Obama's last two years his best?

Can I have a link that shows we have been in recession for the last six years?

Or are you just making shit up?

Fuck off you lying sack of shit...you link NOTHING but cry like a little girl when every rebuttal to your garbage isn't linked....nothing but a dodge by a coward.

I take it that is your way of admitting that you have no proof we have been in recession for the last six years
and that you were just making shit up
Been a pleasure doing business with you
Oddly,initial Republican harping at Obama was built around unemployment rate, unemployment rate, unemployment rate....the only economic measure that mattered

Now that the unemployment rate has dropped below six percent, they seem obsessed with labor participation rate. An economic measure that has been dropping for 15 years

The real unemployment rate is 12.6% and almost 20% in the black neighborhoods Hussein sends Al Sharpton into.

Tackling The Real Unemployment Rate 12.6 - Forbes

The "real" unemployment rate is 5.8%
The same unemployment rate used to report on the Presidencies of Bush, Bush and Reagan

And the "real" labor participation rate under Obama is the lowest it's been in 36 years.

Far few people are working. As a result, the unemployment rate doesn't mean shit. :D

Labor Participation Rate has been dropping for 15 years, just like we expected at the end of the Baby Boomers working years
Oddly,initial Republican harping at Obama was built around unemployment rate, unemployment rate, unemployment rate....the only economic measure that mattered

Now that the unemployment rate has dropped below six percent, they seem obsessed with labor participation rate. An economic measure that has been dropping for 15 years

The real unemployment rate is 12.6% and almost 20% in the black neighborhoods Hussein sends Al Sharpton into.

Tackling The Real Unemployment Rate 12.6 - Forbes

The "real" unemployment rate is 5.8%
The same unemployment rate used to report on the Presidencies of Bush, Bush and Reagan

And the "real" labor participation rate under Obama is the lowest it's been in 36 years.

Far few people are working. As a result, the unemployment rate doesn't mean shit. :D

The LPR has fallen 40% faster now since 2008 than at any other time in history. Including even at the start of the recession.
For someone to ignore this data point in the unemployment number is doing so either in ignorance, or dishonestly.

Dishonesty. They hope people are too stupid to know what's really going on.

It's too bad for Dems....because the American public is fully aware. :D
Oddly,initial Republican harping at Obama was built around unemployment rate, unemployment rate, unemployment rate....the only economic measure that mattered

Now that the unemployment rate has dropped below six percent, they seem obsessed with labor participation rate. An economic measure that has been dropping for 15 years

The real unemployment rate is 12.6% and almost 20% in the black neighborhoods Hussein sends Al Sharpton into.

Tackling The Real Unemployment Rate 12.6 - Forbes

The "real" unemployment rate is 5.8%
The same unemployment rate used to report on the Presidencies of Bush, Bush and Reagan

And the "real" labor participation rate under Obama is the lowest it's been in 36 years.

Far few people are working. As a result, the unemployment rate doesn't mean shit. :D

Labor Participation Rate has been dropping for 15 years, just like we expected at the end of the Baby Boomers working years


This country is crumbling before our very eyes as a direct result of Obozo's policies and leadship. You are one of the incredibly stupid people left that celebrates this piece of shit. I wish we could divide the country up between your side and capitalist, freedom lovers.

Country doesn't seem to be crumbling to me

Economy is booming, unemployment is down. deficit has been cut, US has one of the strongest economies in the world, gas prices way down. GDP grew 4.3% last quarter

If you wish to attribute it to Obamas policies and leadeership...you are welcome

The economy isn't booming by any stretch of the imagination. Our debt increased 70% under Obozo. Think about that. 70%. Entitlements are bleeding this country dry, poverty rate is up, median income is down, less people working now than before Obozo took office. Obamacare is one big cluster fuck. Puttin has been emboldened by Obozo's weakness. Mid East is more combustible than ever. Race relations in this country have taken a turn for the worse........

According to your own words as a direct result of Obozo's policies and leadship

Can you point out which Obama policies added to that 70% debt increase?

