Obama's popularity at 54%....How is Trump going to run on four more years of Obama?


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
Can a rising Obama help Hillary Clinton? - CNNPolitics.com

Obama's approval rating dipped to 50% after the Republican convention, but has risen to 54% in the wake of his party's convention, with 45% disapproval, according to a new CNN/ORC Poll. That's the most positive approval rating of his second term.

The increase in Obama's approval rating comes mostly among younger Americans -- he's up 9 points among those under age 45 while losing a point among those age 45 or older -- and political independents and moderates -- up 9 points among each group.
Compared with other recent two-term presidents, Obama's approval rating at this stage of his presidency ranks on par with Ronald Reagan's ratings in 1988, and are approaching Bill Clinton's 57% at this point in 2000.
Candidates like John McCain and Al Gore distanced themselves from outgoing Presidents Bush and Clinton...and lost

Hillary has an extremely popular President and had no problem making him a central point of her campaign

How are Republicans going to run against Hillary as just another Obama....seems like the public thinks that is a good thing
Maybe Obama's popularity is rising because people are grateful he is not Trump or Hillary.
Obama is one of the worst presidents we have ever endured...but me writing that makes me a racist in the eyes of some.

The racists are those Americans who voted for him solely based on his skin color.
Its too bad about the 2 term limit. I’m sure Obama is thankful but for the voters….not so good.
Maybe Obama's popularity is rising because people are grateful he is not Trump or Hillary.

I think people are realizing how much they are going to miss Obama
Actually I saw a poll this morning showing his numbers going downward. 54% is not all that great and could be back to under 45 in a very short time. Wait until the truth comes out on the Ransom payment to Iran...It's beginning to hurt his popularity. You also need to check his job performance number 42%...
Funny how the closer Obammy gets to being gone the higher his approval rating
Can a rising Obama help Hillary Clinton? - CNNPolitics.com

Obama's approval rating dipped to 50% after the Republican convention, but has risen to 54% in the wake of his party's convention, with 45% disapproval, according to a new CNN/ORC Poll. That's the most positive approval rating of his second term.

The increase in Obama's approval rating comes mostly among younger Americans -- he's up 9 points among those under age 45 while losing a point among those age 45 or older -- and political independents and moderates -- up 9 points among each group.
Compared with other recent two-term presidents, Obama's approval rating at this stage of his presidency ranks on par with Ronald Reagan's ratings in 1988, and are approaching Bill Clinton's 57% at this point in 2000.
His policies are unpopular. Obama has been able to effectively distance himself from his own administration......with the help of a fawning press.
I've got to believe there's a lot of milennials in that 54% who just are not old enough to realize how much better the economy could be.
Of course realize that milennials don't want to buy a house or car, and are happy living in their parents attic and getting free healthcare.
Can a rising Obama help Hillary Clinton? - CNNPolitics.com

Obama's approval rating dipped to 50% after the Republican convention, but has risen to 54% in the wake of his party's convention, with 45% disapproval, according to a new CNN/ORC Poll. That's the most positive approval rating of his second term.

The increase in Obama's approval rating comes mostly among younger Americans -- he's up 9 points among those under age 45 while losing a point among those age 45 or older -- and political independents and moderates -- up 9 points among each group.
Compared with other recent two-term presidents, Obama's approval rating at this stage of his presidency ranks on par with Ronald Reagan's ratings in 1988, and are approaching Bill Clinton's 57% at this point in 2000.

I think the more Trump opens his mouth the more thankful people are with who we have now. The more Obama speaks out about Trump the worse Trump looks because Obama is right, he's not fit and Trump keeps proving it everyday.
Can a rising Obama help Hillary Clinton? - CNNPolitics.com

Obama's approval rating dipped to 50% after the Republican convention, but has risen to 54% in the wake of his party's convention, with 45% disapproval, according to a new CNN/ORC Poll. That's the most positive approval rating of his second term.

The increase in Obama's approval rating comes mostly among younger Americans -- he's up 9 points among those under age 45 while losing a point among those age 45 or older -- and political independents and moderates -- up 9 points among each group.
Compared with other recent two-term presidents, Obama's approval rating at this stage of his presidency ranks on par with Ronald Reagan's ratings in 1988, and are approaching Bill Clinton's 57% at this point in 2000.

I think the more Trump opens his mouth the more thankful people are with who we have now. The more Obama speaks out about Trump the worse Trump looks because Obama is right, he's not fit and Trump keeps proving it everyday.

And the same with Hillary.
Can a rising Obama help Hillary Clinton? - CNNPolitics.com

Obama's approval rating dipped to 50% after the Republican convention, but has risen to 54% in the wake of his party's convention, with 45% disapproval, according to a new CNN/ORC Poll. That's the most positive approval rating of his second term.

