Obama's Sense of Humor

I almost fell out of my chair when I read this. Obama, the guy who unseals divorce records to get himself elected is, wait maybe you should be sitting down, he's concerned about Romney's "Smear" Machine!






This from Obama!!

"They're going to try to spend and smear their way to the White House,"
Obama warns of fall Romney 'smear' machine | Campaign 2012 | Washington Examiner

No shit.

Obama, the pres who sent a battalion of attorneys to Alaska to dig up dirt on and file false complaints against, Sarah Palin..

He's only concerned that it's more effective than his own yellow propaganda machine.
you got a link for that......

obama doing that to palin......when will you accept it is over for palin she can take her millions and go home
Negative ads are one thing, bald faced lies are another. After the various conspiracy theories concerning him have sprung up and refuse to die he has a very real concern that the new year will bring another round of conspiracy theories that refuse to go away even though they are so easily debunked it's ridiculous. Birthers, radical madrassas, palling around with terrorists, all these things and more were put out there for no other reason than to smear and some of the people on this board still think all this crap is the God's honest truth.
The truth is worse than the conspiracies.
i know i am gonna regret this....

so mudd what truth are you referring to?

and riddle me this...the winter has been extremely warm....will morels flush early?
you got a link for that......

obama doing that to palin......when will you accept it is over for palin she can take her millions and go home

Do you not remember the many, many complaints filed against her? And her subsequently being cleared of any and all wrongdoing...more than once?
Joe Scarborough: The Way Media Covered For Obama’s Negative Ads Is ‘Shameful’ | Mediaite

Joe Scarboro

don’t know a lot of candidates that wouldn’t rather win ugly than lose pretty. Jon Huntsman lost pretty. Mitt Romney, this past week, won ugly. But, that’s…. I mean, Barack Obama won ugly in 2008; he ran more negative ads than anybody else in the history of television. He ran so many negative ads that he actually swung ahead of John McCain on the question of who do you trust more on taxes. ‘Cause remember the grainy, negative, false, misleading ads that he ran over and over again. [...] I mean, these negative ads worked.
I'm fairly-certain most people recognize Joe Scarborough for the lying-asshole he is.

The reason most-people (I know) watch his morning-show, is to watch guests hand-his-own-ass back to Asshole Joe.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BqeqRf9czAY]Morning Joe - Max Blumenthal - Has the GOP Been Driven Outside The Mainstream - YouTube[/ame]


(....Not-to-mention his Evenings....)


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What was so important about the Ryan's divorce that that fucking pervert Obama had to have it unsealed?
I almost fell out of my chair when I read this. Obama, the guy who unseals divorce records to get himself elected is, wait maybe you should be sitting down, he's concerned about Romney's "Smear" Machine!






This from Obama!!

"They're going to try to spend and smear their way to the White House,"
Obama warns of fall Romney 'smear' machine | Campaign 2012 | Washington Examiner

Are you saying there is no republican smear machine? Now that's funny.

No he didn't say that. He said that given obama's history, he's a bit disingenuous to bring it up.

Would this be disingenuous? As I am sending it to the DNC to help them set a good tone.

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Obama reading the Ryans divorce....dammmn I wish I could get Jeri Ryan into a strip club​
I almost fell out of my chair when I read this. Obama, the guy who unseals divorce records to get himself elected is, wait maybe you should be sitting down, he's concerned about Romney's "Smear" Machine!






This from Obama!!

"They're going to try to spend and smear their way to the White House,"
Obama warns of fall Romney 'smear' machine | Campaign 2012 | Washington Examiner

No shit.

Obama, the pres who sent a battalion of attorneys to Alaska to dig up dirt on and file false complaints against, Sarah Palin.
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm......no details.

Lemme guess, koshergrl......that's what They say, right??

Well it's true my memory isn't what it used to be, and it was never great...but here

"1. July 28, 2008: Alaska lawmakers launched an investigation into whether Gov. Sarah Palin abused her power when she fired Public Safety Commissioner Walt Monegan over his refusal to let go a state trooper involved in a contentious divorce with Palin's sister....
"2. Aug. 6, 2008: Complaint filed by outspoken Palin critic Andree McLeod of Anchorage contended Palin and some staff members used their influence to get a Palin supporter a job in state government...
"3. Aug. 20, 2008: Complaint accused Palin of breaking election law by taking a public position on a mining ballot initiative days before the vote...
"4. Sept. 2, 2008: Palin filed a "self disclosure" with the state personnel board over the Troopergate affair, saying a state legislative probe had become too political. On Nov. 3 -- the day before the election -- Timothy Petumenos, a lawyer hired by the board, said that Palin violated no ethics laws when she fired Public Safety Commissioner Walt Monegan.
"5. Sept. 3, 2008: Complaint by the Public Safety Employees Association alleged Palin or her staff had unauthorized access to and improperly disclosed information from personnel records of Trooper Mike Wooten, Palin's ex-brother-in-law.
"6. Oct. 13, 2008: Monegan asked the board for a hearing to clear his name. Petumenos, in his Nov. 3 Troopergate report to the panel, said there was no legal basis or jurisdiction for such a hearing...
"7. Oct. 23, 2008: Complaint with the Federal Election Commission by Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics alleged the $150,000-plus designer wardrobe the Republican Party bought to outfit Palin in her vice presidential quest violated Federal Election Campaign Act...
"8. Oct. 24, 2008: Complaint contended Palin abused her power by charging the state when her children traveled with her...
"9. Nov. 14, 2008: Accused Palin of partisan "post-election damage control" for talking to reporters about the campaign in her state office...
"10. Dec. 2, 2008: Alleged Palin violated ethics law by campaigning for Republican Sen. Saxby Chambliss of Georgia....
"11. Dec. 18, 2008: Complaint contended Palin misused funds of the Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute, a quasi-government entity, to promote her political ambitions with advertisements featuring her, violating ethics law....
"12. Jan. 12: Complaint alleging interference in a job hiring was filed under the name of Edna Birch, a busybody character on the British soap opera Emmerdale...
"13. and 14. Jan. 26: Two complaints filed by McLeod alleged two of Palin's top aides misused their official positions for Palin's personal and political gain....
"15. March 18: Contended Palin improperly used state staff, property, time and equipment for partisan political purposes...
"16. March 24: Contended conflict of interest by Palin because she wore Arctic Cat logo gear during the Tesoro Iron Dog snowmobile race...
"17. April 22: Alleged that work with Palin's political action committee violated two provisions of the Alaska Executive Branch Ethics Act by misusing her official position and accepting outside employment...
"18. April 27: Contends Palin is misusing the governor's office for personal gain by securing unwarranted benefits and receiving improper gifts through the Alaska Fund Trust."
Read more here: Ethics complaints filed against Palin: Former Gov. Sarah Palin | Alaska news at adn.com

Do you want me to now list all the dismissals and "lack of merit" determinations?

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