

Really? Because as I seem to recall, Obama had been at the White House Correspondent's dinner, said his jokes, disappeared for a little while, and then announced that Bin Laden was dead.

Besides................unless they have lighted golf courses in DC that play at night, I don't think he was golfing. Or...........do you not remember what time it was announced?

The news came hours after his death dude.
You have no idea where he was before that, do you?

You don't.

But . . . since I am fair, go get us some evidence where he was that evening.

I will give you until this evening, then I am going to call you out and make you look very stupid. Not hard.

Witnesses said he was golfing. I think his wearing a Golf-Shirt during the photo-op in the Situtation Room indicates that report is accurate.

Really? Because as I seem to recall, Obama had been at the White House Correspondent's dinner, said his jokes, disappeared for a little while, and then announced that Bin Laden was dead.

Besides................unless they have lighted golf courses in DC that play at night, I don't think he was golfing. Or...........do you not remember what time it was announced?

Thanks, I have been waiting for this, because that is what I remembered. Mud is simply whistling by the graveyard.

I also get a kick of TGG guaranteeing what Obama would have or not done. Amazing.
Witnesses said he was golfing. I think his wearing a Golf-Shirt during the photo-op in the Situtation Room indicates that report is accurate.

Really? Because as I seem to recall, Obama had been at the White House Correspondent's dinner, said his jokes, disappeared for a little while, and then announced that Bin Laden was dead.

Besides................unless they have lighted golf courses in DC that play at night, I don't think he was golfing. Or...........do you not remember what time it was announced?

Thanks, I have been waiting for this, because that is what I remembered. Mud is simply whistling by the graveyard.

I also get a kick of TGG guaranteeing what Obama would have or not done. Amazing.

Not sure what's going on in that sociopath mind of yours. Not sure what I'm supposed to have guaranteed. But I hardly care what you think woman.
Witnesses said he was golfing. I think his wearing a Golf-Shirt during the photo-op in the Situtation Room indicates that report is accurate.

Really? Because as I seem to recall, Obama had been at the White House Correspondent's dinner, said his jokes, disappeared for a little while, and then announced that Bin Laden was dead.

Besides................unless they have lighted golf courses in DC that play at night, I don't think he was golfing. Or...........do you not remember what time it was announced?

The news came hours after his death dude.

The operation had started while he was at the dinner, because people were wondering why Obama left so quickly.

No..................he wasn't playing golf, no matter what Pud Whistler says.
Really? Because as I seem to recall, Obama had been at the White House Correspondent's dinner, said his jokes, disappeared for a little while, and then announced that Bin Laden was dead.

Besides................unless they have lighted golf courses in DC that play at night, I don't think he was golfing. Or...........do you not remember what time it was announced?

Thanks, I have been waiting for this, because that is what I remembered. Mud is simply whistling by the graveyard.

I also get a kick of TGG guaranteeing what Obama would have or not done. Amazing.

Not sure what's going on in that sociopath mind of yours. Not sure what I'm supposed to have guaranteed. But I hardly care what you think woman.

Post 825: TGG "I guarantee you that Obama wasn't sending in the Seals to Pakistan (next to their main military base) on a hope."

You do know the diff between right and wrong, TGG. Then be a good man and act it.
Thanks, I have been waiting for this, because that is what I remembered. Mud is simply whistling by the graveyard.

I also get a kick of TGG guaranteeing what Obama would have or not done. Amazing.

Not sure what's going on in that sociopath mind of yours. Not sure what I'm supposed to have guaranteed. But I hardly care what you think woman.

Post 825: TGG "I guarantee you that Obama wasn't sending in the Seals to Pakistan (next to their main military base) on a hope."

You do know the diff between right and wrong, TGG. Then be a good man and act it.

Yea he wasn't going to. But even if I was wrong on that (and I'm not), it still wasn't a hope. They knew Bin Laden was there.