The guy said he wanted to be elected to clean up Bush's mess, did he not?

And he did so....Stopped a fucking depression


And laid the groundwork for a hyperinflationary spiral that will hit a few years after he is safely out of office. The truly destructive aspects of his reign are still to come. His Obama care was so good that they broke the law and delayed full implementation of it so they could have a chance to win the mid terms. Well that failed miserably!

Now we get to see the whole devastating impact of that despicable law and all you progressives will fall all over yourselves trying to blame it on somebody, anybody, so long as it's not your "Dear Leader".
Country doesn't seem to be crumbling to me

Economy is booming, unemployment is down. deficit has been cut, US has one of the strongest economies in the world, gas prices way down. GDP grew 4.3% last quarter

If you wish to attribute it to Obamas policies and leadeership...you are welcome

The economy isn't booming by any stretch of the imagination. Our debt increased 70% under Obozo. Think about that. 70%. Entitlements are bleeding this country dry, poverty rate is up, median income is down, less people working now than before Obozo took office. Obamacare is one big cluster fuck. Puttin has been emboldened by Obozo's weakness. Mid East is more combustible than ever. Race relations in this country have taken a turn for the worse........

According to your own words as a direct result of Obozo's policies and leadship

Can you point out which Obama policies added to that 70% debt increase?

The guy said he wanted to be elected to clean up Bush's mess, did he not?

And he did so....Stopped a fucking depression


And laid the groundwork for a hyperinflationary spiral that will hit a few years after he is safely out of office. The truly destructive aspects of his reign are still to come. His Obama care was so good that they broke the law and delayed full implementation of it so they could have a chance to win the mid terms. Well that failed miserably!

Now we get to see the whole devastating impact of that despicable law and all you progressives will fall all over yourselves trying to blame it on somebody, anybody, so long as it's not your "Dear Leader".

We keep hearing that....any day now...any day
Just watch for that Obama inflation (pay no attention to those gas prices!)

Just like we are waiting for that economic collapse because of Obamacare
Median Family Income under Obama. Another shining gem in his legacy. :lol:

Obama is laughing at the whole political system of our country. He don't respect neither Dems nor Republicans. Obviously he works for the interests of many rich political elites but not for the American nation. While median american households become poorer, rich Jewish lobbyists wealthier(
Median Family Income under Obama. Another shining gem in his legacy. :lol:

Obama is laughing at the whole political system of our country. He don't respect neither Dems nor Republicans. Obviously he works for the interests of many rich political elites but not for the American nation. While median american households become poorer, rich Jewish lobbyists wealthier(

Our President sees a political system that is broken

Just because Congress doesn't want to take action doesn't mean the president shouldn't.

Even anti-semitic assholes such as yourself should realize it
The economy isn't booming by any stretch of the imagination. Our debt increased 70% under Obozo. Think about that. 70%. Entitlements are bleeding this country dry, poverty rate is up, median income is down, less people working now than before Obozo took office. Obamacare is one big cluster fuck. Puttin has been emboldened by Obozo's weakness. Mid East is more combustible than ever. Race relations in this country have taken a turn for the worse........

According to your own words as a direct result of Obozo's policies and leadship

Can you point out which Obama policies added to that 70% debt increase?

The guy said he wanted to be elected to clean up Bush's mess, did he not?

And he did so....Stopped a fucking depression


And laid the groundwork for a hyperinflationary spiral that will hit a few years after he is safely out of office. The truly destructive aspects of his reign are still to come. His Obama care was so good that they broke the law and delayed full implementation of it so they could have a chance to win the mid terms. Well that failed miserably!

Now we get to see the whole devastating impact of that despicable law and all you progressives will fall all over yourselves trying to blame it on somebody, anybody, so long as it's not your "Dear Leader".

We keep hearing that....any day now...any day
Just watch for that Obama inflation (pay no attention to those gas prices!)

Just like we are waiting for that economic collapse because of Obamacare

It's the nature of a large and powerful economy like we have. It takes a long time for idiots to upset the balance and cause it to fail. It has been under sustained attack now for a few decades. Look how long it took for Spain to finally collapse.

