Obama's Involvement In Bin Laden Takedown Was Simply A Nod

You're going to commit Harikari when Bammy loses in Nov. I can tell. You're pathetic.

i will throw a victory party for my candidate Romney at the club when he wins. But I know the fucks like you here, and those folks will be barred from entering.
Lol... You're such a douchebag.

Says dooshboy who dishonors the commander in chief, dishonrs the brave soldiers who got OBL, dishonors our flag, and dishonors our country.
These far right pretend Americans sound exactly like the lying lefties of the Vietnam Era.

Pathetic little fucks.

You're going to commit Harikari when Bammy loses in Nov. I can tell. You're pathetic.

i will throw a victory party for my candidate Romney at the club when he wins. But I know the fucks like you here, and those folks will be barred from entering.

It's your party Leslie. You'll cry if you want to.
These far right pretend Americans sound exactly like the lying lefties of the Vietnam Era.

Pathetic little fucks.

You're going to commit Harikari when Bammy loses in Nov. I can tell. You're pathetic.

i will throw a victory party for my candidate Romney at the club when he wins. But I know the fucks like you here, and those folks will be barred from entering.

i will throw a victory party for my candidate Romney at the club when he wins. But I know the fucks like you here, and those folks will be barred from entering.
Lol... You're such a douchebag.

Says dooshboy who dishonors the commander in chief, dishonrs the brave soldiers who got OBL, dishonors our flag, and dishonors our country.
^ Captain Hyperbole to the rescue!!!!
Mud, lockejaw, and TGG continue to act just like far lefties during the Vietnam era.

Completely unAmerican, completely unpatriotic. For shame.

Face it, it was not a hard decision for him to make. If it was a hard decision for him to make, its because he thought he would be wrong to let the SEALS take him out. Maybe he was conflicted on it because he would be ordering the killing of a prominent fellow Muslim?

Actually, it was a hard decision because the intel said there was a 40 to 60 percent chance that OBL was there. If Obama had sent in a SEAL team and he wasn't there? The GOP would have been all over him. If he had sent them in and they got OBL but took casualties? The GOP would have been all over him.

Yeah, it took guts to make the call on only around a 50/50 shot that he was there.
Mud, lockejaw, and TGG continue to act just like far lefties during the Vietnam era.

Completely unAmerican, completely unpatriotic. For shame.

Face it, it was not a hard decision for him to make. If it was a hard decision for him to make, its because he thought he would be wrong to let the SEALS take him out. Maybe he was conflicted on it because he would be ordering the killing of a prominent fellow Muslim?

LOL; that's what I was thinking. But he still made sure to give him a proper religious ceremony and not show the American people proof of his dead body even though we've paid for that picture with the blood of thousands of Americans.
Or when the chicken-shit had to be goaded into making a decision.

In this case Obama was reluctant. He was afraid. It showed on his face in photos and insiders are saying it was very much so.

bullshit...The only president that doesnt get cred is the black guy

The only president that gets blame for taking less vaca than the previous president is the black guy

See the common factor here. You assigning motives or feelings have shit to do with what is the truth. The truth is that Obama got that son of a bitch after Bush said he wasnt concerned with him. I guess Obama has to play dress up and put on a flight suit to get cons dicks swelling. They love that fake shit

Being black is a crutch to some.

Being black is a reason to expect more to some as well. Bush didnt kill Osama, hell he said he didnt think about him. But Obama doesnt get credit. Bush took more vacations than Obama but the right complains because now suddenly presidents shouldnt take vacations.

Why do you expect more from Obama than your beloved Bush?
You're going to commit Harikari when Bammy loses in Nov. I can tell. You're pathetic.

i will throw a victory party for my candidate Romney at the club when he wins. But I know the fucks like you here, and those folks will be barred from entering.

It's your party Leslie. You'll cry if you want to.

The wannabee lefties keep knocking the president. :lol:

You still have some of Obama's water babies in the corner of your mouth, go get a napkin and wipe it off, youre disgusting. Atleast clean up your face after giving him a BJ before going out in public. Yeesh...
Mud, lockejaw, and TGG continue to act just like far lefties during the Vietnam era.

Completely unAmerican, completely unpatriotic. For shame.

