Obama's Poll Numbers Plummet

Shit! He's gonna have a tough time getting re-elected.

Hehehehe you don't get it at all do you?

2016 is upon us. Hillary is toast.

First moron we toy will the dem team. Oh and by the way, Howie actually is thinking of running again.


Did you see it? Pretty sure it was Politico.

Hillary is toast?

Do you know how many times you nutters uttered that phrase about Obama?

Who are you running?

My estimate is approximately 1% as many times as y'all prove your Obama-baggers.
Shit! He's gonna have a tough time getting re-elected.

No, but Obama might have single handedly destroyed the Democrat party for a few elections... Dems need to figure out what they stand for because mass debt, mass wars and corruption was something Dems (voters) used to be against.
The truth is catching up with the Liar in Chief. :clap2:

I'll believe it when I see it. This country is too full of stupid, ignorant, lazy people who won't do anything about the ass raping they're taking.
..isn't... The Daily Beast...usually a liberal Democrat excuse operation..?
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ALL non bought off observers recognize Obama has made these programs more constitutional- and then there's the hypocrite Pubs and the dupes...

You know how you call anyone who does not agree with you a crazy ass far right wing nut job racist? See, for 99% of the people on these boards, you're the equal to that but on the left.
The scandal President is finally more recognized...just the tip of the iceberg.


That’s the clear conclusion of a new CNN/Opinion Research poll (PDF) showing the government-surveillance scandals taking a real toll on the president’s popularity—particularly with the younger voters who have been among his staunchest supporters. In just one month, support for the president among voters under age 30 plummeted by 17 points.

Perhaps the most devastating poll number, though, is the reversal of perception on what has been one of this president’s core characteristics: honesty and trustworthiness. Around three in five voters have consistently seen Obama possessing these traits, meaning that even voters who didn’t approve of his job performance saw him as an essentially honest guy and a trustworthy chief executive. No more. On this measure, too, the president is underwater at 49 percent—a nine-point drop.

Political independents are also souring on Obama, with just 37 percent approving of his job performance, a 10-point drop. But because the independent voter cohort has moved right in the wake of the Tea Party movement, we see a continued split between independents and self-described moderate voters, 53 percent of whom still approve of the job the president is doing. The support of centrist voters is President Obama’s life preserver, stopping him from going underwater entirely.

In Wake of Surveillance Stories, Barack Obama?s Poll Numbers Plummet - The Daily Beast

Nope it is merely your opinion of what you think is the opinion of the lefties.
The scandal President is finally more recognized...just the tip of the iceberg.


That’s the clear conclusion of a new CNN/Opinion Research poll (PDF) showing the government-surveillance scandals taking a real toll on the president’s popularity—particularly with the younger voters who have been among his staunchest supporters. In just one month, support for the president among voters under age 30 plummeted by 17 points.

Perhaps the most devastating poll number, though, is the reversal of perception on what has been one of this president’s core characteristics: honesty and trustworthiness. Around three in five voters have consistently seen Obama possessing these traits, meaning that even voters who didn’t approve of his job performance saw him as an essentially honest guy and a trustworthy chief executive. No more. On this measure, too, the president is underwater at 49 percent—a nine-point drop.

Political independents are also souring on Obama, with just 37 percent approving of his job performance, a 10-point drop. But because the independent voter cohort has moved right in the wake of the Tea Party movement, we see a continued split between independents and self-described moderate voters, 53 percent of whom still approve of the job the president is doing. The support of centrist voters is President Obama’s life preserver, stopping him from going underwater entirely.

In Wake of Surveillance Stories, Barack Obama?s Poll Numbers Plummet - The Daily Beast

Nope it is merely your opinion of what you think is the opinion of the lefties.


[ame=http://youtu.be/airT-m9LcoY]Abbot and Costello - Who's on First - YouTube[/ame]
Shit! He's gonna have a tough time getting re-elected.

It just doesn't seem fair that patriotic Americans have to pay for Democrat corruption and pathetic leadership.

It's not fair. That's why we must stand up to the IRS-NSA-EP-DOL etc. initimidation.

They all want us to just SHUT UP AND PAY TAXES while they do whatever they want.
Shit! He's gonna have a tough time getting re-elected.

It just doesn't seem fair that patriotic Americans have to pay for Democrat corruption and pathetic leadership.

It's not fair. That's why we must stand up to the IRS-NSA-EP-DOL etc. initimidation.

They all want us to just SHUT UP AND PAY TAXES while they do whatever they want.

The Democrats love of big government, with no burden of responsibility or repercussions for failure from "their" representatives is obvious and disheartening.
Shit! He's gonna have a tough time getting re-elected.

What is the GOP controlled House approval rating?

Is even a whole number?

See what I mean skye... two bubble heads right there just as I predicted. The country is in a shambles, most people are waking up, but oh no, not these guys, they'll love barry until there's no America left, and then they'll still love him.