However, if we get another idiot like Obama running things, then look to Zimbabwe for the much faster outcome.
Median Family Income under Obama. Another shining gem in his legacy. :lol:

Obama is laughing at the whole political system of our country. He don't respect neither Dems nor Republicans. Obviously he works for the interests of many rich political elites but not for the American nation. While median american households become poorer, rich Jewish lobbyists wealthier(

Our President sees a political system that is broken

Just because Congress doesn't want to take action doesn't mean the president shouldn't.

Even anti-semitic assholes such as yourself should realize it

The POTUS doesn't have the authority to do anything. That was the intent of the Founders. Otherwise you get a dictatorship. Now I can understand why a progressive totalitarian government supporter, such as yourself, would approve, but those of us who like to live in a free country, don't.
According to your own words as a direct result of Obozo's policies and leadship

Can you point out which Obama policies added to that 70% debt increase?

The guy said he wanted to be elected to clean up Bush's mess, did he not?

And he did so....Stopped a fucking depression


And laid the groundwork for a hyperinflationary spiral that will hit a few years after he is safely out of office. The truly destructive aspects of his reign are still to come. His Obama care was so good that they broke the law and delayed full implementation of it so they could have a chance to win the mid terms. Well that failed miserably!

Now we get to see the whole devastating impact of that despicable law and all you progressives will fall all over yourselves trying to blame it on somebody, anybody, so long as it's not your "Dear Leader".

We keep hearing that....any day now...any day
Just watch for that Obama inflation (pay no attention to those gas prices!)

Just like we are waiting for that economic collapse because of Obamacare

It's the nature of a large and powerful economy like we have. It takes a long time for idiots to upset the balance and cause it to fail. It has been under sustained attack now for a few decades. Look how long it took for Spain to finally collapse.

However, if we get another idiot like Obama running things, then look to Zimbabwe for the much faster outcome.

I know...I know

These things take a LOOOOONG time
That is why Bill Clinton really caused George Bush's economic collapse
Median Family Income under Obama. Another shining gem in his legacy. :lol:

Obama is laughing at the whole political system of our country. He don't respect neither Dems nor Republicans. Obviously he works for the interests of many rich political elites but not for the American nation. While median american households become poorer, rich Jewish lobbyists wealthier(

Our President sees a political system that is broken

Just because Congress doesn't want to take action doesn't mean the president shouldn't.

Even anti-semitic assholes such as yourself should realize it

The POTUS doesn't have the authority to do anything. That was the intent of the Founders. Otherwise you get a dictatorship. Now I can understand why a progressive totalitarian government supporter, such as yourself, would approve, but those of us who like to live in a free country, don't.

George Washington was a founder and happened to be our first president

He is also the first to use executive powers
Median Family Income under Obama. Another shining gem in his legacy. :lol:

Obama is laughing at the whole political system of our country. He don't respect neither Dems nor Republicans. Obviously he works for the interests of many rich political elites but not for the American nation. While median american households become poorer, rich Jewish lobbyists wealthier(

Our President sees a political system that is broken

Just because Congress doesn't want to take action doesn't mean the president shouldn't.

Even anti-semitic assholes such as yourself should realize it

The POTUS doesn't have the authority to do anything. That was the intent of the Founders. Otherwise you get a dictatorship. Now I can understand why a progressive totalitarian government supporter, such as yourself, would approve, but those of us who like to live in a free country, don't.

George Washington was a founder and happened to be our first president

He is also the first to use executive powers

Executive powers as they currently exist date back to FDR and the year 1933, when he placed the US into a "State of Emergency". That is where the current power to promulgate EO's comes from. Funnily enough all the POTUS's since then have been unwilling to rescind the emergency.

I wonder why...

"Since March 9, 1933, the United States has been in a state of declared national emergency. In fact, there are now in effect four presidentially-proclaimed states of national emergency: In addition to the national emergency declared by President Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1933, there are also the national emergency proclaimed by President Harry S. Truman on December 16, 1950, during the Korean conflict, and the states of national emergency declared by President Richard M. Nixon on March 23, 1970, and August 15, 1971."

