Obama's scorched-earth policies


And I was a Republican until my Romney loving boss showed me that frankly, if you ain't the lead dog, the view is always the same.

So become the lead dog.... :bang3:

But something tells me you prefer being lead around with your face buried in a dogs ass. After all, you do vote Dumbocrat... :lol:

No, guy, you don't prove rape is wrong by strapping on a dildo and going out and raping people yourself.

Get it. Capitalism is EVIL. It doesn't become LESS evil when I do it.

You read here folks - straight from Joe's mouth. He prefers ignorance and his opinion over facts.

Joe - we both know you read the links and are pretending not to have because they prove you wrong (just like I always do :)).

When the people who set up the Canadian healthcare system that you worship and crave fly to the U.S. when it comes to their own personal healthcare, well it kind of exposes you for the profoundly ignorant asshat that you are.

The U.S. healthcare system is the best in the world and everyone knows it - including you. You just can't stand the fact that it's not given to you for free because you're so fuck'n greedy and lazy...

NO, guy, I don't read any links from Ayn Randian Crazy people. Life's too fucking short, especially at my age. Anything you post is going to be intellectually worthless. You live in your own bubble of right wing Hate Sights and Right Wing Talk Radio.

Fact is VERY FEW Canadians come here for health treatment, and it's usually rich douchebags who don't want to share hospital rooms.

Meanwhile, Canada's system had a REAL problem with Americans coming up and looking for free prescription drugs.

Oh, yeah. And Canadians live 4 years longer than we do and have half our infant mortality rate.

Who's "pushing you around Joe"? Are you really that big of a pussy? Or is your idea of being "pushed around" a persons right to tell you to fuck off and get your hand out of their wallet? Yeah, that's what I thought.

You can start your own business any time you want. Just because you're too fucking lazy to do it is not my problem.

Guy, I've put companies out of business by simply steering business elsewhere. That's why I love your whining about small businesses. I deal with them all the time, if you want to see people with inflated opinions of themselves, it's the small businessman.

Here's the thing. If you guys don't want to get businesses out of the health care business, you should support single payer. Otherwise, don't bitch when we tell them they can't set lifetime limits or refuse to cover pre-existing conditions.

I love your inflated self opinion and bravado. First of all, you couldn't put a 4 year olds lemonade stand out of business. You want to pretend like you have power and influence - but we both know you're an absolute nobody. You've never put a company out of business and you know it.

Second, and much more importantly, what does that have to do with anything? :cuckoo: You're crying about the fact that you're a pussy who gets "pushed around". I told you that you have no excuse - go into business for yourself. You're too fuck'n stupid and way too fuck'n lazy. That's just the reality and it is why you've been fired from at least 4 jobs that we know of.

And I was a Republican until my Romney loving boss showed me that frankly, if you ain't the lead dog, the view is always the same.

So become the lead dog.... :bang3:

But something tells me you prefer being lead around with your face buried in a dogs ass. After all, you do vote Dumbocrat... :lol:

No, guy, you don't prove rape is wrong by strapping on a dildo and going out and raping people yourself.

Get it. Capitalism is EVIL. It doesn't become LESS evil when I do it.

Capitalism isn't evil and you know it. Being a lazy, useless fuck like you is evil. Start your own business and you can treat people any way you want. You can pay every employee $100,000 per year. Share all the profits. All the things your lazy, useless ass fantasizes about.

But you won't do it because you're too fuck'n lazy. That's not our problem Joe.

You read here folks - straight from Joe's mouth. He prefers ignorance and his opinion over facts.

Joe - we both know you read the links and are pretending not to have because they prove you wrong (just like I always do :)).

When the people who set up the Canadian healthcare system that you worship and crave fly to the U.S. when it comes to their own personal healthcare, well it kind of exposes you for the profoundly ignorant asshat that you are.

The U.S. healthcare system is the best in the world and everyone knows it - including you. You just can't stand the fact that it's not given to you for free because you're so fuck'n greedy and lazy...

NO, guy, I don't read any links from Ayn Randian Crazy people. Life's too fucking short, especially at my age. Anything you post is going to be intellectually worthless. You live in your own bubble of right wing Hate Sights and Right Wing Talk Radio.

Fact is VERY FEW Canadians come here for health treatment, and it's usually rich douchebags who don't want to share hospital rooms.

Meanwhile, Canada's system had a REAL problem with Americans coming up and looking for free prescription drugs.

Oh, yeah. And Canadians live 4 years longer than we do and have half our infant mortality rate.

And yet you won't renounce your citizenship and move to Canada. What does that tell you? :eusa_doh:
Get it. Capitalism is EVIL

Someone has to get this poor bastard back on his meds. His schizophrenia is just wreaking hell on this poor useless bastard.

He flat out admitted to being a proud communist in a thread. When I pointed that out, he back-tracked and tried to deny it. Now here he is again being a proud communist. Capitalism is "evil" and he is righteous (even though he hates God too :eusa_doh) thus he is entitled to your wallet and your bank account.