Face it, it was not a hard decision for him to make. If it was a hard decision for him to make, its because he thought he would be wrong to let the SEALS take him out. Maybe he was conflicted on it because he would be ordering the killing of a prominent fellow Muslim?

LOL; that's what I was thinking. But he still made sure to give him a proper religious ceremony and not show the American people proof of his dead body even though we've paid for that picture with the blood of thousands of Americans.

Exactly what did you pay TGG? Did you serve in the wars? Did you have any family members or friends who died?

As far as giving him a proper religious ceremony? Did you see how unglued those people over there were over just a koran?

And by the way..............got any factual links to back up Obama being a Muslim? Because I thought that during the campaign you guys on the right were pissed that he attended a CHRISTIAN church for 20 years where the pastor said "god damn America" once?
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Bottom line: In the 2008 campaign, Obama stated that if Bin Ladin was located and Pakistan wouldn't or couldn't act, then he as President would give the order to go take him out.

In the same campaign, McCain stated that he knew how to get Bin Ladin. Interesting, as he never shared that knowledge for 8 years with the Bush administration.

Prior to the same campaign, GW Bush stated that Bin Ladin was essentially a non-issue as (according to him) Al Qaeda was rendered powerless...therefore Bush didn't care where Bin Ladin was (interesting....as he PROMISED the American people that he was going to hunt down and smoke out Bin Ladin, and that Bin Ladin was wanted "dead or alive"), which coincides with his earlier action in disbanding the special intelligence unit SPECIFICALLY DESIGNED TO HUNT BIN LADIN.

Present day: President Obama reviews the intel, caucuses with military and advisors and gives the order to take out Bin Ladin. The mission is a success. OBAMA FULFILLS A CAMPAIGN ISSUE!

And his success will RIGHTFULLY be part of his next term's campaign.

Deal with it, people...because there's not a God damned thing you can do about it.
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LockeDoosh strikes again! Why can't you guys support a good thing for America: Osama is dead ~ good. Congratulate the president on acting rightly and correctly, pull your heads out of combined ass, and the doosh slouch down the street. :lol:
LockeDoosh strikes again! Why can't you guys support a good thing for America: Osama is dead ~ good. Congratulate the president on acting rightly and correctly, pull your heads out of combined ass, and the doosh slouch down the street. :lol:

You're parents were messed up to teach you that doing the handstand is walking upright and passing gas is how you're supposed to communicate with other people.
Let me help you out, your shoes go on your feet not your hands. Your pants go over your butt, which is the part your parents told you was your head. And your shirt goes over your torso, your ass has been showing this whole time and you've been farting and shitting at people instead of talking to them your entire life, you poor sucker! It was a pretty cool trick they taught you since you were a baby, I heard they were trying to get you set up with a carreer as a circus freak but it never panned out for ya.
You should sue them for child abuse.
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LockeDoosh strikes again! Why can't you guys support a good thing for America: Osama is dead ~ good. Congratulate the president on acting rightly and correctly, pull your heads out of combined ass, and the doosh slouch down the street. :lol:
Because it bothers them that OBL is dead and gone.
Wrong again, obadrone.
You have been given the word. Only once. You know what I mean.

Now, the president acted correctly, our enemy is dead, and you are jumping the president, a man I want defeated this fall. That makes you the equal of the lefties who acted like the assholes they were protesting the Vietnam War. You, lockedoosh, are lower than a lefty. Grow up,man, and work for Romney's election. This is not the way,
LockeDoosh strikes again! Why can't you guys support a good thing for America: Osama is dead ~ good. Congratulate the president on acting rightly and correctly, pull your heads out of combined ass, and the doosh slouch down the street. :lol:

Because it bothers them that OBL is dead and gone.

Wrong again, obadrone.

Ah, I see. All the moaning and groaning and minimizing and more moaning and groaning is because you guys are delighted.

Silly me. This is a celebration thread.

WoooHooo! :eusa_dance::happy-1::dance::mm::clap:
LockeDoosh strikes again! Why can't you guys support a good thing for America: Osama is dead ~ good. Congratulate the president on acting rightly and correctly, pull your heads out of combined ass, and the doosh slouch down the street. :lol:

Because it bothers them that OBL is dead and gone.

Nope.....I would have put him through a chipper-shredder and used him to fertilize the White House Rosegarden.

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