Obama's Record of Betrayal

During President Obama's 8 years in office he has continuously betrayed this nation, betrayed our allies, and aided and abetted terrorists / this nation's enemies. If anyone should need a 'Pardon' it should be Barak Obama.

1. Now We're Bombing ISIS Oil Trucks. Why Weren't We Before?

Despite the Obama administration making it a point early on to declare that ISIS' black market oil facilities were high on the coalition target list, President Obama refused to allow the targeting and bombing of those facilities. He claimed that it was due to the result of a 'cost to benefit' analysis and placed inside the Coalition's Rules of Engagement that the facilities were not to be targeted. In essence, Obama protected ISIS' black market oil industry that funded half of their terrorist activities. It was not until the attack on Paris, right after - from France, Obama publicly declared HE had ISIS under control - that France and Russia refused to follow those rules any longer and attacked the facilities. As France and Russia prepared for the mission, President Obama ordered leaflets be dropped WARNING THE ENEMY of the pending attack.

View attachment 104114

2. How Obama Sided with the Muslim Brotherhood, by Spencer Case, National Review

Despite being a strong dictator, Mubarak kept the peace in Egypt, preventing the many different terrorist factions and groups under control in Egypt. He also protected Christians in Egypt...and he was an ally of the United States. President Obama, siding with terrorists - the Muslim Brotherhood, helped oust Mubarak from power, and pressured Egypt to hold their elections to replace Mubarak months early, which benefitted the Muslim brotherhood and helped them take power in Egypt.

Forget for a second that Russia TRIED to influence OUR elections - Barak Obama helped oust an (despicable) ally from power, pressured Egypt to hold elections early, and helped terrorists come to power.

View attachment 104115

(Thankfully it was short-lived as Egypt’s military stepped in, threw the TERRORISTS who were running their country out of power, and remained in power until new elections could be held.)

3. http://www.washingtonsblog.com/2014/04/confirmed-u-s-armed-al-qaeda-topple-gaddaffi.html

Despite the fact that Gadaffi was no threat to the United States AND was actually HELPING THE COALITION FIGHT TERRORISTS IN NORTHER AFRICA, Barak Obama joined forces with Al Qaeda – the terrorists who slaughtered 3,000 Americans on 9/11/12 – to overthrow / murder Gadaffi and give control of the country to Al Qaeda. In doing so, Hillary and Obama violated the Constitution, by-passing Congress to start their own personal UN-Approved, UN-authorized war in Libya, dragging the US into the middle of a civil war between a dictator and terrorists…and he sided with the terrorists who, again, had butchered 3,000 Americans.

View attachment 104116

4. http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2015/11/30/benghazi-commission-obama-admin-gun-running-scheme-armed-islamic-state/


The ‘ISIS’ problem the world has today is a result of Barak Obama’s complete and utter embarrassing FAILED actions and Policies regarding Syria – specifically HIS ‘Red Line’ debacle.

- Chemical Weapons were used in Syria

- Rebels/terrorists claim Assad used them

- Although there was no solid proof (some thought the rebels used captured chemical weapons in an attempt to draw Barry in to join them in the fight against President Assad), Barry issued his ill-advised ‘Red Line’ to Assad, vowing action if Assad used them again.

- Chemical weapons were used again

- Barry backed down in front of the whole world. He tried to claim the ‘Red Line’ was not HIS but was instead the ‘whole world’s’. The whole world laughed at him.

Barry became so obsessed with ‘avenging’ / ‘making right’ his F*-Up that he became obsessed with overthrowing Assad, so much so that he joined forces with ISIS.

- He and Hillary worked with an international arms dealer to run weapons to Al Qaeda in Libya and to ISIS from Benghazi, Libya.

- He financed, supplied, armed, trained, protected, and acted at times as ISIS’ propaganda spokesman (‘JV Team’, ‘Under Control’).

- He allowed ISIS to flow un-opposed into Iraq, slaughtering thousands and taking over territory our military had already liberated at great cost. The war to RE-Liberate Iraq, Mosul being the ISIS stronghold under siege, going on now is a direct result of Obama’s F*-Up. Every person who dies in this new war to liberate Iraq – every American soldier who has recently died trying to help RE-take / RE-Liberate Iraq – is on Barry’s hands.


