Obama's scorched-earth policies

The Radicals in the House have decided that they would keep the country hoping from crisis to crisis every three months. The last part of that hoping, introduced the Sequester a largely injurious austerity program sold as a "compromise" that would never happen because it impacted things that Republicans "liked" as well.

Well that's not whats been going on. The Austerity happened and funding for things that Republicans like was restored.

That's probably when Obama realized he was dealing with a nest of snakes.

And that this form of governance had to be stopped.

It's not constitutional and it's not in keeping with the Democratic values of this nation.

It is, in fact, tyranny.

It is 100% Constitutional and even you know it. Congress does not have to raise the debt ceiling and you know it. Please stop trying to sound like you know what you are talking about.

By the way, can you tell me why we should even have a debt ceiling if you feel it should never not be increased?

No..it absolutely is not.

The clause the Republicans are working under is meant to used when provisioning is being done for a bill. And, if you've noticed, this trick the GOP has pulled has had no effect, whatsoever, on rolling out the ACA.

The Debt Ceiling is NOT in the constitution and may in fact be Unconstitutional since it is in contradiction to the 14th Amendment.

You really should read the Constitution.

Please cite for me where it states that Congress must raise the debt ceiling.

Congress controls the purse strings. It's a Constitutional fact. And they can (and they should) choose to stop the radical and immature spending.
Guy, we have the lowest life expectency in the industrialized world and the highest level of infant mortality in the industrialized world. This is really nothing to be proud of. Just because a few rich people (most of them NOT from other industrialized countries) fly here for treatments most Americans CAN'T get is nothing to be proud of, really.

The fact that even one billionaire chooses to fly here to the U.S. for the best healthcare in the world ends this debate and exposes you for the fool that you are.

The fact that you have to grab statics which have nothing to do with our healthcare system proves you are wrong. Our life expectancy (again, you illiteracy is exposed in your spelling of this word above) is due to alcoholic trailer park trash like you who drink, get high, and stuff your faces with McDonalds. Your freedom to be a self-destructive trailer park asshat is no reflection on our doctors or our healthcare system.

Our infant mortality rate is because of rapists like you who go around their trailer parks raping women who are drunk and stoned out of their mind and who then refuse to stop their drugs, alcohol, and cigarettes. A baby simply can't endure that kind of poison. Their freedom to be a self-destructive trailer park asshat is no reflection on our doctors or our healthcare system.

And the fact that the politicians - who set up the system you ignorantly crave (because you have ZERO first-hand knowledge if it) run from the system they set up to America for the best healthcare in the world puts this debate to rest. You're a fuck'n parasite and an idiot. Want proof? Have someone read you these links (since you also proved already that you are illiterate):

Danny Williams, Canadian Official, Seeks Heart Surgery In US

Canadian Premier comes to US for heart surgery | The Barr Code

Canadian Politician Comes to U.S. for Heart Surgery

Danny Williams going to U.S. for heart surgery - Newfoundland & Labrador - CBC News

And my personal favorite:

Mr. Williams went on to tell The Canadian Press: "I did not sign away my right to get the best possible health care for myself when I entered politics."

Constitutionally? Abso-fucking-lutely. Which part of this don't you understand?

The SCOTUS stated in Heller that "the historical tradition of prohibiting the carrying of 'dangerous and unusual weapons" is absolutely Constitutional.

So, no, you as an individual do not have a right to posses all arms, Puppy.

Do you have a better understanding of Fundamental Rights too now?

Sweetie, where in the Constitution does it give the Supreme Court the power to rule on the Constitution? Please cite the exact section for me so I can go read it and learn from your "wisdom" (hint: you can't because it doesn't).

The Supreme Courts opinion on the 2nd Amendment is completely and totally irrelevant because the Supreme Court cannot alter the Constitution. They simply do not have that authority (even if you're too ignorant to understand that).

Your understanding of the three branches of government and the SCOTUS is sadly lacking. May I suggest Schoolhouse Rock?
The man is intent on burning the whole thing to the ground, falsely blaming it on capitalism, and replacing it with marxism - just like daddy taught him (the same scumbag daddy who abandoned him to spread marxism in Africa):

"The president isn't telling the whole story when it comes to the government shutdown. The fact is that Washington Democrats have slammed the door on reopening the government by refusing to engage in bipartisan talks. And, as stories across the country highlight the devastating impact of Obamacare on families and small businesses, they continue to reject our calls for fairness for all Americans.

This is part of a larger pattern: the president's scorched-Earth policy of refusing to negotiate in bipartisan way on his health care law, current government funding, or the debt limit."

