Obama's Involvement In Bin Laden Takedown Was Simply A Nod

I wonder if Obama has a team right now trying to investigate Jose Rodriquez to see how to attack his credibility.

I heard the Dems have sprung into action to counter all of the statements of this guy.

He was born in Puerto Rico in 1948 and was the guy who decided to destroy the videos of the KSM interrogations to protect our people and prevent Democrats from using them to further discredit them and this country.

I bet Obama is torn on destroying this Latino who now calls himself an American.

In my opinion he is a patriot.
I wonder if Obama has a team right now trying to investigate Jose Rodriquez to see how to attack his credibility.

I heard the Dems have sprung into action to counter all of the statements of this guy.

He was born in Puerto Rico in 1948 and was the guy who decided to destroy the videos of the KSM interrogations to protect our people and prevent Democrats from using them to further discredit them and this country.

I bet Obama is torn on destroying this Latino who now calls himself an American.

In my opinion he is a patriot.

The Justice Department announced nearly two years ago that they would not pursue charges against Rodriguez.

And there appear to be no charges on the horizon, either.

Did you know this?

I think the outrage is overblown. By not tipping your hat to Obama for a job well done, it makes his opponents appear petty and small, and it serves to emphasize the story instead of making it go away.
I wonder if Obama has a team right now trying to investigate Jose Rodriquez to see how to attack his credibility.

I heard the Dems have sprung into action to counter all of the statements of this guy.

He was born in Puerto Rico in 1948 and was the guy who decided to destroy the videos of the KSM interrogations to protect our people and prevent Democrats from using them to further discredit them and this country.

I bet Obama is torn on destroying this Latino who now calls himself an American.

In my opinion he is a patriot.

The Justice Department announced nearly two years ago that they would not pursue charges against Rodriguez.

And there appear to be no charges on the horizon, either.

Did you know this?

I think the outrage is overblown. By not tipping your hat to Obama for a job well done, it makes his opponents appear petty and small, and it serves to emphasize the story instead of making it go away.

Obama had dropped trying KSM and others in New York as well, but now that is back on the table.

We'll see. Obama is a very vindictive asshole. He could still drum up charges against him. It would be a total nightmare for him, but he could.

I don't have any intention to make this all go away because the truth must be heard, not the rendition that Obama seems to want to push down our throats so he can get donations and get reelected. I suspect that all of these stories I've been hearing but not widely advertised in the press are more true than the ones Obama and his supporters are telling. The kicker was when Obama attempted to claim Mitt Romney wouldn't have made the call. That is something he cannot say for sure, but he attempted to.
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Hey Jake, YOU F'ING PIECE OF TERD - constantly cursing people anyone out for saying that Obama politicized UBL and stating that it's an a front to the seals; well it turns out that plenty of seals are saying that Obama is being a deuche. So get off your soap box and blow it out your ass. And I f'ing dare you to put this quote when you respond so that people can see you're being an outright bitch when you inevitably cry nu uh you f'ing c*nt.

SEALs slam Obama for using them as 'ammunition' in bid to take credit for bin Laden killing during election campaign | Mail Online

You are a slime ball. You are criticizing the president for the right call, which was above politics. He gets credit for it. You are a dooshboy for acting this way. You are simply unAmerican, pro-marxist on this issue,
Hey Jake, YOU F'ING PIECE OF TERD - constantly cursing people anyone out for saying that Obama politicized UBL

Politicizing- Translation: We're getting our brains beat out. :cool:

The center of America, which Romney needs for election, is not happy with the far right of the GOP acting like slimy lefties from the Vietnam Era on this issue. Very unAmerican.
Hey Jake, YOU F'ING PIECE OF TERD - constantly cursing people anyone out for saying that Obama politicized UBL

Politicizing- Translation: We're getting our brains beat out. :cool:

The center of America, which Romney needs for election, is not happy with the far right of the GOP acting like slimy lefties from the Vietnam Era on this issue. Very unAmerican.

Fact is they're simply reacting to false statements from the Obama administration. Obama chose to make this an issue for the election. He has reminded us several times that he got bin laden, and many on the left here keep reminding us. The left is who is bringing this up. If youe were as objective as you claim you would admit this.

This weekend Robert Gibbs declared that Mitt Romney wouldn't have made the call. The VP said the same thing.

