Obama's Involvement In Bin Laden Takedown Was Simply A Nod

LockeDoosh strikes again! Why can't you guys support a good thing for America: Osama is dead ~ good. Congratulate the president on acting rightly and correctly, pull your heads out of combined ass, and the doosh slouch down the street. :lol:

Because it bothers them that OBL is dead and gone.

Nope.....I would have put him through a chipper-shredder and used him to fertilize the White House Rosegarden.

See? A celebration thread.:lol:
Because it bothers them that OBL is dead and gone.
Wrong again, obadrone.
You have been given the word. Only once. You know what I mean.

Now, the president acted correctly, our enemy is dead, and you are jumping the president, a man I want defeated this fall. That makes you the equal of the lefties who acted like the assholes they were protesting the Vietnam War. You, lockedoosh, are lower than a lefty. Grow up,man, and work for Romney's election. This is not the way,
Kiss my ass, crybaby. You are not a moderator. You keep on acting like you know how I felt and think about the killing of OBL and Obama's insignificant and common sense part in it. Quit trying to pretend you're voting for Romney you damn moron. No one buys it. Oh shut the fuck up about the Vietnam crap already, repeating yourself doesn't make what you say any less retarded or you any less of a brain dead and disingenuous libtard trying to lie about being republican.

Shut your cock holster, Joke the Poker Stoker.
Because it bothers them that OBL is dead and gone.

Wrong again, obadrone.

Ah, I see. All the moaning and groaning and minimizing and more moaning and groaning is because you guys are delighted.

Silly me. This is a celebration thread.

WoooHooo! :eusa_dance::happy-1::dance::mm::clap:
Osama being killed is old news, seems you only want to celebrate it now if it may help the Clown In Cheif. I celebrated it with friends the night it was reported. That makes you a slime ball opportunist, just like Bammy.
I say we give the President a huge round of applause for making the call.

Then, we vote him the fuck out of Office for 99% of the rest of his decisions, actions, policies, positions, behavior and his fucking whining bullshit teleprompter-ed speeches.
Wrong again, obadrone.
You have been given the word. Only once. You know what I mean.

Now, the president acted correctly, our enemy is dead, and you are jumping the president, a man I want defeated this fall. That makes you the equal of the lefties who acted like the assholes they were protesting the Vietnam War. You, lockedoosh, are lower than a lefty. Grow up,man, and work for Romney's election. This is not the way,
Kiss my ass, crybaby. You are not a moderator. You keep on acting like you know how I felt and think about the killing of OBL and Obama's insignificant and common sense part in it. Quit trying to pretend you're voting for Romney you damn moron. No one buys it. Oh shut the fuck up about the Vietnam crap already, repeating yourself doesn't make what you say any less retarded or you any less of a brain dead and disingenuous libtard trying to lie about being republican.

Shut your cock holster, Joke the Poker Stoker.

You would like that, but I don't swing that way. Quit crying because the president did the right thing. I am voting for Romney, proudly, and I proudly say to everyone of you assholes who can't support Obama on getting Osama that you are fuck heads. You are a coward. You know now what is off limits. Simply follow it. Oh, and vote for Romney, but just shut your pie hole on your unAmerican liberal-type clap on getting OBL. What a baby.
You have been given the word. Only once. You know what I mean.

Now, the president acted correctly, our enemy is dead, and you are jumping the president, a man I want defeated this fall. That makes you the equal of the lefties who acted like the assholes they were protesting the Vietnam War. You, lockedoosh, are lower than a lefty. Grow up,man, and work for Romney's election. This is not the way,
Kiss my ass, crybaby. You are not a moderator. You keep on acting like you know how I felt and think about the killing of OBL and Obama's insignificant and common sense part in it. Quit trying to pretend you're voting for Romney you damn moron. No one buys it. Oh shut the fuck up about the Vietnam crap already, repeating yourself doesn't make what you say any less retarded or you any less of a brain dead and disingenuous libtard trying to lie about being republican.

