Obama's Taxes Target Middle Class, Stay at Home Moms


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
I don't think Obama told the truth about anything at the SoTU. But, why would he change his usual habits for a speech? His latest line of crap is that he wants tax cuts for the middle class. Of course, in 6 years, he hasn't done that. Obamacare raised taxes, especially for middle class. He is targeting the very people he claims he'll help.

Obama's Tax on Stay-At-Home Moms

"Most of Obama's tax proposals are structured to be sold with class-war rhetoric -- i.e., he is increasing taxes on the "rich" to help the poor. But that cannot be said of this proposal, which is designed to provide its maxium credit to families making $120,000 a year.

Who would this tax scheme help and who would it hurt?

For starters, an IRS webpage on the Child and Dependent Care Credit stresses: "The care provider cannot be your spouse." So, one beneficiary is daycare centers.

Compare two families, each with two children under three. In the first family, both the mother and father work full-time and each earns $55,000 per year. Their combined income of $110,000 is under the $120,000 threshold, so Obama gives them his full child-care tax credit. They are happy to take it, dropping off their 1-year-old and 2-and-a-half-year-old at a for-profit daycare center where a relative stranger deals with them during the majority of their waking hours.

In the second family, the mother — who has a college degree and a solid work history prior to the arrival of her children — has decided she should nurture her own children rather than pay a daycare center to hold them. She has given up a $60,000 per year job, and she and her husband now sacrifice and get by on his $58,000 per year salary.

What this mother gives her children for free is far more valuable than what the daycare center gives the children of the first family for a hefty fee.

The first family has an income $52,000 greater than the second. But Obama gives the first family, not the second, his tax credit.

The mother in the second family gave up income and material comfort to raise her own children. For this, Obama punishes her with the tax code.


Obama's New Tax on Middle Class

One tax hike in particular was very odd, since it’s aimed almost exclusively at middle class families with kids–the exact demographic the goodies in the tax plan is targeting.

The levy in question would increase taxes on college savings accounts known as "529 plans" (after their section in the Internal Revenue Code). By definition, these accounts are really only used by middle class families. Poorer households don’t have the extra income to save (and even if they have a little, there are much higher priorities like retirement or saving for a home). Very wealthy families might use 529 plans, but it’s far more likely that they have complex trust arrangements set up for their children.


Obama's Class Warfare

The American economy is finally coming back, after one of the slowest post-recession recoveries in recent history. So naturally President Obama has decided that what we really need now is a return to the era of tax and spend. Oh, and of course, a healthy batch of class warfare too.

The president wants to junk the sequester caps that have been largely responsible for reducing our estimated deficit from $1 trillion a year to a more manageable but still sizable $469 billion this year. He would increase discretionary spending for next year by $68 billion above the spending caps enacted in 2011, with the increases roughly split between defense and non-defense spending. If these increases are enacted, discretionary spending would increase roughly 7 percent from this year to next, compared with average growth of 4 percent from 2004 to 2013.

The president would pay for his spending spree with a massive tax hike on small businesses and capital investment. The tax hike would cost Americans $320 billion over ten years, including higher taxes on capital gains, banks’ assets, and financial transactions. He would also end the tax deductibility of earnings in the highly popular 529 College Plans.

That capital-gains increase, by the way, would give America a higher capital-gains tax rate than such competitors as Canada, Greece, Norway, and Spain. If you include the state capital-gains taxes in 42 states, we would also be higher than Sweden and Finland. And, of course, countries such as South Korea, the Netherlands, and New Zealand have no capital-gains tax at all.

Meanwhile, the bank tax would almost certainly hit small community banks hardest and would make it harder for small businesses and start-ups to obtain loans. And the new tax on 529 Plans would sock it to those middle-class families that try to save for their children’s educations rather than rely on government largesse. "

oh jimminnee cricket............sheesh......... whine whine whine whine......

gosh.... life is just gawd awful in your world.... so glad I don't live in the world of negativity that you seem to thrive in...
oh jimminnee cricket............sheesh......... whine whine whine whine......

gosh.... life is just gawd awful in your world.... so glad I don't live in the world of negativity that you seem to thrive in...

So tell us, where did the OP get it wrong?
oh jimminnee cricket............sheesh......... whine whine whine whine......

gosh.... life is just gawd awful in your world.... so glad I don't live in the world of negativity that you seem to thrive in...

So tell us, where did the OP get it wrong?
It's a tax credit to get both spouses working.

Just as the $500 credit for 2 members of the household working.

You all have been bitching, moaning, and groaning about the UE rate not telling the whole story because soooooooo many people have just ''left the work force'', and these ''tax cuts'' or ''tax incentives'' are for the very purpose of getting people back in to the workforce or to keep them in the work force.

