Obama's scorched-earth policies

Well, the radical tea party has a scotched earth third world policy of killing programs that keep America on top.

Killing science
Killing tech
Killing education(17th)...Not saying democrats aren't really bad on this too.

The sane center needs to come together and form a party. Seriously.

Here's the thing - the Tea Party is the "sane center". The fact that people like you can't see that is the reason we're in the mess that we're in. All they are advocating is that we actually adhere to the law. Gasp! :eek:

Please cite for me where in the Constitution the federal government is responsible for "science?" You can't because the federal government is not. So then why are tax payers paying for it? That's why we're $17 trillion in debt.

Please cite for me where in the Constitution the federal government is responsible for "tech"? You can't because the federal government is not. So then why are tax payers paying for it? That's why we're $17 trillion in debt.

Please cite for me where in the Constitution the federal government is responsible for "education"? You can't because the federal government is not. So then why are tax payers paying for it? That's why we're $17 trillion in debt.

How sad that you didn't name one item that the federal government is Constitutionally responsible for. And you won't be able to either because the Tea Party does not want to "kill" one single item that the federal government is actually Constitutionally responsible for.

The Constitution is the "sane center". Until people like you figure that out, this nation is fucked.

So you're saying that if it something isn't mentioned explicitly in the constitution then it can't be constitutional?
Well, the radical tea party has a scotched earth third world policy of killing programs that keep America on top.

Killing science
Killing tech
Killing education(17th)...Not saying democrats aren't really bad on this too.

The sane center needs to come together and form a party. Seriously.

Here's the thing - the Tea Party is the "sane center". The fact that people like you can't see that is the reason we're in the mess that we're in. All they are advocating is that we actually adhere to the law. Gasp! :eek:

Please cite for me where in the Constitution the federal government is responsible for "science?" You can't because the federal government is not. So then why are tax payers paying for it? That's why we're $17 trillion in debt.

Please cite for me where in the Constitution the federal government is responsible for "tech"? You can't because the federal government is not. So then why are tax payers paying for it? That's why we're $17 trillion in debt.

Please cite for me where in the Constitution the federal government is responsible for "education"? You can't because the federal government is not. So then why are tax payers paying for it? That's why we're $17 trillion in debt.

How sad that you didn't name one item that the federal government is Constitutionally responsible for. And you won't be able to either because the Tea Party does not want to "kill" one single item that the federal government is actually Constitutionally responsible for.

The Constitution is the "sane center". Until people like you figure that out, this nation is fucked.

Guy, the Constitution was written by a bunch of slave rapists who thought that bleeding people was a good treatment for strep throat.

I don't think I'll take their advice on science.

Here's the thing, we are getting our ASSES HANDED TO US by countries that have no compunction about investing in science and tech and education and infrastructure.

Because they aren't worshipping a bunch of dead slave-rapists. They are seeing, "Okay, what is it going to take for us to be more competitive in the global marketplace". And they invest there.

Guy, who cares what the rest of the world is doing? You're the only idiot who wants to lower the U.S. to the rest of the world's standards. If it were up to you, we'd be Afghanistan right now. A bunch of uneducated idiots eating sand but all "equal" in poverty. This shows what a fuck'n moron you are.

People fly from all over the world for life-saving procedures because we're #1 in healthcare (because we kept the government out of it). We've built the ultimate technology in the private sector. Hell, we're even the world's ultimate military superpower because of the unbelievable weapons that we've built in the private sector.

Furthermore, you've admitted that you don't want to "compete" in anything so please spare us you're tired libtard talking point about "competing in the global marketplace" that you learned on MSNBC last night. You're so fuck'n stupid you don't even realize that capitalism is the "marketplace". And how many times now have you said "fuck capitalism"? You're contradicting yourself... :lmao:
Well, the radical tea party has a scotched earth third world policy of killing programs that keep America on top.

Killing science
Killing tech
Killing education(17th)...Not saying democrats aren't really bad on this too.

The sane center needs to come together and form a party. Seriously.

