Obama's Report Card after 4 years

Obama's Report Card after 4 years

  • A+ Excellent Job. He had to be re-elected

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • A Good Job. 1-2 bad decisions but nothing to cry about

    Votes: 1 3.2%
  • B+ Decent Job. Coudlve done more

    Votes: 9 29.0%
  • B/C+ Ok Job. I don't think he deserve re-election though

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • C Average job at best. I wasn't impressed with his Performance.

    Votes: 3 9.7%
  • C- Borderline impeachable. I'm So disappointed

    Votes: 4 12.9%
  • D Ugh. D is for Disgusted. Poor Job.

    Votes: 3 9.7%
  • F FAIL. Terrible job. I can't believe he got re-elected

    Votes: 11 35.5%

  • Total voters


Senior Member
Oct 9, 2012
Obama's Report Card after 4 years. vote and be honest. You can even explain your vote because I'm sure you A+ score givers will be challenged. count on it.
First, we need a way to vote. Second, what is the criteria of the report card? Are we basing it on ho wwell he implimented his agenda, or how well it works for america or both or what?
First, we need a way to vote. Second, what is the criteria of the report card? Are we basing it on ho wwell he implimented his agenda, or how well it works for america or both or what?

your comments can be the basis for your vote.

So make them good. and make them honest.
Obama's Report Card after 4 years

Successes ----0 $c6a56632b9414fa18f481635d4963e9b-300x196.jpg

Failures--- 100$obama-tuxedo.jpg
obama doesn't need success. He can simply say something to make it real.

New Jersey and New York are going to have the full support of the government.

He said it, therefore it must be so. It's the ingrates on the east coast that are being hateful by claiming there's no help. Didn't obama say it was coming? That's good enough.

obama is going to say that he tried his policies and they worked. No matter how bad it is, no matter how bad it gets.
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I would give him a B-, The only thing I disagree with was signing of the NDAA and was over aggressive with drone strikes.
obama doesn't need success. He can simply say something to make it real.

New Jersey and New York are going to have the full support of the government.

He said it, therefore it must be so. It's the ingrates on the east coast that are being hateful by claiming there's no help. Didn't obama say it was coming? That's good enough.

obama is going to say that he tried his policies and they worked. No matter how bad it is, no matter how bad it gets.

Sarcasm is always good. we need to laugh at this clown sometimes don't we?:razz::clap2:

What are a couple things you think Obama could've done more on? I'm curious.

. and try not to use a situation where he pointed the finger and blamed Bush2 or Congress.

Try to point out something he had full power to do but just didn't come through in your eyes.
I would give him a B-, The only thing I disagree with was signing of the NDAA and was over aggressive with drone strikes.

Ok. NDAA is definitely a serious black eye on his report card.

So how are your feelings about him now wanting to use the drones in America?
I would give him a B-, The only thing I disagree with was signing of the NDAA and was over aggressive with drone strikes.

Ok. NDAA is definitely a serious black eye on his report card.

So how are your feelings about him now wanting to use the drones in America?

To spy? FBI has used planes to spay on Americans for a long time. I think they should have to get a warrant.
Report Card?

Obama will be a top 10 President at the end of his second term
I would give him a B-, The only thing I disagree with was signing of the NDAA and was over aggressive with drone strikes.

Ok. NDAA is definitely a serious black eye on his report card.

So how are your feelings about him now wanting to use the drones in America?

To spy? FBI has used planes to spay on Americans for a long time. I think they should have to get a warrant.

And if they dont? where will your feelings be?
OK, I'll give my honest assessment.

Economics: F-
The president said in his campaign in 2008 that if he couldn't cut the deficit in half first term, it should be his only term. He failed to even attempt this. Instead, went on a massive spending binge. Then ran for president again...

The president has worked tirelessly to stimulate pet renewable energy companies with US tax money, and it is a failing endeavor. At the same time, his energy secretary and himself have called for squashing other energy sources, or has been a roadblock in strengthening current viable energy sources.

The president, while presiding over a massive economic downturn, has prolonged the problem by trying to "stimulate" us into growth by spending billions of tax dollars on projects that only managed to plug state budget holes, send money for jobs overseas and pay off cronies.

I'll stop there, because i could go on all day.

Foreign Policy: F-
The president ran on a peace agenda, even securing a nobel prize pre-emptively for diplomatic relations. Yet, when he came into office, instead of ending Iraq right away as promised, he ended the waar on the Bush timetable.

Drone/proxy wars in several more countries than even Bush got us involved in.

Assassination of american citizens abroad on untried and unfounded allegations.

Has fostered the NEOCON agenda of the PNAC within Syria and the so called "arab spring" CIA initiative.

Unconstitutionally led the way to regime change in Libya. including bombing civilians. Only to have it blow up in his face in the Benghazi embassy and then lied to the american public about it.

Civil Liberties: F-
The president not only kept the bad policies of the bush administration, he ramped them up and gave us new bad policies like the provisions in NDAA 2012. In fact, it is arguable that Obama is WORSE than the Bush administration in this area. Which is a hard one to beat.

Domestic Social Issues: B-
No major steps in any direction initalized by the president that I can recall. Unless creating a new beaucracy or 50 counts as an accomplishment. in my world it does not.

Though, he did give illegals a way to temp citizenship...for a fee and probably to secure some votes.

Creative Spin: A+
the racial and economic/financial divide created by this administration is one for the record books and perhaps the foundation for a new Saul Alinsky book on radical takeovers.

Public Speaking: A+
This man is an amazing speaker. He really delivers what his constituency wants to hear. He may not ever follow through on any of it, but that is politics from the two party paradigm. Overall, he moves his base in this area. When he speaks, they not only listen, they repeat verbatum, even if it is pure nonsense.

Math: F-

See economics.

Science: F-

Politically charged dogma built on believe and concensus is terrible for the scientific community.
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Your list, with the exception of a couple, reads like that of who spent the most money we didn't have and undermined the founding principles of the nation th emost. Nice list.

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