Obama's Speech - comments

You clearly don't have a clue what you are talking about. Let me help you out here.
When gov't "cuts taxes" it is simply taking in less money. Assuming they do not cut spending (a good assumption with our present gov't) that means the money to pay for the cuts must come from somewhere else. So the "middle class" enjoys a tax cut only at someone else's expense. It is a zero sum. No new spending is created.

But if you cut taxes at the margin for businesses (and workers) then they have extra incentive to produce more as they get to keep more of whatever extra money they earn. You are wrong that they will simply keep it as "profits." Companies do not keep profits. They invest the money i their own operations, they pay down their debt, they raise salaries to attract better workers, they cut the price of their product or otherwise make it more attractive, or they hand out dividends to their shareholders.. Thereby they sell more product. This is what creates jobs. Not handing out cash to people to spend. That's been a proven waste of money both under Carter and under Bush.

History doesn't support your opinion here. From JFK to the present, fiscal conservatives have known that cutting certain taxes across the board in intelligent ways is the very best way to stimulate a lagging economy. JFK was adament that you do not raises taxes in a recession. And if you use a good data source--not a propaganda blog--and look past such tax cuts in the past, each time you see a burst of financial energy that results in INCREASES in federal treasury revenues. Why? Because tax cuts change behavior both of business and consumers, generate more economic activity, and this results in more revenues for the treasury.

There would surely be a point of no return, of course, and the government must have some money to perform its Constitutionally mandated functions. But the government could be a whole lot smaller in size and scope than what it is which would of course dramatically reduce the amount of money it would need to take in.

It's all in whether you trust politicians and bureaucrats to spend your money on your behalf more wisely than you would spend it yourself.

Thank you for proving what I wrote. You are the one with a reading deficit.

Okay I didn't give you credit for what you got right, and I apologize. I was focused on your opinion that giving the tax cuts to the middle class, when government spending is not also cut, requires taking the money from somewhere else. I disagreed with that and still do. I think a smart middle class tax cut can generate sufficient economic activity to generate tax revenues that will offset any cost involved in the tax cut and it doesn't have to cost anybody a dime.
No, Harry, you are lying. About fifteen far right whacko reactionaries, not Republicans, have side with you. That makes me feel very good about who I am and for what I stand. I said what I supported, you said it wasn't so, but you can't prove it. A libertarian is never a Republican, nothing more than a cur compared to a wolf.

You activist agenda-driven far right reactionaries are nothing more than curs, and when you are commanded to "HEEL" and reprimanded as "BAD DOGS" you piss all over yourselves. :lol: Move along, Fido, and take the pack with you.

Here is Harry at the keyboard. http://www.coloring-crafts.com/colo.../small/courage-the-cowardly-dog-2coloring.jpg
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Why are these screwy Republicans whining for jobs and at the same time whining that government is too intrusive and they should cut the budget? Are they simply so ignorant that they don't understand that if you cut the budget, then NO NEW JOBS? Besides, they don't want those jobs that come from the government anyway.

WTF? You have got to be kidding, right? :lol:
Proof that you don't know what your talking about.
hmmmm, I hope that was plain enough for rdean to understand.
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Harry, you made the claim I was a phony Republican. You have to prove it, loon, not that I have to disprove it. Clear thinking Americans have defend me, others have not jumped on me, and any "Republicans" who are attacking me are from the loony far right or are only about power. I could give a crap about them, Harry, or about you.

You want to serve America? Be part of the process, not part of the panty wetting party of "no".

Poseur. You may have some doofoids in your local Community Board fooled, but you fool no one here.

No one.

Everybody knows you're a fake

Tucking your Librulism between your thighs does not make you a Republican

Harry, you made the claim I was a phony Republican. You have to prove it, loon, not that I have to disprove it. Clear thinking Americans have defend me, others have not jumped on me, and any "Republicans" who are attacking me are from the loony far right or are only about power. I could give a crap about them, Harry, or about you.

You want to serve America? Be part of the process, not part of the panty wetting party of "no".

Gee I'm actually far from the far right.

I'm personally against Abortion yet support a womans choice.

I do not listen to Rush or any of the other talking heads.

I do not belong to nor do I support the far right NRA.

I vote for democrats in some local elections even as high up as Governor and one Representative (big mistake that one)

Yet I do not believe you to be a Republican. Why is that? Because all you have ever done is talk shit about other Republicans. And your nose is so far up Obamas ass that everyone can smell it.
Letting them middle class keep more of their own money is always good.

However, the people who directly create jobs, are business owners. If you let them keep more of their own money, they have more money to create jobs. If you take more of their money away they have less money to create jobs, and may even have to reduce jobs.

Money in, money out.
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Harry, you made the claim I was a phony Republican. You have to prove it, loon, not that I have to disprove it. Clear thinking Americans have defend me, others have not jumped on me, and any "Republicans" who are attacking me are from the loony far right or are only about power. I could give a crap about them, Harry, or about you.