The only thing "evil" is lazy parasites like you who drag down society with your greed and sloth.
“Instead Obama will gamble it all on the Fed, which is just like betting on red—red ink, that is. As I was writing this book, the Fed announced an expanded QE (quantitative easing) stimulus. That means printing more fake money to the tune of $85 billion per month. Yes, I said per MONTH.19

So now the Fed has committed to printing even more money to try to save the U.S. economy. This fake money will be used to buy billions per month in U.S. government and mortgage debt that no one else will buy, to prop up the stock market, and save the biggest companies from going under. Why? To convince naïve fools—a.k.a. Obama voters—that the economy is in recovery. Obama is trying to keep the confidence game going for just a little while longer. It’s not working. Walmart executives called the first two months of 2013 a “total disaster” and reported the worst sales results in seven years. The Ponzi scheme is falling apart.20”

19. Fed printing $85 billion per month

20. Wal-Mart Executives Sweat Slow February Start in E-Mails - Bloomberg

Excerpt From: Wayne Allyn Root. “The Ultimate Obama Survival Guide.” Regnery Publishing, 2013-03-26. iBooks.
This material may be protected by copyright.

Check out this book on the iBooks Store: https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/ultimate-obama-survival-guide/id601965000?mt=11

I love your inflated self opinion and bravado. First of all, you couldn't put a 4 year olds lemonade stand out of business. You want to pretend like you have power and influence - but we both know you're an absolute nobody. You've never put a company out of business and you know it.

Second, and much more importantly, what does that have to do with anything? :cuckoo: You're crying about the fact that you're a pussy who gets "pushed around". I told you that you have no excuse - go into business for yourself. You're too fuck'n stupid and way too fuck'n lazy. That's just the reality and it is why you've been fired from at least 4 jobs that we know of.

Actually, I've put a couple out of business when they couldn't provide me the service and products that I required. PUlled the business the hell out of there and they were gone a year later.

Actually, I've never been fired. Companies I've worked for have downsized and gone out of business, but it's never been because of my issues.

But having seen enough douchebaggery from corporations, no mercy, no sympathy. Anything that they hate is automatically a good idea.

Capitalism isn't evil and you know it. Being a lazy, useless fuck like you is evil. Start your own business and you can treat people any way you want. You can pay every employee $100,000 per year. Share all the profits. All the things your lazy, useless ass fantasizes about.

But you won't do it because you're too fuck'n lazy. That's not our problem Joe.

Not that I would propose paying every employee $100,000/yr, but why not?

How is it that inyour Not At All evil system, you pay a CEO 8 figures for FAILING SO Miserably to the point the government had to step in and bail them out, but providing the line worker who actually assembles the car a pay rate of $28.00 an hour is a burden. Seems like the priorities are kind of screwed up there.

Hell, I'll even go so far as to say that people who work harder than I do get paid less. But since I have more experience and skills, I get a little more. But it's the overall problem of the working folks working against each other that's the problem.
Get it. Capitalism is EVIL

Someone has to get this poor bastard back on his meds. His schizophrenia is just wreaking hell on this poor useless bastard.

He flat out admitted to being a proud communist in a thread. When I pointed that out, he back-tracked and tried to deny it. Now here he is again being a proud communist. Capitalism is "evil" and he is righteous (even though he hates God too :eusa_doh) thus he is entitled to your wallet and your bank account.

The only thing "evil" is lazy parasites like you who drag down society with your greed and sloth.

Canada and Germany aren't "Communist", which is what I was talking about in that thread.

I'm sorry you didn't learn reading comprehension in Home School right after they taught you about talking snakes.
Sweetie, where in the Constitution does it give the Supreme Court the power to rule on the Constitution? Please cite the exact section for me so I can go read it and learn from your "wisdom" (hint: you can't because it doesn't).

The Supreme Courts opinion on the 2nd Amendment is completely and totally irrelevant because the Supreme Court cannot alter the Constitution. They simply do not have that authority (even if you're too ignorant to understand that).

Your understanding of the three branches of government and the SCOTUS is sadly lacking. May I suggest Schoolhouse Rock?

May I suggest that is why you are so ignorant of your own government? Because you thought you learned everything you needed to know from a 90 cartoon meant to introduce toddlers to government :eusa_doh:

I asked a fair question (even stroked your ego while doing so) and yet you ran from it like a scared child. Instead of directing me to "Schoolhouse Rock" why don't you direct me to the section in the Constitution that grants the Supreme Court the power to interpret and/or alter the Constitution? :eusa_eh:

Article 3 Puppy.
The man is intent on burning the whole thing to the ground, falsely blaming it on capitalism, and replacing it with marxism - just like daddy taught him (the same scumbag daddy who abandoned him to spread marxism in Africa):

"The president isn't telling the whole story when it comes to the government shutdown. The fact is that Washington Democrats have slammed the door on reopening the government by refusing to engage in bipartisan talks. And, as stories across the country highlight the devastating impact of Obamacare on families and small businesses, they continue to reject our calls for fairness for all Americans.

This is part of a larger pattern: the president's scorched-Earth policy of refusing to negotiate in bipartisan way on his health care law, current government funding, or the debt limit."

John Boehner: Obama owns this shutdown now

As I mentioned in another post, imagine the power him or someone else who wishes to be king will have when they have the ability to withhold people's healthcare from them.

Prior to October 1 the insurance companies had the power to withhold health care through denying a claim, rescinding a policy, canceling a policy, or refusing to issue a policy altogether and without oversight unless someone wanted to file a claim with their state department of insurance or a civil lawsuit. Is that what you think we should go back to?

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