5. http://www.cnsnews.com/blog/michael-w-chapman/state-dept-350k-group-built-campaign-structure-used-against-election-israels

“According to the U.S. Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations (PSI), the State Department gave $349,276 in U.S. taxpayer-funded grants to a political group in Israel to build a campaign operation, which subsequently was used to try to influence Israelis to vote against conservative Benjamin Netanyahu in the March 2015 election for prime minister.

In the Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations report about the State Department’s action, Chairman Bob Portman (R-Ohio) said, “It is completely unacceptable that U.S. taxpayer dollars were used to build a political campaign infrastructure that was deployed — immediately after the grant ended — against the leader [Netanyahu] of our closest ally in the Middle East. American resources should be used to help our allies in the region, not undermine them.”


And this is not even all of it.

Liberals and the ‘All-In’ media would try to take one incident at a time, to try to spin it, justify each one – to ‘Lie, Deny, and/or justify’ each one, but only to distract from THE BIG PICTURE – OBAMA’S TRAITEROUS RECORD:

Overthrew an ally and sovereign leader in Egypt – gave power to terrorists.
Overthrew a sovereign leader in Libya – gave power to terrorists
Tried to overthrow an ally and sovereign leader in Israel
Trying to overthrow a sovereign leader in Syria to give power to terrorists
Aided and abetted Al Qaeda and ISIS
Armed Mexican Drug Cartels

Quite an impressive ‘Resume’ for an 8 year Presidency
Meh! Is this why President Obama will leave office with a 60 percent approval rating!!!!! Please explain.
Meh! Is this why President Obama will leave office with a 60 percent approval rating!!!!! Please explain.
For 1, the 'All-In' Media will NEVER put all of the facts / reports together in 1 article like I just did to prevent Americans from seeing the 'Big picture'.

secondly, he is America's 1st Black President - they can not afford to allow the 1st Black President to be Impeached, to be seen as the Constitution and Rule of Law violator he is, to be seen as the complete failure he has been.

Third and finally, the people who have created this poll and the results are the same people who created the horrendously FAILED FALSE polls that predicted Hillary would beat Trump in a landslide. Their numbers / polls mean NOTHING!
During President Obama's 8 years in office he has continuously betrayed this nation, betrayed our allies, and aided and abetted terrorists / this nation's enemies. If anyone should need a 'Pardon' it should be Barak Obama.

1. Now We're Bombing ISIS Oil Trucks. Why Weren't We Before?

Despite the Obama administration making it a point early on to declare that ISIS' black market oil facilities were high on the coalition target list, President Obama refused to allow the targeting and bombing of those facilities. He claimed that it was due to the result of a 'cost to benefit' analysis and placed inside the Coalition's Rules of Engagement that the facilities were not to be targeted. In essence, Obama protected ISIS' black market oil industry that funded half of their terrorist activities. It was not until the attack on Paris, right after - from France, Obama publicly declared HE had ISIS under control - that France and Russia refused to follow those rules any longer and attacked the facilities. As France and Russia prepared for the mission, President Obama ordered leaflets be dropped WARNING THE ENEMY of the pending attack.

View attachment 104114

2. How Obama Sided with the Muslim Brotherhood, by Spencer Case, National Review

Despite being a strong dictator, Mubarak kept the peace in Egypt, preventing the many different terrorist factions and groups under control in Egypt. He also protected Christians in Egypt...and he was an ally of the United States. President Obama, siding with terrorists - the Muslim Brotherhood, helped oust Mubarak from power, and pressured Egypt to hold their elections to replace Mubarak months early, which benefitted the Muslim brotherhood and helped them take power in Egypt.

Forget for a second that Russia TRIED to influence OUR elections - Barak Obama helped oust an (despicable) ally from power, pressured Egypt to hold elections early, and helped terrorists come to power.

View attachment 104115

(Thankfully it was short-lived as Egypt’s military stepped in, threw the TERRORISTS who were running their country out of power, and remained in power until new elections could be held.)

