Obama’s next target: The suburbs


יעקב כהן
Oct 19, 2010
Social engineering put in place by a leftist tyrant. I'll be waiting for Obama to have low income housing next to wherever he's going to live

Nolan Finley, The Detroit News..

The president who pledged to transform America has picked his next target in the country’s makeover: the suburbs.

Obama the Utopian hopes to use both the federal Treasury and the federal club to coax Americans into neighborhoods planned by bureaucrats to perfectly reflect the nation’s diversity.

No more rich town, poor town. All towns will be places where everyone lives on the right side of the tracks in blissful harmony without any social barriers to separate them.

That’s the vision of the Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing Rule announced earlier this month by HUD Secretary Julian Castro.

It is a masterwork of social engineering that will allow the federal government to reshape nearly every neighborhood in the country to assure it has the correct income, racial and ethnic balances

Communities will get feedback on their schools, transportation systems and racial and socioeconomic make-up to help them determine whether they are fully welcoming to poor people and other classes protected by the Fair Housing Act.

Once the data is compiled and analyzed, the expectation is that communities will take positive action to improve their numbers. And if they don’t? They’ll lose federal housing dollars.

Or worse — they’ll face a lawsuit from a federal government emboldened by the recent Supreme Court ruling on disparate impact, which makes it OK for prosecutors to determine discrimination simply by looking at statistics.

Suburban communities will be coerced to urbanize by plopping “affordable” (read: low income) housing in middle and upper income neighborhoods, and to demand that all residential developments, including luxury projects, contain a percentage of low-rent units.

Finley Obama vs. the suburbs
I got an idea. Move all the poor to Hawaii, then they can make it an island utopia.
Social engineering put in place by a leftist tyrant. I'll be waiting for Obama to have low income housing next to wherever he's going to live

Nolan Finley, The Detroit News..

The president who pledged to transform America has picked his next target in the country’s makeover: the suburbs.

Obama the Utopian hopes to use both the federal Treasury and the federal club to coax Americans into neighborhoods planned by bureaucrats to perfectly reflect the nation’s diversity.

No more rich town, poor town. All towns will be places where everyone lives on the right side of the tracks in blissful harmony without any social barriers to separate them.

That’s the vision of the Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing Rule announced earlier this month by HUD Secretary Julian Castro.

It is a masterwork of social engineering that will allow the federal government to reshape nearly every neighborhood in the country to assure it has the correct income, racial and ethnic balances

Communities will get feedback on their schools, transportation systems and racial and socioeconomic make-up to help them determine whether they are fully welcoming to poor people and other classes protected by the Fair Housing Act.

Once the data is compiled and analyzed, the expectation is that communities will take positive action to improve their numbers. And if they don’t? They’ll lose federal housing dollars.

Or worse — they’ll face a lawsuit from a federal government emboldened by the recent Supreme Court ruling on disparate impact, which makes it OK for prosecutors to determine discrimination simply by looking at statistics.

Suburban communities will be coerced to urbanize by plopping “affordable” (read: low income) housing in middle and upper income neighborhoods, and to demand that all residential developments, including luxury projects, contain a percentage of low-rent units.

Finley Obama vs. the suburbs

People with means will simply pack up and move as they always do, and you'll just end up with just another poor neighborhood.
Will this mean that the rich will get the same discounted mortgage rates and housing subsidies as the poor and minorities? It would be only fair since they would be next door neighbors. I see this flying like a lead balloon. It seems to me to be just another way to spend money we don't have.

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Social engineering put in place by a leftist tyrant. I'll be waiting for Obama to have low income housing next to wherever he's going to live

Nolan Finley, The Detroit News..

The president who pledged to transform America has picked his next target in the country’s makeover: the suburbs.

Obama the Utopian hopes to use both the federal Treasury and the federal club to coax Americans into neighborhoods planned by bureaucrats to perfectly reflect the nation’s diversity.

