Obama's Popularity in the Muslim World


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

From the Egyptian newspaper @ ????? - ?????? "?????" ??? "??? ???"
Many in Middle East struggling to understand Obama’s Syria policy | McClatchy

“Washington doesn’t understand the Middle East. His (Obama’s) image here is of someone who is afraid of getting enmeshed in the machinations of the Middle East,” said Maher Abu-Teyr, a political columnist with Ad-Dustour, a semi-official Jordanian daily newspaper. “There is no trust in Washington in the area because (people) think Obama is weak.”

He cited a “constant change in rhetoric and hesitation” by the United States since the brutal conflict erupted in Syria in mid-2011. Among other missteps, he said, was the U.S. reluctance to take action early in the conflict that might have bolstered moderate rebel factions before the rise of al Qaida-linked groups, which now dominate the opposition.

Read more here: Many in Middle East struggling to understand Obama’s Syria policy | McClatchy

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