Shut your cock holster, Joke the Poker Stoker.

You would like that, but I don't swing that way. Quit crying because the president did the right thing. I am voting for Romney, proudly, and I proudly say to everyone of you assholes who can't support Obama on getting Osama that you are fuck heads. You are a coward. You know now what is off limits. Simply follow it. Oh, and vote for Romney, but just shut your pie hole on your unAmerican liberal-type clap on getting OBL. What a baby.

So you're so corny you steal a line I just used against your solicitation to play my "pipe" from the pm? What a loser you are. Crying about it? Lol! You are one stupid libtard. Obama didn't do squat, I support the SEALS and the other military personell who tracked and killed him. Fuck you and what's off limits. Catch that? Hope so. Sniveling libtard bitch.
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Wrong again, obadrone.
You have been given the word. Only once. You know what I mean.

Now, the president acted correctly, our enemy is dead, and you are jumping the president, a man I want defeated this fall. That makes you the equal of the lefties who acted like the assholes they were protesting the Vietnam War. You, lockedoosh, are lower than a lefty. Grow up,man, and work for Romney's election. This is not the way,
Kiss my ass, crybaby. You are not a moderator. You keep on acting like you know how I felt and think about the killing of OBL and Obama's insignificant and common sense part in it. Quit trying to pretend you're voting for Romney you damn moron. No one buys it. Oh shut the fuck up about the Vietnam crap already, repeating yourself doesn't make what you say any less retarded or you any less of a brain dead and disingenuous libtard trying to lie about being republican.

Shut your cock holster, Joke the Poker Stoker.

You use a lot of swear words. You must really know what you are talking about.
You have been given the word. Only once. You know what I mean.

Now, the president acted correctly, our enemy is dead, and you are jumping the president, a man I want defeated this fall. That makes you the equal of the lefties who acted like the assholes they were protesting the Vietnam War. You, lockedoosh, are lower than a lefty. Grow up,man, and work for Romney's election. This is not the way,
Kiss my ass, crybaby. You are not a moderator. You keep on acting like you know how I felt and think about the killing of OBL and Obama's insignificant and common sense part in it. Quit trying to pretend you're voting for Romney you damn moron. No one buys it. Oh shut the fuck up about the Vietnam crap already, repeating yourself doesn't make what you say any less retarded or you any less of a brain dead and disingenuous libtard trying to lie about being republican.

Shut your cock holster, Joke the Poker Stoker.

You use a lot of swear words. You must really know what you are talking about.

Just feeding him back what he dished to me from the very first post, captain save-a-lib. Why don't you let him fight his own battles?
You have been given the word. Only once. You know what I mean.

Now, the president acted correctly, our enemy is dead, and you are jumping the president, a man I want defeated this fall. That makes you the equal of the lefties who acted like the assholes they were protesting the Vietnam War. You, lockedoosh, are lower than a lefty. Grow up,man, and work for Romney's election. This is not the way,
Kiss my ass, crybaby. You are not a moderator. You keep on acting like you know how I felt and think about the killing of OBL and Obama's insignificant and common sense part in it. Quit trying to pretend you're voting for Romney you damn moron. No one buys it. Oh shut the fuck up about the Vietnam crap already, repeating yourself doesn't make what you say any less retarded or you any less of a brain dead and disingenuous libtard trying to lie about being republican.

Shut your cock holster, Joke the Poker Stoker.

You use a lot of swear words. You must really know what you are talking about.
Just like your libtard heroes on cable tv, dumb shit.
You seem to think it makes them geniuses, so I'll take that as a compliment.
Hey Jake, YOU F'ING PIECE OF TERD - constantly cursing people anyone out for saying that Obama politicized UBL and stating that it's an a front to the seals; well it turns out that plenty of seals are saying that Obama is being a deuche. So get off your soap box and blow it out your ass. And I f'ing dare you to put this quote when you respond so that people can see you're being an outright bitch when you inevitably cry nu uh you f'ing c*nt.