No more rich town, poor town. All towns will be places where everyone lives on the right side of the tracks in blissful harmony without any social barriers to separate them.

That’s the vision of the Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing Rule announced earlier this month by HUD Secretary Julian Castro.

It is a masterwork of social engineering that will allow the federal government to reshape nearly every neighborhood in the country to assure it has the correct income, racial and ethnic balances

Communities will get feedback on their schools, transportation systems and racial and socioeconomic make-up to help them determine whether they are fully welcoming to poor people and other classes protected by the Fair Housing Act.

Once the data is compiled and analyzed, the expectation is that communities will take positive action to improve their numbers. And if they don’t? They’ll lose federal housing dollars.

Or worse — they’ll face a lawsuit from a federal government emboldened by the recent Supreme Court ruling on disparate impact, which makes it OK for prosecutors to determine discrimination simply by looking at statistics.

Suburban communities will be coerced to urbanize by plopping “affordable” (read: low income) housing in middle and upper income neighborhoods, and to demand that all residential developments, including luxury projects, contain a percentage of low-rent units.

Finley Obama vs. the suburbs

People with means will simply pack up and move as they always do, and you'll just end up with just another poor neighborhood.

That is why they are trying to make everywhere a socialistic hell hole, then there is no where to go.
When ever I hear a democrat move down to South Carolina or when I lived for a year in Arizona....

I always think about the aliens from the movie Independence Day, the fuckers ripped apart another planet (state) and wants to do the same here.
Social engineering put in place by a leftist tyrant. I'll be waiting for Obama to have low income housing next to wherever he's going to live

Nolan Finley, The Detroit News..

The president who pledged to transform America has picked his next target in the country’s makeover: the suburbs.

Obama the Utopian hopes to use both the federal Treasury and the federal club to coax Americans into neighborhoods planned by bureaucrats to perfectly reflect the nation’s diversity.

No more rich town, poor town. All towns will be places where everyone lives on the right side of the tracks in blissful harmony without any social barriers to separate them.

That’s the vision of the Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing Rule announced earlier this month by HUD Secretary Julian Castro.

It is a masterwork of social engineering that will allow the federal government to reshape nearly every neighborhood in the country to assure it has the correct income, racial and ethnic balances

Communities will get feedback on their schools, transportation systems and racial and socioeconomic make-up to help them determine whether they are fully welcoming to poor people and other classes protected by the Fair Housing Act.

Once the data is compiled and analyzed, the expectation is that communities will take positive action to improve their numbers. And if they don’t? They’ll lose federal housing dollars.

Or worse — they’ll face a lawsuit from a federal government emboldened by the recent Supreme Court ruling on disparate impact, which makes it OK for prosecutors to determine discrimination simply by looking at statistics.

Suburban communities will be coerced to urbanize by plopping “affordable” (read: low income) housing in middle and upper income neighborhoods, and to demand that all residential developments, including luxury projects, contain a percentage of low-rent units.

Finley Obama vs. the suburbs

People with means will simply pack up and move as they always do, and you'll just end up with just another poor neighborhood.

In my hometown, the high crime areas are the once high class areas.

Anybody that is anything is 30 miles out from the center of town.
Privately owned gated communities will become more popular. There will be a distinct rise in armed homeowners ready to shoot.
They try to make everything equal by bringing everyone down.

We just got rid of all the low income housing in the whole town. And crime dropped to 0%.
That is why they are trying to make everywhere a socialistic hell hole, then there is no where to go.

Leftists idea of equality: Can't get the better offs to move to the slums? Bring the slums to where the better offs live.
What's funny is that some holly weirdos moved into Harlem and now the rents are getting higher the food is higher priced everything is more expensive driving the poor out.

What Obama doesn't understand is that in nicer neighborhoods, merchants charge more for things because they can.
Stuck up liberals are actually the most bigoted people you'll ever meet. Being Jewish I can speak to that fact thats liberal Jews only care about how much money you make

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