Obama's Next Dilemma?,What If Patients Die Waiting For Treatment Or Doctor Shortage?

Feb 1, 2013

Someone needs to ask Jay Carney this question! what happens when Americans start dropping like flies come 2014 when they either can't get an appt., can't find the right doctor, waiting in a crowded ER, die over a misdiagnosis, etc.
Actually, someone needs to ask that of Barry, but he wont take any questions regarding this debacle ever!
Can you imagine if this horrific scenario happens next year and "You Know Who" still wont repeal it?
ARNP or some similar non-MD designation level care for all.

Accompanied by Federal tort protection from loss or damage by under qualified .gov providers in the system.

this is why all of American is now in panic mode. in fear of sudden illness/and/or dying waiting for treatment. yet, no one on the left wants to talk about it.
If people start dying because of BoondoggleCare, you actually think Odumbo will give a shit?
If people start dying because of BoondoggleCare, you actually think Odumbo will give a shit?


the left already wants us depopulated - they circulate that lie of "overpopulation" and "save the planet" blah-blah-blah.

nobody gives a shit on the left about human life and never did - all they care is your vote until they get into absolute power. Then they finally take off their masks and the stupid populace suddenly realizes that they are facing the beast. But it is too late - the doors are closed and the labor camp is behind the barbed wire
Someone needs to ask Jay Carney this question! what happens when Americans start dropping like flies come 2014 when they either can't get an appt., can't find the right doctor, waiting in a crowded ER, die over a misdiagnosis, etc.
Actually, someone needs to ask that of Barry, but he wont take any questions regarding this debacle ever!
Can you imagine if this horrific scenario happens next year and "You Know Who" still wont repeal it?
How can that possibly happen???? :dunno:
The health care is provided by private insurance companies, and we are constantly told that the private sector is absolute perfection! :hellno:
once that first story hits the media, lets see how the left spins it. "well, ahh, she was gonna die anyway".
If people can't get an appointment, can't find the right doctor, wait in a crowded ER or die from a mis diagnosis with the ACA, it will be no different than the current system when one can't get an appointment, find a doctor, wait in an ER or get misdiagnosed.

Those kinds of things happen in our current health care system and have been happening long before the ACA.

Other countries have national health care and they do it for a lot less $$ and their outcomes are better. That fact can be found on any search engine from legitimate sources..... If you really want to know, that is.
Someone needs to ask Jay Carney this question! what happens when Americans start dropping like flies come 2014 when they either can't get an appt., can't find the right doctor, waiting in a crowded ER, die over a misdiagnosis, etc.
Actually, someone needs to ask that of Barry, but he wont take any questions regarding this debacle ever!
Can you imagine if this horrific scenario happens next year and "You Know Who" still wont repeal it?
Earth to the Seventh Tiger. Earth to the Seventh Tiger. The fact of the matter is that people sometimes make doctors appointments and die before they can keep those appointments. Also, it is not uncommon for people to wait in the ER now. In case you are unaware the better ER's have triage which means if you have a minor problem (broken arm) you may have to sit and wait while shooting victims, people with heart attacks, and other serious problems are treated first. And yes, DOCTORS SOMETIMES MAKE MISTAKES and people die of misdiagnosis all the time. That will not change.
The thing you should be celebrating is that EVERYONE will have an opportunity to get medical care instead of just the wealthy. Apparently you were happy with poor people without insurance just being allowed to die. Or alternately, you were happy to pay higher and higher insurance costs to cover those people who had no insurance but ended up in emergency rooms and hospitals without being able to pay for their medical care.
Americorp has been tasked with digging ditches and putting corpses in coffin liners. That's what happens.
once that first story hits the media, lets see how the left spins it. "well, ahh, she was gonna die anyway".
What will be more interesting is how the right spins it. The have had a campaign of lies and misinformation right from the start. Remember the famous Death Panels and "Obama wants to kill granny." It has been one lie after another from the right which is why I no longer hear them or pay attention to their claims.
this is why all of American is now in panic mode. in fear of sudden illness/and/or dying waiting for treatment. yet, no one on the left wants to talk about it.
"...all of America is now in a panic mode ..." GET REAL!!! The only people in a panic mode are the right wingers who are realizing that they cannot stop ACA regardless of what lies and dirty tricks they use.
The more successful Obamacare is at getting people to sign up, the more likely it is that patients will have a hard time being able to make appointments for nonemergency care, and the more likely that they'll burden emergency rooms.

That is assuming that people are able to sign up for affordable care and the deductibles aren't so high that they make people decide to suck it up and ride out their illnesses.

Obamacare was thoroughly ill-conceived. It's a lose-lose proposition.
god help up tonight! please don't let that radical become governor of Virginia.
Yes, indeed. It is far better that the liar who accepted bribes, tried to tell women what they can and cannot do with their own bodies, and pushed for the government to be in the bedrooms of the citizens of the state to be elected governor. Yes, much better indeed.
The more successful Obamacare is at getting people to sign up, the more likely it is that patients will have a hard time being able to make appointments for nonemergency care, and the more likely that they'll burden emergency rooms.

That is assuming that people are able to sign up for affordable care and the deductibles aren't so high that they make people decide to suck it up and ride out their illnesses.

Obamacare was thoroughly ill-conceived. It's a lose-lose proposition.
Amelia, while there may be shortages initially they will probably gradually disappear over time. And by the way, there are ways to help with the shortages. Have you ever hear of physicians assistants?
A person receives specialized training in one area of medicine. My wife goes to a pain doctor to have a pump which is located in her body filled with pain medicine. She goes about every 6 weeks. She has not seen the doctor in 2 years. She is treated by a physicians assistant who has been specially trained in ONE area of medicine.

If people can't get an appointment, can't find the right doctor, wait in a crowded ER or die from a mis diagnosis with the ACA, it will be no different than the current system when one can't get an appointment, find a doctor, wait in an ER or get misdiagnosed.

Those kinds of things happen in our current health care system and have been happening long before the ACA.

Other countries have national health care and they do it for a lot less $$ and their outcomes are better. That fact can be found on any search engine from legitimate sources..... If you really want to know, that is.

a lie

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