The family making $100k pays a lot more in federal income taxes than the family making the $50k, and they are given a child care tax credit, to give them some of their OWN MONEY back so that both parents will stay working....
Obama can be counted on to screw those who adhere to traditional American values at every opportunity and reward those who don't. This is just one of many examples and more to come.
SO because you give a damn about your children = you deserve to be taxed? Even if don't bring in dollars home?

This isn't fair.
bull crud

That stay at home mom is going to get TRIPLE the child tax credit PER CHILD....

This tax credit is to help pay for day care costs when both parents are working.... with only 1 parent working there is no need for a Day Care tax credit because they are not paying for day care with 1 parent at home...

HOW much simpler can you get? This is for Day Care costs....period. Of course you can't get a credit for something you never paid for in the first place.
No liberals addressed the college savings. Middle class getting screwed again.

Giving the tax credit to both working parents only means that they come out way ahead. It's a reward for letting someone else raise your children.

Two working parents bring in twice the income, plus get big credits on their taxes. Families with one working parent are already living on half the income and get no help.

If at least one parent is working, they should keep more of their money.

We still give these tax credits to people who don't work. Illegal aliens have filed claims every year to get refunds for children that may not even exist. They don't have to prove anything. An article was post here ages ago. An accountant reported over a million in refunds going to one address. When investigated, there were no children in the house, yet hundreds of illegal aliens used the address on their tax forms. Somehow, that is okay with the left, but if one parent stays at home while the other works, the left doesn't believe they should keep more of their income.
No matter how many times Democrats screw over the poor and middle class the MSM paints the GOP as the villain that's the power of propaganda. Look at freak show liberal controlled Oregon, if you are poor in Oregon WHAMMO the liberals slam you with a whopping 9% income tax on any earnings over $8k. They sink the vamp fangs in deep.

No sooner did gas prices drop recently and Democrats were shouting for a gas tax increase on the poor and middle class. With friends like the Democrats the poor and middle class don't need enemies.
I don't think Obama told the truth about anything at the SoTU. But, why would he change his usual habits for a speech? His latest line of crap is that he wants tax cuts for the middle class. Of course, in 6 years, he hasn't done that. Obamacare raised taxes, especially for middle class. He is targeting the very people he claims he'll help.

Obama's Tax on Stay-At-Home Moms

"Most of Obama's tax proposals are structured to be sold with class-war rhetoric -- i.e., he is increasing taxes on the "rich" to help the poor. But that cannot be said of this proposal, which is designed to provide its maxium credit to families making $120,000 a year.

Who would this tax scheme help and who would it hurt?

For starters, an IRS webpage on the Child and Dependent Care Credit stresses: "The care provider cannot be your spouse." So, one beneficiary is daycare centers.

Compare two families, each with two children under three. In the first family, both the mother and father work full-time and each earns $55,000 per year. Their combined income of $110,000 is under the $120,000 threshold, so Obama gives them his full child-care tax credit. They are happy to take it, dropping off their 1-year-old and 2-and-a-half-year-old at a for-profit daycare center where a relative stranger deals with them during the majority of their waking hours.

In the second family, the mother — who has a college degree and a solid work history prior to the arrival of her children — has decided she should nurture her own children rather than pay a daycare center to hold them. She has given up a $60,000 per year job, and she and her husband now sacrifice and get by on his $58,000 per year salary.

What this mother gives her children for free is far more valuable than what the daycare center gives the children of the first family for a hefty fee.

The first family has an income $52,000 greater than the second. But Obama gives the first family, not the second, his tax credit.

The mother in the second family gave up income and material comfort to raise her own children. For this, Obama punishes her with the tax code.


Obama's New Tax on Middle Class

One tax hike in particular was very odd, since it’s aimed almost exclusively at middle class families with kids–the exact demographic the goodies in the tax plan is targeting.

The levy in question would increase taxes on college savings accounts known as "529 plans" (after their section in the Internal Revenue Code). By definition, these accounts are really only used by middle class families. Poorer households don’t have the extra income to save (and even if they have a little, there are much higher priorities like retirement or saving for a home). Very wealthy families might use 529 plans, but it’s far more likely that they have complex trust arrangements set up for their children.


Obama's Class Warfare

The American economy is finally coming back, after one of the slowest post-recession recoveries in recent history. So naturally President Obama has decided that what we really need now is a return to the era of tax and spend. Oh, and of course, a healthy batch of class warfare too.

The president wants to junk the sequester caps that have been largely responsible for reducing our estimated deficit from $1 trillion a year to a more manageable but still sizable $469 billion this year. He would increase discretionary spending for next year by $68 billion above the spending caps enacted in 2011, with the increases roughly split between defense and non-defense spending. If these increases are enacted, discretionary spending would increase roughly 7 percent from this year to next, compared with average growth of 4 percent from 2004 to 2013.

