Obamas "Jobs Bill" is DOA as it should be!!!!!!! Unfu***** believeable

We do not appear to be on that same downward trajectory of unemployment that we were on when Bush II was leaving office.

However we are not recovering those lost jobs fast enough to even keep pace with the natural growth of the labor force.

I think we've made progress, but not nearly enough.

If Obama had just stayed out of it, the recovery would have been a natural growth in the labor force. He threw a wrench into the spokes of the wheel.

We do not appear to be on that same downward trajectory of unemployment that we were on when Bush II was leaving office.

However we are not recovering those lost jobs fast enough to even keep pace with the natural growth of the labor force.

I think we've made progress, but not nearly enough.

If Obama had just stayed out of it, the recovery would have been a natural growth in the labor force. He threw a wrench into the spokes of the wheel.

I've been telling this dude that for the last 24 hours only to be called a retard. Get ready.......lol
We do not appear to be on that same downward trajectory of unemployment that we were on when Bush II was leaving office.

However we are not recovering those lost jobs fast enough to even keep pace with the natural growth of the labor force.

I think we've made progress, but not nearly enough.

If Obama had just stayed out of it, the recovery would have been a natural growth in the labor force. He threw a wrench into the spokes of the wheel.

"A body in motion tends to stay in motion unless acted on by an outside force."
Sir Isaac Newton

SO...the GDP AND the job loss just decided to make a sudden reversal all by itself. The FACT that BOTH occurred at the exact same time as the stimulus was a mere coincidence...
Its been anounced that his bill is proposed to be paid through TAX INCREASES 400 billion dollars worth of tax increases on anyone making over 200k a year.

"Not only was the entire national deficit eliminated after raising taxes on the wealthy in 1993, but the economy grew so fast for the remainder of the decade that many conservative economists thought that the Fed should raise the prime interest rate in order to slow it down."

We do not appear to be on that same downward trajectory of unemployment that we were on when Bush II was leaving office.

However we are not recovering those lost jobs fast enough to even keep pace with the natural growth of the labor force.

I think we've made progress, but not nearly enough.

If Obama had just stayed out of it, the recovery would have been a natural growth in the labor force. He threw a wrench into the spokes of the wheel.

I've been telling this dude that for the last 24 hours only to be called a retard. Get ready.......lol

I don't think you are a retard. A retard has a brain that is not functioning properly.

You don't have a brain...
We do not appear to be on that same downward trajectory of unemployment that we were on when Bush II was leaving office.

However we are not recovering those lost jobs fast enough to even keep pace with the natural growth of the labor force.

I think we've made progress, but not nearly enough.

If Obama had just stayed out of it, the recovery would have been a natural growth in the labor force. He threw a wrench into the spokes of the wheel.

"A body in motion tends to stay in motion unless acted on by an outside force."
Sir Isaac Newton

SO...the GDP AND the job loss just decided to make a sudden reversal all by itself. The FACT that BOTH occurred at the exact same time as the stimulus was a mere coincidence...
Your comparing an Apple falling from a tree to our economy and I'm the retard? Lol
If Obama had just stayed out of it, the recovery would have been a natural growth in the labor force. He threw a wrench into the spokes of the wheel.

"A body in motion tends to stay in motion unless acted on by an outside force."
Sir Isaac Newton

SO...the GDP AND the job loss just decided to make a sudden reversal all by itself. The FACT that BOTH occurred at the exact same time as the stimulus was a mere coincidence...
Your comparing an Apple falling from a tree to our economy and I'm the retard? Lol

Newton's law applies to more than just apples...

The trajectory of the GDP and job losses were both plunging off a cliff. They BOTH decided to make a vast turn around at the same time, and the stimulus starting at that turning point had nothing to do with it.
The laws of physics do not apply to numbers and digital information bud. Keep digging

OK, then explain HOW the GDP and jobs loss SUDDENLY made an about face at the exact same time the stimulus was enacted?

BTW, don't look up...

