Obama's political motive for claiming to be Kenyan born?


Senior Member
Feb 28, 2012
Inside Your Head
In 1991, young, aspiring egomanical author B. Hussein Obama penned his bio or permitted someone else to claim that he was born in Kenya.

This is well documented and proved, and it is stupid on its face to imagine Obama was oblivious to this or that it was some 'copy editor error.'

If this biography was a mistake, you would think Obama would be looking to kick somebody's ass for stating that he was not born in America the first time he saw it.

Yet the claim continued to be made until 2007 - or until he decided to run for POTUS.

So clearly, Obama himself was the First Birfer.

This is NOT a conspiracy theory, as we have documented proof of the bio printed in 1991.

Obama and/or his agents were claiming he was born in Kenya. Period. Irrefutable.

My question is, why was Obama a birther?

Did he do it to get into Harvard since he was a self-admitted stoner during his last two years of high school?

Was there political advantage to Obama launching this whole brifer thing?
In 1991, young, aspiring egomanical author B. Hussein Obama penned his bio or permitted someone else to claim that he was born in Kenya.

This is well documented and proved, and it is stupid on its face to imagine Obama was oblivious to this or that it was some 'copy editor error.'

If this biography was a mistake, you would think Obama would be looking to kick somebody's ass for stating that he was not born in America the first time he saw it.

Yet the claim continued to be made until 2007 - or until he decided to run for POTUS.

So clearly, Obama himself was the First Birfer.

This is NOT a conspiracy theory, as we have documented proof of the bio printed in 1991.

Obama and/or his agents were claiming he was born in Kenya. Period. Irrefutable.

My question is, why was Obama a birther?

Did he do it to get into Harvard since he was a self-admitted stoner during his last two years of high school?

Was there political advantage to Obama launching this whole brifer thing?

My question is, who do you think cares what you think on this? A literary agent did a write up and got some things wrong. A young author did not make waves to correct it. So what?

Point is, your people failed in two wars, and nearly created the Second Great Republican Depression. The President has been doing a better job than the governments in Europe in getting us back on track, in spite of the constant obstructionism of the GOP. And the governments in Europe are trying exactly that path that the GOP advocates.
It wasn't political back then, it was biographical. Evidence indicates that domestic terrorist Bill Ayers ghost wrote Barry's first autobiography so it's possible that Barry Hussein was too busy smokin and poken to worry about how his political future was managed by skilled revolutionaries.
In 1991, young, aspiring egomanical author B. Hussein Obama penned his bio or permitted someone else to claim that he was born in Kenya.

This is well documented and proved, and it is stupid on its face to imagine Obama was oblivious to this or that it was some 'copy editor error.'

If this biography was a mistake, you would think Obama would be looking to kick somebody's ass for stating that he was not born in America the first time he saw it.

Yet the claim continued to be made until 2007 - or until he decided to run for POTUS.

So clearly, Obama himself was the First Birfer.

This is NOT a conspiracy theory, as we have documented proof of the bio printed in 1991.

Obama and/or his agents were claiming he was born in Kenya. Period. Irrefutable.

My question is, why was Obama a birther?

Did he do it to get into Harvard since he was a self-admitted stoner during his last two years of high school?

Was there political advantage to Obama launching this whole brifer thing?

My question is, who do you think cares what you think on this?

It matters that our POTUS is willing to go as far as to lie about the nation of his birth for personal and / or professional advantage.

It reflects on his character, or rather, his complete lack thereof.

I mean, what kind of piece of shit would lie about the country in which he was born?
Whether he was born in Kenya or Hawaii, there's nothing American in his character.
'Let’s not pretend that Obama wasn’t the source of his basic bio info here. He most certainly was. So why say Kenya if it was Hawaii? This guy is a chimera. He is whatever he wants to be to serve whatever purpose he desires. Doubtless that the Kenya angle was of some benefit to him at the time so, therefore, he was born in Kenya.

I am guessing he claimed to be born in Kenya for the same reason Crockajawea claims to be Cherokee: Multi-culti diversity cred at Harvard and in the rest of the moonbat asylum. Being born in the USA is so bourgeois! Barry Dunham from Hawaii is boring. Barack Obama from Kenya is wicked radical.'

“Barack Obama…was born in Kenya…” | The Real Revo
Was there political advantage to Obama launching this whole brifer thing?

Obviously, Obama knew he could count on the idiocy of the right to fall prey to his clever trap, this and thousands of other threads, blogs, and websites are evidence of that.