This is all coming from Obama bud, not from the right.
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Politicizing- Translation: We're getting our brains beat out. :cool:

The center of America, which Romney needs for election, is not happy with the far right of the GOP acting like slimy lefties from the Vietnam Era on this issue. Very unAmerican.

Fact is they're simply reacting to false statements from tha Obama administration. Obama chose to make this an issue for the election. He has reminded us several times that he got bin laden, and many on the left here keep reminding us. The left is who is bringing this up. If youe were as objective as you claim you would admit this.

This weekend Robert Gibbs declared tha Mitt Romney wouldn't have made the call. The VP said the same thing.

This is all coming from Obama bud, not from the right.

High Holy Bishop Theocrat Willard Mitt Romney said we spent to much money on Bin Laden's hunt.

And now he's saying he would have got him?

Hey Jake, YOU F'ING PIECE OF TERD - constantly cursing people anyone out for saying that Obama politicized UBL

Politicizing- Translation: We're getting our brains beat out. :cool:

The center of America, which Romney needs for election, is not happy with the far right of the GOP acting like slimy lefties from the Vietnam Era on this issue. Very unAmerican.

You do know that the good Bishop was in favor of the Vietnam war..then went to France. Right?
Obama felt he could keep this thing quiet and thought only his version of events would be made public, but now his shit is looking pretty weak.

People are getting out so Obama can't lock em up anymore.
Obama felt he could keep this thing quiet and thought only his version of events would be made public, but now his shit is looking pretty weak.

People are getting out so Obama can't lock em up anymore.

if the raid went bad, you and the other obama deranged wingers would be posting ten threads a day blaming him.

you people sound really sad, pathetic and desperate.
Politicizing- Translation: We're getting our brains beat out. :cool:

The center of America, which Romney needs for election, is not happy with the far right of the GOP acting like slimy lefties from the Vietnam Era on this issue. Very unAmerican.

You do know that the good Bishop was in favor of the Vietnam war..then went to France. Right?

This is not about Romney, only about some of his stupid supporters.
mud and his sick group are looking pretty weak here. As they should. Disgraceful behavior from Americans, some of whom are vets. Disgraceful.
mud and his sick group are looking pretty weak here. As they should. Disgraceful behavior from Americans, some of whom are vets. Disgraceful.

Once again.....Obama is making this an issue.

The GOP had dropped it until Biden started popping off, then we discovered www.gutsycall.com. Then they started saying Mitt wouldn't have had the will nor the courage.

Obama only has himself to blame for this beginning to blow up in his face.

You need to quit acting like you care about how bad this looks and drop the mask asshole. Nobody's buying your act anymore.
mud and his sick group are looking pretty weak here. As they should. Disgraceful behavior from Americans, some of whom are vets. Disgraceful.

Once again.....Obama is making this an issue.

The GOP had dropped it until Biden started popping off, then we discovered www.gutsycall.com. Then they started saying Mitt wouldn't have had the will nor the courage.

Obama only has himself to blame for this beginning to blow up in his face.

You need to quit acting like you care about how bad this looks and drop the mask asshole. Nobody's buying your act anymore.


Over and over conservative drones have been saying that Obama had nothing to do with the death of Osama Bin Laden..and that he should never mention it.

To bad.

You guys don't get to make the rules.
mud and his sick group are looking pretty weak here. As they should. Disgraceful behavior from Americans, some of whom are vets. Disgraceful.

Once again.....Obama is making this an issue.

The GOP had dropped it until Biden started popping off, then we discovered www.gutsycall.com. Then they started saying Mitt wouldn't have had the will nor the courage.

Obama only has himself to blame for this beginning to blow up in his face.

You need to quit acting like you care about how bad this looks and drop the mask asshole. Nobody's buying your act anymore.

You get to tell people what to do? I am for Romney. This issue is a non-winner for him. The far right GOP response is hurting Romney with the center. You, as a vet, are acting disgracefully, just like a Vietnam-era protester. For shame.
This is blowing up in his face because obama didn't do anything. This is Kerry claiming unearned bravery all over again. This wasn't a gutsy call, if obama was the kind of man who would take blame as well as credit it might be a gutsy call, but he isn't. This was a call with a contingency plan in case it went bad. If it had gone bad, it would be a rogue military.
This is katzndogz lying through his teeth again.

Obama did the right thing, the criticism is the wrong thing. Period. End of story.

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