Here's the thing - the Tea Party is the "sane center". The fact that people like you can't see that is the reason we're in the mess that we're in. All they are advocating is that we actually adhere to the law. Gasp! :eek:

Please cite for me where in the Constitution the federal government is responsible for "science?" You can't because the federal government is not. So then why are tax payers paying for it? That's why we're $17 trillion in debt.

Please cite for me where in the Constitution the federal government is responsible for "tech"? You can't because the federal government is not. So then why are tax payers paying for it? That's why we're $17 trillion in debt.

Please cite for me where in the Constitution the federal government is responsible for "education"? You can't because the federal government is not. So then why are tax payers paying for it? That's why we're $17 trillion in debt.

How sad that you didn't name one item that the federal government is Constitutionally responsible for. And you won't be able to either because the Tea Party does not want to "kill" one single item that the federal government is actually Constitutionally responsible for.

The Constitution is the "sane center". Until people like you figure that out, this nation is fucked.

So you're saying that if it something isn't mentioned explicitly in the constitution then it can't be constitutional?

Oh....my....God :eusa_doh:

Yes. Yes, that's why the Constitution is there. To specifically outline what the federal government is responsible for. No more, no less.

How do you people function in life. This is literally as absurd as asking "so you're the speed limit is the number explicitly mentioned on the speed limit sign"?

Uh, yeah. That's why we have laws. To specifically outline how things work.
Oh looky look another whiner thread by the rotty. Whine whine whine,

Hey which way you go on John Bohoner. In one post you say he is the ultimate liberal and the last post has him standing UP to Obama and being your hero.

Which is it? And I know you get confused with all that whining, but try and be more consistent about who you hate and don't hate.

Teabaggers are counting on you dog. Don't let 'em down. But stop whining or someone will put you outside.

Aww...Zeke still upset that is government cheese has been cut back. Don't worry zeke, I'm sure someone in your trailer park will have some whiskey for you to drown your sorrows in.

You know, you could stop being a parasite and get up off your lazy ass and get a job so you can buy your own cheese.

By the way - I noticed you couldn't dispute one point about Obama's failures. Kind of telling, isn't it? :lmao:

Guy, who cares what the rest of the world is doing? You're the only idiot who wants to lower the U.S. to the rest of the world's standards. If it were up to you, we'd be Afghanistan right now. A bunch of uneducated idiots eating sand but all "equal" in poverty. This shows what a fuck'n moron you are.

Guy, in Germany and Japan, they aren't eating sand. They have a higher standard of living than we do, less poverty, less crime, a stronger middle class and when people talk about "German Engineering" or "Japanese efficiency", that tells me they are doing it right. Of course, I'm old enough to remember when "American" was considered a positive adjective.

People fly from all over the world for life-saving procedures because we're #1 in healthcare (because we kept the government out of it). We've built the ultimate technology in the private sector. Hell, we're even the world's ultimate military superpower because of the unbelievable weapons that we've built in the private sector.

Guy, we have the lowest life expectency in the industrialized world and the highest level of infant mortality in the industrialized world. This is really nothing to be proud of. Just because a few rich people (most of them NOT from other industrialized countries) fly here for treatments most Americans CAN'T get is nothing to be proud of, really.

Furthermore, you've admitted that you don't want to "compete" in anything so please spare us you're tired libtard talking point about "competing in the global marketplace" that you learned on MSNBC last night. You're so fuck'n stupid you don't even realize that capitalism is the "marketplace". And how many times now have you said "fuck capitalism"? You're contradicting yourself... :lmao:

I absolutely want to compete. The thing is, our competitors aren't the "Capitalists" you make them out to be. They are strongly unionized, they have strong social welfare states, and they invest in infrastructure, science and education.

And they are beating the pants off of us, mostly because their employees can follow a work instruction because they can READ it.
Here's the thing - the Tea Party is the "sane center". The fact that people like you can't see that is the reason we're in the mess that we're in. All they are advocating is that we actually adhere to the law. Gasp! :eek:

Please cite for me where in the Constitution the federal government is responsible for "science?" You can't because the federal government is not. So then why are tax payers paying for it? That's why we're $17 trillion in debt.