No, I don't think so. He wasn't thinking that far ahead.

He obviously saw advantage in lying about the Nation of his birth.

The investigation needs to shift as to why Obama was lying about the Nation of his birth.

If he was lying, of course.
Was there political advantage to Obama launching this whole brifer thing?

Obviously, Obama knew he could count on the idiocy of the right to fall prey to his clever trap, this and thousands of other threads, blogs, and websites are evidence of that.

No, I don't think so. He wasn't thinking that far ahead.

He obviously saw advantage in lying about the Nation of his birth.

The investigation needs to shift as to why Obama was lying about the Nation of his birth.

If he was lying, of course.

Perhaps he said he was kenyan because he wasn't much proud of America, by his policies as president you can see he stands against American traditional values. Obama has an anti capitalist and anti american mentality.
Can you blame democrats for not following Constitutional mandates when they found the right candidate? You betcha.
In 1991, young, aspiring egomanical author B. Hussein Obama penned his bio or permitted someone else to claim that he was born in Kenya.

This is well documented and proved, and it is stupid on its face to imagine Obama was oblivious to this or that it was some 'copy editor error.'

If this biography was a mistake, you would think Obama would be looking to kick somebody's ass for stating that he was not born in America the first time he saw it.

Yet the claim continued to be made until 2007 - or until he decided to run for POTUS.

So clearly, Obama himself was the First Birfer.

This is NOT a conspiracy theory, as we have documented proof of the bio printed in 1991.

Obama and/or his agents were claiming he was born in Kenya. Period. Irrefutable.

My question is, why was Obama a birther?

Did he do it to get into Harvard since he was a self-admitted stoner during his last two years of high school?

Was there political advantage to Obama launching this whole brifer thing?

My question is, who do you think cares what you think on this? A literary agent did a write up and got some things wrong. A young author did not make waves to correct it. So what?

Point is, your people failed in two wars, and nearly created the Second Great Republican Depression. The President has been doing a better job than the governments in Europe in getting us back on track, in spite of the constant obstructionism of the GOP. And the governments in Europe are trying exactly that path that the GOP advocates.

The birthers need no facts; they are going over the edge with this fiction.
In 1991, young, aspiring egomanical author B. Hussein Obama penned his bio or permitted someone else to claim that he was born in Kenya.

This is well documented and proved, and it is stupid on its face to imagine Obama was oblivious to this or that it was some 'copy editor error.'

If this biography was a mistake, you would think Obama would be looking to kick somebody's ass for stating that he was not born in America the first time he saw it.

Yet the claim continued to be made until 2007 - or until he decided to run for POTUS.

So clearly, Obama himself was the First Birfer.

This is NOT a conspiracy theory, as we have documented proof of the bio printed in 1991.

Obama and/or his agents were claiming he was born in Kenya. Period. Irrefutable.

My question is, why was Obama a birther?

Did he do it to get into Harvard since he was a self-admitted stoner during his last two years of high school?

Was there political advantage to Obama launching this whole brifer thing?

My question is, who do you think cares what you think on this? A literary agent did a write up and got some things wrong. A young author did not make waves to correct it. So what?

Point is, your people failed in two wars, and nearly created the Second Great Republican Depression. The President has been doing a better job than the governments in Europe in getting us back on track, in spite of the constant obstructionism of the GOP. And the governments in Europe are trying exactly that path that the GOP advocates.

The birthers need no facts; they are going over the edge with this fiction.

Whether it is or not a fiction I don't know, but the evidences there's something wrong in this story are there...
The birthers need no facts; they are going over the edge with this fiction.

What fiction? Fact is the Bio is real and was used until 2007.
It is very fair to ask why it was not corrected until then.
Was it a simple oversight? Then that says Obama was not a good manager.
Was there a reason, he claimed to be from Kenya at the time. If so that says Obama would play any angle to make a buck.
No matter the reasons, the bio just bring more questions than answers but that is the norm for this president.
In 1991, young, aspiring egomanical author B. Hussein Obama penned his bio or permitted someone else to claim that he was born in Kenya.

This is well documented and proved, and it is stupid on its face to imagine Obama was oblivious to this or that it was some 'copy editor error.'

If this biography was a mistake, you would think Obama would be looking to kick somebody's ass for stating that he was not born in America the first time he saw it.

Yet the claim continued to be made until 2007 - or until he decided to run for POTUS.

So clearly, Obama himself was the First Birfer.

This is NOT a conspiracy theory, as we have documented proof of the bio printed in 1991.