The laws of physics do not apply to numbers and digital information bud. Keep digging

OK, then explain HOW the GDP and jobs loss SUDDENLY made an about face at the exact same time the stimulus was enacted?

BTW, don't look up...


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_fzB2BEiLso&feature=youtube_gdata_player]Family Guy Obama & quagmire - YouTube[/ame]
"A body in motion tends to stay in motion unless acted on by an outside force."
Sir Isaac Newton

SO...the GDP AND the job loss just decided to make a sudden reversal all by itself. The FACT that BOTH occurred at the exact same time as the stimulus was a mere coincidence...
Your comparing an Apple falling from a tree to our economy and I'm the retard? Lol

Newton's law applies to more than just apples...

The trajectory of the GDP and job losses were both plunging off a cliff. They BOTH decided to make a vast turn around at the same time, and the stimulus starting at that turning point had nothing to do with it.

Newton's law applies to many things, but economics is not one of them. Thanks for embodying the saying, "A little knowledge is a dangerous thing" for us. What a dumbass.
We do not appear to be on that same downward trajectory of unemployment that we were on when Bush II was leaving office.

However we are not recovering those lost jobs fast enough to even keep pace with the natural growth of the labor force.

I think we've made progress, but not nearly enough.

If Obama had just stayed out of it, the recovery would have been a natural growth in the labor force. He threw a wrench into the spokes of the wheel.

"A body in motion tends to stay in motion unless acted on by an outside force."
Sir Isaac Newton

SO...the GDP AND the job loss just decided to make a sudden reversal all by itself. The FACT that BOTH occurred at the exact same time as the stimulus was a mere coincidence...

Actually the economy goes in cycles with peaks and valleys. Government involvement tends to make both the peaks and valleys more extreme. Clearly you know little of physics or economics.
The Bush 'job loss' was due to three significant events:
1. 9/11 - Which we recovered from
2. Katrina - Which we recovered from
3. The housing bubble collapse - he didn't have time to deal with that but agreed on TARP which was a mistake. (Obama has equal culpability in that.)

If you take those three things out of the equation, he had eight great years economically.

Obama inherited the aftermath of the housing bubble collapse, but he has done absolutely nothing to turn that around and his economic policies for the most part have been temporary bandaids or job killers. His latest scheme is more of the same.
Your comparing an Apple falling from a tree to our economy and I'm the retard? Lol

Newton's law applies to more than just apples...

The trajectory of the GDP and job losses were both plunging off a cliff. They BOTH decided to make a vast turn around at the same time, and the stimulus starting at that turning point had nothing to do with it.

Newton's law applies to many things, but economics is not one of them. Thanks for embodying the saying, "A little knowledge is a dangerous thing" for us. What a dumbass.

When GDP and job losses are falling precipitately and suddenly they make an about face SOME outside force is responsible.

Just fucking say it: The GDP and job losses made a sudden about face at the exact same time the stimulus was enacted, but it was only a coincidence...
Newton's law applies to more than just apples...

The trajectory of the GDP and job losses were both plunging off a cliff. They BOTH decided to make a vast turn around at the same time, and the stimulus starting at that turning point had nothing to do with it.

Newton's law applies to many things, but economics is not one of them. Thanks for embodying the saying, "A little knowledge is a dangerous thing" for us. What a dumbass.

When GDP and job losses are falling precipitately and suddenly they make an about face SOME outside force is responsible.

Just fucking say it: The GDP and job losses made a sudden about face at the exact same time the stimulus was enacted, but it was only a coincidence...

Stopped falling? We've lost 8 million private sector jobs since Obama took office. We have added some government jobs. Where's the about face?

Again, if you take the three negative events--two of which Bush had no control over and the third he tried for two years to get Congress to act to change course--the Bush economy was good. Job creation was not his strong suit, however, mostly due to some of the same mistakes Obama is making. Bush's energy policies would make a conservative cry. His proposed immigration policy so flawed that even Ann Coulter wanted him impeached. His increase in entitlements and government meddling and irresponsible spending and huge growth in government were grevious enough to cost the GOP both the House and Senate in 2006. Most of us now see that nation building is a bad idea. Many of us knew that all along.