You want to serve America? Be part of the process, not part of the panty wetting party of "no".

Gee I'm actually far from the far right.

I'm personally against Abortion yet support a womans choice.

I do not listen to Rush or any of the other talking heads.

I do not belong to nor do I support the far right NRA.

I vote for democrats in some local elections even as high up as Governor and one Representative (big mistake that one)

Yet I do not believe you to be a Republican. Why is that? Because all you have ever done is talk shit about other Republicans. And your nose is so far up Obamas ass that everyone can smell it.

No, I have revealed bad Republicans. Are you one, Ollie?
Letting them middle class keep more of their own money is always good.

However, the people who directly create jobs, are business owners. If you let them keep more of their own money, they have more money to create jobs. If you take more of their money away they have less money to create jobs, and may even have to reduce jobs.

Money in, money out.

Ah, as long as they don't keep all the honeycomb and prevent the worker bees from profiting as they should.
Harry, you made the claim I was a phony Republican. You have to prove it, loon, not that I have to disprove it. Clear thinking Americans have defend me, others have not jumped on me, and any "Republicans" who are attacking me are from the loony far right or are only about power. I could give a crap about them, Harry, or about you.

You want to serve America? Be part of the process, not part of the panty wetting party of "no".

Gee I'm actually far from the far right.

I'm personally against Abortion yet support a womans choice.

I do not listen to Rush or any of the other talking heads.

I do not belong to nor do I support the far right NRA.

I vote for democrats in some local elections even as high up as Governor and one Representative (big mistake that one)

Yet I do not believe you to be a Republican. Why is that? Because all you have ever done is talk shit about other Republicans. And your nose is so far up Obamas ass that everyone can smell it.

No, I have revealed bad Republicans. Are you one, Ollie?

I am A registered Republican who turned down a request by the party to run for city council before I moved to the burbs. But mostly I am simply me. I speak what I feel is right and vote the same way. I've been called bad in reference to many things. And could care less about it.
Letting them middle class keep more of their own money is always good.

However, the people who directly create jobs, are business owners. If you let them keep more of their own money, they have more money to create jobs. If you take more of their money away they have less money to create jobs, and may even have to reduce jobs.

Money in, money out.

Ah, as long as they don't keep all the honeycomb and prevent the worker bees from profiting as they should.

Prevent worker bees from profiting? Who prevents worker bees from profiting? Please tell us about the plight of the proletarian
Gee I'm actually far from the far right.

I'm personally against Abortion yet support a womans choice.

I do not listen to Rush or any of the other talking heads.

I do not belong to nor do I support the far right NRA.

I vote for democrats in some local elections even as high up as Governor and one Representative (big mistake that one)

Yet I do not believe you to be a Republican. Why is that? Because all you have ever done is talk shit about other Republicans. And your nose is so far up Obamas ass that everyone can smell it.

No, I have revealed bad Republicans. Are you one, Ollie?

I am A registered Republican who turned down a request by the party to run for city council before I moved to the burbs. But mostly I am simply me. I speak what I feel is right and vote the same way. I've been called bad in reference to many things. And could care less about it.

Would you have served the citizens or business? They are not the same thing.
No, I have revealed bad Republicans. Are you one, Ollie?

I am A registered Republican who turned down a request by the party to run for city council before I moved to the burbs. But mostly I am simply me. I speak what I feel is right and vote the same way. I've been called bad in reference to many things. And could care less about it.

Would you have served the citizens or business? They are not the same thing.

Now that would depend on the hidden details of your question.
Ollie, I have no hidden details, and the question is not trick.

I have always made it known that I believe that government, along with business and workers, is part of the solution. I believe that too much government is an evil. Equally, too much unregulated business endangers the citizens and the welfare of the country. If a business threatens the nation's welfare and stability, then that business is a criminal entity in my opinion.

I have always thought businessmen who preach about the merits of capitalism and underpay their workers are as wicked as socialists and corporatists. Those businessmen who empower their workers so they could work into or maintain their status as middle class consumers were the heartbeat of America's economic engine and success. One of my successes on a church school board was to unseat a vestrywoman who wanted to underpay the teachers who were giving their all in educating our students.

My point is this: business is amoral, neither moral nor immoral, only interested in profit. That being the case, then an entity outside of business must make it heel to serve the interests of workers and state. That is best done by ensuring that businesses remain competitive.

Thus I have no use for far leftist loonies or whacko libertarians or far right neo-econs that would pilfer from us all.

Any who disagree with the above is not part of the mainstream of the Republican Party. We need to look back beyond Junior and Reagan to Eisenhower, Nixon, Ford, and Bush the Elder for our examples.
Ollie, I have no hidden details, and the question is not trick.

I have always made it known that I believe that government, along with business and workers, is part of the solution. I believe that too much government is an evil. Equally, too much unregulated business endangers the citizens and the welfare of the country. If a business threatens the nation's welfare and stability, then that business is a criminal entity in my opinion.