Yea, the country is in shambles. Who's the bubble head here? LOL
In shambles? Hmmm............ The market is bouncing around 15,000. More jobs are being created. We are getting out of two useless wars. We are beginning the switch from fossil fuels to renewables. I would say the nation is doing well. So well, in fact, that the "Conservatives" are crying their eyes out. After their best attempts to scuttle any recovery, we are well along the path to recovery. After their best attempts to destroy any improvement in the health care system, we are implementing improvements.

The "Conservatives" want to go back to January, 2009, when the market was in freefall, and we were losing over 500,000 jobs a month. So they can once again lecture us on how the people on unemployment are a bunch of freeloaders, and should be happy to work for 50 cents an hour.
In shambles? Hmmm............ The market is bouncing around 15,000. More jobs are being created. We are getting out of two useless wars. We are beginning the switch from fossil fuels to renewables. I would say the nation is doing well. So well, in fact, that the "Conservatives" are crying their eyes out. After their best attempts to scuttle any recovery, we are well along the path to recovery. After their best attempts to destroy any improvement in the health care system, we are implementing improvements.

The "Conservatives" want to go back to January, 2009, when the market was in freefall, and we were losing over 500,000 jobs a month. So they can once again lecture us on how the people on unemployment are a bunch of freeloaders, and should be happy to work for 50 cents an hour.

Gads where have you been for the past 6 1/2 years of Democrat 66.33 to 100% federal control?
In shambles? Hmmm............ The market is bouncing around 15,000. More jobs are being created. We are getting out of two useless wars. We are beginning the switch from fossil fuels to renewables. I would say the nation is doing well. So well, in fact, that the "Conservatives" are crying their eyes out. After their best attempts to scuttle any recovery, we are well along the path to recovery. After their best attempts to destroy any improvement in the health care system, we are implementing improvements.

The "Conservatives" want to go back to January, 2009, when the market was in freefall, and we were losing over 500,000 jobs a month. So they can once again lecture us on how the people on unemployment are a bunch of freeloaders, and should be happy to work for 50 cents an hour.

Which renewable fuels? Batteries in cars that use electricity to recharge, that we get from coal?

Dow is not THE single indicator, unemployment is not better, people are giving up, wages are lower than before Bush, people are under more economic stress, they are upside down on mortgages. Food stamps are at an all time high, disability claims are at an all time high. NSA, IRS, FBI, and other government groups are targeting Americans and harassing them.

Yeah, we are doing so much better, Gitmo is open, we have no transparency in government, remember when a complete bill was online for at least 5 days before the President signed it? Oh wait, that didn't happen. What about the reduced health care cost? Wait, that hasn't happened either, BTW, Pelosi in her freaked out brilliance claimed we needed to pass a bill to know what's in it? Nobody has yet to interpret the Health Care bill, so another Democrat lie. Which is another reason businesses are reluctant to hire.

And then you get on here and lie, by telling us everything is great.
In shambles? Hmmm............ The market is bouncing around 15,000. More jobs are being created. We are getting out of two useless wars. We are beginning the switch from fossil fuels to renewables. I would say the nation is doing well. So well, in fact, that the "Conservatives" are crying their eyes out. After their best attempts to scuttle any recovery, we are well along the path to recovery. After their best attempts to destroy any improvement in the health care system, we are implementing improvements.

The "Conservatives" want to go back to January, 2009, when the market was in freefall, and we were losing over 500,000 jobs a month. So they can once again lecture us on how the people on unemployment are a bunch of freeloaders, and should be happy to work for 50 cents an hour.

Which renewable fuels? Batteries in cars that use electricity to recharge, that we get from coal?

Dow is not THE single indicator, unemployment is not better, people are giving up, wages are lower than before Bush, people are under more economic stress, they are upside down on mortgages. Food stamps are at an all time high, disability claims are at an all time high. NSA, IRS, FBI, and other government groups are targeting Americans and harassing them.

Yeah, we are doing so much better, Gitmo is open, we have no transparency in government, remember when a complete bill was online for at least 5 days before the President signed it? Oh wait, that didn't happen. What about the reduced health care cost? Wait, that hasn't happened either, BTW, Pelosi in her freaked out brilliance claimed we needed to pass a bill to know what's in it? Nobody has yet to interpret the Health Care bill, so another Democrat lie. Which is another reason businesses are reluctant to hire.

And then you get on here and lie, by telling us everything is great.

Democrats are brainwashed into believing that the sad reality (including the realities you outlined) of the situation are just political talking points...:eusa_doh:
Democrats are brainwashed into believing that the sad reality (including the realities you outlined) of the situation are just political talking points...:eusa_doh:
What does America want?

Is it more of this:

How about some of this:

What about this:

Here is what US citizens elected and re-elected after the halfwit inheritor and instead of Colonel Windsock McCain who abandoned his first family to marry money after his wife's catastrophic injury, then again instead of Willard the Vulture McCorporatewelfare.

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