Please cite for me where in the Constitution the federal government is responsible for "tech"? You can't because the federal government is not. So then why are tax payers paying for it? That's why we're $17 trillion in debt.

Please cite for me where in the Constitution the federal government is responsible for "education"? You can't because the federal government is not. So then why are tax payers paying for it? That's why we're $17 trillion in debt.

How sad that you didn't name one item that the federal government is Constitutionally responsible for. And you won't be able to either because the Tea Party does not want to "kill" one single item that the federal government is actually Constitutionally responsible for.

The Constitution is the "sane center". Until people like you figure that out, this nation is fucked.

So you're saying that if it something isn't mentioned explicitly in the constitution then it can't be constitutional?

Oh....my....God :eusa_doh:

Yes. Yes, that's why the Constitution is there. To specifically outline what the federal government is responsible for. No more, no less.

How do you people function in life. This is literally as absurd as asking "so you're the speed limit is the number explicitly mentioned on the speed limit sign"?

Uh, yeah. That's why we have laws. To specifically outline how things work.

Sooo...why are semi-automatic weapons constitutional?
Can you quote the explicit mention of them in that august document?

For the first time in your USMB history, you are right. The GOP will "fold like a cheap suit" because they are made up of 90% liberals and lead by one of the worst liberals of all - John Boehner. So what is your point?

And more importantly - what does it say about you and how radically unhinged you are that you find hard core liberals despicable because they are not far enough left for you? Oh wait - that's right - you flat out admitted on many occasions now that you are a communist and "fuck capitalism".

Guy, I didn't swear an oath to defend Multi-national corporations.

I swore one to defend America.

The reason why Boehner is folding like a cheap suit is because the Koch Brothers are telling him to. Because they realize that continuing this fight is going to cost them money.

And dumb fucks like you keep thinking the Koch Brothers care whether you live or die...
Well, the radical tea party has a scotched earth third world policy of killing programs that keep America on top.

Killing science
Killing tech
Killing education(17th)...Not saying democrats aren't really bad on this too.

The sane center needs to come together and form a party. Seriously.

Here's the thing - the Tea Party is the "sane center". The fact that people like you can't see that is the reason we're in the mess that we're in. All they are advocating is that we actually adhere to the law. Gasp! :eek:

Please cite for me where in the Constitution the federal government is responsible for "science?" You can't because the federal government is not. So then why are tax payers paying for it? That's why we're $17 trillion in debt.

Please cite for me where in the Constitution the federal government is responsible for "tech"? You can't because the federal government is not. So then why are tax payers paying for it? That's why we're $17 trillion in debt.

Please cite for me where in the Constitution the federal government is responsible for "education"? You can't because the federal government is not. So then why are tax payers paying for it? That's why we're $17 trillion in debt.

How sad that you didn't name one item that the federal government is Constitutionally responsible for. And you won't be able to either because the Tea Party does not want to "kill" one single item that the federal government is actually Constitutionally responsible for.

The Constitution is the "sane center". Until people like you figure that out, this nation is fucked.

Guy, the Constitution was written by a bunch of slave rapists who thought that bleeding people was a good treatment for strep throat.

I don't think I'll take their advice on science.

Here's the thing, we are getting our ASSES HANDED TO US by countries that have no compunction about investing in science and tech and education and infrastructure.

Because they aren't worshipping a bunch of dead slave-rapists. They are seeing, "Okay, what is it going to take for us to be more competitive in the global marketplace". And they invest there.

So why don't you ask yourself where you think the money is needed and then write a check? You "invest" there. That's the beauty of freedom Joe. Nobody is stopping you. Oh wait - that's right - you're a parasite. You only take from society. You're far too greedy to actually give anything back.

