Obamas "Jobs Bill" is DOA as it should be!!!!!!! Unfu***** believeable

We do not appear to be on that same downward trajectory of unemployment that we were on when Bush II was leaving office.

However we are not recovering those lost jobs fast enough to even keep pace with the natural growth of the labor force.

I think we've made progress, but not nearly enough.

If Obama had just stayed out of it, the recovery would have been a natural growth in the labor force. He threw a wrench into the spokes of the wheel.

Not the first time I've read this on here. Can you back this up?
We do not appear to be on that same downward trajectory of unemployment that we were on when Bush II was leaving office.

However we are not recovering those lost jobs fast enough to even keep pace with the natural growth of the labor force.

I think we've made progress, but not nearly enough.

If Obama had just stayed out of it, the recovery would have been a natural growth in the labor force. He threw a wrench into the spokes of the wheel.

Not the first time I've read this on here. Can you back this up?

Obama is Anti Business and Business knows it. He has made the climate too unstable for serious investment. He is anti Investment in relation to taxes. He is not trusted. That is a Fail. Big Time fail.
Newton's law applies to many things, but economics is not one of them. Thanks for embodying the saying, "A little knowledge is a dangerous thing" for us. What a dumbass.

When GDP and job losses are falling precipitately and suddenly they make an about face SOME outside force is responsible.

Just fucking say it: The GDP and job losses made a sudden about face at the exact same time the stimulus was enacted, but it was only a coincidence...
Stopped falling?

YES...it not only stopped falling, it made an abrupt about face. It couldn't be any more dramatic or obvious.


If Obama had just stayed out of it, the recovery would have been a natural growth in the labor force. He threw a wrench into the spokes of the wheel.

Not the first time I've read this on here. Can you back this up?

Obama is Anti Business and Business knows it. He has made the climate too unstable for serious investment. He is anti Investment in relation to taxes. He is not trusted. That is a Fail. Big Time fail.

No, that's not the kind of thing I'm talking about. Just going "Obama is an anti-business President SQAAAAAWWWWK!!!" isn't backing up the claim I quoted.
The Bush 'job loss' was due to three significant events:
1. 9/11 - Which we recovered from
2. Katrina - Which we recovered from
3. The housing bubble collapse - he didn't have time to deal with that but agreed on TARP which was a mistake. (Obama has equal culpability in that.)

If you take those three things out of the equation, he had eight great years economically.

Obama inherited the aftermath of the housing bubble collapse, but he has done absolutely nothing to turn that around and his economic policies for the most part have been temporary bandaids or job killers. His latest scheme is more of the same.
Correct on all points.
However, I will submit that Bush 43 was a big spending populist.

I refer you to my Post #635 in which I acknowledge that had we known what we were getting with Bush on energy, immigration, entitlements, and spending, we would have elected somebody else. On the other hand, he was good with economics and excellent with national security. Think what we would have had with Gore at the helm when 9/11 happened. :(
The Bush 'job loss' was due to three significant events:
1. 9/11 - Which we recovered from
2. Katrina - Which we recovered from
3. The housing bubble collapse - he didn't have time to deal with that but agreed on TARP which was a mistake. (Obama has equal culpability in that.)

If you take those three things out of the equation, he had eight great years economically.

Obama inherited the aftermath of the housing bubble collapse, but he has done absolutely nothing to turn that around and his economic policies for the most part have been temporary bandaids or job killers. His latest scheme is more of the same.
Correct on all points.
However, I will submit that Bush 43 was a big spending populist.

I refer you to my Post #635 in which I acknowledge that had we known what we were getting with Bush on energy, immigration, entitlements, and spending, we would have elected somebody else. On the other hand, he was good with economics and excellent with national security. Think what we would have had with Gore at the helm when 9/11 happened. :(

I'm not sure what you mean, do you mean somehow more would have died if Gore had been President?
That is political grandstanding to the nth degree.

Well, of course it is. And with any luck it'll actually work, too.
A bit late to the party, aren't ya?

Luck? You mean a fucking disaster,yes?
If this guy gets another term one will not recognize this nation once he gets done with it.
Open borders. Ruling by political fiat. No business activity. Dead economy.
4 more years? 4 more minutes is too long.
Don't respond. I am not interested in a friggin thing you have to say.
That is political grandstanding to the nth degree.

