Obama's Next Dilemma?,What If Patients Die Waiting For Treatment Or Doctor Shortage?

That link needs repeating.


This link illustrates a mental flaw in the way right wingers think. The information in this link is clear and unequivocal, yet the wing nuts on this thread will ignore it and the facts it presents. It illustrates the way wing nuts think:


Would you rather have your operation done in the US or in South Africa? Pay up.

It really isn't about where I want to have an operation. It is about what makes most economical sense for the country and what will yield the best outcomes. Clearly, South Africa is far ahead of the United States in both areas.

But, just for fun, and so you don't try to accuse me of dodging your question... I'll answer the question you posed;

If I were a citizen of South Africa and my health plan allowed for doctors in that area to provide me treatment, I would have the operation there.

Someone needs to ask Jay Carney this question! what happens when Americans start dropping like flies come 2014 when they either can't get an appt., can't find the right doctor, waiting in a crowded ER, die over a misdiagnosis, etc.
Actually, someone needs to ask that of Barry, but he wont take any questions regarding this debacle ever!
Can you imagine if this horrific scenario happens next year and "You Know Who" still wont repeal it?

Obabble will delay their inheritance tax by 6 weeks....compassion.
once that first story hits the media, lets see how the left spins it. "well, ahh, she was gonna die anyway".
What will be more interesting is how the right spins it. The have had a campaign of lies and misinformation right from the start. Remember the famous Death Panels and "Obama wants to kill granny." It has been one lie after another from the right which is why I no longer hear them or pay attention to their claims.

Obama said it instead of giving grandma a hip replacement, it would be cost effective just to give her a pain pill.

Someone needs to ask Jay Carney this question! what happens when Americans start dropping like flies come 2014 when they either can't get an appt., can't find the right doctor, waiting in a crowded ER, die over a misdiagnosis, etc.
Actually, someone needs to ask that of Barry, but he wont take any questions regarding this debacle ever!
Can you imagine if this horrific scenario happens next year and "You Know Who" still wont repeal it?

obama's next dilemma should be his impeachment.
Why do you think there is a finite number of doctors?

If the market opens up with more patients who can pay, Doctors will come to fill the void

It has been reported on the news numerous times that many present Drs. are opting for early retirement due to Obamacare and more Drs. are not taking Medicare patients because they actually only make 17 cents on the dollar now with Obamacare.

Yes, there will be more patients, just not enough doctors. It takes 7 years to train a doctor.
Why do you think there is a finite number of doctors?

If the market opens up with more patients who can pay, Doctors will come to fill the void

It has been reported on the news numerous times that many present Drs. are opting for early retirement due to Obamacare and more Drs. are not taking Medicare patients because they actually only make 17 cents on the dollar now with Obamacare.

Yes, there will be more patients, just not enough doctors. It takes 7 years to train a doctor.

Ever been to an emergency room?

There are Doctors all over the world looking to come to the US. It won't take seven years to get here
That link needs repeating.


This link illustrates a mental flaw in the way right wingers think. The information in this link is clear and unequivocal, yet the wing nuts on this thread will ignore it and the facts it presents. It illustrates the way wing nuts think:


this is what needs repeating.....you lefties are DIMwits....saps and suckers......

exactly WHY do you think prices are lower in those other countries....????

it's called PRICE FIXING.....

That link needs repeating.


This link illustrates a mental flaw in the way right wingers think. The information in this link is clear and unequivocal, yet the wing nuts on this thread will ignore it and the facts it presents. It illustrates the way wing nuts think:


this is what needs repeating.....you lefties are DIMwits....saps and suckers......

exactly WHY do you think prices are lower in those other countries....????

it's called PRICE FIXING.....


We pay more for our drugs and medical care than anywhere else in the world. We don't get our moneys worth
Screaming, I provided lots of information indicating why costs are less in other countries.

Care to provide some legitimate documentation to support your claim?

Not saying you are wrong... But independent verification would bolster your stance.

And, if price fixing is how other countries do it.... We need to analyze that aspect. Afterall, since other countries spend less with better outcomes.... We might be able to learn from them.
That link needs repeating.


This link illustrates a mental flaw in the way right wingers think. The information in this link is clear and unequivocal, yet the wing nuts on this thread will ignore it and the facts it presents. It illustrates the way wing nuts think:


this is what needs repeating.....you lefties are DIMwits....saps and suckers......

exactly WHY do you think prices are lower in those other countries....????

it's called PRICE FIXING.....


We pay more for our drugs and medical care than anywhere else in the world. We don't get our moneys worth

we have a mixed-bag system.....but typically you will pay more for things where the government has intervened......or else get less....

we've had so far still some incentive for profit in the medical industry so we have the most innovative system in the world with top notch healthcare....which is one reason why many from Canada and elsewhere around the world come to the USA for their treatments and surgeries...
Screaming, I provided lots of information indicating why costs are less in other countries.

Care to provide some legitimate documentation to support your claim?

Not saying you are wrong... But independent verification would bolster your stance.