War Powers Act - OpenCongress Wiki
No, that's not true. Bush did a lot in response.
Regardless, Bush is no excuse for obama. You need to stay on topic.
As I remember...Bush and Obama did about the same things over Crimea and Georgia...which was condemn it, and not a lot else.

What exactly did Bush do, that Obama didn't?
U.S. reacted strongly to Russia incursion into Georgia in 2008 - The Washington Post

Again, Bush is no excuse for the unimposing, paper tiger, non-deterrent known as obama.
Did you read that extremely short article you posted?

It didn't come close to specifying anything about what Bush did in Georgia, that Obama didn't do in Crimea.
Ask a non-democrat to explain to you how to operate web links within a story.
Okay, I see what you're saying, Bush did steam a Navy into the Black Sea, and airlift Georgian troops around, that's something.

As for the differences between Georgia and Crimea...

The Georgian conflict was to bring back 2 break away regions in Gerogia. There are no break away regions in Crimea. They're pretty much Russians. I'm not defending Putin...but in any event, what Bush did, and what Obama did, had zero net effect on the outcomes.

At this point I'd like to ask you another question.

Is there anything either Bush or Obama could have done to affect the outcomes of Georgia and Crimea?...if not...who care what either did. It seems to me a waste of assets
Bush was at the disadvantage of not having a Georgia issue as a precedent. Obama had that warning and still presented no tangible, credible deterrent. For Bush it was 'fool me once'. For obama it was 'fool me twice'. Shame on obama. His lack of leadership and weak foreign policy skills emboldened Putin.
One thing that I truly believe, generally speaking, conservative are more apt to criticize their own than liberals. Bush is a fine example of this. Conservatives bashed Bush all over the place for lack of action on immigration, disastrous handling of the Iraq war and allowing a HUGE growth of the "no federal tax crowd". Under Bush, the number of WORKING Americans that pay no fed income taxes rose to just under 50%. Half of the working population. Unforgivable.
On the other hand, liberals simply refuse to call out their own, Unless of course they do something conservative-ish. Then all hell breaks loose.
As long as Obama keeps saying things they like - the fakes like Rightwinger will support him no matter what. Like I said, when RWger makes his featherbrained "the economy is fantastic" threads - I know he knows it is inaccurate. I know he knows the data he presents is missing all kinds of data points.
Just like his thread about earnings on the rise. It is of course complete bunk, and he knows it. But spouts it off anyway.
And I believe it is accurate to say - MOST liberals do this.
And I believe it is accurate to say - MOST conservatives don't.
As I remember...Bush and Obama did about the same things over Crimea and Georgia...which was condemn it, and not a lot else.

What exactly did Bush do, that Obama didn't?
U.S. reacted strongly to Russia incursion into Georgia in 2008 - The Washington Post

Again, Bush is no excuse for the unimposing, paper tiger, non-deterrent known as obama.
Did you read that extremely short article you posted?

It didn't come close to specifying anything about what Bush did in Georgia, that Obama didn't do in Crimea.
Ask a non-democrat to explain to you how to operate web links within a story.
Okay, I see what you're saying, Bush did steam a Navy into the Black Sea, and airlift Georgian troops around, that's something.

As for the differences between Georgia and Crimea...

The Georgian conflict was to bring back 2 break away regions in Gerogia. There are no break away regions in Crimea. They're pretty much Russians. I'm not defending Putin...but in any event, what Bush did, and what Obama did, had zero net effect on the outcomes.

At this point I'd like to ask you another question.

Is there anything either Bush or Obama could have done to affect the outcomes of Georgia and Crimea?...if not...who care what either did. It seems to me a waste of assets
Bush was at the disadvantage of not having a Georgia issue as a precedent. Obama had that warning and still presented no tangible, credible deterrent. For Bush it was 'fool me once'. For obama it was 'fool me twice'. Shame on obama. His lack of leadership and weak foreign policy skills emboldened Putin.
IMO, Putin was completely unaffected by what Obama did, or didn't do.

