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Obama's Speech

He totally neglected a single overwhelming factoid; ISIS is already in Juarez and organizing among the criminal elements there and within the USA. The highways through Juarez and El Paso harbor some of the most concentrated human smuggling operations in the world.

And it doesn't rate a single mention?

Obama is great at giving speeches, but he is always two steps behind our enemies.

Don't be too surprised if ISIS pulls off some terrorism tomorrow using third party criminal groups within the USA itself.
He totally neglected a single overwhelming factoid; ISIS is already in Juarez and organizing among the criminal elements there and within the USA. The highways through Juarez and El Paso harbor some of the most concentrated human smuggling operations in the world.

And it doesn't rate a single mention?

Obama is great at giving speeches, but he is always two steps behind our enemies.

Don't be too surprised if ISIS pulls off some terrorism tomorrow using third party criminal groups within the USA itself.
He said isis was in small groups in Iraq, wow.
He totally neglected a single overwhelming factoid; ISIS is already in Juarez and organizing among the criminal elements there and within the USA. The highways through Juarez and El Paso harbor some of the most concentrated human smuggling operations in the world.

And it doesn't rate a single mention?

Obama is great at giving speeches, but he is always two steps behind our enemies.

Don't be too surprised if ISIS pulls off some terrorism tomorrow using third party criminal groups within the USA itself.
He said isis was in small groups in Iraq, wow.

Absolutely incredible.

Report ISIS in Ciudad Juarez plans to attack with car bombs - KFOX - El Paso Top Stories - Breaking News Weather and Traffic
A newly released report from a government watchdog group alleges that ISIS terrorists are operating in Ciudad Juarez and are planning a terrorist attack on the United States with car bombs.
Judicial Watch says the information was confirmed to them by high level law-enforcement and intelligence officials.
The report states that intelligence officials have picked up radio talk and chatter indicating that the terrorist groups are going to "carry an attack out on the border" and that "it's coming very soon."
Judicial Watch writes that their sources say the attacks are so imminent, that Homeland Security, Justice, and Defense agencies have all been placed on alert, and that the commanding general at Fort Bliss is in the process of being briefed.
KFOX14 contacted Fort Bliss for a response.
"I am aware of the article and we take threats against Fort Bliss seriously," says Lt. Col. Lee Peters, a Fort Bliss spokesman. "Therefore, we continuously work with local and federal law enforcement agencies to assess threat levels in El Paso and can adjust our security measures based on these assessments. I am not sure of the validity of the article, but vigilance and preparedness are keys to maintaining a safe and secure installation."
The United States Department of Homeland Security also tells KFOX14 "The DHS and the FBI are unaware of any specific, credible threat to the U.S. homeland from ISIL."

In other news, I.C.E. is unaware of any specific human smuggling operations, the IRS is unaware of any specific storage of emails other than on their users desk tops and the White House is unaware of any specific shrrooming going on in the Lincoln room.

ISIS Cell May Have Formed in Mexico Mere Miles From U.S. Border VIDEO
An ISIS terrorist cell may have formed just across the U.S. border in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico. Midland County, Tex. Sheriff Gary Painter said he received an alert bulletin concerning group’s formation, according to the Midland Reporter-Telegraph. In response, Painter sent the ISIS militants a very clear warning during an interview with CNN, when he said, “If they rear their ugly head, we’ll send them to hell.” The sheriff noted that Texas law enforcement officers have been advised to be on the lookout for any “suspicious, potential terrorist activity
All I can say Wow! What a frikken liar. I feel dirty. He needs to go golfing. Holy shit!

I'm certain Golf Cart One was waiting out back to whisk him away to his nearest course, as soon as his speech was over.
Yeah, and he sent Mr Kerry I hate " Vietnam veterans and Iraqi veterans " to represent them in Iraq. What a joke.
Holy shit. Could he have been anymore off the mark??

Good God. I've read articles that show ISIS in Mexico now and the article was saying they have Ft. Bliss and who knows where else in their sites.

I just can't believe his fucking speech. What a moron and to think he's the leader of the free world.
We all want success, and we all have to hope for the best.

When I was watching this thing, I was shaking my head, wondering if I was on a different planet. What I have to assume is that there's a great deal we're/they're not being told, and there's a ton of stuff going on behind the scenes. If that turns out to be the case, beautiful. We can't expect him to map out the whole thing for us/them.

I just hope that turns out to be the case.

meaningless platitudes and doubletalk.