Think about it numb nuts. If you were merely only hoping that Bin Laden was there would you send military next to another country's military base? Obama doesn't even think about these things when he has his minions make these stupid claims. He counts on idiots like you to not do the math and worse yet to scold those that do after the fact. Good job on being a useful idiot Jakey.
Ye,s TGG, you were wrong on that, and a real man would admit it. Your far right wing nuts simply can't stand a man you hate did the right thing as commander in chief. It will never matter if you disagree. You will always be wrong on this.
Ye,s TGG, you were wrong on that, and a real man would admit it. Your far right wing nuts simply can't stand a man you hate did the right thing as commander in chief. It will never matter if you disagree. You will always be wrong on this.

You will always be a putz and I won't take life lessons from someone like that. I just love your fallacious attacks. You can't stand up to the facts so you'll always make it personal. I get you Jakey. You're not fooling me.
TGG, the facts are clear. The man did the right thing, the right result occurred, the man gets credit for it. There is no other story accept all of the squalling and bawling from those who don't like him. No one cares. And the political fact is that you hurt Romney's chances with you continuing your charade, as well as denigrate the president of the US and the brave men who carried out the mission.
TGG, the facts are clear. The man did the right thing, the right result occurred, the man gets credit for it.

And for the 25th time, I'm not debating whether he did the right thing (in killing Osama). Geez, you're dense.

And for about the 5th time, even many Navy Seals are calling out Obama for politicizing it. I guess they're also unpatriotic goons according to you.
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Too bad for you, I've never once said that Obama made the right call. You just love to make the argument about your false parameters b/c you're a mental midget. And you've made your false claim that I'm against the call many of times and many of times now I've said that's not the case. When you going to start acting like a man?

What false paramenters? That Osama needed to be taken out. That BHO would do it if given the change. That BHO made the right call. That Osama is dead.

And you are bitching like a four year old girl on the playground. . . hmmm.

Bitching...crying...mourning....six of one/half dozen of another.

Apparently, a year ago was a very dark day for some.

Nope. I'm a realist. It was a good day.

Every day since hasn't been quite so good.
TGG, the facts are clear. The man did the right thing, the right result occurred, the man gets credit for it.

And for the 25th time, I'm not debating whether he did the right thing (in killing Osama). Geez, you're dense.

And for about the 5th time, even many Navy Seals are calling out Obama for politicizing it. I guess they're also unpatriotic goons according to you.

yeah, but the man did the RIGHT thing in okaying the attack on bin Laden!

<<cue number 26>>
TGG, the facts are clear. The man did the right thing, the right result occurred, the man gets credit for it.

And for the 25th time, I'm not debating whether he did the right thing (in killing Osama). Geez, you're dense.

And for about the 5th time, even many Navy Seals are calling out Obama for politicizing it. I guess they're also unpatriotic goons according to you.

Check the source on that, and then come back and say, "I got fooled." Sheesh.
TGG, the facts are clear. The man did the right thing, the right result occurred, the man gets credit for it.

And for the 25th time, I'm not debating whether he did the right thing (in killing Osama). Geez, you're dense.

And for about the 5th time, even many Navy Seals are calling out Obama for politicizing it. I guess they're also unpatriotic goons according to you.

Jake Snarkey says we should stop being critical cuz it makes the right look bad.....yet he's playing this cat-and mouse game trying to put words in everyone's mouth. He actually thinks people are buying his garbage.

The rest of these folks are just making false claims and hoping we get pissed at them.

I'm just laughing at them. It's like they've got their fingers in their ears and they're simply repeating the same childish mantra over and over.

"You don't wanna give Barry proper credit!!!!!! Waaaaaaaaaaaaa.....!!!"

Obama knows he's getting carried away with this but you folks will defend every classless thing he does.

It's time for him to stop patting himself on the back and move on.

Maybe he should do his job......how bout that????
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TGG, the facts are clear. The man did the right thing, the right result occurred, the man gets credit for it. There is no other story accept all of the squalling and bawling from those who don't like him. No one cares. And the political fact is that you hurt Romney's chances with you continuing your charade, as well as denigrate the president of the US and the brave men who carried out the mission.


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