Putin would have been just as unaffected by Bush, or any other President, with any other variable of involvement, short of attacking Russian troops.

When the right has no solid criticism of foreign policy they fall back on vague terms like "poor leadership" "leading from behind" or "emboldened" so and so.......

This is meaningless back seat poltical driving
U.S. reacted strongly to Russia incursion into Georgia in 2008 - The Washington Post

Again, Bush is no excuse for the unimposing, paper tiger, non-deterrent known as obama.
Did you read that extremely short article you posted?

It didn't come close to specifying anything about what Bush did in Georgia, that Obama didn't do in Crimea.
Ask a non-democrat to explain to you how to operate web links within a story.
Okay, I see what you're saying, Bush did steam a Navy into the Black Sea, and airlift Georgian troops around, that's something.

As for the differences between Georgia and Crimea...

The Georgian conflict was to bring back 2 break away regions in Gerogia. There are no break away regions in Crimea. They're pretty much Russians. I'm not defending Putin...but in any event, what Bush did, and what Obama did, had zero net effect on the outcomes.

At this point I'd like to ask you another question.

Is there anything either Bush or Obama could have done to affect the outcomes of Georgia and Crimea?...if not...who care what either did. It seems to me a waste of assets
Bush was at the disadvantage of not having a Georgia issue as a precedent. Obama had that warning and still presented no tangible, credible deterrent. For Bush it was 'fool me once'. For obama it was 'fool me twice'. Shame on obama. His lack of leadership and weak foreign policy skills emboldened Putin.
IMO, Putin was completely unaffected by what Obama did, or didn't do.

Putin would have been just as unaffected by Bush, or any other President, with any other variable of involvement, short of attacking Russian troops.

When the right has no solid criticism of foreign policy they fall back on vague terms like "poor leadership" "leading from behind" or "emboldened" so and so.......

This is meaningless back seat poltical driving
Obama is a weak non-leader who has disdain for the military. He has repeatedly blamed his own country (the US, that is) for causing conflicts that we truly respond to. That is a sign of opportunity for an aggressor like Putin.
If you don't see that weakness you're exposing your own obama partisanship.
Did you read that extremely short article you posted?

It didn't come close to specifying anything about what Bush did in Georgia, that Obama didn't do in Crimea.
Ask a non-democrat to explain to you how to operate web links within a story.
Okay, I see what you're saying, Bush did steam a Navy into the Black Sea, and airlift Georgian troops around, that's something.

As for the differences between Georgia and Crimea...

The Georgian conflict was to bring back 2 break away regions in Gerogia. There are no break away regions in Crimea. They're pretty much Russians. I'm not defending Putin...but in any event, what Bush did, and what Obama did, had zero net effect on the outcomes.

At this point I'd like to ask you another question.

Is there anything either Bush or Obama could have done to affect the outcomes of Georgia and Crimea?...if not...who care what either did. It seems to me a waste of assets
Bush was at the disadvantage of not having a Georgia issue as a precedent. Obama had that warning and still presented no tangible, credible deterrent. For Bush it was 'fool me once'. For obama it was 'fool me twice'. Shame on obama. His lack of leadership and weak foreign policy skills emboldened Putin.
IMO, Putin was completely unaffected by what Obama did, or didn't do.

Putin would have been just as unaffected by Bush, or any other President, with any other variable of involvement, short of attacking Russian troops.

When the right has no solid criticism of foreign policy they fall back on vague terms like "poor leadership" "leading from behind" or "emboldened" so and so.......

This is meaningless back seat poltical driving
Obama is a weak non-leader who has disdain for the military. He has repeatedly blamed his own country (the US, that is) for causing conflicts that we truly respond to. That is a sign of opportunity for an aggressor like Putin.
If you don't see that weakness you're exposing your own obama partisanship.
He hasn't once blamed America for causing conflicts. You're imagining more than one Cairo speech, and misinterpetuing that one.

Putin wouldn't have changed his approach no matter who was President.

