Obama's Involvement In Bin Laden Takedown Was Simply A Nod

This is blowing up in his face because obama didn't do anything. This is Kerry claiming unearned bravery all over again. This wasn't a gutsy call, if obama was the kind of man who would take blame as well as credit it might be a gutsy call, but he isn't. This was a call with a contingency plan in case it went bad. If it had gone bad, it would be a rogue military.

Unearned Bravery?

What unmitigated bullshit. Kerry shed his blood for this country..and the conservatives fucking told him his views about the war should be kept to himself. They made fun of his injuries..as well as questioned his valor.

It was disgraceful and disgusting.

The Bishop protested FOR Vietnam..then went to France. Fucking conservative heroism..I tell you what.
mud and his sick group are looking pretty weak here. As they should. Disgraceful behavior from Americans, some of whom are vets. Disgraceful.

Once again.....Obama is making this an issue.

The GOP had dropped it until Biden started popping off, then we discovered www.gutsycall.com. Then they started saying Mitt wouldn't have had the will nor the courage.

Obama only has himself to blame for this beginning to blow up in his face.

You need to quit acting like you care about how bad this looks and drop the mask asshole. Nobody's buying your act anymore.


Over and over conservative drones have been saying that Obama had nothing to do with the death of Osama Bin Laden..and that he should never mention it.

To bad.

You guys don't get to make the rules.

Anyone who says he had nothing to do with it is lying.

Obama gave the nod.

His part in this is not exactly something to be proud of, contrary to what everyone says.

When it all comes out that will become evident. I think he needs to cool it while he can.
katzndogz is trying to deflect from the far right's stupidity here and is getting swift boated in return. Good.
Once again.....Obama is making this an issue.

The GOP had dropped it until Biden started popping off, then we discovered www.gutsycall.com. Then they started saying Mitt wouldn't have had the will nor the courage.

Obama only has himself to blame for this beginning to blow up in his face.

You need to quit acting like you care about how bad this looks and drop the mask asshole. Nobody's buying your act anymore.


Over and over conservative drones have been saying that Obama had nothing to do with the death of Osama Bin Laden..and that he should never mention it.

To bad.

You guys don't get to make the rules.

Anyone who says he had nothing to do with it is lying.

Obama gave the nod.

His part in this is not exactly something to be proud of, contrary to what everyone says.

When it all comes out that will become evident. I think he needs to cool it while he can.

Mud poorly backtracked. The one not be proud of in this thing is Mud's badmouthing of the president's action. Mud and bud are acting like far lefty Vietnam-era protesters, absolutely disgraceful to a modern-day vet. For shame.
Once again.....Obama is making this an issue.

The GOP had dropped it until Biden started popping off, then we discovered www.gutsycall.com. Then they started saying Mitt wouldn't have had the will nor the courage.

Obama only has himself to blame for this beginning to blow up in his face.

You need to quit acting like you care about how bad this looks and drop the mask asshole. Nobody's buying your act anymore.


Over and over conservative drones have been saying that Obama had nothing to do with the death of Osama Bin Laden..and that he should never mention it.

To bad.

You guys don't get to make the rules.

Anyone who says he had nothing to do with it is lying.

Obama gave the nod.

His part in this is not exactly something to be proud of, contrary to what everyone says.

When it all comes out that will become evident. I think he needs to cool it while he can.

You is so very very butt hurt over OBL's death.
This is blowing up in his face because obama didn't do anything. This is Kerry claiming unearned bravery all over again. This wasn't a gutsy call, if obama was the kind of man who would take blame as well as credit it might be a gutsy call, but he isn't. This was a call with a contingency plan in case it went bad. If it had gone bad, it would be a rogue military.

But if Obama didn't make the call because he didn't want to violate Pakistani soverienty, would you call him a pussy?:confused:
This is blowing up in his face because obama didn't do anything. This is Kerry claiming unearned bravery all over again. This wasn't a gutsy call, if obama was the kind of man who would take blame as well as credit it might be a gutsy call, but he isn't. This was a call with a contingency plan in case it went bad. If it had gone bad, it would be a rogue military.

But if Obama didn't make the call because he didn't want to violate Pakistani soverienty, would you call him a pussy?:confused:

Nothing that Obama has done..registers as a success in the conservative mind.

But look at what they consider success.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H-CAcdta_8I]Falwell and Robertson on The 700 Club after 9/11 - YouTube[/ame]

9/11 was a successful gateway to Iraq..and a way to critique people's lifestyles and people they don't like.
This is katzndogz lying through his teeth again.

Obama did the right thing, the criticism is the wrong thing. Period. End of story.

Thanks for the input.

As if it matters.

Guess you never heard of the phrase " when your opponent insists on eating himself alive simply pass them the salt......."
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Mud, your input merely reveals that you are not much different than the lefty posters of the Vietnam era.

Over and over conservative drones have been saying that Obama had nothing to do with the death of Osama Bin Laden..and that he should never mention it.

To bad.

You guys don't get to make the rules.

Anyone who says he had nothing to do with it is lying.

Obama gave the nod.

His part in this is not exactly something to be proud of, contrary to what everyone says.

When it all comes out that will become evident. I think he needs to cool it while he can.

Mud poorly backtracked. The one not be proud of in this thing is Mud's badmouthing of the president's action. Mud and bud are acting like far lefty Vietnam-era protesters, absolutely disgraceful to a modern-day vet. For shame.