I have always thought businessmen who preach about the merits of capitalism and underpay their workers are as wicked as socialists and corporatists. Those businessmen who empower their workers so they could work into or maintain their status as middle class consumers were the heartbeat of America's economic engine and success. One of my successes on a church school board was to unseat a vestrywoman who wanted to underpay the teachers who were giving their all in educating our students.

My point is this: business is amoral, neither moral nor immoral, only interested in profit. That being the case, then an entity outside of business must make it heel to serve the interests of workers and state. That is best done by ensuring that businesses remain competitive.

Thus I have no use for far leftist loonies or whacko libertarians or far right neo-econs that would pilfer from us all.

Any who disagree with the above is not part of the mainstream of the Republican Party. We need to look back beyond Junior and Reagan to Eisenhower, Nixon, Ford, and Bush the Elder for our examples.

you prove yet again, what a far left wingnut you are

your only concern is the state, you use workers as an excuse to power the state....just give up claiming your a member of the gop, no one on this board believes it
You, Yurt, prove you are a loon if you ignore Eisenhower, Ford, Nixon, and Bush the Elder.

You fail to nuance, Yurt, to put into context the full statement. Here, let's try to help you yet again: "That being the case, then an entity outside of business must make it heel to serve the interests of workers and state. That is best done by ensuring that businesses remain competitive."

Yurt apparently believes that businesses should be unregulated and should be able to fleece government and citizens alike and jeopardize the welfare of the country. You, son, are a corporatist, a vile creature.
Why are these screwy Republicans whining for jobs and at the same time whining that government is too intrusive and they should cut the budget? Are they simply so ignorant that they don't understand that if you cut the budget, then NO NEW JOBS? Besides, they don't want those jobs that come from the government anyway.

WTF? You have got to be kidding, right? :lol:
Proof that you don't know what your talking about.
hmmmm, I hope that was plain enough for rdean to understand.


There is not a respected economist anywhere in the world that will tell you to cut spending during a recession.

You think it's all about "cut taxes" and "remove regulations". Well I got news for ya. WE ALREADY DID THAT!!!!

Why do Republicans think they know how to fix the economy when they are the ones that destroyed it.

And when it comes to rebuilding the infrastructure, yea, the jobs come from the private sector, but the contracts come from the government.

This is how it works,

-government collects taxes
-government makes contracts
-private companies bid on contracts
-government awards contracts
-banks lend money to companies
-companies hire workers
-government pays companies
-companies pay back banks
-companies pay workers
-workers pay taxes
-government collects taxes

And then "good" government starts all over again.

see how that works? It's like, "You remind me of a man, what man, the man with the power, what power......"

So what is the Republican fix? Cut taxes for rich people and remove any type of regulation so they can ship jobs overseas. THEY ALREADY DID THAT. THAT'S WHY WE ARE SCREWED. And you want to continue those policies? Failed policies?

You guys say, "That's stupid, that's dumb" when it comes to anything Democratic, and then repeat the same tired Republican polices that screwed us when Reagan was president and then royally screwed us when Bush was president. Don't you guys learn?
Why are these screwy Republicans whining for jobs and at the same time whining that government is too intrusive and they should cut the budget? Are they simply so ignorant that they don't understand that if you cut the budget, then NO NEW JOBS? Besides, they don't want those jobs that come from the government anyway.

WTF? You have got to be kidding, right? :lol:
Proof that you don't know what your talking about.
hmmmm, I hope that was plain enough for rdean to understand.


There is not a respected economist anywhere in the world that will tell you to cut spending during a recession.

You think it's all about "cut taxes" and "remove regulations". Well I got news for ya. WE ALREADY DID THAT!!!!

Why do Republicans think they know how to fix the economy when they are the ones that destroyed it.

And when it comes to rebuilding the infrastructure, yea, the jobs come from the private sector, but the contracts come from the government.

This is how it works,

-government collects taxes
-government makes contracts
-private companies bid on contracts
-government awards contracts
-banks lend money to companies
-companies hire workers
-government pays companies
-companies pay back banks
-companies pay workers
-workers pay taxes
-government collects taxes

And then "good" government starts all over again.

see how that works? It's like, "You remind me of a man, what man, the man with the power, what power......"

So what is the Republican fix? Cut taxes for rich people and remove any type of regulation so they can ship jobs overseas. THEY ALREADY DID THAT. THAT'S WHY WE ARE SCREWED. And you want to continue those policies? Failed policies?

You guys say, "That's stupid, that's dumb" when it comes to anything Democratic, and then repeat the same tired Republican polices that screwed us when Reagan was president and then royally screwed us when Bush was president. Don't you guys learn?

Except that most construction companies already have all the workers they need, Or they call some back from lay off on a temporary basis. Until the job is done.
Ollie, that is Republicanism, not the corporatism that you love. Also your comment above simply demonstrates you can't think. You are a misery wrapped in an enema. So I will leave you to it unless and until you can make sense.

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