The right needs guys like you to think a different reaction by a Republican might have created idfferent results, and that's not the case.
Median Family Income under Obama. Another shining gem in his legacy. :lol:

Obama is laughing at the whole political system of our country. He don't respect neither Dems nor Republicans. Obviously he works for the interests of many rich political elites but not for the American nation. While median american households become poorer, rich Jewish lobbyists wealthier(

Our President sees a political system that is broken

Just because Congress doesn't want to take action doesn't mean the president shouldn't.

Even anti-semitic assholes such as yourself should realize it

The POTUS doesn't have the authority to do anything. That was the intent of the Founders. Otherwise you get a dictatorship. Now I can understand why a progressive totalitarian government supporter, such as yourself, would approve, but those of us who like to live in a free country, don't.

George Washington was a founder and happened to be our first president

He is also the first to use executive powers

Executive powers as they currently exist date back to FDR and the year 1933, when he placed the US into a "State of Emergency". That is where the current power to promulgate EO's comes from. Funnily enough all the POTUS's since then have been unwilling to rescind the emergency.

I wonder why...

"Since March 9, 1933, the United States has been in a state of declared national emergency. In fact, there are now in effect four presidentially-proclaimed states of national emergency: In addition to the national emergency declared by President Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1933, there are also the national emergency proclaimed by President Harry S. Truman on December 16, 1950, during the Korean conflict, and the states of national emergency declared by President Richard M. Nixon on March 23, 1970, and August 15, 1971."

War Powers Act - OpenCongress Wiki

You couldn't be more correct!

  1. In 1933, Fascism was celebrating its eleventh year in power, in Italy, and the election of the National Socialists in Germany represented an unmitigated defeat for liberal democracy in Europe’s largest industrialized nation.
    1. At the beginning of the same month, FDR was inaugurated as President. And before Congress went into recess it granted powers to Roosevelt unprecedented in peacetime. From Congressional hearings, 1973: “Since March 9, 1933, the United States has been in a state of declared national emergency.” Freedomsite.net

Imagine, if only his heirs didn't control the schools and the media.....(sigh...)
A girl can dream, can't she.
Ask a non-democrat to explain to you how to operate web links within a story.
Okay, I see what you're saying, Bush did steam a Navy into the Black Sea, and airlift Georgian troops around, that's something.

As for the differences between Georgia and Crimea...

The Georgian conflict was to bring back 2 break away regions in Gerogia. There are no break away regions in Crimea. They're pretty much Russians. I'm not defending Putin...but in any event, what Bush did, and what Obama did, had zero net effect on the outcomes.

At this point I'd like to ask you another question.

Is there anything either Bush or Obama could have done to affect the outcomes of Georgia and Crimea?...if not...who care what either did. It seems to me a waste of assets
Bush was at the disadvantage of not having a Georgia issue as a precedent. Obama had that warning and still presented no tangible, credible deterrent. For Bush it was 'fool me once'. For obama it was 'fool me twice'. Shame on obama. His lack of leadership and weak foreign policy skills emboldened Putin.
IMO, Putin was completely unaffected by what Obama did, or didn't do.

Putin would have been just as unaffected by Bush, or any other President, with any other variable of involvement, short of attacking Russian troops.

When the right has no solid criticism of foreign policy they fall back on vague terms like "poor leadership" "leading from behind" or "emboldened" so and so.......

This is meaningless back seat poltical driving
Obama is a weak non-leader who has disdain for the military. He has repeatedly blamed his own country (the US, that is) for causing conflicts that we truly respond to. That is a sign of opportunity for an aggressor like Putin.
If you don't see that weakness you're exposing your own obama partisanship.
He hasn't once blamed America for causing conflicts. You're imagining more than one Cairo speech, and misinterpetuing that one.

Putin wouldn't have changed his approach no matter who was President.

The right needs guys like you to think a different reaction by a Republican might have created idfferent results, and that's not the case.
You excuse a failed non-leader obama. He even injects his misperceptions of American racism into speeches made abroad. If you can't even admit that obama is the apologist he is then don't waste my time. You're a shill.

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