Obamas new health care tax on purchases!


Gold Member
Oct 22, 2009
Yes, we all get our not so free health care-tax the poor with every sale. When will liberals learn that nothing is free; and democrats are the first to step up and tax the poor! Tobacco, alcohol, gas, the very things that hurt the poor have the highest taxes...and btw, more poor people smoke and drink...with a government like ours who can blame them!

I love how Snopes has to admit to the fact of the health care tax by attempting minimize the amount...the fucking point is there should be no tax!


snopes.com: Medical Device Excise Tax
The poor have to pay their fair share too. :D

The point being, it's just another fucking way, that the government steals our damned money and make themselves all the fatter and more ensconced in their positions of power...

Letter to the Editor -- MINNEAPOLIS STAR TRIBUNE

"Let's look at what we have learned from this election: Twenty-one of 22 incumbent senators were re-elected, and 353 of 373 incumbent members of the House were re-elected. The American people have re-elected 94 percent of the incumbents who were running for re-election to an institution that has an approval rating of about 9 percent. This indicates, as an electorate, we are a nation of idiots. We're now stuck with the useless, dysfunctional government that we deserve."
As I recall, there are 21 or so new taxes on every American for (Obamacare). I completely understand that the lefties thought they was getting something for "free", but it ain't happening and never was going to happen. Remember? We have to pass the bill to find out what's in it.....

As 2013 Begins, Get Ready For An ObamaCare Tax Onslaught - Forbes

I'm still in the process of researching the exact amount...but if I'm not mistaken, it's 21 new taxes.
Well, quite frankly, this goes along with the lies that we heard from day one about the ACA. Remember those famous words from Obama? "No family, making less than $250,000 will see their taxes rise one penny. Not one penny". They went before the Supreme Court LOSING their argument UNTIL they decided to peg the ACA as a TAX.

But Obama would never lie to us.........would he??
Well, quite frankly, this goes along with the lies that we heard from day one about the ACA. Remember those famous words from Obama? "No family, making less than $250,000 will see their taxes rise one penny. Not one penny". They went before the Supreme Court LOSING their argument UNTIL they decided to peg the ACA as a TAX.

But Obama would never lie to us.........would he??

Obama's "Read my lips, No New Taxes" moment.
Well, quite frankly, this goes along with the lies that we heard from day one about the ACA. Remember those famous words from Obama? "No family, making less than $250,000 will see their taxes rise one penny. Not one penny". They went before the Supreme Court LOSING their argument UNTIL they decided to peg the ACA as a TAX.

But Obama would never lie to us.........would he??

Obama's "Read my lips, No New Taxes" moment.

Actually, as I recall, it was actually a tad more insidious with president H. W. Bush. The Democrats backed Bush into a corner and then made a deal with him. He would go along with tax increases and they would sit down and cut spending. Obviously, cuts in spending never happened.

Instead, when H.W. ran for re-election they ran, nearly non stop, his "read my lips" comments and that cost him re-election. Moral of the story? NEVER trust a democrat, for ANY reason. They simply CAN NOT be trusted.

Remind you of anyone??

"Anyone making less than $250,000 will not see their taxes go up by one penny".
Nothing is free and and every working American is gonna find out just how unfree its going to be.

The only winners will be those who couln't afford their HC. We taxpayers will be picking up the tab from now on.

Happy days are here again. Hope the Dems who passed this peice of shit all rot in hell.
Nothing is free and and every working American is gonna find out just how unfree its going to be.

The only winners will be those who couln't afford their HC. We taxpayers will be picking up the tab from now on.

Happy days are here again. Hope the Dems who passed this peice of shit all rot in hell.

Um...just an FYI...you've always paid for the healthcare of those without insurance, you just did it in the most expensive way possible.

Imagine the human body as a car. If you don't get regular maintenance on your vehicle, it is much more expensive when it breaks.

People who only use the emergency room for their healthcare needs are much like that car without regular maintenance. Expensive.
Nothing is free and and every working American is gonna find out just how unfree its going to be.

The only winners will be those who couln't afford their HC. We taxpayers will be picking up the tab from now on.

Happy days are here again. Hope the Dems who passed this peice of shit all rot in hell.

Um...just an FYI...you've always paid for the healthcare of those without insurance, you just did it in the most expensive way possible.

Imagine the human body as a car. If you don't get regular maintenance on your vehicle, it is much more expensive when it breaks.

People who only use the emergency room for their healthcare needs are much like that car without regular maintenance. Expensive.

oh so we should just be damn happy for all the NEW taxes that are coming from the liar in chief who said he would NOT raise taxes on people below 250,000 dollars..

got it
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By the way...the Cabela's registers were incorrectly adding the tax to purchases. The tax only applies to certain medical devices. Cabela's is offering refunds to anyone who got the incorrect charge.
The left doesn't care. As long as they have Obama in the White House taking away our guns and our religion they're happy as pigs in shit.
The left doesn't care. As long as they have Obama in the White House taking away our guns and our religion they're happy as pigs in shit.

to them the little thug dictator can do no wrong, he knows best what we all need
(a) IN GENERAL.—Chapter 32 of the Internal Revenue Code
of 1986 is amended—
(1) by inserting after subchapter D the following new subchapter:
‘‘Subchapter E—Medical Devices
‘‘Sec. 4191. Medical devices.
‘‘(a) IN GENERAL.—There is hereby imposed on the sale of
any taxable medical device by the manufacturer, producer, or
importer a tax equal to 2.3 percent of the price for which so
‘‘(b) TAXABLE MEDICAL DEVICE.—For purposes of this section—
‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—The term ‘taxable medical device’ means
any device (as defined in section 201(h) of the Federal Food,
Drug, and Cosmetic Act) intended for humans.
‘‘(2) EXEMPTIONS.—Such term shall not include— H. R. 4872—37
‘‘(A) eyeglasses,
‘‘(B) contact lenses,
‘‘(C) hearing aids, and
‘‘(D) any other medical device determined by the Secretary to be of a type which is generally purchased by
the general public at retail for individual use.’’, and
(2) by inserting after the item relating to subchapter D
in the table of subchapters for such chapter the following new
(1) Section 4221(a) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986
is amended by adding at the end the following new sentence:
‘‘In the case of the tax imposed by section 4191, paragraphs
(3), (4), (5), and (6) shall not apply.’’.
(2) Section 6416(b)(2) of such Code is amended by adding
at the end the following: ‘‘In the case of the tax imposed
by section 4191, subparagraphs (B), (C), (D), and (E) shall
not apply.’’.
(c) EFFECTIVE DATE.—The amendments made by this section
shall apply to sales after December 31, 2012.

‘‘Subchapter E—Medical Devices

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