Obama's SEAL Team 6 Coverup...


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=PFVJoZdjZFw#]Obama's SEAL Team 6 Coverup - YouTube[/ame]!
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So, this will be this week's scandal?

It was a tossup between this and a new FAUX NEWS investigation into what happened to Mrs Obama's REAL baby?

Sources that can't go on record because the Republican Party has not authorized them to speak on the issue, claim Glen Beck overheard people in a toilet stall claim the CIA has DNA proving that the president is not related to Mrs Obama, Sr.
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So, this will be this week's scandal?

We need congressional hearings to determine exactly where everyone in the admin was when this TRATITOROUS mission was planned and executed and what they were doing at all times. Congressman Issa, now is the time to stand tall. (sarcasm)
If the military had reassigned everyone in the Obamamission ... oops Osamamission .... the RWers would have screamed .... SCANDAL.
Oh shut up and move along, you silly Conspiracy Theorists. Nothing to see here.
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A woman was found working for the CIA in Syria, doing work for Al Queda... That really was confirmed lololol
So what is the gist of this Seal Team 6 cover-up? I cannot see the video due to a firewall at work.
Obama had all those guys killed because they found his Kenyan birth certificate.

Excuse me. There's someone pounding on my door, shouting something about
Obama had all those guys killed because they found his Kenyan birth certificate.

Excuse me. There's someone pounding on my door, shouting something about

Attempted marginalization by way of ridicule. Gee, how original.
Are they trying to say that obama had all of Seal Team 6 killed to cover up something about the death of OBL?
Obama had all those guys killed because they found his Kenyan birth certificate.

Excuse me. There's someone pounding on my door, shouting something about

Attempted marginalization by way of ridicule. Gee, how original.

The OP video is chock full or errors and logical fallacies worthy of a third grader.

All it deserves is ridicule. It does not deserve to be taken seriously!
Are they trying to say that obama had all of Seal Team 6 killed to cover up something about the death of OBL?

These are some of the parents speaking out. I'll let you decide for yourself what you think they're saying. Check it out.
Obama had all those guys killed because they found his Kenyan birth certificate.

Excuse me. There's someone pounding on my door, shouting something about

One minor problem...they are not all dead......................................yet.
Are they trying to say that obama had all of Seal Team 6 killed to cover up something about the death of OBL?

These are some of the parents speaking out. I'll let you decide for yourself what you think they're saying. Check it out.

I can't. That's why I'm asking.

Some of the parents are very skeptical and have credible questions. And they shouldn't be dismissed as mere 'Crazy Conspiracy Theorists.' Shame on all who attempt to discredit them that way.
Obama had all those guys killed because they found his Kenyan birth certificate.

Excuse me. There's someone pounding on my door, shouting something about

Attempted marginalization by way of ridicule. Gee, how original.

The OP video is chock full or errors and logical fallacies worthy of a third grader.

All it deserves is ridicule. It does not deserve to be taken seriously!

Yes we know, these parents and family members are all just 'Crazy Conspiracy Theorists.' You got anything else to add? If not, kindly move on. Thanks.

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