Obama and/or his agents were claiming he was born in Kenya. Period. Irrefutable.

My question is, why was Obama a birther?

Did he do it to get into Harvard since he was a self-admitted stoner during his last two years of high school?

Was there political advantage to Obama launching this whole brifer thing?

My question is, who do you think cares what you think on this? A literary agent did a write up and got some things wrong. A young author did not make waves to correct it. So what?

Point is, your people failed in two wars, and nearly created the Second Great Republican Depression. The President has been doing a better job than the governments in Europe in getting us back on track, in spite of the constant obstructionism of the GOP. And the governments in Europe are trying exactly that path that the GOP advocates.

Obama's Literary Agent Checklist

President of Harvard Law Review...check
Raised in Indonesia...check
Raised in Hawaii...check
Son of American Anthropologist...check
Son of Kenya finance Minister...check
attended Columbia...check
Worked as a journalist...check
worked as editor for Business International Corp...check
Project coordinator NYPIRG in Harlem...check
Executive Director Developing Communities in Chicago...check

Agent 1: Birthplace? Hmmm, I know! We'll say Kenya!
Agent 2: What?! Why Kenya? What the fuck?
Agent 1: Why not? It's made up right? We know he was born in Hawaii, but we'll say Kenya anyway
Agent 2: Why would we jeopardize our credibility as a literary house just to fake a birth place for a nobody?
Agent 1: Why do you hate black people? This is why your party is dying!
Was there political advantage to Obama launching this whole brifer thing?

Obviously, Obama knew he could count on the idiocy of the right to fall prey to his clever trap, this and thousands of other threads, blogs, and websites are evidence of that.

No, I don't think so. He wasn't thinking that far ahead.

He obviously saw advantage in lying about the Nation of his birth.

The investigation needs to shift as to why Obama was lying about the Nation of his birth.

If he was lying, of course.
theres an investigation? :eusa_eh: :lol:
in 1991, young, aspiring egomanical author b. Hussein obama penned his bio or permitted someone else to claim that he was born in kenya.

This is well documented and proved, and it is stupid on its face to imagine obama was oblivious to this or that it was some 'copy editor error.'

if this biography was a mistake, you would think obama would be looking to kick somebody's ass for stating that he was not born in america the first time he saw it.

Yet the claim continued to be made until 2007 - or until he decided to run for potus.

So clearly, obama himself was the first birfer.

This is not a conspiracy theory, as we have documented proof of the bio printed in 1991.

obama and/or his agents were claiming he was born in kenya. Period. Irrefutable.

my question is, why was obama a birther?

Did he do it to get into harvard since he was a self-admitted stoner during his last two years of high school?

Was there political advantage to obama launching this whole brifer thing?

my question is, who do you think cares what you think on this? A literary agent did a write up and got some things wrong. A young author did not make waves to correct it. So what?

Point is, your people failed in two wars, and nearly created the second great republican depression. The president has been doing a better job than the governments in europe in getting us back on track, in spite of the constant obstructionism of the gop. And the governments in europe are trying exactly that path that the gop advocates.

obama's literary agent checklist

president of harvard law review...check
raised in indonesia...check
raised in hawaii...check
son of american anthropologist...check
son of kenya finance minister...check
attended columbia...check
worked as a journalist...check
worked as editor for business international corp...check
project coordinator nypirg in harlem...check
executive director developing communities in chicago...check

Agent 1: Birthplace? Hmmm, i know! We'll say kenya!
Agent 2: What?! Why kenya? What the fuck?
Agent 1: Why not? It's made up right? We know he was born in hawaii, but we'll say kenya anyway
agent 2: Why would we jeopardize our credibility as a literary house just to fake a birth place for a nobody?
Agent 1: Why do you hate black people? This is why your party is dying!

Obama claims he was born in Kenya. He lied then, or he's lying now. A big lie.

What interests me more is where are Obama's bimbos? An Afro, or a white-black guy who claims to be black, should have a history of bimbos and unfaithfulness to his wife. Either Obama is excellent at keeping secrets or he's sexually dysfunctional.
Obama claims he was born in Kenya. He lied then, or he's lying now. A big lie.

What interests me more is where are Obama's bimbos? An Afro, or a white-black guy who claims to be black, should have a history of bimbos and unfaithfulness to his wife. Either Obama is excellent at keeping secrets or he's sexually dysfunctional.

And his fictitious Kenyan birth would explain how a stoner with a sub par academic career got into Columbia and Harvard

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