Obama's record: worst recovery since Depression, and, at war with Russia...

"Worst recovery since Depression".

Worst economic crash since Depression.


No, libs were in charge of both.

exactly, libs caused Great Depression and Great Recession and kept them going forever with more of the same stupid policies that caused them in the first place. A Republican capitalist economy is self-correcting.
yep, we'll be lucky if we survive this one brought down on us Intentionally. we have some very wicked enemy's within.
Yes, that's right. Russia moved into the ME knowing Barry was a wimp and is now bombing our allies there to save Assad. So will Russia attack us since we are opposing them?? Maybe it will knowing what a feckless wimp Barry is. This is Barry's idea of a foreign policy??
The Republicommies have been rooting for Putin all along.

Well, Putin wants Assad and he is probably better than any of the alternatives.
Well Putin really does have skin in this game. As compared to our western idiotic leaders who thought they could replace regimes with the Muslim Brotherhood in countries.

Ever heard of Beslan? You know. The wonderous jihadist moment who rigged a school with bombs and murdered children at that school? Well those same Chechens are not only part of ISIS but one of the key figures in this war is a CHECHEN veteran. Baghdadi's right hand military man.

So when the Chechen terrorists pledged allegiance to ISIS last month. I believe it was 16,000 ready to kill Russians Putin made his move.

well dear, the issue is whether Barry has created a very desperate situation by letting Putin bomb our allies.
Our allies are the worst of the bad guys. Putin should make radioactive dust out of obama 's allies.
"Obama's record: worst recovery since Depression, and, at war with Russia..."

Another ridiculous lie from the right.

Obama's recovery is worst recovery since Depression. And, we are in effect at war with Russia since Russia is bombing for Assad and we are bombing against him. From here to real war is a lot easier than the beginning of most wars! Putin would not risk it unless he was sure what a wimp Barry is.
So will Russia attack us since we are opposing them??


true enough, WW1 started for a whole lot less. So lets not worry about Russian and American fighters being in the same sky with opposite objectives.

I think the only thing that is preventing war is the Republican defense budgets that produced the F-22 and F15c fighters. Thank God for Republicans. We don't ever want to lose control of the skies above a battlefield.
"Obama's record: worst recovery since Depression, and, at war with Russia..."

Another ridiculous lie from the right.

Give me the name of the opposition to Assad.

Better yet.

Can you give me the names of those opposed to Assad that we are backing?

Any opposition?
All I hear is day and day out....

moderate rebels.

No one can name them.

moderate opposition.


fuck off with this shit.
Yes, that's right. Russia moved into the ME knowing Barry was a wimp and is now bombing our allies there to save Assad. So will Russia attack us since we are opposing them?? Maybe it will knowing what a feckless wimp Barry is. This is Barry's idea of a foreign policy??
I'll take his worse recovery over another one of the GOP's great recessions.

So the GOP are pro Russia now? You loved it when Reagan was at war with Russia. Bush looked into Putin's eyes and saw a good man. He also picked Darth Chaney for his VP.
"Worst recovery since Depression".

Worst economic crash since Depression.


No, libs were in charge of both.

exactly, libs caused Great Depression and Great Recession and kept them going forever with more of the same stupid policies that caused them in the first place. A Republican capitalist economy is self-correcting.
yep, we'll be lucky if we survive this one brought down on us Intentionally. we have some very wicked enemy's within.

It hurts. The enemy is within.

I'll tell you more tomorrow dearheart.
Yes, that's right. Russia moved into the ME knowing Barry was a wimp and is now bombing our allies there to save Assad. So will Russia attack us since we are opposing them?? Maybe it will knowing what a feckless wimp Barry is. This is Barry's idea of a foreign policy??
I'll take his worse recovery over another one of the GOP's great recessions.

So the GOP are pro Russia now? You loved it when Reagan was at war with Russia. Bush looked into Putin's eyes and saw a good man. He also picked Darth Chaney for his VP.

Only fools are anti Russia now.
Name the moderate rebels. I have been waiting for this for so long.

FSA works with Al Qaeda.

So they are out of the picture. Who are the mother fucking MODERATE REBELS?

Long time coming assholes!
Yes, that's right. Russia moved into the ME knowing Barry was a wimp and is now bombing our allies there to save Assad. So will Russia attack us since we are opposing them?? Maybe it will knowing what a feckless wimp Barry is. This is Barry's idea of a foreign policy??
I'll take his worse recovery over another one of the GOP's great recessions.

So the GOP are pro Russia now? You loved it when Reagan was at war with Russia. Bush looked into Putin's eyes and saw a good man. He also picked Darth Chaney for his VP.

Only fools are anti Russia now.
If you are Ford you don't want gm to collapse. It would hurt the economy. But make no mistake they are strategic competitive adversaries. They (russia) don't view you as a partner and itd be naive to think so.
Moderate rebels. Moderate opposition. :lmao:

Put them out there you fucking liars who only want to install the Brotherhood.
"Obama's record: worst recovery since Depression, and, at war with Russia..."

Another ridiculous lie from the right.

Obama's recovery is worst recovery since Depression. And, we are in effect at war with Russia since Russia is bombing for Assad and we are bombing against him. From here to real war is a lot easier than the beginning of most wars! Putin would not risk it unless he was sure what a wimp Barry is.
Did the bible prophesize it? Then it ain't gonna happen. And if the bible did prophecize it then it was meant to be.

You believe the bible, don't you?
Yes, that's right. Russia moved into the ME knowing Barry was a wimp and is now bombing our allies there to save Assad. So will Russia attack us since we are opposing them?? Maybe it will knowing what a feckless wimp Barry is. This is Barry's idea of a foreign policy??
I'll take his worse recovery over another one of the GOP's great recessions.

So the GOP are pro Russia now? You loved it when Reagan was at war with Russia. Bush looked into Putin's eyes and saw a good man. He also picked Darth Chaney for his VP.

Only fools are anti Russia now.
If you are Ford you don't want gm to collapse. It would hurt the economy. But make no mistake they are strategic competitive adversaries. They (russia) don't view you as a partner and itd be naive to think so.

While we were playi
WTF?! When did the war with Russia start? Barry Manilow? Barry Gibb?

Actually when our morons decided to over turn a duly elected government in the Ukraine ......

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