Nevertheless, Bush's economic policies were good and the deficit was coming down dramatically and, if the housing bubble had not collapsed, Obama would have started out with a near balanced budget and a great economy.

Lucky for him that didn't happen because with his policies, he would have destroyed it.
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When GDP and job losses are falling precipitately and suddenly they make an about face SOME outside force is responsible.

Just fucking say it: The GDP and job losses made a sudden about face at the exact same time the stimulus was enacted, but it was only a coincidence...

According to you we need to consider gravity the culprit. Yes, it was coincidence that the economic cycle broke near the same time as stimulus was enacted. From that point forward stimulus slowed economic recovery.
The right wing dogma driven state of denial...

The economy expanded for four consecutive quarters after the stimulus spending accelerated and began to contract as the stimulus dollars ran out...All of these had to just be coincidences...bolts from the sky!!!

CBO Report

CBO estimates that ARRA’s policies had the following effects in the second quarter of calendar year 2010:

* They raised real (inflation-adjusted) gross domestic product (GDP) by between 1.7 percent and 4.5 percent,

* Lowered the unemployment rate by between 0.7 percentage points and 1.8 percentage points,

* Increased the number of people employed by between 1.4 million and 3.3 million, and

* Increased the number of full-time-equivalent jobs by 2.0 million to 4.8 million compared with what would have occurred otherwise

The effects of ARRA on output are expected to gradually diminish during the second half of 2010 and beyond. The effects of ARRA on employment and unemployment are expected to lag slightly behind the effects on output; they are expected to wane gradually in 2011 and beyond.
Smoke ans mirrors...
" Lowered the unemployment rate by between 0.7 percentage points and 1.8 percentage points,".......HUH?!!!! The unemployment rate is virtually unchanged in two years. Those figures are obviously seasonally adjusted and may very well include temporary census workers. In any event, the stimulus was supposed to ( A promise by Obama) keep unemployment below 8%....Now the White House says "of' it was worse than we thought. We want a do over." Horse shit.
What the hell is a "full time equivalent job"?!!!!...More government double speak. Quite simply put, it's a job or a it's not a job.
GDP grew by 0.7% in 2010. It's essentially on the same pace for 2011.
And the last piece of outrageous unbelievable statistics : " Increased the number of people employed by between 1.4 million and 3.3 million"......That's almost humorous. The CBO is an allegedly non partisan group of people. REALLY?!!!!!!

Now Obama is pitching a massive tax increase knowing full well it has no chance of getting past the US House.
That is political grandstanding to the nth degree. This Obama person is a fucking miracle.
You're going to have to come up with something way better than that crap above to prove your case.
We do not appear to be on that same downward trajectory of unemployment that we were on when Bush II was leaving office.

However we are not recovering those lost jobs fast enough to even keep pace with the natural growth of the labor force.

I think we've made progress, but not nearly enough.

If Obama had just stayed out of it, the recovery would have been a natural growth in the labor force. He threw a wrench into the spokes of the wheel.
Thank you!
The laws of physics do not apply to numbers and digital information bud. Keep digging

OK, then explain HOW the GDP and jobs loss SUDDENLY made an about face at the exact same time the stimulus was enacted?

BTW, don't look up...

They didn't..Period....
Here's another certainty.....NOT ONE MORE DIME!!!!! IT'S OVER.....Going deeper into debt and increasing deficits has not worked in the past and will not work in the future.
The Bush 'job loss' was due to three significant events:
1. 9/11 - Which we recovered from
2. Katrina - Which we recovered from
3. The housing bubble collapse - he didn't have time to deal with that but agreed on TARP which was a mistake. (Obama has equal culpability in that.)

If you take those three things out of the equation, he had eight great years economically.

Obama inherited the aftermath of the housing bubble collapse, but he has done absolutely nothing to turn that around and his economic policies for the most part have been temporary bandaids or job killers. His latest scheme is more of the same.
Correct on all points.
However, I will submit that Bush 43 was a big spending populist.

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