3. http://www.washingtonsblog.com/2014/04/confirmed-u-s-armed-al-qaeda-topple-gaddaffi.html

Despite the fact that Gadaffi was no threat to the United States AND was actually HELPING THE COALITION FIGHT TERRORISTS IN NORTHER AFRICA, Barak Obama joined forces with Al Qaeda – the terrorists who slaughtered 3,000 Americans on 9/11/12 – to overthrow / murder Gadaffi and give control of the country to Al Qaeda. In doing so, Hillary and Obama violated the Constitution, by-passing Congress to start their own personal UN-Approved, UN-authorized war in Libya, dragging the US into the middle of a civil war between a dictator and terrorists…and he sided with the terrorists who, again, had butchered 3,000 Americans.

View attachment 104116

4. http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2015/11/30/benghazi-commission-obama-admin-gun-running-scheme-armed-islamic-state/


The ‘ISIS’ problem the world has today is a result of Barak Obama’s complete and utter embarrassing FAILED actions and Policies regarding Syria – specifically HIS ‘Red Line’ debacle.

- Chemical Weapons were used in Syria

- Rebels/terrorists claim Assad used them

- Although there was no solid proof (some thought the rebels used captured chemical weapons in an attempt to draw Barry in to join them in the fight against President Assad), Barry issued his ill-advised ‘Red Line’ to Assad, vowing action if Assad used them again.

- Chemical weapons were used again

- Barry backed down in front of the whole world. He tried to claim the ‘Red Line’ was not HIS but was instead the ‘whole world’s’. The whole world laughed at him.

Barry became so obsessed with ‘avenging’ / ‘making right’ his F*-Up that he became obsessed with overthrowing Assad, so much so that he joined forces with ISIS.

- He and Hillary worked with an international arms dealer to run weapons to Al Qaeda in Libya and to ISIS from Benghazi, Libya.

- He financed, supplied, armed, trained, protected, and acted at times as ISIS’ propaganda spokesman (‘JV Team’, ‘Under Control’).

- He allowed ISIS to flow un-opposed into Iraq, slaughtering thousands and taking over territory our military had already liberated at great cost. The war to RE-Liberate Iraq, Mosul being the ISIS stronghold under siege, going on now is a direct result of Obama’s F*-Up. Every person who dies in this new war to liberate Iraq – every American soldier who has recently died trying to help RE-take / RE-Liberate Iraq – is on Barry’s hands.


5. http://www.cnsnews.com/blog/michael-w-chapman/state-dept-350k-group-built-campaign-structure-used-against-election-israels

“According to the U.S. Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations (PSI), the State Department gave $349,276 in U.S. taxpayer-funded grants to a political group in Israel to build a campaign operation, which subsequently was used to try to influence Israelis to vote against conservative Benjamin Netanyahu in the March 2015 election for prime minister.

In the Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations report about the State Department’s action, Chairman Bob Portman (R-Ohio) said, “It is completely unacceptable that U.S. taxpayer dollars were used to build a political campaign infrastructure that was deployed — immediately after the grant ended — against the leader [Netanyahu] of our closest ally in the Middle East. American resources should be used to help our allies in the region, not undermine them.”


And this is not even all of it.

Liberals and the ‘All-In’ media would try to take one incident at a time, to try to spin it, justify each one – to ‘Lie, Deny, and/or justify’ each one, but only to distract from THE BIG PICTURE – OBAMA’S TRAITEROUS RECORD:

Overthrew an ally and sovereign leader in Egypt – gave power to terrorists.
Overthrew a sovereign leader in Libya – gave power to terrorists
Tried to overthrow an ally and sovereign leader in Israel
Trying to overthrow a sovereign leader in Syria to give power to terrorists
Aided and abetted Al Qaeda and ISIS
Armed Mexican Drug Cartels

Quite an impressive ‘Resume’ for an 8 year Presidency

Old fake news is even worse than current fake news.
Meh! Is this why President Obama will leave office with a 60 percent approval rating!!!!! Please explain.
For 1, the 'All-In' Media will NEVER put all of the facts / reports together in 1 article like I just did to prevent Americans from seeing the 'Big picture'.

secondly, he is America's 1st Black President - they can not afford to allow the 1st Black President to be Impeached, to be seen as the Constitution and Rule of Law violator he is, to be seen as the complete failure he has been.