John Boehner: Obama owns this shutdown now

Nothing wrong with scotched earth.....but one question......Is it single malt or blended scotched earth?
Oh....my....God :eusa_doh:

Yes. Yes, that's why the Constitution is there. To specifically outline what the federal government is responsible for. No more, no less.

How do you people function in life. This is literally as absurd as asking "so you're the speed limit is the number explicitly mentioned on the speed limit sign"?

Uh, yeah. That's why we have laws. To specifically outline how things work.

Sooo...why are semi-automatic weapons constitutional?
Can you quote the explicit mention of them in that august document?

The 2nd Amdenment: "the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed"

Semi and fully automatic weapons are arms... :lmao:

Want to try again? Please? I love this game (I'm good at it - I never lose). The Constitution does not say muskets chief!

But...where are they mentioned explicitly?
That's your claim.

Careful now, acceptance of vague definitions as proof of your interpretation can also be turned against you.
The SCOTUS stated in Heller that "the historical tradition of prohibiting the carrying of 'dangerous and unusual weapons" is absolutely Constitutional.

So, no, you as an individual do not have a right to posses all arms, Puppy.

Do you have a better understanding of Fundamental Rights too now?

Sweetie, where in the Constitution does it give the Supreme Court the power to rule on the Constitution? Please cite the exact section for me so I can go read it and learn from your "wisdom" (hint: you can't because it doesn't).

The Supreme Courts opinion on the 2nd Amendment is completely and totally irrelevant because the Supreme Court cannot alter the Constitution. They simply do not have that authority (even if you're too ignorant to understand that).

Your understanding of the three branches of government and the SCOTUS is sadly lacking. May I suggest Schoolhouse Rock?

May I suggest that is why you are so ignorant of your own government? Because you thought you learned everything you needed to know from a 90 cartoon meant to introduce toddlers to government :eusa_doh:

I asked a fair question (even stroked your ego while doing so) and yet you ran from it like a scared child. Instead of directing me to "Schoolhouse Rock" why don't you direct me to the section in the Constitution that grants the Supreme Court the power to interpret and/or alter the Constitution? :eusa_eh:
Sooo...why are semi-automatic weapons constitutional?
Can you quote the explicit mention of them in that august document?

The 2nd Amdenment: "the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed"

Semi and fully automatic weapons are arms... :lmao:

Want to try again? Please? I love this game (I'm good at it - I never lose). The Constitution does not say muskets chief!

But...where are they mentioned explicitly?
That's your claim.

Careful now, acceptance of vague definitions as proof of your interpretation can also be turned against you.

I'm not "accepting vague definitions" my friend. From every literal sense, semi and fully automatic firearms are arms.... :eusa_doh:

So why don't you ask yourself where you think the money is needed and then write a check? You "invest" there. That's the beauty of freedom Joe. Nobody is stopping you. Oh wait - that's right - you're a parasite. You only take from society. You're far too greedy to actually give anything back.

By the way, if you didn't choose to live your life willfully ignorant, you would have clicked the link that we've "invested" more money in education than the entire GDP of 97% of the world's nations and we have some of the worst results. Kind of shows how ignorant you wing-nuts are, doesn't it Joe?

GUy, your someone childish, Ayn Rand definition of "Freedom" usually means the ability of the wealthy to push the rest of us around without consequence.

Going to give you a little hint. There's nothing special about the rich.

And, no, guy, I usually ignore your links because they are dishonest.

Says the asshat who believes that Obama cares whether he lives or dies... :lmao:

Asshat, I don't believe that which is why I don't want to hand over my healthcare to the Koch brothers (brothers is not a proper noun you illiterate fuck'n moron - therefore it is not capitalized... no wonder you vote Dumbcorat, you're so uneducated you are easy to dupe). You on the other hand are dying (pun intended) to hand over your healthcare to Obama... :eusa_doh:

Dude, I get paid for my writing, and "Brothers" is a proper noun when specifically referring to individuals.

And I was a Republican until my Romney loving boss showed me that frankly, if you ain't the lead dog, the view is always the same.
Guy, in Germany and Japan, they aren't eating sand. They have a higher standard of living than we do, less poverty, less crime, a stronger middle class and when people talk about "German Engineering" or "Japanese efficiency", that tells me they are doing it right. Of course, I'm old enough to remember when "American" was considered a positive adjective.

A car commercial? Really Joe? A car commercial? You get your "knowledge" of what's going on in your country from a car commercial? The only time you will hear the phrase "German Engineering" is in a car commercial for German cars.


Actually, you'll hear it in a lot of other places. Germany is a technological hub because they've invested in education.

You really are a dumb punk, aren't you, poodle?

German Engineering Holds A Most Revered Position In Our World Today

German engineering seems to remain always in the champion division of the entire industry. As an example, this successful country maintains their great reputation as the top exporter of machinery and industrial equipment.