My argument remains the same regardless how butt-hurt you get about it.
Anyone who says he had nothing to do with it is lying.

Obama gave the nod.

His part in this is not exactly something to be proud of, contrary to what everyone says.

When it all comes out that will become evident. I think he needs to cool it while he can.

Mud poorly backtracked. The one not be proud of in this thing is Mud's badmouthing of the president's action. Mud and bud are acting like far lefty Vietnam-era protesters, absolutely disgraceful to a modern-day vet. For shame.


My argument remains the same regardless how butt-hurt you get about it.

Let the butt hurt flow through you, Mud. :lol:
Check out the pic in the Situation Room.

Obama had his Golf Shirt on.

They threw a jacket over it but he was pulled off the golf-course.

It just keeps getting better and better......
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You have no idea where he was before that, do you?

You don't.

But . . . since I am fair, go get us some evidence where he was that evening.

I will give you until this evening, then I am going to call you out and make you look very stupid. Not hard.
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Hey Jake, YOU F'ING PIECE OF TERD - constantly cursing people anyone out for saying that Obama politicized UBL and stating that it's an a front to the seals; well it turns out that plenty of seals are saying that Obama is being a deuche. So get off your soap box and blow it out your ass. And I f'ing dare you to put this quote when you respond so that people can see you're being an outright bitch when you inevitably cry nu uh you f'ing c*nt.

SEALs slam Obama for using them as 'ammunition' in bid to take credit for bin Laden killing during election campaign | Mail Online

You are a slime ball. You are criticizing the president for the right call, which was above politics. He gets credit for it. You are a dooshboy for acting this way. You are simply unAmerican, pro-marxist on this issue,

Too bad for you, I've never once said that Obama did not make the right call. You just love to make the argument about your false parameters b/c you're a mental midget. And you've made your false claim that I'm against the call many of times and many of times now I've said that's not the case. When you going to start acting like a man?
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Hey Jake, YOU F'ING PIECE OF TERD - constantly cursing people anyone out for saying that Obama politicized UBL and stating that it's an a front to the seals; well it turns out that plenty of seals are saying that Obama is being a deuche. So get off your soap box and blow it out your ass. And I f'ing dare you to put this quote when you respond so that people can see you're being an outright bitch when you inevitably cry nu uh you f'ing c*nt.

SEALs slam Obama for using them as 'ammunition' in bid to take credit for bin Laden killing during election campaign | Mail Online

You are a slime ball. You are criticizing the president for the right call, which was above politics. He gets credit for it. You are a dooshboy for acting this way. You are simply unAmerican, pro-marxist on this issue,

Too bad for you, I've never once said that Obama made the right call. You just love to make the argument about your false parameters b/c you're a mental midget. And you've made your false claim that I'm against the call many of times and many of times now I've said that's not the case. When you going to start acting like a man?

What false paramenters? That Osama needed to be taken out. That BHO would do it if given the change. That BHO made the right call. That Osama is dead.

And you are bitching like a four year old girl on the playground. . . hmmm.
Had to edit b/c of an error. Yes, I've never once stated that it was the wrong call to kill Osama. You've pretended that I (and others) have said that it was so. Argue like a man dude. I shouldn't have to tell you the same damn thing 20 times over b/c you're repeating the same damn lie 20 times over. And instead of coming back at me with an insult, just man up and say my bad. It's not that difficult dude.
You have no idea where he was before that, do you?

You don't.

But . . . since I am fair, go get us some evidence where he was that evening.

I will give you until this evening, then I am going to call you out and make you look very stupid. Not hard.

Witnesses said he was golfing. I think his wearing a Golf-Shirt during the photo-op in the Situtation Room indicates that report is accurate.
Had to edit b/c of an error. Yes, I've never once stated that it was the wrong call to kill Osama. You've pretended that I (and others) have said that it was so. Argue like a man dude. I shouldn't have to tell you the same damn thing 20 times over b/c you're repeating the same damn lie 20 times over. And instead of coming back at me with an insult, just man up and say my bad. It's not that difficult dude.

They're too busy bawling about us not giving him any credit.

We're just trying to give him the credit he deserves, nothing more.
Had to edit b/c of an error. Yes, I've never once stated that it was the wrong call to kill Osama. You've pretended that I (and others) have said that it was so. Argue like a man dude. I shouldn't have to tell you the same damn thing 20 times over b/c you're repeating the same damn lie 20 times over. And instead of coming back at me with an insult, just man up and say my bad. It's not that difficult dude.

They're too busy bawling about us not giving him any credit.

We're just trying to give him the credit he deserves, nothing more.

near as i can tell the only ones "bawling" are the whiny little rightwingnuts.
You are a slime ball. You are criticizing the president for the right call, which was above politics. He gets credit for it. You are a dooshboy for acting this way. You are simply unAmerican, pro-marxist on this issue,

Too bad for you, I've never once said that Obama made the right call. You just love to make the argument about your false parameters b/c you're a mental midget. And you've made your false claim that I'm against the call many of times and many of times now I've said that's not the case. When you going to start acting like a man?

What false paramenters? That Osama needed to be taken out. That BHO would do it if given the change. That BHO made the right call. That Osama is dead.

And you are bitching like a four year old girl on the playground. . . hmmm.

Bitching...crying...mourning....six of one/half dozen of another.

Apparently, a year ago was a very dark day for some.

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