By the way, if you didn't choose to live your life willfully ignorant, you would have clicked the link that we've "invested" more money in education than the entire GDP of 97% of the world's nations and we have some of the worst results. Kind of shows how ignorant you wing-nuts are, doesn't it Joe?
So you're saying that if it something isn't mentioned explicitly in the constitution then it can't be constitutional?

Oh....my....God :eusa_doh:

Yes. Yes, that's why the Constitution is there. To specifically outline what the federal government is responsible for. No more, no less.

How do you people function in life. This is literally as absurd as asking "so you're the speed limit is the number explicitly mentioned on the speed limit sign"?

Uh, yeah. That's why we have laws. To specifically outline how things work.

Sooo...why are semi-automatic weapons constitutional?
Can you quote the explicit mention of them in that august document?

The 2nd Amdenment: "the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed"

Semi and fully automatic weapons are arms... :lmao:

Want to try again? Please? I love this game (I'm good at it - I never lose). The Constitution does not say muskets chief!
The Radicals in the House have decided that they would keep the country hoping from crisis to crisis every three months. The last part of that hoping, introduced the Sequester a largely injurious austerity program sold as a "compromise" that would never happen because it impacted things that Republicans "liked" as well.

Well that's not whats been going on. The Austerity happened and funding for things that Republicans like was restored.

That's probably when Obama realized he was dealing with a nest of snakes.

And that this form of governance had to be stopped.

It's not constitutional and it's not in keeping with the Democratic values of this nation.

It is, in fact, tyranny.
That's Not in the Constitution! Basic Rights Not Spelled Out in the Constitution

Poor puppy...no understanding of Fundamental Rights either. So sad...


Oh sweetie, about.com? Really? :lmao:

More importantly, when are you going to actually read an article before posting it? This entire article contradicts itself. Once I got to "there is no right to vote - it 'only' states why you cannot be prevented from voting" I had too many tears in my eyes. :lmao:

Sweetie, when are you going to learn that the Constitution says what it says and desperately clinging to radical left-wingers making up their own interpretations of it means nothing?
Oh....my....God :eusa_doh:

Yes. Yes, that's why the Constitution is there. To specifically outline what the federal government is responsible for. No more, no less.

How do you people function in life. This is literally as absurd as asking "so you're the speed limit is the number explicitly mentioned on the speed limit sign"?

Uh, yeah. That's why we have laws. To specifically outline how things work.

Sooo...why are semi-automatic weapons constitutional?
Can you quote the explicit mention of them in that august document?

The 2nd Amdenment: "the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed"

Semi and fully automatic weapons are arms... :lmao:

Want to try again? Please? I love this game (I'm good at it - I never lose). The Constitution does not say muskets chief!

So are trident missiles and nuclear bombs puppy. Can't have those though can we?
The Radicals in the House have decided that they would keep the country hoping from crisis to crisis every three months. The last part of that hoping, introduced the Sequester a largely injurious austerity program sold as a "compromise" that would never happen because it impacted things that Republicans "liked" as well.

Well that's not whats been going on. The Austerity happened and funding for things that Republicans like was restored.

That's probably when Obama realized he was dealing with a nest of snakes.

And that this form of governance had to be stopped.

It's not constitutional and it's not in keeping with the Democratic values of this nation.

It is, in fact, tyranny.

It is 100% Constitutional and even you know it. Congress does not have to raise the debt ceiling and you know it. Please stop trying to sound like you know what you are talking about.

By the way, can you tell me why we should even have a debt ceiling if you feel it should never not be increased?
Sooo...why are semi-automatic weapons constitutional?
Can you quote the explicit mention of them in that august document?

The 2nd Amdenment: "the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed"

Semi and fully automatic weapons are arms... :lmao:

Want to try again? Please? I love this game (I'm good at it - I never lose). The Constitution does not say muskets chief!

So are trident missiles and nuclear bombs puppy. Can't have those though can we?

Constitutionally? Abso-fucking-lutely. Which part of this don't you understand?
The 2nd Amdenment: "the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed"

Semi and fully automatic weapons are arms... :lmao:

Want to try again? Please? I love this game (I'm good at it - I never lose). The Constitution does not say muskets chief!