The president would pay for his spending spree with a massive tax hike on small businesses and capital investment. The tax hike would cost Americans $320 billion over ten years, including higher taxes on capital gains, banks’ assets, and financial transactions. He would also end the tax deductibility of earnings in the highly popular 529 College Plans.

That capital-gains increase, by the way, would give America a higher capital-gains tax rate than such competitors as Canada, Greece, Norway, and Spain. If you include the state capital-gains taxes in 42 states, we would also be higher than Sweden and Finland. And, of course, countries such as South Korea, the Netherlands, and New Zealand have no capital-gains tax at all.

Meanwhile, the bank tax would almost certainly hit small community banks hardest and would make it harder for small businesses and start-ups to obtain loans. And the new tax on 529 Plans would sock it to those middle-class families that try to save for their children’s educations rather than rely on government largesse. "



nice find on the 529 thing, but generally the gop has been no friend of the middle class.

The stay at home thing is a bit disingenuous in that the stay at home mom already voluntarily reduced her taxes.
To get US national debt to manageable levels you would have to cut pensions to low levels, reduce health funding, reduce defense spending by a quarter, increase education and R&D funding, and provide more education and business start up grants/tax credits. That would have to last at least for two or three years, just to get the US budget to the point that expenditure could be increased again.

But most of that isn't palatable to US taxpayers, and the pension and health cuts would be political suicide.
oh jimminnee cricket............sheesh......... whine whine whine whine......

gosh.... life is just gawd awful in your world.... so glad I don't live in the world of negativity that you seem to thrive in...

So tell us, where did the OP get it wrong?
It's a tax credit to get both spouses working.

Just as the $500 credit for 2 members of the household working.

You all have been bitching, moaning, and groaning about the UE rate not telling the whole story because soooooooo many people have just ''left the work force'', and these ''tax cuts'' or ''tax incentives'' are for the very purpose of getting people back in to the workforce or to keep them in the work force.

The family making $100k pays a lot more in federal income taxes than the family making the $50k, and they are given a child care tax credit, to give them some of their OWN MONEY back so that both parents will stay working....

There's no reason the taxpayer should have to subsidize the crumb snatchers of anyone, if they can't afford to care for their kids they shouldn't have them. Period, end of story.
Look at the black community and you will see what single parent families do to children. You liberals argue all the time that blacks are disadvantage as they don't have anyone there for them? I blame the reality that the father isn't there. You liberals don't respect men and our place as fathers.
oh jimminnee cricket............sheesh......... whine whine whine whine......

gosh.... life is just gawd awful in your world.... so glad I don't live in the world of negativity that you seem to thrive in...

So tell us, where did the OP get it wrong?
It's a tax credit to get both spouses working.

Just as the $500 credit for 2 members of the household working.

You all have been bitching, moaning, and groaning about the UE rate not telling the whole story because soooooooo many people have just ''left the work force'', and these ''tax cuts'' or ''tax incentives'' are for the very purpose of getting people back in to the workforce or to keep them in the work force.

The family making $100k pays a lot more in federal income taxes than the family making the $50k, and they are given a child care tax credit, to give them some of their OWN MONEY back so that both parents will stay working....

There's no reason the taxpayer should have to subsidize the crumb snatchers of anyone, if they can't afford to care for their kids they shouldn't have them. Period, end of story.
That's not really the OP, but if you feel better now, that's nice.
This isn't so much Class Warfare as Culture Warfare. Obama despises the (mostly) White Privilege of having two married parents in the home. This distinction has been far and away the most dominant factor in the socio-economic disparity between White and Black households. Don't worry, he is doing all he can to end this privilege
This isn't so much Class Warfare as Culture Warfare. Obama despises the (mostly) White Privilege of having two married parents in the home. This distinction has been far and away the most dominant factor in the socio-economic disparity between White and Black households. Don't worry, he is doing all he can to end this privilege
Are you so deranged that you can't even see how messed up your comment is jwoodie? Seriously??? Get help.... you are all bat sh*t crazy... you're psychos...to any sound minded person...honestly, you are.... ODS has taken your minds... :eek:
I want to know when single middle class men are going to get a tax break. I'm tired of paying for your children.
This isn't so much Class Warfare as Culture Warfare. Obama despises the (mostly) White Privilege of having two married parents in the home. This distinction has been far and away the most dominant factor in the socio-economic disparity between White and Black households. Don't worry, he is doing all he can to end this privilege
Are you so deranged that you can't even see how messed up your comment is jwoodie? Seriously??? Get help.... you are all bat sh*t crazy... you're psychos...to any sound minded person...honestly, you are.... ODS has taken your minds... :eek:

LOL, brilliant rebuttal.

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