The quality is always superb and the skill shown is great. Craftsmanship is combined with quality engineering to achieve widely acclaimed and high-performance products.

German Engineering Is Leading The World

In 2004, Germany was the market leader in twenty-one out of thirty-one branches of the entire world’s engineering industry! At the time it represented a quarter of the entire world market.

Although most of the German engineering industry is dominated by small and medium sized businesses, that doesn’t at all hinder its success. In more than half of all exported items, computer and electronic expertise is included within the products manufactured.

And if you had a job and worked in manufacturing, you'd know that German Machinary is the most desired, because it's usually the best designed.

The fact that even one billionaire chooses to fly here to the U.S. for the best healthcare in the world ends this debate and exposes you for the fool that you are.

No, it just says the rich are assholes no matter what country they are in... A country that extends the life of a rich fuck beyond his span while letting poor children die of treatable diseases is pretty morally fucked up.

The fact that you have to grab statics which have nothing to do with our healthcare system proves you are wrong. Our life expectancy (again, you illiteracy is exposed in your spelling of this word above) is due to alcoholic trailer park trash like you who drink, get high, and stuff your faces with McDonalds. Your freedom to be a self-destructive trailer park asshat is no reflection on our doctors or our healthcare system.

Those other countries have the same amount of unhealthy habits ours do. True, they don't let people become so poor as we do. That's what real "Freedom" looks like. But when 1 out of 4 have inadequate or no health coverage, of course you aren't going to live as long.

Our infant mortality rate is because .... go around their trailer parks raping women who are drunk and stoned out of their mind and who then refuse to stop their drugs, alcohol, and cigarettes. A baby simply can't endure that kind of poison. Their freedom to be a self-destructive trailer park asshat is no reflection on our doctors or our healthcare system.

Guy, you are kind of getting desperate, having another meltdown here. But, no, the real problem is that we have an infant mortality rate on par with third world countries, and we should be ashamed of it.

And the fact that the politicians - who set up the system you ignorantly crave (because you have ZERO first-hand knowledge if it) run from the system they set up to America for the best healthcare in the world puts this debate to rest. You're a fuck'n parasite and an idiot. Want proof? Have someone read you these links (since you also proved already that you are illiterate):


I don't read your links because they are fucking retarded, kind of like you are.

But here's the point. Before Medicare, before the government said, "We are going to take care of people after the corporations and businesses have no more use for them, the average life expectency of an American was 65. Today it's 78. Still below a country like Japan at 82 or the uK at 80, but still pretty impressive.

Health Care for Seniors before Medicare

4. Life expectancy of a 65 year old increased from 79.3 years in 1965 to 83.6 years in 2007.

5. In 1962, between 9% and 16% of seniors went to charitable organizations to get their medical costs paid.

6. In 1962, more than 25% of all seniors went without medical care due to health costs

7. Before Medicare, 33% of all seniors were living in poverty. Today, less than half that number, or 14%, live in poverty. - See more at: Health Care for Seniors before Medicare

Yes, a GOVERNMENT PROGRAM made peoples' lives better, Which is why even the CRAZIEST Teabagger won't come out for abolishing Medicare.

So why don't you ask yourself where you think the money is needed and then write a check? You "invest" there. That's the beauty of freedom Joe. Nobody is stopping you. Oh wait - that's right - you're a parasite. You only take from society. You're far too greedy to actually give anything back.

By the way, if you didn't choose to live your life willfully ignorant, you would have clicked the link that we've "invested" more money in education than the entire GDP of 97% of the world's nations and we have some of the worst results. Kind of shows how ignorant you wing-nuts are, doesn't it Joe?

GUy, your someone childish, Ayn Rand definition of "Freedom" usually means the ability of the wealthy to push the rest of us around without consequence.

Going to give you a little hint. There's nothing special about the rich.

And, no, guy, I usually ignore your links because they are dishonest.

Who's "pushing you around Joe"? Are you really that big of a pussy? Or is your idea of being "pushed around" a persons right to tell you to fuck off and get your hand out of their wallet? Yeah, that's what I thought.

You can start your own business any time you want. Just because you're too fucking lazy to do it is not my problem.

Says the asshat who believes that Obama cares whether he lives or dies... :lmao:

Asshat, I don't believe that which is why I don't want to hand over my healthcare to the Koch brothers (brothers is not a proper noun you illiterate fuck'n moron - therefore it is not capitalized... no wonder you vote Dumbcorat, you're so uneducated you are easy to dupe). You on the other hand are dying (pun intended) to hand over your healthcare to Obama... :eusa_doh:

Dude, I get paid for my writing, and "Brothers" is a proper noun when specifically referring to individuals.