And, if price fixing is how other countries do it.... We need to analyze that aspect. Afterall, since other countries spend less with better outcomes.... We might be able to learn from them.

what you can learn from them is that socialized medicine eventually produces bad results...

there is plenty of 'documentation' if you just go out there and look...

from your own links....
“Other countries negotiate very aggressively with the providers and set rates that are much lower than we do,” Anderson says. They do this in one of two ways. In countries such as Canada and Britain, prices are set by the government. In others, such as Germany and Japan, they’re set by providers and insurers sitting in a room and coming to an agreement, with the government stepping in to set prices if they fail.

many countries that have tried socialized medicine are now turning to the free market to improve their systems.....in fact many of the European countries in your report....
Last edited:

When I have a medical problem, I expect to see a doctor, not a nurse or an assistant. This is not going to go well.

From the above link:

A surplus of 34,000 nurse practitioners, about 48% above demand, and 4,000 surplus physician assistants will help relieve the doctor shortage

why should a doctor who has spent so much time, money, and energy on becoming a doctor work like hell for the same income a truck driver gets.....?

doctors are people too......if they don't get the compensation they deserve many will just say "shove it" and leave the field.....it's much easier to drive a truck....and many more will not even enter med school....
Screaming, I provided lots of information indicating why costs are less in other countries.

Care to provide some legitimate documentation to support your claim?

Not saying you are wrong... But independent verification would bolster your stance.

And, if price fixing is how other countries do it.... We need to analyze that aspect. Afterall, since other countries spend less with better outcomes.... We might be able to learn from them.

what you can learn from them is that socialized medicine eventually produces bad results...

there is plenty of 'documentation' if you just go out there and look...

from your own links....
“Other countries negotiate very aggressively with the providers and set rates that are much lower than we do,” Anderson says. They do this in one of two ways. In countries such as Canada and Britain, prices are set by the government. In others, such as Germany and Japan, they’re set by providers and insurers sitting in a room and coming to an agreement, with the government stepping in to set prices if they fail.

many countries that have tried socialized medicine are now turning to the free market to improve their systems.....in fact many of the European countries in your report....

Please provide legitimate documentation that verifies your statement that other European countries are turning to the free market for health care.

The information I provided in all of my links, and every legitimate study indicates that under their current system in other countries produces better outcomes for less money.
Why do you think there is a finite number of doctors?

If the market opens up with more patients who can pay, Doctors will come to fill the void

It has been reported on the news numerous times that many present Drs. are opting for early retirement due to Obamacare and more Drs. are not taking Medicare patients because they actually only make 17 cents on the dollar now with Obamacare.

Yes, there will be more patients, just not enough doctors. It takes 7 years to train a doctor.
So, what is your solution? To keep doctor's from retiring we should just let people die who cannot afford the doctor? And yes, they can go to the emergency room IF there is an emergency but emergency rooms ONLY handle emergencies. As soon as the person is stablized, out they go. This does not work very well for people with heart problems, high blood pressure, diabetes, and a host of other problems that need to be monitered and treated over time.
Think about this, it only takes 2 years to train a physicians assistant (P.A.).
My wife needs a pain pump refilled every 6 weeks. The last time she saw the pain doctor was 2+ years ago. The pump is filled by the PA. There are several doctor's offices she goes to where PA's carry much of the load.

When I have a medical problem, I expect to see a doctor, not a nurse or an assistant. This is not going to go well.

From the above link:

A surplus of 34,000 nurse practitioners, about 48% above demand, and 4,000 surplus physician assistants will help relieve the doctor shortage

Apparently you are a little behind when it comes to reality in the current health care system. For the last decade, PAs and nurse practitioners have been systematically assuming more responsibilities in patient care so that doctors are free for more serious or specialized care. That this cost saving measure would be expanded with the ACA makes a lot of sense.

And don't underestimate the knowledge and expertise of PAs or nursing assistants. I have had a primary care physician, two oncologists, and a surgeon look at my surgical wound last month and none of them could figure out why it wasn't healing properly. Took a PA to figure it out.
That link needs repeating.


This link illustrates a mental flaw in the way right wingers think. The information in this link is clear and unequivocal, yet the wing nuts on this thread will ignore it and the facts it presents. It illustrates the way wing nuts think:


Would you rather have your operation done in the US or in South Africa? Pay up.
I have no doubt that there are good doctors in South Africa who are every bit as good as those in the US. That said, I would prefer my operation done in the US for convenience. Further, many people are now going overseas to have operations. By the time they pay their deductable they can fly to Europe or China, have the operation, and save several thousand dollars in the process.
Note, the article I cited dates back to 2007 which means that the numbers in the article are probably low.
If you want more information on this Google "people going off shore for medical care."
Medical Tourism: Globalization of the Healthcare Marketplace


"The citizens of many countries have long traveled to the United States and to the developed countries of Europe to seek the expertise and advanced technology available in leading medical centers. In the recent past, a trend known as medical tourism has emerged wherein citizens of highly developed countries choose to bypass care offered in their own communities and travel to less developed areas of the world to receive a wide variety of medical services. Medical tourism is becoming increasingly popular, and it is projected that as many as 750,000 Americans will seek offshore medical care in 2007. This phenomenon is driven by marketplace forces and occurs outside of the view and control of the organized healthcare system."


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