SEALs slam Obama for using them as 'ammunition' in bid to take credit for bin Laden killing during election campaign | Mail Online
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Kiss my ass, crybaby. You are not a moderator. You keep on acting like you know how I felt and think about the killing of OBL and Obama's insignificant and common sense part in it. Quit trying to pretend you're voting for Romney you damn moron. No one buys it. Oh shut the fuck up about the Vietnam crap already, repeating yourself doesn't make what you say any less retarded or you any less of a brain dead and disingenuous libtard trying to lie about being republican.

Shut your cock holster, Joke the Poker Stoker.

You use a lot of swear words. You must really know what you are talking about.

Just feeding him back what he dished to me from the very first post, captain save-a-lib. Why don't you let him fight his own battles?

You poor thing...you think these are "battles"? :lol::lol::lol:
Kiss my ass, crybaby. You are not a moderator. You keep on acting like you know how I felt and think about the killing of OBL and Obama's insignificant and common sense part in it. Quit trying to pretend you're voting for Romney you damn moron. No one buys it. Oh shut the fuck up about the Vietnam crap already, repeating yourself doesn't make what you say any less retarded or you any less of a brain dead and disingenuous libtard trying to lie about being republican.

Shut your cock holster, Joke the Poker Stoker.

You use a lot of swear words. You must really know what you are talking about.
Just like your libtard heroes on cable tv, dumb shit.
You seem to think it makes them geniuses, so I'll take that as a compliment.

How many more posts will you be whining about what I said? Just curious.
The 5 Republican arguments on Bin Ladin:

1) While Romney, Tim Pawlenty, Chris Christie and even Donald Trump congratulated the president on the historic achievement, many went out of their way to avoid mentioning his role in the mission. Rick Perry, Michele Bachmann and Sarah Palin thanked the military and intelligence communities

2) Congratulations, President Bush!

3) Lie. Sean Hannity casually mentioned on his show that the bin Laden raid “wouldn’t have happened if Obama had his way.” Santorum told a gathering of Jewish Republicans that Obama had blown it by announcing bin Laden had been killed.

4) Romney began testing a new talking point: Sure, Obama ordered the bin Laden mission. But, hey, who wouldn’t have? But Romney is actually on record criticizing Obama in 2008 for saying he’d act unilaterally to strike bin Laden from Pakistan if necessary, the exact scenario that actually took place.

5) Republicans are trying to say Obama can't use this as a campaign issue, as if they wouldn't. Trying to take the issue away from Obama. Sorry righties. He got Bin Ladin. You can't take it away from him.
The 5 Republican arguments on Bin Ladin:

1) While Romney, Tim Pawlenty, Chris Christie and even Donald Trump congratulated the president on the historic achievement, many went out of their way to avoid mentioning his role in the mission. Rick Perry, Michele Bachmann and Sarah Palin thanked the military and intelligence communities

2) Congratulations, President Bush!

3) Lie. Sean Hannity casually mentioned on his show that the bin Laden raid “wouldn’t have happened if Obama had his way.” Santorum told a gathering of Jewish Republicans that Obama had blown it by announcing bin Laden had been killed.

4) Romney began testing a new talking point: Sure, Obama ordered the bin Laden mission. But, hey, who wouldn’t have? But Romney is actually on record criticizing Obama in 2008 for saying he’d act unilaterally to strike bin Laden from Pakistan if necessary, the exact scenario that actually took place.

5) Republicans are trying to say Obama can't use this as a campaign issue, as if they wouldn't. Trying to take the issue away from Obama. Sorry righties. He got Bin Ladin. You can't take it away from him.

Looks like Obama's critics were right.

The SEALs say they were right.

The interrogators are coming out and saying they were right.

So it seems only you libs (and Obama) are the ones going around saying that Obama is who should get the credit and that he still would have gotten OBL without "Waterboarding" and similar techniques.