And I was a Republican until my Romney loving boss showed me that frankly, if you ain't the lead dog, the view is always the same.

So become the lead dog.... :bang3:

But something tells me you prefer being lead around with your face buried in a dogs ass. After all, you do vote Dumbocrat... :lol:
But here's the point. Before Medicare, before the government said, "We are going to take care of people after the corporations and businesses have no more use for them, the average life expectency of an American was 65. Today it's 78. Still below a country like Japan at 82 or the uK at 80, but still pretty impressive.

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Asshat here thinks that Medicare is what increased our life expectancy...

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

(Pssst...stupid....that is the result of advancements in healthcare, science, and technology in the private sector - it has nothing to do with Medicare) :bang3:

Nothing illustrates Joe's ignorance more than this post here
And the fact that the politicians - who set up the system you ignorantly crave (because you have ZERO first-hand knowledge if it) run from the system they set up to America for the best healthcare in the world puts this debate to rest. You're a fuck'n parasite and an idiot. Want proof? Have someone read you these links (since you also proved already that you are illiterate):


I don't read your links because they are fucking retarded, kind of like you are.

You read here folks - straight from Joe's mouth. He prefers ignorance and his opinion over facts.

Joe - we both know you read the links and are pretending not to have because they prove you wrong (just like I always do :)).

When the people who set up the Canadian healthcare system that you worship and crave fly to the U.S. when it comes to their own personal healthcare, well it kind of exposes you for the profoundly ignorant asshat that you are.

The U.S. healthcare system is the best in the world and everyone knows it - including you. You just can't stand the fact that it's not given to you for free because you're so fuck'n greedy and lazy...
4. Life expectancy of a 65 year old increased from 79.3 years in 1965 to 83.6 years in 2007.

5. In 1962, between 9% and 16% of seniors went to charitable organizations to get their medical costs paid.

6. In 1962, more than 25% of all seniors went without medical care due to health costs

7. Before Medicare, 33% of all seniors were living in poverty. Today, less than half that number, or 14%, live in poverty. - See more at: Health Care for Seniors before Medicare

Four years? Dang, that's not much for the money.

What's truly disappointing about the TPM is that at one time Obama was uttering the heresey to the dem party that medicare needed an incentive to cause seniors to forego stuff that they could really do without out. Eventually, this issue turned into means testing, which is an imperfect device. But how do you tell a senior, without means beyond her supplemental AARP policy, she doesn't need to see a podiatrist when she might acually have a nail that poses a real dangerous infection or somehting.

It looks like we're stuck with the status quo on the deficits
The man is intent on burning the whole thing to the ground, falsely blaming it on capitalism, and replacing it with marxism - just like daddy taught him (the same scumbag daddy who abandoned him to spread marxism in Africa):

"The president isn't telling the whole story when it comes to the government shutdown. The fact is that Washington Democrats have slammed the door on reopening the government by refusing to engage in bipartisan talks. And, as stories across the country highlight the devastating impact of Obamacare on families and small businesses, they continue to reject our calls for fairness for all Americans.

This is part of a larger pattern: the president's scorched-Earth policy of refusing to negotiate in bipartisan way on his health care law, current government funding, or the debt limit."

John Boehner: Obama owns this shutdown now

He's an ideologue, it's what they do
The man is intent on burning the whole thing to the ground, falsely blaming it on capitalism, and replacing it with marxism - just like daddy taught him (the same scumbag daddy who abandoned him to spread marxism in Africa):

"The president isn't telling the whole story when it comes to the government shutdown. The fact is that Washington Democrats have slammed the door on reopening the government by refusing to engage in bipartisan talks. And, as stories across the country highlight the devastating impact of Obamacare on families and small businesses, they continue to reject our calls for fairness for all Americans.

This is part of a larger pattern: the president's scorched-Earth policy of refusing to negotiate in bipartisan way on his health care law, current government funding, or the debt limit."

John Boehner: Obama owns this shutdown now

You know what makes this really scary, is we don't have a Albert Spear in the ranks to provide a level of comon sense and damage control in the background

Who's "pushing you around Joe"? Are you really that big of a pussy? Or is your idea of being "pushed around" a persons right to tell you to fuck off and get your hand out of their wallet? Yeah, that's what I thought.

You can start your own business any time you want. Just because you're too fucking lazy to do it is not my problem.

Guy, I've put companies out of business by simply steering business elsewhere. That's why I love your whining about small businesses. I deal with them all the time, if you want to see people with inflated opinions of themselves, it's the small businessman.

Here's the thing. If you guys don't want to get businesses out of the health care business, you should support single payer. Otherwise, don't bitch when we tell them they can't set lifetime limits or refuse to cover pre-existing conditions.

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