Third and finally, the people who have created this poll and the results are the same people who created the horrendously FAILED FALSE polls that predicted Hillary would beat Trump in a landslide. Their numbers / polls mean NOTHING!
Oh I see. You want to blame the media...eh. If the media is so bad then why did the corporate media band together to give Trump free ad time interviews to the tune of 2-3 billion dollars at no cost to Trump???

What were the reasons for impeaching President Obama??? What rules (constitutional) laws had the 1st Black President broken??? If you know then please list them!!!
Meh! Is this why President Obama will leave office with a 60 percent approval rating!!!!! Please explain.
For 1, the 'All-In' Media will NEVER put all of the facts / reports together in 1 article like I just did to prevent Americans from seeing the 'Big picture'.

secondly, he is America's 1st Black President - they can not afford to allow the 1st Black President to be Impeached, to be seen as the Constitution and Rule of Law violator he is, to be seen as the complete failure he has been.

Third and finally, the people who have created this poll and the results are the same people who created the horrendously FAILED FALSE polls that predicted Hillary would beat Trump in a landslide. Their numbers / polls mean NOTHING!
You've got no facts for idiotic dupe argument, just pure GOP BS propaganda, DUH.
What were the reasons for impeaching President Obama??? What rules (constitutional) laws had the 1st Black President broken??? If you know then please list them!!!

This has been repeatedly and nauseatingly addressed on this board, plenty of evidence provided again and again - please do some research on this.

In the meantime, here are just a small few:

Un-Constitutional Recess Appointments stricken down by the USSC

2 Un-Constitutional, UN-approved, UN-Authorized wars in Libya and Syria

Obama has been held in Contempt of Court NUMEROUS times for refusing to comply with the Judge/law

STOLE $500 Million from tax payers / the government, claiming it was for Zika in the US, and giving it to the UN instead

His ACA mandate that declared medical facilities run by religious institutions had to hand out abortion pills (Once pointed out he had just violated the Constitution it was rescinded)

Un-Constitutionally negotiated his own Treaty with Iran (calling it an 'agreement' does not make it NOT a 'treaty') - by-passed Congress in the negotiating/making the treaty and the certification of it before the UN before Congress was ever allowed to see it.
Did someone spread a bunch of liberal piss around here? They are flocking in here like mad.
You've got no facts for idiotic dupe argument, just pure GOP BS propaganda, DUH.
One of us has repeatedly posted facts and the links to back them up...that wouldn't be you. The other has posted nothing but OPINION...that WOULD be you. Happy New Year.
Obama will easily go down as being one of the worst presidents in history.
Explain your logic!!! President Obama is at 60 percent approval leaving office!!! How will he go down as the worst President in history??? GW Bush and Trump will go down as the worst.
Obama will easily go down as being one of the worst presidents in history.
Explain your logic!!! President Obama is at 60 percent approval leaving office!!! How will he go down as the worst President in history??? GW Bush and Trump will go down as the worst.

History does not rest on popularity. Hey, I think you missed a text message dude!
Explain your logic!!! President Obama is at 60 percent approval leaving office!!!
You want the rep of being the worst President in history to be based on a Popularity Contest instead of on actual deeds and record. :p

I agree with you, though - Obama will not go down in history as ONE of the worst Presidents in US History. He will go down as THE worst President in US history!
Obama will easily go down as being one of the worst presidents in history.
Explain your logic!!! President Obama is at 60 percent approval leaving office!!! How will he go down as the worst President in history??? GW Bush and Trump will go down as the worst.

History does not rest on popularity. Hey, I think you missed a text message dude!
Come again! Why does President Obama have a 60 percent approval rating as he leaves office. All you got are Tea Party-GOP propaganda fake news talking points. You and ilk should be happy today. You own the congress and the WH! Now shut up show the world that you tribal Republicans CAN GOVERN!!!!

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