So are trident missiles and nuclear bombs puppy. Can't have those though can we?

Constitutionally? Abso-fucking-lutely. Which part of this don't you understand?

The SCOTUS stated in Heller that "the historical tradition of prohibiting the carrying of 'dangerous and unusual weapons" is absolutely Constitutional.

So, no, you as an individual do not have a right to posses all arms, Puppy.

Do you have a better understanding of Fundamental Rights too now?
So are trident missiles and nuclear bombs puppy. Can't have those though can we?

Constitutionally? Abso-fucking-lutely. Which part of this don't you understand?

The SCOTUS stated in Heller that "the historical tradition of prohibiting the carrying of 'dangerous and unusual weapons" is absolutely Constitutional.

So, no, you as an individual do not have a right to posses all arms, Puppy.

Do you have a better understanding of Fundamental Rights too now?

Sweetie, where in the Constitution does it give the Supreme Court the power to rule on the Constitution? Please cite the exact section for me so I can go read it and learn from your "wisdom" (hint: you can't because it doesn't).

The Supreme Courts opinion on the 2nd Amendment is completely and totally irrelevant because the Supreme Court cannot alter the Constitution. They simply do not have that authority (even if you're too ignorant to understand that).
Guy, in Germany and Japan, they aren't eating sand. They have a higher standard of living than we do, less poverty, less crime, a stronger middle class and when people talk about "German Engineering" or "Japanese efficiency", that tells me they are doing it right. Of course, I'm old enough to remember when "American" was considered a positive adjective.

A car commercial? Really Joe? A car commercial? You get your "knowledge" of what's going on in your country from a car commercial? The only time you will hear the phrase "German Engineering" is in a car commercial for German cars.

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
The Radicals in the House have decided that they would keep the country hoping from crisis to crisis every three months. The last part of that hoping, introduced the Sequester a largely injurious austerity program sold as a "compromise" that would never happen because it impacted things that Republicans "liked" as well.

Well that's not whats been going on. The Austerity happened and funding for things that Republicans like was restored.

That's probably when Obama realized he was dealing with a nest of snakes.

And that this form of governance had to be stopped.

It's not constitutional and it's not in keeping with the Democratic values of this nation.

It is, in fact, tyranny.

It is 100% Constitutional and even you know it. Congress does not have to raise the debt ceiling and you know it. Please stop trying to sound like you know what you are talking about.

By the way, can you tell me why we should even have a debt ceiling if you feel it should never not be increased?

No..it absolutely is not.

The clause the Republicans are working under is meant to used when provisioning is being done for a bill. And, if you've noticed, this trick the GOP has pulled has had no effect, whatsoever, on rolling out the ACA.

The Debt Ceiling is NOT in the constitution and may in fact be Unconstitutional since it is in contradiction to the 14th Amendment.

You really should read the Constitution.

For the first time in your USMB history, you are right. The GOP will "fold like a cheap suit" because they are made up of 90% liberals and lead by one of the worst liberals of all - John Boehner. So what is your point?

And more importantly - what does it say about you and how radically unhinged you are that you find hard core liberals despicable because they are not far enough left for you? Oh wait - that's right - you flat out admitted on many occasions now that you are a communist and "fuck capitalism".

Guy, I didn't swear an oath to defend Multi-national corporations.

I swore one to defend America.

The reason why Boehner is folding like a cheap suit is because the Koch Brothers are telling him to. Because they realize that continuing this fight is going to cost them money.

And dumb fucks like you keep thinking the Koch Brothers care whether you live or die...

Says the asshat who believes that Obama cares whether he lives or dies... :lmao:

Asshat, I don't believe that which is why I don't want to hand over my healthcare to the Koch brothers (brothers is not a proper noun you illiterate fuck'n moron - therefore it is not capitalized... no wonder you vote Dumbcorat, you're so uneducated you are easy to dupe). You on the other hand are dying (pun intended) to hand over your healthcare to Obama... :eusa_doh:

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