The increase in Obama's approval rating comes mostly among younger Americans -- he's up 9 points among those under age 45 while losing a point among those age 45 or older -- and political independents and moderates -- up 9 points among each group.
Compared with other recent two-term presidents, Obama's approval rating at this stage of his presidency ranks on par with Ronald Reagan's ratings in 1988, and are approaching Bill Clinton's 57% at this point in 2000.
His policies are unpopular. Obama has been able to effectively distance himself from his own administration......with the help of a fawning press.

The right has claimed a "fawning press" for eight years....Obama is at his highest popularity in five years

You have to remember Bush was at 28 % in 2008. Going to be hard to run against the Obama legacy
Can a rising Obama help Hillary Clinton? - CNNPolitics.com

Obama's approval rating dipped to 50% after the Republican convention, but has risen to 54% in the wake of his party's convention, with 45% disapproval, according to a new CNN/ORC Poll. That's the most positive approval rating of his second term.

The increase in Obama's approval rating comes mostly among younger Americans -- he's up 9 points among those under age 45 while losing a point among those age 45 or older -- and political independents and moderates -- up 9 points among each group.
Compared with other recent two-term presidents, Obama's approval rating at this stage of his presidency ranks on par with Ronald Reagan's ratings in 1988, and are approaching Bill Clinton's 57% at this point in 2000.

I think the more Trump opens his mouth the more thankful people are with who we have now. The more Obama speaks out about Trump the worse Trump looks because Obama is right, he's not fit and Trump keeps proving it everyday.

And the same with Hillary.

No, not the same. Trump is working overtime to be the most ignorant candidate to ever run for President. Yes, Obama is more popular than Hillary, it's Obama's popularity though that is the polar opposite of Trump. You like Trump, chances are you don't like Obama and the same the other way around, doesn't work that way with Clinton.

It's Obama and Trump's approval ratings that have a direct affect on each other, Clinton's will also fluctuate in the same direction as Obama.

In other words, let Trump be Trump and Obama doesn't have to worry about approval ratings.
Can a rising Obama help Hillary Clinton? - CNNPolitics.com

Obama's approval rating dipped to 50% after the Republican convention, but has risen to 54% in the wake of his party's convention, with 45% disapproval, according to a new CNN/ORC Poll. That's the most positive approval rating of his second term.

The increase in Obama's approval rating comes mostly among younger Americans -- he's up 9 points among those under age 45 while losing a point among those age 45 or older -- and political independents and moderates -- up 9 points among each group.
Compared with other recent two-term presidents, Obama's approval rating at this stage of his presidency ranks on par with Ronald Reagan's ratings in 1988, and are approaching Bill Clinton's 57% at this point in 2000.

I think the more Trump opens his mouth the more thankful people are with who we have now. The more Obama speaks out about Trump the worse Trump looks because Obama is right, he's not fit and Trump keeps proving it everyday.

Obama has taken off the gloves and Trump is paying the price in the polls
Can a rising Obama help Hillary Clinton? - CNNPolitics.com

Obama's approval rating dipped to 50% after the Republican convention, but has risen to 54% in the wake of his party's convention, with 45% disapproval, according to a new CNN/ORC Poll. That's the most positive approval rating of his second term.

The increase in Obama's approval rating comes mostly among younger Americans -- he's up 9 points among those under age 45 while losing a point among those age 45 or older -- and political independents and moderates -- up 9 points among each group.
Compared with other recent two-term presidents, Obama's approval rating at this stage of his presidency ranks on par with Ronald Reagan's ratings in 1988, and are approaching Bill Clinton's 57% at this point in 2000.
His policies are unpopular. Obama has been able to effectively distance himself from his own administration......with the help of a fawning press.

The right has claimed a "fawning press" for eight years....Obama is at his highest popularity in five years

You have to remember Bush was at 28 % in 2008. Going to be hard to run against the Obama legacy

Obama's approval is up! Obama's approval has always been up!

Its just like the chocolate ration in Oceania.
Can a rising Obama help Hillary Clinton? - CNNPolitics.com

Obama's approval rating dipped to 50% after the Republican convention, but has risen to 54% in the wake of his party's convention, with 45% disapproval, according to a new CNN/ORC Poll. That's the most positive approval rating of his second term.

The increase in Obama's approval rating comes mostly among younger Americans -- he's up 9 points among those under age 45 while losing a point among those age 45 or older -- and political independents and moderates -- up 9 points among each group.
Compared with other recent two-term presidents, Obama's approval rating at this stage of his presidency ranks on par with Ronald Reagan's ratings in 1988, and are approaching Bill Clinton's 57% at this point in 2000.

It's the economy stupid, 79% say the country is on the wrong track. So yeah, the hildabitch should just double down on the the dear leaders policies, that will serve her well.

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