Well, of course it is. And with any luck it'll actually work, too.
A bit late to the party, aren't ya?

Luck? You mean a fucking disaster,yes?
If this guy gets another term one will not recognize this nation once he gets done with it.
Open borders. Ruling by political fiat. No business activity. Dead economy.
4 more years? 4 more minutes is too long.
Don't respond. I am not interested in a friggin thing you have to say.

Tough, I'm gonna respond anyway:

You're a hysterical wingnut and I'm glad the Prez is finally bringing up the "class warfare" you guys have been accusing him of the last couple of years.
When GDP and job losses are falling precipitately and suddenly they make an about face SOME outside force is responsible.

Just fucking say it: The GDP and job losses made a sudden about face at the exact same time the stimulus was enacted, but it was only a coincidence...
Stopped falling?

YES...it not only stopped falling, it made an abrupt about face. It couldn't be any more dramatic or obvious.



Yer nuts.....If you call 7% neg growth to near zero or slight growth an improvement.
When Ed Koch was mayor of NYC he went on a crusade to get the subway system fixed. During his third term he said "the subway system stinks less"...
Pretty much what we have now with the economy.
The geniuses is DC stated they needed stimulus one. That didn't do as predicted. They aid the problem was far worse. They demanded stimulus II.....That didn't do as predicted. They said it was way worse. Now they want MORE plus a 1.3 trillion dollar tax increase?! Fuck them.
Obama is playing politics. He gets to run around the country campaigning that his jobs bill and tax increases will work and the awful GOP won't let him have the items. He said earlier today that he will veto any proposal from the republicans that cuts spending without tax increases. He knows God Damned well the GOP has no intention of raising taxes. Obama did this deliberately. Same old bullshit with this guy. He knows everything about politics and nothing of government.

Look, you're not getting any more money.
Stopped falling?

YES...it not only stopped falling, it made an abrupt about face. It couldn't be any more dramatic or obvious.



Yer nuts.....If you call 7% neg growth to near zero or slight growth an improvement.
When Ed Koch was mayor of NYC he went on a crusade to get the subway system fixed. During his third term he said "the subway system stinks less"...
Pretty much what we have now with the economy.
The geniuses is DC stated they needed stimulus one. That didn't do as predicted. They aid the problem was far worse. They demanded stimulus II.....That didn't do as predicted. They said it was way worse. Now they want MORE plus a 1.3 trillion dollar tax increase?! Fuck them.
Obama is playing politics. He gets to run around the country campaigning that his jobs bill and tax increases will work and the awful GOP won't let him have the items. He said earlier today that he will veto any proposal from the republicans that cuts spending without tax increases. He knows God Damned well the GOP has no intention of raising taxes. Obama did this deliberately. Same old bullshit with this guy. He knows everything about politics and nothing of government.

Look, you're not getting any more money.

He said earlier today that he will veto any proposal from the republicans that cuts spending without tax increases. He knows God Damned well the GOP has no intention of raising taxes. Obama did this deliberately.

The GOP did it first and Obama played along up until now but where did it get us?

The time is now, Obama needs to start defending the middle class against the attacks of the GOP.
YES...it not only stopped falling, it made an abrupt about face. It couldn't be any more dramatic or obvious.



Yer nuts.....If you call 7% neg growth to near zero or slight growth an improvement.
When Ed Koch was mayor of NYC he went on a crusade to get the subway system fixed. During his third term he said "the subway system stinks less"...
Pretty much what we have now with the economy.
The geniuses is DC stated they needed stimulus one. That didn't do as predicted. They aid the problem was far worse. They demanded stimulus II.....That didn't do as predicted. They said it was way worse. Now they want MORE plus a 1.3 trillion dollar tax increase?! Fuck them.
Obama is playing politics. He gets to run around the country campaigning that his jobs bill and tax increases will work and the awful GOP won't let him have the items. He said earlier today that he will veto any proposal from the republicans that cuts spending without tax increases. He knows God Damned well the GOP has no intention of raising taxes. Obama did this deliberately. Same old bullshit with this guy. He knows everything about politics and nothing of government.

Look, you're not getting any more money.