Fact is if we had done what Obama is doing now, simply killing everyone, we never would have gotten Osama Bin Laden. This is an undeniable fact now.
The 5 Republican arguments on Bin Ladin:

1) While Romney, Tim Pawlenty, Chris Christie and even Donald Trump congratulated the president on the historic achievement, many went out of their way to avoid mentioning his role in the mission. Rick Perry, Michele Bachmann and Sarah Palin thanked the military and intelligence communities

2) Congratulations, President Bush!

3) Lie. Sean Hannity casually mentioned on his show that the bin Laden raid “wouldn’t have happened if Obama had his way.” Santorum told a gathering of Jewish Republicans that Obama had blown it by announcing bin Laden had been killed.

4) Romney began testing a new talking point: Sure, Obama ordered the bin Laden mission. But, hey, who wouldn’t have? But Romney is actually on record criticizing Obama in 2008 for saying he’d act unilaterally to strike bin Laden from Pakistan if necessary, the exact scenario that actually took place.

5) Republicans are trying to say Obama can't use this as a campaign issue, as if they wouldn't. Trying to take the issue away from Obama. Sorry righties. He got Bin Ladin. You can't take it away from him.

Looks like Obama's critics were right.

The SEALs say they were right.

The interrogators are coming out and saying they were right.

So it seems only you libs (and Obama) are the ones going around saying that Obama is who should get the credit and that he still would have gotten OBL without "Waterboarding" and similar techniques.

Fact is if we had done what Obama is doing now, simply killing everyone, we never would have gotten Osama Bin Laden. This is an undeniable fact now.

I'm not a lib, historically, and even I can give credit from the CiC to the CIA to the SEALS.

It's the biggest single American foreign policy success in decades, maybe since the downfall of Hitler.

Every American should be proud of the entire team involved, including the captain of the ship, no matter what letter he's got next to his name.

Had the SEALS failed, would the ass holes on this sight be trashing them now, according to your broken logic?
The 5 Republican arguments on Bin Ladin:

1) While Romney, Tim Pawlenty, Chris Christie and even Donald Trump congratulated the president on the historic achievement, many went out of their way to avoid mentioning his role in the mission. Rick Perry, Michele Bachmann and Sarah Palin thanked the military and intelligence communities

2) Congratulations, President Bush!

3) Lie. Sean Hannity casually mentioned on his show that the bin Laden raid “wouldn’t have happened if Obama had his way.” Santorum told a gathering of Jewish Republicans that Obama had blown it by announcing bin Laden had been killed.

4) Romney began testing a new talking point: Sure, Obama ordered the bin Laden mission. But, hey, who wouldn’t have? But Romney is actually on record criticizing Obama in 2008 for saying he’d act unilaterally to strike bin Laden from Pakistan if necessary, the exact scenario that actually took place.

5) Republicans are trying to say Obama can't use this as a campaign issue, as if they wouldn't. Trying to take the issue away from Obama. Sorry righties. He got Bin Ladin. You can't take it away from him.

Looks like Obama's critics were right.

The SEALs say they were right.

The interrogators are coming out and saying they were right.

So it seems only you libs (and Obama) are the ones going around saying that Obama is who should get the credit and that he still would have gotten OBL without "Waterboarding" and similar techniques.

Fact is if we had done what Obama is doing now, simply killing everyone, we never would have gotten Osama Bin Laden. This is an undeniable fact now.

I'm not a lib, historically, and even I can give credit from the CiC to the CIA to the SEALS.

It's the biggest single American foreign policy success in decades, maybe since the downfall of Hitler.

Every American should be proud of the entire team involved, including the captain of the ship, no matter what letter he's got next to his name.

Had the SEALS failed, would the ass holes on this sight be trashing them now, according to your broken logic?

It's impossible for me to be proud of the lying prick when he and his Attorney General loudly proclaimed they were gonna prosecute the guys that made the take-down possible.

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