The first thing a patriot would do is close our southern border...
All I can say Wow! What a frikken liar. I feel dirty. He needs to go golfing. Holy shit!
Wow. He committed to nothing and refused to acknowledge that the boots he put on the ground are not touching the ground. How is this surprising?
The OP waited five seconds after the speech was over to start typing, no time for thought obviously. The US will hit Syria, and of course the President didn't pose, declare "I'M taking them OUT" or dresss up like Napolean. No battle plans released unlike 2003, thus we retain the element of surprise. Great work by the JCS, and DoD.
Here is one Opinion I have to agree with. It's depressing listening to Obama constantly preaching to US, that this isn't the ISLAM Religion. He's more worried about that then our citizens being BEHEADED.

Lt. Col. Ralph Peters on Obama’s ISIS Address: “It’s So Pathetic… It’s Idiotic Nonsense” (Video)
Retired United States Army Lieutenant Colonel, author, and media commentator, Ralph Peters weighed in on Barack Obama’s national ISIS Address.
Peters said it was “idiotic nonsense.”

“Barack Obama’s shabby pretense at a strategy as laid out tonight will not defeat and destroy the Islamic State. By the way, it is Islamic, and it is a nation state with a caliphate… Does he really believe he’s going to build a coalition. He has nine states so far, Bush had 48, 40 of which contributed troops in 2004. He has nine states none of which are willing to fight… It’s so pathetic, that I actually got to control my anger and simply say it’s idiotic nonsense.
Via Hannity:

ALL of it and video here:
The Gateway Pundit
Gateway Pundit? :D

Real reactions:

"After calling on the president to take additional actions against ISIL, I am encouraged by his statement this evening and his willingness to take strong action to defeat ISIL. Tonight, the president has announced the United States' willingness to lead a coalition to destroy ISIL, and I support these efforts." — Sen. Saxby Chambliss of Georgia, the top Republican on the Senate Intelligence Committee.


"The president is to be commended for his decision to take action against ISIL targets, wherever they are, including Syria." — Rep. Mike Rogers, R-Mich., chairman of the House Intelligence Committee.

Rear Admiral Kirby:

US Armed Forces ready to carry out the orders of the Commander in Chief to carry out mission against ISIL.

Obama Will conduct a systematic campaign of airstrikes will target Syria as well

Gateway Pundit? :D

Real reactions:

"After calling on the president to take additional actions against ISIL, I am encouraged by his statement this evening and his willingness to take strong action to defeat ISIL. Tonight, the president has announced the United States' willingness to lead a coalition to destroy ISIL, and I support these efforts." — Sen. Saxby Chambliss of Georgia, the top Republican on the Senate Intelligence Committee.


"The president is to be commended for his decision to take action against ISIL targets, wherever they are, including Syria." — Rep. Mike Rogers, R-Mich., chairman of the House Intelligence Committee.

Rear Admiral Kirby:

US Armed Forces ready to carry out the orders of the Commander in Chief to carry out mission against ISIL.

Obama Will conduct a systematic campaign of airstrikes will target Syria as well


I'll take the words of Lt. Col any day . and he's talking about THE SPEECH. the links were there for you follow
And I will go with the JCS; they are involved; obviously "Gateway Pundit" had its ...uh......words ready to attack. Obama is not going to back away from terror as Bush did, get used to that fact.
I just can't watch the spewing anus in chief anymore. It's pointless because I can't believe anything he says. He hasn't changed his spots from his early political days and hasn't risen to the occasion, voting present isn't leadership.
another opinion on the speech. VIDEO at the site

Senator Ted Cruz went on The Kelly File tonight to weigh in on President Obama’s ISIS Address. Cruz explained that Barack Obama’s proposals are likely unconstitutional.

I think the president should come to Congress and ask for authorization. You want a demonstration of presidential hubris look no further than this speech tonight where he brazenly declares ‘I have the authority to wage war regardless of what Congress says.’ My copy of the Constitution says Congress has the authority to declare war. Now, the president has inherent authority as Commander in Chief to respond to an exigent threat. But, President Obama didn’t propose any response to an exigent threat. He proposed a multi-year military campaign.
And he proposed ignoring Congress other than he would deign to accept Congressional approval if Congress gave it. Part of the reason in seeking Congressional approval is it forces the president to come before Congress and the American people and articulate a clear military objective that furthers US national security interests. The president has failed to do so and it appears he still doesn’t intend to do so.
Via The Kelly File:

all of it here:
Sen. Ted Cruz 8220 You Want a Demonstration of Presidential Hubris Look No Further Than This Speech 8221 Video The Gateway Pundit

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