He said earlier today that he will veto any proposal from the republicans that cuts spending without tax increases. He knows God Damned well the GOP has no intention of raising taxes. Obama did this deliberately.

The GOP did it first and Obama played along up until now but where did it get us?

The time is now, Obama needs to start defending the middle class against the attacks of the GOP.
"The GOP did it first"...Thanks for making my point more outstanding.
Even you are caught up in the politics of this.

Where did WHAT get us?
Obama and the democrat controlled Congress, spent all that money without any appreciable positive results......I should be asking "where did THAT (Stim I and II) get us?
You guys seem to think the bank accounts of Americans are bottomless pits. Or you arrogantly believe all wealth should belong to the government to do with as they wish.
Let Obama veto a debt bill...

It will make the Solargate impeachment hearings go a lot smoother.
Yer nuts.....If you call 7% neg growth to near zero or slight growth an improvement.
When Ed Koch was mayor of NYC he went on a crusade to get the subway system fixed. During his third term he said "the subway system stinks less"...
Pretty much what we have now with the economy.
The geniuses is DC stated they needed stimulus one. That didn't do as predicted. They aid the problem was far worse. They demanded stimulus II.....That didn't do as predicted. They said it was way worse. Now they want MORE plus a 1.3 trillion dollar tax increase?! Fuck them.
Obama is playing politics. He gets to run around the country campaigning that his jobs bill and tax increases will work and the awful GOP won't let him have the items. He said earlier today that he will veto any proposal from the republicans that cuts spending without tax increases. He knows God Damned well the GOP has no intention of raising taxes. Obama did this deliberately. Same old bullshit with this guy. He knows everything about politics and nothing of government.

Look, you're not getting any more money.

He said earlier today that he will veto any proposal from the republicans that cuts spending without tax increases. He knows God Damned well the GOP has no intention of raising taxes. Obama did this deliberately.

The GOP did it first and Obama played along up until now but where did it get us?

The time is now, Obama needs to start defending the middle class against the attacks of the GOP.
"The GOP did it first"...Thanks for making my point more outstanding.
Even you are caught up in the politics of this.

Where did WHAT get us?
Obama and the democrat controlled Congress, spent all that money without any appreciable positive results......I should be asking "where did THAT (Stim I and II) get us?
You guys seem to think the bank accounts of Americans are bottomless pits. Or you arrogantly believe all wealth should belong to the government to do with as they wish.

I was pointing out the hypocrisy in your outrage with Obama's ploy.

The difference is he did acquiesce to the GOP's extortion in the past while the GOP has remained consistently obstinate and obstructionist.
Well, of course it is. And with any luck it'll actually work, too.
A bit late to the party, aren't ya?

Luck? You mean a fucking disaster,yes?
If this guy gets another term one will not recognize this nation once he gets done with it.
Open borders. Ruling by political fiat. No business activity. Dead economy.
4 more years? 4 more minutes is too long.
Don't respond. I am not interested in a friggin thing you have to say.

Tough, I'm gonna respond anyway:

You're a hysterical wingnut and I'm glad the Prez is finally bringing up the "class warfare" you guys have been accusing him of the last couple of years.
Yes! Because you deserve what other people worked for!

Is Obama gonna pay your mortgage and gas bill too?
Yes, the GOP are really concerned about the US people.

Remember this?
“The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president”

What a destructive and revealing statement.
How can anyone take their motives seriously after that?
Yes, the GOP are really concerned about the US people.

Remember this?
“The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president”

What a destructive and revealing statement.
How can anyone take their motives seriously after that?

What's "destructive" about getting a disaster like Obama out of office? I can't imagine anything more constructive.
Yes, the GOP are really concerned about the US people.

Remember this?
“The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president”

What a destructive and revealing statement.
How can anyone take their motives seriously after that?

What's "destructive" about getting a disaster like Obama out of office? I can't imagine anything more constructive.

Shouldn't their priority be rebuilding the US economy?
Yes, the GOP are really concerned about the US people.

Remember this?
“The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president”

What a destructive and revealing statement.
How can anyone take their motives seriously after that?

Wouldn't you want the most destructive president in American history to be a one termer?

No wait thats right you're not an American you are a New Zeland citizen. thanks for playing.

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